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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Even if the organization overpaid for Clay (which I don't believe they did because of the ability to restructure) I'm not going to complain about it. When was the last time this team got production from the TE position? Usually I don't like overspending for a running back. But the thing about McCoy is that he is a big play back. He is not a grinder type back who is easily available. Our offense was designed to be more of a running team compared to most teams. So tilting your cap space to accommodate your offensive philosophy is sensible.
  2. Mario is a talent who didn't play well last year. So you can't make the claim that the Bills are replacing a highly productive player. At this point it is pointless to debate the issue as to why. It comes down to what the current situation is. I was for some peculiar reason a McKelvin fan. His athleticism was off the charts yet his ability to react to the ball was problematic. Urbik was a useful guard but replacing him shouldn't be too difficult. My point being that collectively the departures are not so severe that they can't be replaced by players who are comparable and cheaper. The process that is going on with respect to player and cap cuts is part of the fabric of the NFL of today. So the shuffling of players is an inescapable fact of life that all teams are subjected to. Our cap flexibility isn't great but it can't be described as dire. The players that we want/need to keep will be kept. Assuming we keep Incognito (I believe a deal will be worked out) and the RT position is addressed (possibly an average veteran free agent) the offense should be better with a more established TT. As you know I'm a harsh critic of Rex. But our defense should be better than it was last year based on having a better understanding of what the defensive concepts are. Are we a playoff team? In my opinion not under this coach. Last year our schedule worked out much better than anticipated. The opportunity was there to be seized but due to the coaching change this team was still not a settled team. This year the strength of schedule should be higher. So the team can get better and still find itself in the 8-8 range. That's how I see the situation.
  3. I don't want to hijack this hockey thread into a football thread. So I want to center my point toward hockey. What I find very intriguing is the different cultures in each sport. It is repeatedly stated in hockey commentary of the concept of fitting in the locker "room". There is more player self-policing than in any other sport. The role of being a captain and co-captain is taken very seriously. When Kane missed a practice due to a late night attendance at the NBA all-star game he was suspended by the team for a game and his behavior was discussed with the leaders of the team. Kane addressed the team and apologized to it for his conduct. On TwoBillsDrive side of the board there is a great amount of discussion that Mario Williams quit on the team. Did the coach confront him and penalize him? Not to the point of taking him off the field. Did the leaders of the team meet with him? It hasn't come out that they did as far as we know, but we really don't know? It is apparent that the hockey family is tighter than the football family. Ryan O'Reilly took Reinheart under his wings and they do a lot of after practice working out together. Mat Moulson went so far as to have Jack Eichel move in with him and his family. Obviously different sports have different cultures. What is interesting to observe in hockey, an effort sport, players are held accountable by their peers more so than in football.
  4. When Murray took over he basically stripped the team and started from scratch. The progress is evident. With the Bills the organization did make strides under Whaley and Marrone. Marrone left and the organization hired Rex. The Rex effect was on full display last year. Maybe you couldn't see the regression but it was evident to most. The moral of the story is when you go backwards you don't go forward. Coaching matters!
  5. The best way to look at this season is to ask oneself if this team is on an accelerated track to become a serious team and what is the timetable. When the season finishes this team should be in the range of 20 points better than last year (54pts) . The two young players they were able to select over the dismal past two years have clearly demonstrated that they are worthy of their lofty draft status. Risto is another young player who is showing that he is capable of not only being our best defenseman but also one of the best defensemen in the league. Ryan O'Reilly played upped to the high expectations. Kane was a little disappointing in that he didn't make a lot of conversions but it is obvious that he is a major talent. What Murray has done over the past couple of years is build a young core that should get better. Murray has laid the groundwork and put this team in a good position to acquire a few good players that other teams can't keep due to cap considerations. My recommendation would be to forgo the Stamkos sweepstakes and use that allotted money to acquire more good players to bolster the roster. This team is too thin to be able to sustain some injuries and remain competitive. My prediction is that the Sabres will be in the playoffs before the Bills will be in.
  6. I appreciate you taking the time to give your response. However, I respectfully disagree with your point that others in the business could take the way Apple handled the question/s during and after the interview would put Apple in a poorer position to be drafted. If any organization considered the draft prospect to be a lesser prospect then that organization is very backward and foolish. The bosses at the top of the organization were not only upset with the coach's inappropriate questions but they were embarrassed by it. You are right in the sense that there are remnants that still exist in the football business (and all types of businesses) that have a retrograde view on this topic. But I am confident that their influence when it comes to drafting is so insignificant that it borders on being non-existent. Again, I appreciate you taking the added time to respond to my post. . side note: This is a topic that resonates with Goodell who has a gay brother. He has little tolerance for such an outdated attitude in the business he oversees. http://www.outsports.com/2012/12/7/4054056/nfl-commissioner-roger-goodell-protected-his-gay-brother-from-bullies
  7. Sorry for the duplication. Kris Baker is not a professional scout but he does it as an avocation. As you noted he is consistently good and is knowledgeable about all the relevant prospects. What I like about him is that he is concise and clear in his description of players. For someone who isn't a professional scout and has a job I'm amazed at where he finds the time to see and evaluate so many players.
  8. I don't see how Apple comes off poorly and in any way his reactions about the interview affect his evaluation. To a small degree it shows that he isn't a silent slug who is going to sit through a situation that isn't appropriate. The questions by the coach were more than not tactful, they were inappropriate. The questions were not appropriate for anyone in an interview setting. The issue isn't some people are more sensitive or not; the issue is that those type of gender/sexual questions are completely out of line. As I said in the prior post the ignorant comments by the coach demonstrated little about Apple as much as it demonstrated how stupid the coach is.
  9. The below link is a a 23 minute segment on WGR with Kris Baker talking about the prospects in the system and at the end of the interview discussing the draft. In the first segment he talks about Fasching and how he stacks up as a prospect. Kris Baker scouts as an avocation. I usually like his commentary and his takes. http://media.wgr550.com/a/113888487/3-4-kris-baker-sabres-prospects-with-schopp-and-the-bulldog-feat-sal-capaccio.htm
  10. The question and comments were inappropriate. Those types of questions demonstrated how ignorant the interviewer was and didn't reveal anything about the person being interviewed. The organization forcefully repudiated the staffer. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/03/04/falcons-apologize-for-inappropriate-combine-interview-question/
  11. If you had an opportunity to buy a rental property with mostly borrowed money that enabled you to earn a rent that covered the mortgage and provide a respectable profit that you could use to build a nest egg to handle potential short term cash/flow issues then it would be a smart approach to take. In the rental example not only are you earning a profit but you are building an equity in the house that over time should go up, even with market fluctuations. I've talked to a number of people who have left businesses to go off on their own. Universally, the response is finding quality people who will diligently work diligently for you is the biggest challenge. If you get good people working for you (even in your startup and small scale business) and you treat them well so that they will stay with you you will do well for yourself. Don't let the prior bankruptcy spook you. Very often the market situation overwhelms people's efforts, no matter what they do. If you learned from your prior failed venture/s then you gained valuable experience. Hammered offered you good advice. Be in a position up front to handle the jobs that are available. If you have a customer opportunity and are unable to handle it then you might have not only lost that business but you might have lost a potential long term customer who also who could have recommended you to others.
  12. Its seems that you are advancing well in your business. Hats off to you. It seems that if you had a flat bed truck sooner you would be in a good position to more quickly generate business and revenue. Is there a way for you to get a lease on a flat bed with an option to buy or rent a truck so that you can secure more business sooner?
  13. I recognize that Stamkos is one of the best offensive players in the league. He is going to get a rich contract and deserve whatever he gets. Instead of pursuing him l would rather use the money to add two to three additional good players to bolster the roster. The Sabres would still be in a good cap situation to add another two or three good players to the roster. With Bailey ready to move up to the NHL and the return of Enis I would rather have a more complete roster that wouldn't be so devastated with the expected injuries that happen during the season. I expect the Sabres to be a fringe playoff team next year. And I expect the Sabres to be a more serious team two to three years down the road. I understand why most fans would be in favor of signing Stamkos but I would rather take the approach of adding more talent to this thin team.
  14. There is nothing wrong with falling in the category of being a players' coach. Coaches have different personalities and different coaching styles. That is understood. That isn't the issue. I said this in other posting so pardon the repetition but this is a case where there was only one appropriate response for the coach to make in this case. Get the insubordinate arsehole off the field. Some situations are complicated and some are not. This was not an easy problem but essentially it was a simple problem that called for a simple solution. Talking tough is not good enough when dealing with a selfish priiick!
  15. The issue of the HC's handling of the headstrong Mario is more than a one player problem. Coaches have large rosters with a lot of different personalities. How he handles this particular situation resonates throughout the roster. How do you instill discipline and respect when you allow a fool player essentially challenge the HC and get away with that insubordinate conduct? It's not surprising to me that this team was one of the most penalized and undisciplined teams in the league. When the unit reviews the tape together what do you think their reactions are when they watch Mario meandering around on plays? There is nothing unusual about coaches having to deal with problematic players. All teams have such issues. For me this was a coaching failure. What good is blustering if you can't back it up? Most of my comments on Rex are re-edited to tone down what I really think about our garrulous head coach. My postings on Rex are kinder and gentler than what I'm really think about him. I strive to be civil but sometimes I can't contain myself.
  16. Sal Cappacio was on WGR today discussing the Mario situation. Sal is far from being a harsh critic in his coverage of the Bills. But in this case he made it abundantly clear that he believed that Williams not only quit on the team but made a conscious decision early on to do so. I'm not a Rex fan and will never be. I don't believe last year that he handled the defense very smartly. But MW's conduct and especially his attitude was unacceptable and negated any possibility of him returning, even with a substantially reduced contract. Rex Ryan is a blustering fool. He talks tough but in this case acted like a weakling. Instead of tolerating Mario's insubordination he should have taken him off the field and if need be de-activate him when called for. The way he handled the Mario situation is another example as to why I have little regard for this loquacious HC. http://media.wgr550.com/a/113835237/3-2-sal-capaccio-talks-release-of-mario-williams.htm
  17. You point out the primary reason why Eichel is somewhat stifled this season. That is they haven't matched him with the right linemates. That's simply a function of not having enough talent and the right talent to match with his special abilities. Look at the effect that O'Reilly has had on Reinhart. This offseason Murray should be in a good position to add to the roster. I'm sure a major focus of his attention will be finding playing partners for Eichel. What impressed me the most about Edmonton is their skating speed and abilities. They have a lot of young talent but need more seasoning and maybe a different mix. They are an interesting team follow.
  18. Gotham Bill, You know better than most how I rank Rex as a HC. I consider his hiring a set back that has to run its course. That's the reality of the situation that can't be altered. The Mario salary is simply unsustainable. No amount of contract manipulation is going to satisfy MW and be workable within our cap situation. There is another side to the Mario situation that has to be faced. He quit on the team. It may not be obvious to you but it is to me. Did Rex place him in a bad work situation? Absolutely. On the other hand: Tough shiiiit! If the HC makes an egregious mistake it's his mistake. You can't respond by going through the motions as a statement of your disdain for the HC and what he is asking you to do. The jettisoning of a highly paid veteran player who arguably is on his downside is nothing unusual. It is part of the fabric of the NFL of today. Every team in the league is going through the same challenging talent to price tag ratio issues. Every team has let very good players go in order to keep their talent or bring in additional talent. It's part of the excruciating decisions that all GMs and franchises have to make. Mario has been an extraordinarily effective player for us. He was well worth the high price tag. Mario on the Bills has run its course. It's part of the life cycle that can't be avoided. Mario doesn't have much of an endearing personality. He approaches the game as the organization does. It's about business. Sentiment is not part of the calculation. It's not about the heart----it's about the calculator.
  19. The Bills have a desperate need for a credible RT. The Kujo selection turned out to be a wasted pick. Henderson is more athletic than the sluggish Kujo but too often he plays as if he is befuddled and completely whiffs. I doubt that we will have an opportunity to draft one of the top two tackles. Whether its Conklin or one of the other tackles that I mentioned it would be a major upgrade. We still should be able to get a contributing player on the defensive side of the ball with our second round pick.
  20. What are the Eagles options? You deal with the situation you are in and make a judgment that having him at an overvalued contract is much better than not having him. If TT plays reasonably well this upcoming season the Bills will end up paying more than if they locked him up this year. As a Bills fan we all know that not having a credible qb has a significant impact on a team's chances of seriously competing. Is Bradford an upper tier qb? Most people would say no. But he does give the Eagles a reasonable chance to compete compared to not having him. If the Eagles organization had the leverage with Bradford they would use it in their negotiations with Bradford. Bradford seems to have the leverage in his dealings with the Eagles so he is taking advantage of the situation. Cordy Glenn is a solid LT. But he is far from being an upper tier tackle. The Bills will over-pay relative to his talent level by either franchising him or signing a deal. The option of losing him would create a major hole on the line. My point is when a team has the leverage against a player in contract negotiations it will exercise it. The same dynamic applies to the player when he is well positioned.
  21. I'm an unrelenting Rex basher. However, anyone who is blaming Rex for Mario's departure is being foolish. Mario had to go for a number of reasons mostly related to his unsustainable contract with respect to the cap. A more interesting question regarding cap casualties is what does it portend for Kyle Williams?
  22. He'd be a fool not to go for the best deal he can get. He lost a year of wages due to the Martin and Miami drama that unfairly characterized him. It resulted in him being blackballed from the league. He signed a one year deal with the Bills that worked out well not only for him but also for the team. He not only played at an all-pro level he was also our best lineman. RI is at the later stage of his career. This is his last big money contract. I'm sure he would like to return to the Bills if their offer was in the vicinity of what other teams are offering. But no one can begrudge him for looking out for his own interest.
  23. Most people believe that the Bills are going to take a defensive player with their first pick. Maybe a better approach to take is to select an OT such as Conklin, Spriggs or Decker and plug him on the right side. (I'm assuming that Tunsil and Stanley would be off the board when we pick). This year there is a lot of good talent on the defensive side of the ball that will be available in the second round so a need can be addressed there. If for health concerns Notre Dame's LB Jaylon Smith falls and is still on the board when we pick (less than likely) I would snatch him up even if it means that he needed more time to rehabilitate and he wasn't quite ready when the season started. I think this talent is worth investing in.
  24. I really like the last paragraph in the link where Murray gives his assessment of where his team is this year compared to last year and his expectations of a continuing upward trajectory for next year. At the next draft assembly and prior to the next camp there should be some interesting deals for the GM to consider. No one can categorize our GM as being timid and afraid to pull the trigger on a deal that he believes will improve the roster. Most outside hockey observers believe that the Sabres are 2-3 years away from being a seriously contending team. Almost all the hockey observers acknowledge that the Sabres are moving in the right direction and already have a talented young core to build from.
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