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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. If you are resilient humiliation can be tolerated. Don't be so negative you whining and groveling sissies. Just toughen up! You've only been humiliated for a generation.
  2. Is it just a problem with marijuana or is he a bad dude? I read some accounts where he may have some issues related to personality/psychological disorders/mental health . I'm not making excuses but sometimes there is a serious underlying problem that is a challenge to address.
  3. Excuses are for losers. Although the schedule is unfair; bad refereeing; injuries; players not receptive to brilliant coaching; grounds keepers doing a poor job; the wind affects our passes more; headphones don't work properly; second-rate announcers hurt us; the chain crew doesn't stretch the chains for the other team; the chain crew uses more links when we are being measured; the downs keeper can't count to four; half-times are too long for Wall of Fame ceremonies; pre-game meals are inadequate and the gatorade drink on our sideline is more stale than on the opposing sideline. We were on the road to success until we faced a generation of detour signs. Invest in season tickets. Steeler fans are willing to pay a premium. Stop complaining about the mounting losses-----our tickets are the cheapest in the league. If you want hope you are sitting in the wrong arena. Become a Sabre fan. Futility can be fun if you are stupendously stupid. Our marketing department has come up with a novel idea for halftime entertainment. We will have an all female naked marching band. Due to costs we will be using stout senior farmer girls whose worn out sagging breasts will gloriously be flapping in the wind. This should make your halftime meal very appetizing. .
  4. Robin Lehner looks like he could be a member of the Hells Angels and he has the tough demeanor of a leader of the pack. As others have said its obvious why Murray wanted to acquire him. Murray was once asked what type of goalie he was looking for? He said big.
  5. I'm going to put my prediction on record. I'm believe that the McCoy crew is going to be charged by the DA office. Probably aggravated assault with the willingness to bargain down to a simple assault and some sort of restitution for medical expenses. These type of cases he said/she said. are usually not clear cut but I think the DA will reluctantly indict knowing that although this case is flawed the tapes are enough of a factor to make them take action. Whether the DA decides to charge or not and whether McCoy beats it in court his combative evening out is going to prove costly because Roger is lurking and ready to pounce.(As you noted.) A two to four game suspension with his legal costs added on could mean that he ended up paying $500,000 to $1 M or more for a night out with the boys. Both sides in this fracas have some degree of responsibility in how this played out. But there was one participant on the cop side who tried to break up the conflict. He ended up getting clocked and injured. We'll just see how this turns out. Anyone's guess/opinion is as good as mine.
  6. As I told TennesseBoy I was wrong when I stated that Gregory was involved in the trade for Cookie. It was Billie Joe who was involved in that transaction with Denver. Lou Saban coaching Cookie was a very combustible dynamic! Lou couldn't stay at one place for too long. A very unique (eccentric) personality. If I'm not mistaken Pegula put him on the Wall with his daughters present. It was a generous gesture for such a mercurial man who had a meaningful presence in the history of the franchise.
  7. Our coaches are heavyweights. The lightweights are on the other side of the field. You can tell by the tilt of the field. Our HC is so smart that he out-thinks himself! Our HC may not perform well on the field but in the interview room he is masterful! Our HC believes that acting cool is better than acting smart.
  8. You are right and I am wrong. I apologize for the inaccuracy. The McCoy thread got me unhinged and dizzy. I agree with you that Robert James was a terrific corner. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Joe_(American_football)
  9. Buy your tickets now to catch the best vaudveille act in the NFL, The best circus in town is at the Ralph. No elephants and horses but plenty of clowns and horse manure.
  10. The more that is known about this case the more it becomes apparent that there are no angels in the fray. Asssholes to the left and asssholes to the right. When asssholes engage you get a ****ty situation. If average Joes would have been involved with the off duty police I have no doubt that they would have been stampeded and trampled. Upon review of this case that is what happened here. When the police made their next day complaint there was a rush to file criminal charges and send it up to the DA's office. The DA's office isn't acting out of the purity of the law. It realizes that this is a high profile case with a top shelf attorney handling the defense. They don't want their office to be tarnished and caught up in the morass for a bull shiiit bar brawl. In my opinion If blame is to be apportioned for this looming fiasco the biggest fault lies with the department and the people who took the complaint. After receiving the complaint they should have investigated this case more thoroughly. City cops are for the most part are seasoned cops. The people who took the complaint had a good inkling of what happened and they understood without officially acknowledging it why the cops left the scene and didn't file the complaint until the next day.
  11. There is nothing unusual in a crowed establishment where the servers are overloaded to buy your bottles up front so that you don't have to go through the hassle of making a number of purchases. It's not like they are ordering a dozen drinks at one time and having glasses all over the table. You get your glasses and then put your bottles on the table and share with the babes. All this is done in the pursuit of efficiency.
  12. We are on the right path. It is the only one we know. Note: Due to numerous complaints that this franchise stinks we have come up with a remedy. Fans will be required to bathe before entering the stadium. We will continue to be responsive to our very valued fans.
  13. If you can't handle the losing just increase the boozing. The Bills are bringing a big load----it is full of shiiiit! Be adaptable----adjust to losing. Don't give up hope: If Seal can marry Heidi Klum the Bills can eventually win!
  14. I agree with your thoughts. Sometimes people get involved in things that spiral out of control. I can understand the involved cops being overwhelmed with how the situation unfolded and panicking a little but the police who took the criminal complaint should have done a more thorough follow up before filing the arrest papers. I don't know how things are eventually going to play out but the police department is not looking too good right now.
  15. What I believe happened with these cops is that they didn't want to report the incident after it happened. They didn't want the police involved. (My opinion.) If no one would have gotten hurt they simply would have moved on. The problem they ran into is that some of them sustained injuries that they couldn't hide and that precluded them from returning to work. Because of their job they were required to report the injuries and how it occurred. Did they falsify their stories or embellish it when they filed criminal complaints? I'm not going to take the leap. There is another aspect to this story that is troubling to me. The police quickly filed arrest papers and sent it to the DA's office. The DA is doing the right thing in slowing down the ram rod process and doing their due diligence. It seems to me that they are behaving very responsibly in this chaotic incident. The police should have taken more time to sort this jumbled case out before sending it up the pipeline to the DA's office.
  16. Chandler has always been basically a pedestrian/utility player. But to his credit he has carved out a long 9 year career and made decent money. I'm confident that he has more money in the bank than a lot of better and financially rewarded players.
  17. What do we call the fans who are gullible? Our targeted market! Come to the freezing January games and expose your Dolly Parton man breasts to the rest of the fans. We guarantee you that it will be on youtube and sportscenter. Making us proud!
  18. I responded to the receipt issue on another thread. The reason for getting a receipt could simply be from paying by credit or debit card. You need to sign for the transaction and get a receipt for it. The not blowing their cover doesn't make sense to me. Because if they were undercover they could have still left the seen and reported the fight that same morning. If there was any injury associated to an undercover assignment, even if the fight had little to do with those who were being targeted, it would have immediately been reported . Reporting it the next day makes little sense if they were undercover.
  19. I find them not calling the police very troubling. It not only brings up questions as to why for the delay but it also affected the investigation of the incident. There is no legitimate excuse (in my opinion) for not doing so. The police response for officers injured on duty or off would have been very rapid. Medical attention also would have been very rapid with a phone call to the authorities. My take is that the off duty police didn't want the police there. If a police officer is injured in an off duty status he/she is required to notify the department because it affects his/her work status. There is much at stake for the officers with respect to their jobs. For the sake of argument if the injuries are not work related and they can't work for an extended period of time then they will have to use their own sick leave. They would also be required to explain the circumstances for the injuries. With an orbital or fracture type of injuries they could be out of work (at least as active employees) for a long time. I still believe the McCoy crew should be charged with some form of assault. But the longer the DA reviews the case the murkier it gets for me. There is also a lesson to be learned here: Having a good attorney on your side does make a difference.
  20. The receipt issue can be simply due to paying with a credit or debit card. You sign for the transaction. Nothing unusual about that. If the cops were drinking they shouldn't be armed. Many departments, especially city departments, require the police to be armed when they are in their jurisdiction. But if they are in a situation where drinking is going to occur I'm sure they shouldn't be armed as established by department rules and common sense.
  21. The defense doesn't have to come up with precise reasons why the cops didn't call for the authorities on the same night of the event. He can throw out whatever sordid theories he wants and let the prosecution shoot them down. The theories are still floating in the air for the jury to consider even if the theories are refuted. If the police take the stand you don't think the defense attorney is not going to challenge them on how they handled their police responsibilities (even as victims)? You don't think that the defense attorney is going to ask them if they colluded to get their stories straight? No matter how they answer the challenging questions are still made for the jury to consider. The people who were pummeled were police officers. They should know how to respond to a bar fight even if it includes them. Not immediately calling for the police to respond certainly has affected the effectiveness of the investigation. The delay in the DA's office in rendering a decision may indicate that the facts are still muddled and not clear enough to result in a higher charge or that the office wants the parties to come to some sort of settlement (maybe including a lower charge and medical costs) so they can conclude this case. The DA can tell the parties, mostly to the police, that this case is inconclusive so we are not going to charge giving the police the option to pursue this case in the civil courts seeking damages. As I said in the prior post although this is a high profile case from their perspective this is a bull shiiit low priority case in which they don't want to use their limited resources for. The question to be asked is if the off duty police and the high profile athlete and his crew were not involved in this fracas but other miscreants were involved how would this case be handled? Obviously we don't have all the facts. If I had to guess I would say that the DA would prefer to have a deal in which McCoy and his grew agreed to a lower charge and some restitution for medical expenses. I thought from the beginning that the charges were going to be for aggravated assault. The DA can still do that with the intention of offering a plea deal of simple assault.
  22. You better believe that the defense attorney/s are going to point out possible reasons why the police left the scene on that day without calling the police. The people on the jury are not prim academics who are going to mull over the technicalities of the law. They are going to take the view that this is a bar fight that got out of control and one side dominated the other. Philly citizens have an understanding that sometimes life in the city can be rough and tumble. They are not going to be overly impressed and give major deference to the fact that one party had badges and were not on official duty and were at a drinking and carousing establishment at three in the morning. The DA's office knows that there were arse holes on both ends of the teeter totter. This is a case that screams for some settlement between the parties. Don't be too surprised if the off duty cops and especially the department are as eager for a settlement as the McCoy crew.
  23. There is nothing unusual about a settlement worked out between the parties before the DA makes a judgment in this case. If both parties are satisfied with a negotiated outcome it certainly would be a situation that the DA's office prefers over a legal battle where some of the facts of the case are muddled. Let's put things in context and give it some perspective. This is a bar fight/brawl or however you want to categorize the fracas. It's not a rare occurrence and it has little impact on the citizens other than the combatants. The DA's office certainly doesn't want to dedicate their limited resources to a non-priority case. In my view maybe a simple assault charge for McCoy and the crew and some restitution for the injured parties. More and more I am getting the sense (opinion) that the cops weren't purely angels in this engagement. What I find very troubling/questionable is how they handled the aftermath. They left the scene instead of calling the authorities. That post behavior opens up a lot of questions.
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