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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. The attached link is not a new link. It goes back to the time right after the bully accusations. But it illustrates where he was and how far he has come along. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/10532200/richie-incognito-miami-dolphins-checks-self-psych-unit There is no doubt that he has had serious mental health issues associated with his family situation and with his anger issues mixed in with drinking problems. To say that he was a very volatile individual is stating the obvious. He went through a lot of turmoil with the Miami situation and having the game, a central part of his life, taken away from. In some respect he was treated unfairly but ultimately it was a blessing in disguise. During his hiatus he not only sought counseling but he also worked hard to get in the best possible shape he could and he worked on his game. There is little doubt that he was on a path to self-destruction and it seems he is now on a path to redemption. No one can say for sure that the demons that he has carried with him for a very long time have completely vanished. If you watch him play now you see a tough player who is playing under control and with great discipline and intelligence. Prior to this year his style of play was a brawling style that lacked discipline. He played with rage on the field and he often acted with rage off the field. Even during the chaos of the Martin bullying accusations (in hindsight unfairly characterized} his teammates stuck by him and vouched for him. That is a sign that there is a good core within him that his teammates recognized. Whether he stays with the Bills or not I am going to root for him. He's traveled on a hard bumpy road but in the end (so far) he has earned his redemption. He certainly has the scars to prove it.
  2. The dire qb situation in Buffalo was known to all. When the Bills signed him they gave him a contract with a lot of qualifiers and conditions. They certainly didn't give him a contract that rose to the level of an established starting franchise qb. (see below contract link). Did the organization tell TT that he would have an opportunity to start? Of course. They certainly are not going to tell him that couldn't compete for the starting position that was poorly staffed. That would make no sense at all. TT selected the Bills maybe more so than the Bills selected him because he wanted a legitimate chance to compete for the startingas job. My position on this issue is that the Bills didn't make brilliant pickup on a stealth qb prospect who they knew in advance would shine to the extent that he has so far. If they were so confident in him as a starter the contract offered to him would be a lot less conditiona and more generousl. There is no one on this board who is more of a booster of TT than I am. I have gotten in front of the crowd by declaring that I think that he is going to be an established qb in this league. But I strongly believe that this organization had no inkling how good he was going to be when they signed him. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/bills-news-notes/2015/3/18/8236345/tyrod-taylor-contract-details-buffalo-bills-qb-nfl-free-agency-2015 http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Bills-add-another-QB-in-Tyrod-Taylor/eed71433-ad70-4c08-8959-a2e01e7b166b
  3. They were interested in him but there was nothing to suggest that they believed that he was going to be as good as he is. In fact the opposite is true. There is much to suggest that the organization believed that a veteran game manager qb such as Cassell was going to be the starter this season. Things turned out differently because TT simply outperformed the pedestrian veteran qb and EJ. If they thought he was going to be so good the coaching staff would have more quickly installed him as the starter. The reality is that it wasn't until late in the preseason that TT solidified his starting position.
  4. I'm not taking anything away from anybody. Go back and read what I wrote. Your question makes no sense to me.
  5. There is nothing to support the claim that the Bills did aggressively pursue Tyrod.
  6. I never suggested that the Bills thought McCown or Cassel were anything but pedestrian. That is understood. The organization's positiion was in the start of new Pegula era it was important to make an honest/realistic assessment of the situation and make the best of it. The Bills expected to strengthen the OL, improve the running game and couple it with a great defense. They expected to enter the season with a veteran game manager type qb. The central point in my prior posts is that the staff never realized how good TT was when it added him to the qb mix. It wasn't until late into preseason that TT solidifed his position as a starter. It was widely reported that Roman preferred Cassel as a starter until late in preseason TT locked up the starter slot by glaringly outperforming his competitors. The Bills didn't out snooker the rest of the league by picking up TT because they knew how good he was.going to be. The level of his play was a pleasant surprise to them. The Bills got lucky. There is nothing wrong with unexpectingly hitting the jackpot. I wouldn't be embarrased by such good fortune---I would celebrate it!
  7. It was well known by everyone that Tampa was going to draft a qb with the first pick in the draft and that McCown was not going to be kept on the roster. I'm not saying that the Bills had no interest in Tyrod as a qb. The thrust of my comments is that they had no expectation that Tyrod was the type of prospect who would be so good.
  8. The first qb that Whaley pursued was McCown. As I said in the prior post Whaley wanted to sign him but was not willing to give him an additional year as he wanted. After Cleveland signed McCown the Bills quickly traded for Cassel. The Bills did their due diligence on all qbs who were potentially available. There is nothing unusual about gathering as much information on backup qbs or all players for that matter. TT wanted an opportunity to start. He wasn't going to get that chance playing behind an establlished qb such as Flacco. When the Bills acquired TT they had little expectation that he would turn out to be as good as he has played. Being lucky is as good as being smart if the outcome is the same. There is no need to make excuses over your good fortune. Just embrace it! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000478438/article/rex-ryan-buffalo-bills-signed-qb-tyrod-taylor
  9. Rex had no clue that TT was going to be as good as he has shown. When he interviewed for the job in front of Whaley and the Pegulas he told them anyone accepting this job has to realize that the franchise qb is not in place. He elaborated that if that is the case then the right approach to take is accept that fact and build your team up the best you can everywhere else. Did Cameron give Rex a positive recommendation on TT? Evidently so. I'm sure he told him that he had tools and that he was very diligent in his preparation. The Bills did not aggressively pursue TT. It was the other way around. TT sought out the best opportunity to compete for a starting job. The veteran qbs that the Bills sought out in the offseason were first, Josh McCown who wanted an extra year on a deal that Whaley refused to give, and then the Bills quickly signed Cassel as their fallback option. The reality is that TT selected the Bills more so than the Bills selected him because he felt that it was his best opportunity to play. We got lucky! It was far from being an insightful decision. Nothing wrong or shameful about accepting good fortune.
  10. You may be hesitant to declare TT a full time good starter but I'm not. I've seen enough of his skills that allow me to make a judgment now. As a passer he has all the skills. He is accurate, has a strong arm and has shown the right level of touch when required. When he is moving he keeps his eyes down field and is able to make the right read as the play is extended. There are still some issues regarding his pocket presence but I attribute that more to his lack of experience rather than his lack of feel of the pocket. TT has already mastered the playbook. There have been countless times where he had to direct players to get in the right position. He knows what he is supposed to know and he knows where the other position players are supposed be and do. There are aspects to the qb position that all the many prior starting candidates for the Bills not only didn't have but were evident to the casual fan. Losman had physical skills but it was apparent to all that he was never going to be able to consistently put it together. Rob Johnson had physical and throwing talents but he never mastered the basic notion of getting rid of the ball and wait for a better situation with the next play. Trent Edwards simply didn't have the pyschological makeup to trust his receivers and what he sees and let the ball go. He never got over his hesitation to take a risk and would always would resort to the safe inconsequential play. I have been pleasantly surprised at TT's passing ability. But that isn't why I am so quickly making a judgment on him. HIs football intelligence and composure are traits that can't be taught. He has the same impressive traits that Russell Wilson has and that were evident very early when he first took the field. I'm not saying that he is better than Wilson but I am saying that there is a similarity to his game that are very apparent, even at this very early stage of his starting history. Without a doubt there is going to be some uneven play. That is standard for inexperienced qbs. Defenses will be adjusting to him as he will be adjusting to them. But I'm confident that his trajectory is upward. The organization brought in a low cost player and they hit the jackpot. I trust my eyes and they tell me what is obvious. He has the makings of not only being a starter in this league but he has the makings of being a very good qb. I don't have a tendency to inflate the talents of hometeam players. I understand why most people would be more comfortable being cautious in making an early judgment on TT. Not I!
  11. Does bull crap taste worse than cow crap? Which is more nutritious? Which one makes your tomatoes grow faster?
  12. A fair contract for RI is getting a maximum deal for himself. He lost a year in which he was forced to sit out (unfairly blackballed) and he is currently playing on a below market contract relative to his talent. So far he has demonstrated that he is our best lineman. He also has to factor in that considering his age this is going to be his last big money contract. This is a cold-blooded business where your body is placed in jeopardy.Teams have no compunction in cutting players for playing and financial reasons. Ask Fred Jackson about loyalty and money! My adice to the tatooed Italian guard is when you have the teat in your mouth suck as hard as you can until it is dry. Sentiment is not part of the equation when the organization is making a judgment on a player and it shouldn't be part of the equation when the player is making a judgment on a contract offer available in the marketplace. The organization acts in its own interest and so should you. You bring up a good point regarding Mario. The Mario contract issue is going to be an intriquing issue to follow. He is still playing at a very high level but his contract is unsustainable given the other contract issues that are impending. I have a lot of confidence in Whaley and his judgment. Buddy Nix was a checkers player while Whaley is more of a chess player. He is much more strategic than the former GM. Both RI and Harvin seemed to being thriving in their new environment. Both are coming from similar situations where each is trying to establish credibility not only for the way they play but also as trustworthy and responsible teammates. In addition, from a financial standpoint they want to demonstrate that while they are playing under a current cheap contract they want to increase their value when they enter the open market. .
  13. I agree with you that in next year's draft there should be much attention paid to the OL position. With respect to Henderson he is struggling. He's big and atheltic but he seems to get stumped too often by the defenders he is matched against. I have major concerns over Kujo's prospects. He seems to have slow feet and is not very athletic. NYC Bill is a Crimson Tide afficionado. When Kujo was drafted he expressed his displeasure and cited his limitations that have become evident in the pro game. I also agree with your take on TT. If he demonstrates that he can be a quality franchise qb then he has earned whatever he can get. The front office will then have to wisely maneuver to handle the financial cap stresses that having a good starting qb entails. That is a good problem! I'm sure the Seahawks are not unhappy that they have secured Russell Wilson for a hefty price that is worth it from a value standpoint.
  14. Incognito is not a sentimental fool. He in my mind unfairly lost a season of work. This year he is playing on a substandard contract relative to his talent because of the controversy that happened in Miami. RI would be a fool if he doesn't try to maximize his earning power in what's left of a short career life span. Glenn is coming up in a contract year. He is having a below par season. It's very early in the season but it is evident that RI is our best performing lineman. The way TT is playing he will certainly garner a contract that will make it challenging for the GM to work out the cap ramifications. If RI agrees to terms on his next contract with the Bills there is a good chance that Glenn will be gone.
  15. I think you are beng unfairly picayune by singling out this play. It was an extended play at the end of the game. He stayed with the receiver for a long time over a lot of space. The coverage was actually very good. Because of his momentum he fell down. I don't see how one can conclude that he mishandled the play? CBs are going to get beat and receivers are capable of making good plays. It's not a one way street. It is not unreasonable to say that the CB position is the most challenging position to play on defense. I don't know how you can conclude that he doesn't play at a high enough level? Does he get beat? Of course. What DB doesn't ? In my opinion Gilmore is our best DB who usually draws the toughest assignment. His coverage is usually very sound. His major weakness is that he doesn't have good hands and react to the ball as well as the best CBs in the league do. I would rate him in the top third at his position, borderning near the all-pro level but not there yet.
  16. TT's throwing motion is beautiful It is so effortless and natural. In the three games he has played so far he has been consistent with his high percentage his accuracy, arm strength and his ability to move. Compared to the pedestrian "game managers" we have watched for a generation he is a joyful revelation. Isn't it a pleasure to watch a TE being incorporated into the offense? Isn't it a pleasure to watch the whole field being utilized in the passing game? Isn't it a pleasure to watch a swing pass thrown accurately and with the right touch so the back could catch it in stride? As I said in another post Roman is a tremendous asset for TT and TT is a tremendous asset for Roman. He allows Roman to use all the tools in his tool kit. As you smartly noted Incognito is a terrific addition to the OL. He has by far been our best lineman. I didn't watch Glenn too closely in this game. But it seems to me that he is much more sluggish and slow to react than in his rookie year. I don't know if he wasn't able to get in the shape in the offseason due to an illness or injury. Something is wrong? Without a doubt the Bills played an excellent game. But something is amiss with the Dolphins. They were dreadful! They played with little spirit and desire. The TD pass play to Clay in the beginning of the game was a disgraceful exhibit of effort and tackling by the defense. It was embarrassing. Playing with little interest and heart in your home opener is a good way to get the HC fired before the season is over.
  17. TTis getting the TE involved in the offense and he is getting the ball into Harvin's hands. Now Woods is being targeted more and is producing. It won't be long before Watkins gets more involved in the passing game beyond being the focus of the coverages. As a receiving corps we got receivers who have a variety of skill sets. Roman knows how to scheme plays to utilize their talents and use the whole field. Having a qb who is accurate and can extend plays allows the OC to use all the tools in his toolbox. Roman is good for TT and TT is good for Roman. A terrific match.
  18. We are watching a qb who is mobile, smart, has a good arm and most impressively is accurate. The stats are solid but what is most encouraging is that you can see his confidence building the more he plays. As you noted it is still very early in his tenure.However, for almost a generation we haven't seen such promising play from the qb position. TT is not simply a caretaker and manager type qb. He is a player who can make big plays and force the defense to focus on his multiple talents i.e. passing and running abilities. TT is a bargain basement offseason acquisition that turned into gold. There is no difference when hitting the jackpot through either luck or calculation. The end result is the same. You have the jackpot in your possession. The more I see him play the more excited I get over what I think he can potentially do for this team.
  19. There is an irony to the extended wrangling over this saga. By acting so arbitrarily and capriciously in this case the league may have undercut to a degree its own authority and discretion in disciplinary cases. Instead of acting with a credible level of objectivity and with a reasonable level of proportion it damaged its own authority. Or to put it another way it sabotaged itself with its non credible behavior. After looking at your 1-7 list I don't see where Judge Brewer was wrong in any of his assessments. Blatant is blantant! You probably get tired of my repeated response but I very much appreciate your very thoughtful comments. If I ever get arrested for a felony you will be the first call I make, whether the Miranda warning was given or not!
  20. Judge Brewer's ruling was (in my opinion) a merciless rebuke of RG and the league in the manner in which this case was pursueded by them. In hindsight, he telegraphed his thoughts during the proceedings with scathing questions and responses from the bench. As an attorney what would be your response if the position you promoted and argued for in court was not only defeated in an overwhelming judgment against you but was to a degree ridiculed by the judge. As an attorney what do you say in the aftermath to your client? Let's continue on? Let's try a new legal strategy? Or let's cut our losses and lay low and let time pass and maybe people will soon forget how foolish we have been. As a lawyer and legal strategist what is to be gained if the odds for success are small in getting an apelate court to rule in your favor? If the apelate court also expresses its collective "displeasure" with the petitioning party then what is risked relative to what is gained is out of balance? For the sake of argument even if the league wins its case a year or two later, then what? A divisive issue that was dormant becomes prominent again and then moves on to the next legal response by the union and Brady. It may appear that I am asking you loaded questions but I am being sincere here. Is it arrogance? Is it incompetence? Is it money and the attraction of billable hours that is driving this extended foolishness? There comes a point when you have to ask yourself what is the point of continuing on and what is the end game?
  21. Thanks. I appreciate your response. You are the go to guy on the legal issues involved in this case.
  22. Assuming that the case is heard by the panel could they just make the decision that this case doesn't merit a ruling by them and simply rule that the initial ruling stands without much commentary? Or another way of putting it if the members don't belief that there are worthy legal issues to be addressed then they won't even bother to respond to the issues raised.?
  23. The time for a settlement is over. The opportunity was before the judge made his ruling. Brady and the NFLPA aren't going to concede a penny in punishment. Brady and his team were willing to pay a fine for a lack of cooperation but after the ruling they walked away from the table with their unqualified victory. While Roger continues with his legal efforts Brady is concentrating on preparing for the next game.
  24. They did file an appeal http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/patriots/2015/09/03/deflategate-tom-brady-roger-goodell-judge-richard-overturned-berman-new-england/71504142/
  25. Was it the same influential NFL staffer who recommended that the league should rush this case to this judge so that they would get a favorable ruling? If the story is true then it is another demonstration of how collectively stupid, arrogant and out of touch the league office is. Judge Brewer in his ruling not only forcefully rejected Roger Goodell's position, he mocked it. Odds are that the appeal panel won't even take on this issue until the season is over. And even if it did the ruling would come down much later.
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