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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. On the Instigator Show it was stated that Montour would be out for another three weeks. So far the Miller/Dahlin pairing has gone very well. If RK doesn't want to alter the first pairing it will be interesting to see who Montour gets paired with. The Risto/McCabe tandem is our rugged pairing. As I have previously stated I am impressed with Jokiharju. I would hate to see his playing time limited. Maybe Scandella, who has been playing well, will be odd man out?
  2. Great advice. In any major project it is not surprising that unexpected complications can arise that will result in an increase of costs. That's the nature of the work when dealing with remodeling and rehabs. But that isn't the heart of the issue. Being reputable and ethical is the real issue. In my case the priick that I was dealing with felt that he didn't have to waste his time to complete the job because he already got payed. What this fool didn't recognize is that because he acted in a disreputable manner he lost nearly $100,000 worth of work because I wouldn't recommend him to people who asked about him. Contractors who regularly work make a lot of money. And they deserve it. I don't understand the need to squeeze the customer at the expense of a loss of a customer for future work and references. I recently had bathroom work done where there was a complication in leveling the floor in order to properly seat the toilet. The person who was doing the work for me didn't ask for more money although it was merited. I insisted in paying more for the project because it was the right thing to do. It shouldn't be surprising that even when he is busy when I call for his services he immediately responds.
  3. Entering the season with our additions I felt that this was a fringe contending playoff team. I wouldn't bet heavy money on it but I believed that this bolstered roster with its new coaching staff would be in the playoff hunt for most of the season. And I still hold to that assessment with a tinge more optimism. The reason for the increased optimism is that I didn't realize how good Johansson and Miller were. If you include Olofsson we added legitimate players on the first and second lines and a legitimate defenseman on the first pairing who works well with Dahlin. And the player who has surprised me as much as anyone is Jokiharju. For a youngster he is poised, skates well and is an exceptional passer. The GM not only brought in more talent but brought in players who fit in well and enhance the talents of the player they are playing with. To the snickering crowd I will again say: The trajectory is up!
  4. Someone who worked on the same job robbed a bank. After doing the heist he ran off leaving his car on the scene. The FBI agent who was reviewing the video of the robbery recognized that the person involved in the robbery was his neighbor. Before being arrested he returned to work and paid off his gambling debts that he owed to a number of his fellow workers. Not surprisingly, shortly after there was a quick arrest. Although his co-workers thought he was a bumbling fool the reality is that he wanted to get caught. He was an addicted gambler who owed a lot of money to a number of bookies who were threatening him to either pay up or get his legs broken and his family messed up. The people on the job who were paid off were called in by the inspection division and were required to return the money they just received.
  5. The attached link is a WGR interview with NHL Network's Adam Kimelman. It is a 13 minute segment that talks about the Sabres and the other teams in the league. Good hockey talk. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/10-10-nhl-networks-adam-kimelman-howard-and-jeremy
  6. The below link is an article by Paul Hamilton for WGR. He points out how Colin Miller has been a mentor to Dahlin. He also makes reference to Krueger's comments about the quality of play of the Okposo-Larsson-Gergs line. An interesting issue the coach will soon face is whom to pair Montour with when he comes back? As of now I don't think that he is going to mess with the Miller/Dahlin pairing because of their early chemistry. I still believe that although Risto is playing well he will be dealt for a second-line forward to better balance out the roster. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/sabres-miller-has-become-mentor-rasmus-dahlin
  7. The local media from the Buffalo News, WGR radio, MSG and the local TV coverage more than adequately covers the hockey team. at least for me. Of course I can get additional coverage from other outlets such as NHL.com and network. However, the local coverage focuses more on the home team than do those other outlets. As you noted the business model has changed in that particular business, and in all businesses for that matter. But not having Paul Hamiltion, the primary hockey guy for WGR, the station that covers the games, is disappointing. At least for me it is.
  8. I live in Maryland and also had contractor problem. The contractor refused to complete the job that was 99% finished despite the fact that I paid him. (My mistake in doing so.) There is a State Agency in Maryland that deals with construction complaints. Tell your conniving contractor that you are going to report him to this State Agency and have his bonding suspended resulting in him not being able to work. I'm sure the contractor will change his hardnosed attitude. In my case after messing around for months and not being able to get a response from the contractor he sent an employee to my house to finish the job on the same day that he was notified by the agency that his business/bonding was in jeopardy. If you don't know how to get in touch with the appropriate state agency email the county government dealing with business complaints. They will give you the contact information for the state agency. I'm confident that when you tell the problematic contractor that you will get his bonding suspended he will be more receptive to you. Good luck.
  9. The below attached link is an article by Alan Pergament of the BN. He points out that Paul Hamilton wasn't on the road trips because of cost cutting by the parent company. This is an example of local news continue to being gutted because of corporate decisions. The business decision to buy up large sectors of the media and consolidate the holdings has created financial stress and the need to lower costs. There is an interesting question regarding the traveling media concept. Is it necessary? Can there be good coverage without being so closely attached to the team? In my opinion maybe in the short run the answer is yes but in the long run I would say no. https://buffalonews.com/2019/10/09/wgrs-paul-hamilton-no-longer-travels-with-sabres-sabres-opener-gets-strong-rating/?view=getnewpost
  10. Some thoughts on this game. Jack was clearly the first star in this game. Johansson is a tremendous addition. We may have the best PP in the league. I really liked the way the Okposo-Larsson-Gergs line played. The Millstadt line is currently a no impact line. Although Risto made one glaring mistake that cost us a goal he is a workhorse. Hutton played well enough for us to win. Montreal is a fast, gritty and swarming team. Too often this tenacious team kept us bottled up in our defensive zone. What a terrific start to the season!
  11. I don't consider anyone engaging me unfairly. They have their views and I have mine. What I have consistently said to some of my critics on this issue is that the primary remedy for this lagging franchise was to improve the roster, and that it was going to take time. I believe that the GM has a good roadmap to address the roster, and that he was steadily implementing his plan. In my view he has especially done a stellar job this offseason to not only upgrade the roster but also maintain a good fiscal balance sheet to address future contracts.
  12. Who said that coaching didn't matter? What I have repeatedly said is that last year's roster was very deficient. At least to me it was blatantly obvious.
  13. It's obvious that Krueger is a better coach than Housley and would have gotten more out of that lacking roster. But if Krueger was working with the same roster this year and with the same younger players that played last year there is a ceiling that he could have gotten out of that unit. I don't care how much of a wizard coach RK is he would not have gotten that lackluster team to the playoffs. As I have repeatedly said in prior posts the talent vs coaching argument is not a mutually exclusive argument. Each side of the equation reinforces the other side. Will RK lead this roster to the playoffs? Maybe? But for this team to be a seriously contending team it needs additional talent added to the roster. Although Ralph is good coach he isn't a magician.
  14. A well thought out and stated post. We both agree that Krueger is a quantum leap up from the previous staffs. But I still contend that what distinguishes this year from last year beyond the coaching change is the addition of talent. Compared to last year this roster is upgraded. The additions of Johansson, Vesey, Miller, Joki, Olofsson (consider him an addition) added to the more experienced Mitts and Dahlin have elevated this team. This isn't a mutually exclusive argument between the effect of the new coach vs the added talent. Each side of this equation reinforces the other side of the equation. The organization has more talent and depth in the system than it did a few years ago. In the end talent prevails when properly led. I still believe that we are a year or two away from being a serious team. Some people snicker when I say it but the trajectory is up. What is even more enjoyable is not only is the team better but it is also more entertaining.
  15. What makes Krueger intriguing and special is not his elite intelligence. There are plenty of smart people in the world. What separates him from that elite intellectual segment is his ability to interact act with different people and come up with an approach to make that individual the best that he can be. That human and psychological talent is an inherent quality that not many people. Another impressive attribute that RK has is his natural commanding presence. It certainly isn't based on bluster and bravado like a Tortorella. (Not criticizing Torts, just contrasting style with RK.) In his own inimitable way Krueger is a very demanding coach but will exhibit it in a less excitable way. This guy is captivating to listen to.
  16. The owners of your apartment you will be living in will raise the rent to accommodate the high local real estate tax. And by the way because the state doesn't want to be accused of raising gas taxes make sure your E-Z pass is working when driving on the ubiquitous toll roads. What you don't pay upfront you pay on the backside. You can run but you can't hide! ?
  17. Augie you may be technically correct but de facto wrong. Although there is no state real estate tax the tax is collected by the counties. And the rates are some of the highest in the country. The average rates charged by the counties put them as the 13th highest in the country. http://www.tax-rates.org/texas/property-tax As most people know Texas does not have an income tax. However, there are sales taxes, local taxes and user taxes such as toll roads. Texas has one of the highest rate of toll roads in the country. In the end you pay either directly or indirectly. There is no free ride.
  18. This is a seven and a half minute link of Krueger at the podium today. He made some interesting comments about how different countries have a different ethos on how they play hockey. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/10-8-ralph-krueger
  19. I think the issue with Nylander is that he simply doesn't have the competitive personality/makeup where he will consistently play with intensity. He can episodically tantalize you with the impressive skilled play that will make you give him more time to come around. But something intrinsically is lacking. When you watch a player such as Skinner there is an intensity to his game that isn't induced by the coaches or his peers. It is an internal drive that can't be manufactured by outside influences. There comes a point where you have to trust your eyes. In the AHL Nylander had his lull spells that had to be addressed by his coaches. At the NHL level that type of languid play will be exposed and make you a liability as a player. I'm sure Nylander is trying hard. But in the end you are who you are. I'm glad that the GM made the trade to get Joki. Over the past year the GM has made deals to bring in Montour, Joki and Miller to rebuild the defensive unit. What he gave up to acquire these players was miniscule. The GM should be saluted for what he has accomplished in addressing that unit.
  20. When you are working on a contract basis you are working in an environment of instability. There will be times when you think you are in a long period of stability when in reality you are not. Then there will be times when you think that you are in a precarious situation when it turns out that you are in a long term stable situation. That's the nature of the business. In some respects you are like a pro athlete on a team's roster. You may think that you are in a secure situation when in reality the organization might be seeking a different or cheaper option. The only advice I can give you is to be proactive in expanding you network so when the inevitable happens (and it will) you will be in a good situation to have a fall back position. And what I would also suggest is for you to be judicious in handling your finances and make a concerted effort to boost your savings so you won't quickly fall off the financial cliff when there is a stoppage of checks. As the wise Augie and others have stated you can't live a life of constant worrying about what could happen. That type of thinking will deplete you and make you miserable. Life is full of unexpected perils even for those who are in a more secure employment situation. Worrying isn't a solution to anything but planning for the future while you are in this situation is the smart thing to do.
  21. In the first three games the one player who has surprised me and caught my attention is Jokiharju. I didn't realize how good he is. He's 20 yrs old yet plays with a veteran's poise. He is a good skater but what sets him apart is his passing and composure. He never seems rushed yet he is quick to move the puck up the ice. The GM did well trading Nylander for him. I hope Nylander does well in Chicago but in the exchange the Sabres come out on the plus side. The addition of Colin Miller also was a good pickup by the GM. When Montour returns this very solid unit will even get better. Will Miller continue to be paired with Dahlin or will Montour be part of the top pairing? I don't know but there is good depth and plenty of options in putting together the pairings.
  22. Paul Hamilton of WGR gave his summary of this game. I thought it was a fair representation of what happened. The Jackets outplayed the Sabres who were fortunate to get a point out of this game. Ullmark played a stellar game and salvaged a point for us. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/sabres-lay-egg-columbus-still-get-point
  23. The below link is an article by Paul Hamilton from WGR focusing on Okposo. It indicates that Ullmark will be playing in goal in Columbus. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/sabres-look-go-3-0-columbus
  24. Johansson was a terrific addition that helped in the rebuilding of a second line. And Miller not only is a good defenseman who meshes well with Dahlin but he also has a tremendous shot. And if you want you can consider Vesey a Ranger washout. However, that doesn't take away the from fact that he upgraded the talent base on the Sabres. Let's be clear here, adding talent doesn't diminish the importance of coaching and make our positions mutually exclusive. Both adding talent and better coaching can occur at the same time and result in better outcomes.
  25. In addition to your adroit comment the second PP unit isn't bad. And when Montour gets back, and with the addition of Miller, strong and accurate shots from the defensemen make our PP one of the better PP units in the league.
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