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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I live in the Md/DC area so I have seen him play. The issue isn't being pro or anti Cousins. The issue is what type of qb can he be? What is his upside and what is his downside. From what I have observed although he has a tendency to go into a funk after turnovers he does have the ability to be a solid to good starting qb in this league. Kirk always had the pressure to perform because of the presence of RGIII, the owner's designated franchise qb. So when Kirk made a mistake it was magnified because it hurt his chances in becoming the starter. When Gruden made it clear that Cousins was going to be the starter for the year and that RGIII was no longer a threat to him then you could see him relax a little more and get steadily better. In my opinion Kirk can be a good starter in this league who is a little better than being a game manager.As the team surrounding him improves he will correspondingly get better. In the not too distant future he will earn a very good contract that will make it clear that he is the franchise qb for the Skins.
  2. I live in the Md/DC area and have followed the Skins' qb saga. Gruden with conviction didn't believe that RGIII had the capacity to play the position and had enough durability to endure the inevitable physical punishment. As much criticism that Shanahan took for his cold blooded assessment of RGIII the bottom line is that he was right. Gruden saw the same things that Shanahan and his son, the OC, with both staffs coming to the same conclusions regarding this diva qb. In my opinion Cousins is going to get between $18-20 M per yr. Is he worth that amount? You pay the market rate or you don't. It's understood that there are many other teams desperate for a capable starting qb and willing to invest in your qb. The Skins have a new GM whose philosophy is to build the roster so that the qb who is taking the snaps will be in a better position to succeed. If you wait for your ideal qb you will be futilely waiting for odds that are not in your favor.
  3. Bocephuz, Excellent job as usual. The most important issue in your analysis is how is TT playing and is he steadily getting better? If by the end of the season it is determined that Taylor can be a capable franchise qb then other positional weaknesses can be more readily addressed. To a great extent getting the qb position settled is even more important than wins and losses. In my estimation TT has all the requisite attributes to be a good qb other than height. He is mobile, has the arm, is accurate and has a feel for the game. From what everyone in the organization says about him he has a good work ethic and is very mature. He does lack high end pocket presence and an ability to go through his progressions but those problems can be attributed to a lack of playing time in his career. That is why when watching him play the critical point is recognizing whether he is steadily improving or not. I'm certainly biased but I believe he is on the right track.
  4. They would be even better with a good qb. Probably the favorites to be national champions. Why can't they recruit an elite level qb prospect instead of those manage the game type qbs? They get what they want at all the other positions.
  5. Greg Roman has been very smart in the cautious way he is using TT. He is bringing him along instead of just cutting him loose by throwing the ball all over the place. By insisting on a running game even when it is not productive he is putting TT in a better situation. As your stats indicate TT is a very efficient qb. Much of that credit is due to the way Roman is handling him. The more TT plays the more responsibility he will be given with the ball. By calling a relatively conservative game Roman has put Taylor in a good position to succeed.There is little doubt that the OC will steadily add to his game the more he plays. Considering what qbs we had on the roster when training camp started TT is a godsend. Without him the Bills would be what they have been for a generation: a dull team with little realistic chance to compete for a playoff spot.
  6. I'm not being sarcastic by why would anyone hire him? He has made the rounds so there is no surprise as to what his capabilities are. Did Payton have a previous connection to him? When are HCs going to learn that the crony approach to hiring does more to undercut the person doing the hiring than enhance the odds of success for the HC. Ultimately talent prevails over schemes. But in this case even when it is acknowledged that the Saints lacked talent on the defensive side of the ball it was apparent that the players lacked effort and resolve. They simply didn't care. That is a coaching issue that includes not only the DC but also the HC. You are familiar with the New Orleans scene. I get the impression that Payton has lost interest and passion for his job. Does my impression have any merit to it? Sometimes a change of scenery and a break can reinvigorate someone when their tank is empty.
  7. The only thing surprising about this is why he was hired in the first place?
  8. An interesting topic and discussion can be whether Jason Peters is worthy of consideration for the HOF? I'm not sure if he should be in the HOF but it it not unreasonable for him to be a serious candidate for the Hall. We brought in Derick Dockery and Langston Walker and grossly over paid them to shore up our OL. The organization couldn't come to terms with JP and ended up trading him for a pick that was used for Eric Wood. These damaging deals were made during the disastrous short stint of the Levy era. One doesn't have to agree with all of Whaley's personnel decisions to appreciate the fact that he is a competent GM who gives this historically troubled franchise a credible chance to seriously compete.
  9. I like you have quickly jumped in on the TT fan club. When I saw how he threw the ball in preseason he made an impression on me that at the minimum he was a dramatic upgrade over what we have and have had for a long time. The more I see of him the more my initial impressions are confirmed, and then some. You make an excellent observation that although TT didn't have an exceptional game he was good enough to keep his team in the game. As you astutely noted that is a reflection of his maturity and football smarts. The Bills were going against one of the best DLs and defenses in the game. Our offense struggled with getting first downs. Yet he didn't panic and force some throws that could turn out to be killer turnovers. Just recall what happened with EJ and his turnovers in London! This coaching staff doesn't trust him to the extent that a new vagabond qb replaced him on the active roster. To carry your point to another sport in baseball what distinguishes very good pitchers from pedestrian pitchers is how they perform when they don't have their best stuff. It takes a lot of character and moxie to hang in their when you are not at your best and give your team a chance to win. That is a talent in itself (as you so stated). With TT taking the snaps there is no guarantee that the Bills will win. But what he does give the team is a chance in every game. (Maybe not against NE!) He also has played at a consistent level in which he can make big plays and not have you surprised about it. As a long time Buffalo Bill fan that is a sensation that I haven't had in a long time.
  10. Great job Gotham Bill as usual. I thought our corners played a terrific game. Gilmore and Darby are one of the best tandems in the league. Having McKelvin back enhances the backside. I thought McCoy was the MVP of the game for us. He made some neat instinctive moves to make a positive play out of probable negative play. Roman is going the run the ball even against a good DL. Probably the right strategy to take some pressure off of TT. No doubt Watkins is our primary receiver. The problem I have with the passing game is that the ball distribution is limited. Robert Woods is the invisible receiver. The few times he was thrown to were mostly short safety valve type passes. I still respectfully but strenuously with you on encouraging TT to run more. He noticeably is limping and contending with a bad knee that he has plagued him all season long. I don't even know who is the backup qb? What happened to EJ? He wasn't on the active roster. The defense might have some issues but in this game the clean tackles made in critical situations were a major factor in the outcome. The one trait that I admire about TT is that he is a smart and mature qb. He didn't force the issue as Fitz has a tendency to do.He has an understanding of playing within the flow of the game and situational awareness. Especially on third downs if the play isn't there he usually doesn't force it and risk turning the ball over.
  11. The general point that the critics are making is the RR took a defense that played at a high level and with good coordination and altered the system to the point that players (most notably Mario) are not a good fit. Dareus and Mario are two corner stone players who are not playing to the level that they did prior to the coach's arrival. Ask yourself why? Now an argument is made that it takes time to get the right players to fit the coach's system. Wouldn't the smarter approach have been to keep with the system that has worked marvelously and maximized the talents of the players that are currently on the roster? That's what smart coaches do. That is not what the colorful Rex Ryan did. If new players were brought in who fit Rex's scheme that would make more sense than introducing a new scheme with the players who excelled in another scheme. The problem isn't that the players aren't adapting to the scheme so much as it is the boastful HC not adapting to the players he inherited. Rex wanted to demonstrate how smart he is with his unique brand of defense. He outsmarted himself. If you don't believe me just check the record. The bottom line is that the Bills were entering the season as a fringe wild-card team because the Patriots are so entrenched as divisional leaders. The margin of error for us is small. Rex has needlessly made that margin even smaller.
  12. As I stated in other posts I am not much of a fan of Rex. However, he was given a lucrative five year contract so he is going to be here at least for the next couple or few years. He favors a defensive philosophy that has worked well for him in NY and in Baltimore. And he had players that fit it. Schwartz had a different approach and he had players to match the system. The challenge is for Rex to be flexible and adjust his scheme to the players he has. He seems willing to do so. When some of the players publicly voiced their opinions on how Rex was using them compared to the prior regime he seemed to be receptive to what they were saying. Rex is well acquainted with the NFL of today. It is about frequent player movements. He also is well aware that windows of opportunity are very short and close quickly. If he isn't flexible to wisely use the talent he has on hand on defense he will not succeed and will be entering in his second career as a TV analyst sooner than he intended. There is always an adjustment when a new coordinator joins a team. Rex is not officially a defensive coordinator but to a great extent he really is. I just hope that he is smart enough to play to the players' strengths instead of stubbornly adhere to his favored philosophy.
  13. I don't have a hatred for Rex. I simply don't have a high regard for him as a HC. I also don't find his self-absorbed shtick very amusing. It's my view that the HC by example is very instrumental in establishing the environment for the team. Acting like he is performing in a comedy act doesn't contribute much to creating a serious and mature working environment. How did RR's OL captaincy work in London against Marrone, the OL coach in Jacksonville?
  14. When Rex Ryan decided to make EK the symbolic captain in this particular game he knew exactly what the response was going to be He worked in NY and was well aware of its intense media environment. As I said in a prior post this provocative act was not about IK it was about garnering attention for this self-seeking publicity hound HC. The real issue is not about this distraction that the HC has created. It's about his coaching performance. I'm a skeptic about him. Always have been. Nothing so far has changed my view of him. (Although I will give him credit for bringing in Greg Roman.)
  15. I'm not looking for ammunition. Just the opposite. He is giving ammunition by his provoking behavior. I'm not primarily concerned about his behavior in this one particular game. My concern is over his regular self-promoting antics that don't set a good example and tone for the rest of the team. The Bills have not been especially disciplined on the field. It's not surprising because the HC who is most influential in creating the team environment is himself undisciplined. Am I biased against him? Yes. I didn't like the hire. The more I see his boring self-centered "act" the more confirmed I am in my original position.
  16. That's my point. He has been performing his act me obnoxious act for too long. What is more revealing than his clown act is his overall record. It is a losing record. The more the Bills lose the more scrutiny his juvenile behavior will draw.
  17. I listened to the whole interview. There was nothing wrong with it. As a GM he is cautious about what he says, especially when discussing who he is scouting. He also has to be cautious and diplomatic when discussing issues about referreeing and particular players. I'm a Whaley fan. For me he represents a younger and more modern front office approach compared to the staid old guard approach that had made this organization invisible.
  18. The silly HC had a losing record when he coached the Jets. The longer he coached the team the worse it got. When he left the team it was in shambles. I'm not saying that the team spiraled downwards just because of him but he was a factor. He got fired for good cause. I'm not impressed by him and the way he coaches. Although his specialty is defense that unit has regressed compared to the prior DC's stewardship. The majority of people in the hometown find his "loud" behavior endearing. I don't. It's embarrassing. The bottom line is that his "act" is louder than his mediocre record.
  19. Terrific work. I'm very impressed at the quality and objectivity of your analysis. Your caliber of post makes the readers more knowledgeable about the game. What is becoming apparent when watching TT play qb is that he is efficient. He is an inexperienced starter but plays with poise and under control.
  20. When Rex had members of the OL who played under Marrone acting as captains for the coin flip I thought it was a juvenile tactic. Having IK be an acting captain is in poor taste. This designation is even more classless because of the circumstances surrounding the "punch out" in NY. I readily admit I am biased against RR. I consider him a self-promoting huckster who expends too much time and energy drawing attention to himself. It's not surprising that the team he coaches is one of the most penalized teams in the league. It's a reflection of the HC's immaturity and lack of discipline. I can't think of one other HC in this league who would behave in such a clownish manner. Sending IK isn't about IK--it is about Rex the character garnering attention. Like father like son. Some people find his act endearing---I find it to be embarrassing.
  21. Alabama is certainly loaded with pro talent. What has perplexed me about Saban is that he recruits exceptional talent at all the positions except the qb position. What's the problem? Most of the qbs who play for him seem to be smart manager type qbs. I'm surprised he hasn't had an elite qb prospect in the fold, or I'm not aware of it.
  22. In general I agree with what you stated. Where I have a different take is that instead of working as individuals and responsible for certain designated areas on the field. they should act more as a unit. This would call for more film work with the refereeing team and more communication prior to the game. How does one legislate judgment? If there is a marginal holding call by the RT and the running play goes to the left then the official should let it go. It has no bearing on the play but can have a disproportionate affect on the game if the back breaks a big play. It's a tough job where usually one side is going to be dissatisfied with the call. What I find upsetting is that the problem with the arbitrariness of the calls seems to be getting worse. Are you pointing the finger at NYC Bill? Maybe if he went to Alabama Gotham Bill would be more receptive towards him? In his defense he has slowly but steadily come around on him. LOL
  23. My theory as to why so many people don't appreciate Gilmore as much as I think they should is because they resent the Bills drafting a CB with a high first round pick. The year in which they drafted Gilmore he was picked in the vicinity of where he was ranked i.e. near the top. While many people disagree with me (and you) he has played up to his lofty draft status. What more can one ask for?
  24. The referees have an impossible job. They are instructed by the league office to emphasize certain infractions. What frustrates me to no end is the arbitrariness of many of the calls (as you noted). If a minor infraction has no bearing on a play or is not near where the play goes to it shouldn't be called. The referees have lost a sense of perspective and situational awareness. Is there a kickoff and punt return play where the call for blocking in the back isn't called? Because of the increasing amount of penalty calls it is less enjoyable to watch a game. The refereeing in general has become a pet peeve of mine. I'm tired of it!
  25. I was making the comparison between EJ and TT and pointing out why EJ will not be a starter in this league and why TT has a chance to be a good starter in this league. I never, and no one else has stated that TT is a perfect player. That comment you made is very odd. You are correct that EJ did not play Sunday and there is a good reason for it----he is an inadequate qb who at best could develop into a reasonable backup. EJ has had more than enough time to demonstrate his assets and liabilities. He has not demonstrated enough progression in his game to allow anyone who is half objective to accept the fact that he will never will be a starter for the Bills. If you find that to be a controversial judgment then so be it. That's your opinion. I'm not an EJ basher. Never have been. I wasn't against drafting him in the first round. I wanted him to have an opportunity to play and demonstrate his capabilities. My judgment on him is I don't believe that he will ever be a franchise qb in this league. It is safe to say that it is the majority view of anyone who has watched him play. If you think differently that's okay.
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