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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I consider Belichick to be the best HC in the history of the NFL. I include Lombardi, Shula and Noll in that mix. When Belichick got hired in Cleveland he was rebuilding that franchise. A new owner came in and let him go. If Cleveland would have given him more time and the same support as Kraft did with the Pats the football landscape of today would be much different. Rex Ryan and Marrone are pygmies when compared to Belichick.
  2. Without a doubt there are many factors involved when assessing a HC. That is the nature of the multi-faceted and challenging position. Whether you like Marrone or not it is not unreasonable to believe that the team he was coaching was on the upswing. It was apparent that there were philosophical differences and tension between the HC and the front office. Yet the front office wanted to bring him back. The organization would not have wanted him back if it felt that Marrone was not a competent HC. Put aside the comparison between the HCs. In my opinion I don't see Rex as being anyhing other than an average HC.
  3. Why do you think that I don't want him to be successful with the Bills?
  4. Your opinion is your opinion.You are entitled to it. What I can say with confidence is that Marrone's team was on an upward trajectory while Rex's team was on a downard trajectory. And what I can also say with confidence is that Marrone had better control of his roster and locker room than than Rex did with his roster and locker soom. Marrone's team was much more disciplined than Rex's team.
  5. Rex Ryan was fired last year not because he did a stellar job. His locker room was split and undisciplined. When you compare Marrone's two year stint with big mouth Rex's stint during the same period Marrone thoroughly outperformed him. Marrone beat Rex three out of four times when they went head to head. Making excuses doesn't alter the record.
  6. Whether the win total was 8 or 9 it was still immensely better than Rex's record with the Jets last year. The Bills record in Marrone's first year was 6-10. He was rebuilding the roster. The next year he won 9 games (your point about the NE game is fair) so let's say 8 and discount the last victory. Whether Marrone is liked or not it is fair to say that his team was on an upward trajectory. He got 9 wins (officially) with a very flawed offense, especially on the OL. He deserves to be given credit for his overall performance instead of having his respectable record be distorted and diminished. That is my basic point with my commentary on this subject. My opinion is much different from most others. I consider Marrone to be a much superior HC than the self-promoting big mouth from Jersey. It's not about personalites, it's about the performance. The record speaks for itself. Special teams are an important component for teams. They very often are factors in the success of a team. So because his special teams were mediocre compared to the Bills then Rex shouldn't be held accountabel? That makes no sense to me. Your record is your record. Making excuses don't alter the record.
  7. There are a lot of "what if" situtions that happened during the season. In the end it doesn't matter. What matters is the outcome. You are doing what the many other Marrone critics are doing: not crediting DM for his wins while not holding accountable RR for his losses. That is a double standard that is unfair. Your record is your record. You own it whether you like it or not. The central point in my commentary regarding Rex is that there is nothing special about his record. He is at best an average HC who has a more likeable personality than the more successful HC that he is replacing.
  8. I don't care what a coach's specialty is no level of coaching is going to compensate for the garbage on the field. Marrone's team scored 43 and 38 in victories last year against the Rex coached defenses.
  9. As I stated in a prior post both HCs had flawed rosters. If Rex's roster was so dismal then why did it win 8 games the prior year? Rex had a good defense as did Marrone. And without a doubt Marrone had the worst OL in the NFL and his qb situation was as problematic as the Jets' situation. What you and the other critics of Marrone are doing is not giving him credit for his wins while not giving Rex the blame for his numerous losses. Whether you like Marrone or not it is indisputable that he had better control of his team than the rambunctious and tattooed HC of the Jets did of his. Marrone toughly handled some of the problem players on his team while Rex was stampeded by the divisive players on his team. By any measure Marrone outperformed Rex over the past two years. That is what the record convincingly demonstrates.
  10. His record last year was 4-12. The prior year it was 8-8. Doug Marrone's team beat his team twice last year with scores of 43-23 and 38-3. Marrone's team played hard for him all season long and the locker room stayed together in tough times. Rex's team regressed from the prior year while Marrone's team made strides from the previous year. Both coaches had very flawed and imbalanced rosters. It is indisputable that Marrone managed his team's limitations significantly better than Rex. If you don't believe me then review the record.
  11. Without personally knowing you it is obvious you are a good guy. Some people talk while others do good deeds. You are a doer with a kind heart. I salute you.
  12. If Rex is so beloved and respected by his players then why did they quit on him lsst year? His undisciplined locker room was full of discontented players who were often publicly sniping at the staff and other players. Clearly the Bills' players played harder for Marrone than the Jets' players did for the more loquacious Rex. Rex got fired after a 4-12 season while Marrone could have stayed after his 9-7 season if he chose to. In the two years that Marrone went head to head against Rex his team won three out of four games. Rex's record over the last two years was 12-20. Marrone's two year record for a team that was rebuilding when he took over was 15-17. It's understandable why a lot of people don't like the dour former coach while they feel more favorable towards the more colorful and personable new coach. But don't let that bias make you ignore the reality that Marrone thoroughly outperformed the bombastic and tattooed coach from Jersey over the last two years.
  13. Whaley believed that his team was capable of being a playoff team. And he stated it publicly. That was one of the reasons he made the Watkins deal. He felt that this team was on the verge of making the playoffs and that a dynamic player such as Watkins would be a difference maker. However, that doesn't mean you should play unprepared players who are so overwhelmed that they sabotage the offense. No one is suggesting that players shouldn't be developed and brought along. But throwing them in the line of fire when they aren't capable of blocking the defenders in front of them isn't the wisest approach to take, especially when you have one of the least mobile qbs taking the snaps. My biggest concern with Kujo and Richardson is that they have fatal flaws of having slow feet and not being athletic enough to deal with the quicker defenders in front of them. No amount of coaching is going to compensate for that type of physical limitation. When Whaley drafted Kujo in the second round he did it with the expectation that he could immediately contend for the RT position. That was a glaing miscalculation. Now there is talk of moving him to guard. That's a fallback position because he isn't capable of playing the more isolated tackle position. In the Raven's playoff game against the Pats I watched rookie John Urschel,from Canisius H.S, and Penn State, play better than anyone on our line. He was a fifth round pick taken after Richardson. He wasn't as big as any of our rookie players but he based on perfromance was a far superior player. The GM for the Ravens demonstrated with the Urschel selectiion that he has a better grasp on drafting linemen than Whaley has. Newsome understands much better than Whaley that when assessing prospects size and physical profiles don't trump ability to play football.
  14. What's the scoop on what veteran qb the front office is focusing in on to add to the mix?
  15. The players that Whaley added to the OL last year were not only not ready but were far from being ready to play. Richardson was overwhelmed when he played and to a lesser degree so was Henderson. Kujo was so far unprepared that a reasonable case could be made that he shouldn't have been on the roster. It doesn't matter what Marrone's scheme or football philosophy was. If a player can't play, or isn't readyto play, that inadequacy trumps any scheme used. If you factor in that the Bills went into the season with a young qb who struggled and was replaced by a very average veteran qb who was fading fast then thedour HC's philosophy shouldn't be expected to overcome the team's shortcomings. I like Whaley a lot. But last year I felt that he did a poor job asembling a commpetitive unit for the offense. The problem wasn't that the players he added to bolster the OL were average or less. The problemwas that the players he made available to the HC were so below par that it created a level of weakness that couldn't even be minimized. Anyone who is half objective and watched the games recognized how atrocious the OL was, especially at the guard positions. In my opinion the unpopular Marrone has received a lot of unwarranted criticism. He got a very flawed and unbalanced team, a .500 caliber of team, to play to its talent level. Overall, the players consistently played hard for him. Just because he is not very likeable doesn't mean that his record should be unfairly diminished. To be fair in evaluating his performance over the past two years he clearly outperformed the brash and tattooed coach who is replacing him.
  16. The best HC in the franchise's history is in my opinion Chuck Knox. The self-effacing HOF Levy was the right head coach at the right time for the collection of players that Polian assembled. He masterfully handled the large personalities in the Kelly/Thurmn/Reed/Bruce era. From a football standpoint Marv was not very innovative. He delegated a lot of authority to the offensive and defensive coordinators. Marv's great talent was in handling the egos of players and get them to buy into the team concpet.
  17. Most people are ecstatic about the Rex hire. I have my doubts over his hiring. For me his selection was perplexing. As you and Beerball point out his teams in Jersey were undisciplined and had damaging internal conflicts. The lack of team maturity was on display when the team faced adversity. Rex's colorful personality got him a lot of media attention. What it didn't do so much is help him gain control of a locker room that had a lot ofsniping personalities. It is widely acknowledged that Rex is an innovative defensive coach. The other side of the coin is that his offenses were very limited. Is that what this team needed most? We already had an upper tier defense coached by a good DC who left when Nix Ryan arrived. There is no doubt that Rex has a much more engaging and lively personality than the dour Marrone. But the reaility is that Marrone had a better record than Eex over the past couple of years and he outperformed the more entertaining HC when they went head to head. Both HCs had flawed teams. By any measure Marrone got better results working around his crippling offensive limitations than Rex did with his offensive limitations. There is no doubt that the new head coach is more in sync with the front office than the departed HC. Because of that fact he is better suited for this franchise. But as far as I'm concerned the much reviled Marrone did more with less than the more likeable new HC when he was with his Jersey team.
  18. You demonstrated your credibility on the Incognito signing. Now for a more challenging assignment: Who are the Bills considering in the pro qb market?
  19. Brain and fingers are not in sync. Clumsy fingers to go along with my clumsy resonses.
  20. What I like more than the signing of Incognito (have major doubts about him )is that this organization isexploring all avenues to get better. If he doesn't work out, what is lost? You can't hit on a longshot ifyou don't take a longshot. I never liked Incognito and his volatile and raging behavior. But I do believe in redemption, even for people who many consider a lost cause. Whether he ends up on the Bills or another team I hope he gets his turbulent life in order.
  21. Thanks for the info. I've got to try it. If I'm not mistaken Ted Turner was raising Buffaloes to sell to his restaurants.
  22. I've never had Buffalo meat. If anyone has is it good or distinctive in taste? I'd be very interested to know.
  23. I hope that wasn't the Buffalo in the zoo?
  24. RGIII is broken now. That is very apparent. Much of his stunning regression (besides his injuries) is due to his diva attitude and his inability to respond to coaching. But he is not a lost cause. He needs a change of scenery and a fresh start. The organization also needs to unattach itself with this constant stream of controversy and conflict. However, the owner is not going to cut his losses this offseason because he wants to try to rehabilitate the troublesome player and recapture some of the magic he witnessed in the qb's rookie season. (I agree with the owner that it is worth another try even if the coaching staff prefers going in another direction at the qb position.) In the second half of his rookie season he was a dynamic qb who regularly made big plays. However, due to injuries and a diva attitude that made him resistant to coaching he has lost his way. The best thing for him would be to get a fresh start somewhere else. I would gladly trade EJ and picks for RGIII. It would be a gamble but it would be worth the risk.
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