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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. This is a recent SI top forty ranking. Plenty of offensive linemen on the list. http://www.si.com/nfl/2015/12/10/2016-nfl-draft-big-board-top-40
  2. Don't count me in the confident group. If Rex was competing against Chip Kelly on "Hard Knocks" he would out dazzle the Eagle coach. On the sidelines I would definitely favor Kelly out thinking the more demonstrative Rex in this game. The Eagles are getting healthier and after some struggles they are in a good position to move up the ranks in their dismal division. Our defense is not nearly as good as it was prior to Rex's arrival with great fanfare. I hope I'm wrong but I'm confident that I am not. Eagles easily beating the Bills. Eagles 34 Bills 17. Coaching matters!
  3. McCoy is a terrific player and no one is saying otherwise. No one is even saying that he is a bad guy. There is nothing unusual about having bad feelings after being traded from a team and an area that he didn't want to leave. There is nothing unusual about venting after an unexpected trade that he had no inkling was going to occur. So it is not too difficult to understand how he felt. But there is a wider context here associated with him being traded by the Eagle HC. McCoy made earlier public comments that Kelly's personnel decisions were influenced by racial considerations. Those volatile comments made McCoy look foolish for the obvious fact that the black players who departed were replaced by black players. Kelly privately tried to reach out to him and discuss the issue with him. McCoy refused to talk to him. So on the one hand McCoy publicly insinuates that Kelly is a racist and when the former HC privately tries to discuss the issue with him and clear the air he refuses to take the call. That's cowardly behavior. McCoy doesn't have to shake hands with anyone he doesn't want to after a game. That's his prerogative. But when he publicly says prior to the game how he is going to act after it then it shouldn't be surprising that he is going to draw a lot of attention to this issue. Even if a reporter brought up the issue with him he should be smart enough to realize that his comments would receive a lot of attention. Putting aside the McCoy and Kelly dynamic here what are dealing with here? We are dealing with the cold blooded business of the NFL where players get traded and cut and coaches and staff get fired. It's part of the business that everyone is subjected to. If he has trouble dealing with the cold realities of the business he chose then he needs to adjust his thinking. In general I agree with the sentiments that Herm Edwards expressively stated. Without a doubt my leanings are toward the old school than the self-indulgent new school approach.
  4. I'll echo what others have said about the new owners on how lucky we are to have them. We went from a situation where the loss of the franchise was for a very long time in the back of our minds to a situation where not only is the franchise anchored in the area but there is a commitment to win. It's not a pleasant experience to be subjected to. I may not be happy with our HC situation but I'm certainly happy with our ownership situation.
  5. Of course Shady made it about himself when he repeatedly popped off. You don't think that he raised the intensity and profile of his conflict with Kelly when he said that he wouldn't shake his former HC's hand after the game? McCoy is a terrific player. But he also is a self-centered diva who didn't understand and couldn't handle the cold-blooded nature of the business of football. McCoy publicly accused Chip Kelly of being a racist after he made a number of deals dispatching some players. What the foolish former Eagle halfback didn't say is that when he traded the black players he replaced them with black players, making him and his claim look silly. What was McCoy's response when Kelly tried to reach him in order to have a private conversation about the issue? The cowardly player refused to take the call. Herm Edwards is from the old school where the individual subordinates himself to the team. This is a different generation with social media and the primacy of the individual over the team. My leanings are toward Edwards's perspective with the realization that it is a different world. As far as I am concerned Shady McCoy is behaving like a petulant child. He needs to shut up and play!
  6. I'm not a lawyer so I'm not going to venture outside my limited legal knowledge. The lesson to be learned here is if you don't carefully do your "due diligence" when screening candidates for positions you are more likely to run into problems down the line. Sark had drinking issues at the Univ. of Washington. It wasn't a secret. They either missed that problem or they ignored it. There were multiple drinking episodes by Sark on the USC job in which the university was lax in its response. What we don't know that would be important to this case is what personal conduct clauses were in his contract. In general, the University did not handle this case, which was an extended saga, very well. If I had to guess the outcome in this case I would say that Sark is maneuvering to get a better settlement from the University. I think he will get it.
  7. With respect to how the organization reacts to TT's contract situation it is more about how he plays than what the team's record ends up being. If he demonstrates that he is a very capable qb despite how the other units perform he will warrant a lucrative contract. As an example for the sake of making a point (a point you make) if the Rex defense collapses and we lose the rest of the games while TT plays very well I believe Whaley will want to lock him up sooner rather than later. As far as I am concerned it is more important for the near future success of this franchise to have TT play at a high level and become a franchise qb than it is for the team to barely qualify for a wild-card playoff spot this year. Getting the qb position secured is an accomplishment that hasn't for a generation happened for this franchise. That would be something to build on.
  8. By the end of the year the organization will know what they have with him as their qb. They see a qb playing well and with upside potential. They also realize that without him as their qb they go back to the starting line in their generational search for a franchise qb. In this NFL starved qb league the issue for the Bills isn't only what he is worth to the Bills but it is also what is he worth on the market with plenty of teams desperate for a good qb. The market is the market. Values and cost go up, not down. The sooner you pay the less you pay later. Wishful thinking is certainly not going to change that economic dynamic. From a team building standpoint it is better to secure the qb position with TT and then address whatever positional needs that need to be addressed. The bottom line is regardless how good you are at the rest of the positions you still go nowhere without a quality qb. The Cowboys certainly demonstrate that. With a healthy starting qb and a good team they are SB contenders. With mediocre backups and a good team they are pretenders. I have no doubt that Whaley is going to get a deal done sooner rather than later because it is in his best interest and the franchise's best interest. Is there a risk in making a too quick judgment regarding TT? Absolutely. However, when you are in this particular business you are in the risk business. If you don't want to gamble then don't go to the casino and sit at the poker table.
  9. Bill, You can criticize Marrone but he left this team with a 9-7 record. He came aboard to a team that was basically an expansion caliber team that was in a rebuilding mode. You may disagree with my point of view but this team was on an upswing with him as the HC. The point of my original post is that this franchise is not now being run as a backwater franchise as it was under the prior owner. The transition started with Brandon. I liked the link although the nasal response was a tad irritating.
  10. The link is the WGR interview that Yolo referred to. http://media.wgr550.com/a/111601592/128-doug-whaley-on-tyrod-taylor-and-more.htm There was good commentary on TT and the prospects for development. What I took away from this interview is not what he specifically said but my general impression of Whaley and his level of professionalism. I am glad that he is leading this organization. Whether one agrees with his individual moves one can be sure that whatever he does is well thought out. I'm not a Rex fan and probably never will be. For me his hiring was disappointing. But to his credit he, especially on offense, has assembled a good staff, mostly notably the hiring of Roman and Kromer. Many people are critical of Russ Brandon. Not I. I think he is brilliant in dealing with the business side of the operation. It's obvious that the Pegulas think highly of him because they have increased his role in their expanding sports enterprise. Brandon is not someone who had a previous association with the Pegulas and because of that relationship moved up the ranks. He was drawn into their business because they recognized the quality of his work when he worked on behalf of Ralph Wilson (whose confidence he also won). My central point is that this is a more sophisticated and well rounded organization because the quality of staff. In my opinion the pivotal point was when Russ Brandon was given more authority by the previous owner and then steadily made the right moves that put this franchise on the right track.
  11. The HC has the authority to play any scheme he wants and use the personnel any way he wants. I'm simply saying the obvious: This defense has regressed under him. If it would have played near the level of the previous two DCs this team would be in a better situation. Do you think that even if TT had a warm relationship with the loquacious HC he would have signed with the Bills if he didn't believe that he would have been given a fair opportunity to compete for a starting job? Was Rex a factor in signing here? Of course it was. And what made Buffalo an enticing place for TT was that it was evident to him that the qb situation was such that he had a reasonable chance to earn a starting job. Even if he knew Cassel was going to sign with the team he was aware that as a qb competing for the same position that it was less of a daunting task to win a starting position compared to other locations. He already knew, as did most everyone else, that there was a tremendous amount of skepticism from the organization over EJ as a starter. If Rex Ryan was the primary reason for TT coming here then more power to him. It was a smart move and he deserves credit. But that doesn't alter the fact that this defense has regressed to the point that odds are that it has damaged our chances to participate in the post season when this team was in a good position to do so. Coaching matters! As I said to KTD if Rex was most responsible for signing TT then he deserves credit. What I also said to KTD is that under Rex our defense has regressed. What's obvious is obvious.
  12. Was Rex the reason why TT signed with us? I don't buy it. Taylor wanted to be a starter in this league. He surveyed his options and the best situation for him to compete for a starting job was with the Bills. Did it make it more enticing to go to a team in which he knew the HC? Probably so. But the main criteria for him to sign with a team was which team gave him a legitimate chance to compete for a starting job. It was with Buffalo. The free agent player acted in his own best interest. If you watched the same games as I do you will have to acknowledge that this defense has regressed. Hughes, Dareus and Mario were three anchor players for us. They certainly are not playing as well this year compared to last year and before. Under Rex this team is one of the most penalized teams in the league. Under Rex this team has not played with the same level of discipline and intelligence as it has before his arrival. Coaching matters. The Jets are a demonstrably better team without RR. The Bills are less than what they could have been with the current boisterous HC.
  13. He often reminds me how stupid I am. There really is no need to remind me on how stupid I am. Forrest Gump, my remedial arithmetic instructor, tells me all the time that I am stupid. When I asked him why he bothers working with me on my numbers he said he does it because compared to me he feels smart.
  14. If we had a HC who had a philosophy of showcasing the talent instead of showcasing his scheme this team would be locked in a playoff position. This franchise has had a lot of bad luck, most of it due to its own ineptitude. We got lucky with the acquisition of a career backup who played beyond anyone's expectation. The big surprise isn't so much that he beat out the other qbs but it is how well he is playing. I blame the obtuse HC. Based on the damage he did with the Jets there was no bases to hire him. As far as I am concerned we are getting the low grade product that he was sent packing out of New York. With an average HC there would have been two games that could have been moved to the win column. RR was given a five year contract. WTF!
  15. You are astute and perspicacious! It my view he certainly is more of a Russell Wilson type than a Kaep or RGIII based on the attribute that he keeps his eyes looking down the field, even when he is moving away from the pressure. His first instinct is not to take off but it is to buy time and get the ball out to the receivers. Kaepernick is a physical specimen. The problem is that he reflexively reacts to pressure by taking off instead of going through a few progressions. The same flaw applies to RGIII who simply can't read defenses so his first instinct is to take off. As I and others have stated what we're looking for is progress in his game. Yesterday, he did a lot of work out of the pocket that resulted in big plays. Both Clay and Watkins were beneficiaries of him quickly scanning the whole field and throwing the ball deep. He trusted his eyes and he trusted his receivers. I'm not going to generalize that too many people are unfairly/harshly evaluating him. Because that is not the case. But if we put things in perspective if before the season started we were asked if we would settle for a qb who was accurate, had a good arm, good touch when required, splendid ball placement, was mobile, smart, hard working and good character, and had a good feel for the game would any of us reject the prospect as a starting qb? I can assure you not I!
  16. I respectfully but strenuously disagree with you. Considering what the coaches have as options (Henderson, Kujo) I suspect the coaches are going with the player who isn't a major liability. This isn't a question of whether Mills is good or not; it is a question whether he is better than the alternatives. I believe so.
  17. When watching TT the most substantive issue is not his individual stats but his overall game. Is he progressing? Is his pocket presence better? Is he going through his progressions more adeptly than before. On all these points I would say yes. We have a qb who is accurate. We have a qb has good touch when required. We have a qb who throws a beautiful long ball. We have a qb whose ball placement is usually impeccable. We have a qb who is mobile and is becoming more of a threat with his legs and does it judiciously. There was a non-signifcant play that impressed me very much. Either a back or receiver was not in the right position. He noticed it and directed the player to the right spot and then comfortably got the play off. That told me a lot about his knowledge of the offense and his composure. Small things but important detail things that make for successful plays. I don't believe that the Bills are going to make the playoffs because we squandered games that should have been won. (Thanks Rex for outsmarting yourself!) In the grand scheme of things if it is determined that TT is capable of being a franchise qb (I believe so) then the franchise is in a better position than it has been for a long time.
  18. Few people are anointing the vagabond practice squad Mills as anything special. What he did do in this game, whether he had help or not, is not whiff on his assignments. The problem with Henderson is that he makes too many brutal mistakes that result in collapsing the play. No offensive lineman is always going to win their individual battles. However, there is a qualitative and damaging difference in losing the match up on a play and being completely overwhelmed. That happens too often with Henderson. It seems that he is in a fog and forgets what to do in his assignments. You can't have it. With respect to Mills getting blocking help against Watt that is the norm in all games JJ plays. He is so good that he rates extra attention. If Henderson would have played in this game he also would have received helped.
  19. Hughes, Dareus and Mario are not playing near the level they did last year. Is it scheme? Is it partially injuries? Our LBs are not playing to the level that they did last year. Is it scheme? Is it coaching? Is it too complex? I can "what if" myself to a self-inducing frustration but if this team coached by a self-designated defensive guru had this team playing near last year's level this team would be comfortably ensconced in a playoff position. I'm happy the Bills won. I am still troubled by this HC.
  20. Bill, Excellent observations as usual. TT throws a beautiful long ball. His ball placement in general is superb. Roman is cautious with play calling for TT. I get a little impatient with the cautious play calling for TT, especially in the passing game. However, he is bringing him along at the right pace. I thought the newly inserted RT did a credible job. Captain Obvious would make the statement that Watkins is a big playmaker. And he would follow up that obvious observation that McCoy is an essential player. Mario is playing with a bad foot. But I get the impression that he is unhappy with the way he is being used. Odds are that he will not be back and Rex will be more happy with his departure than he would be with his retention. Rambo made an impact in this game.
  21. The breast post is the best post. While Rex might be a braggadocio the picture was bodacious.
  22. You are being very generous. Just a suggestion if you can't get a response from your offer you might consider contacting a military service group that could use your tickets and act on it quite quickly. As Gotham Bill said you are being very kind and generous.
  23. The problem with Rex as a coach is not that he is having a bad year but he is continuing his history of being a mediocre coach. He was fired from an organization in which he left in shambles. Was it totally his fault? Of course not. No HC can be totally at fault for a team's failure. But without a doubt he certainly was a primary contributor for the downward spiral in NY. Don't let anyone tell you that he didn't have a say on draft picks and free agent signings. He was collaborating with the GM all the way through his tenure. The end product was a disaster. You are right that many people are exaggerating the talent level of some of the players on defense. But that isn't the issue. It was a tremendous unit last year under Schwartz and it has become a disjointed and ineffective unit under him. Will the Pegulas pull the plug on their brash HC whose mouth doesn't match his performances on the sidelines? Most people recognize that it is unlikely. The reality is that the longer he coached the Jets the worse it got and the more chaotic it got for the circus he presided over. That is the fear. The mounting frustration is not simply about this wasted season but it has to do with the fact that this boisterous fool has a lucrative five year contract and that he will be back next year. The longer an incompetent boss remains on the job the longer time the incompetent has to wreak havoc on the company. Facing that extended reality is the source of the mounting frustration. A bad hire is a bad hire.Giving more time is not a solution---it becomes a compounding problem.
  24. It's not feasible. There would be more draft picks allotted because of mistakes than there are players in the draft.
  25. I'm not trying to be rhetorical but who would be foolish enough to recommend hiring someone who overall had a 6 year HCing record that was more noted for its failures than successes. He was fired for good cause. When an organization hires a "hot" coordinator it is with the realization that it is making a projection on a the candidate. That was not the case when Rex was hired. He was dispatched from a team that he left in shambles. So what was the appeal? It certainly wasn't his record. My theory is that the new owners wanted to generate interest in what was known to be a nondescript and inconsequential franchise. Marrone was colorless and he was humorless. So the new owners went in the opposite direction. The Pegulas mistakenly found it appealing that one of the coaching candidates possessed a "big personality" who could make a splash. Whaley and the new owners made a big mistake when they hired this brash fired HC who was more noted for his antics than for his coaching prowess. An interesting contrast can be made between the coach for the Sabres and the coach for the Bills. One is mature and capable and the other is a second-rate mid-week New Jersey I-95 Holiday Inn kareoke act. The bottom line is organizations that consistently fail do so mostly because of their own incompetence. And the corollary is that organizations that consistently succeed do so mostly because of their own competence.
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