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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. What was the need to upgrade McCoy's contract when he already was working under a lucrative deal? I never understood Whaley's contract stance with McCoy? It was apparent that McCoy wasn't happy with the trade and relocation. So what! What were the back's options? Sit out and hang out at bars? This was a case of the organization negotiating with itself.
  2. Compare the development projects that are being proposed and acted on in Buffalo and Erie County compared to Niagra Falls and Niagra County. The ingrained amount of corruption from the unions and local governments in Niagra County has suffocated the region for generations. I had a cousin who bought a skating rink in Niagra County and was doing electrical work on his newly bought facility. The inspectors immediately paid him a visit and put a stop to his work claiming that he needed a permit to do that particular job. He got around the hassle by pointing out that he was fixing the outlet and not putting in a new system. For a long time the corruption and mob rule in the construction trades crippled the region, both Erie and Niagra. The Feds were more effective in cleaning out the hoods in Erie County and Buffalo. You can see the difference.
  3. Buffalo still has a number of needs. It's far from being a complete team. If Murray traded Pysk for Taylor Hall I would take that deal because adding a scorer is a bigger need. I do like Pysk and more and more I've become impressed with McCabe. But if you want to acquire a talent you have to give up something comparable. Compher was included in the O'Reilly trade as was Zadorav, Gregorinko and a pick. I'll take that deal every time. O'Reilly is one of the best two way players in the league. Also, he is the type of player you want your young players to emulate. I do like Compher and I was enamored with Zadorav. But you are not going to get a high end talent, even from a team that is making a cap decision to deal a good player, unless you give up something worthwhile.
  4. This offseason our GM traded for O'Reilly, Bogosian and Kane. Considering what he gave up it is not unreasonable to say that those transactions worked out better for his franchise than for the franchises he dealt with. Not only does Murray have plenty of cap space to acquire talent but it wouldn't be surprising if this active GM makes a deal or two to add even more talent to the roster. As I noted in a prior post the Oilers want to rework their roster so they can strengthen their defense. They have plenty of good young forwards as currency in a deal.
  5. There was some talk that the Oilers would be willing to trade Taylor Hall if the right offer came along. They would be looking to improve their defense. I would be willing to give up Pysk or McCabe in an exchange. I like both of our young defensemen but you have to give up something to get something.
  6. You make an excellent point. There is no doubt that last year was a full tank job. So the quantum leap has to be put in perspective. The previous two year crash strategy did work out in that two core players (Reinhart and Eichel) came out of that rebuild strategy. What is evident without even considering the amount of points that this team has this year is that these players are bona fide talents in which the team can build around. I'm not saying they are as good as Kande and Toews in Chicago but what I am saying is that they are the caliber of players that serious teams possess.
  7. e Although I respectfully disagree with your position I appreciate your commentary on this issue. As you noted Judge Berman's ruling was narrowly focused on the arbitration process and not on the evidence. The judge was not mild in his criticism of the commissioner and the league. He, during the proceedings and in his written ruling, excoriated them. As you well know his comments were not off the record comments. He made them knowing that the recorded statements would be reviewed if the case was appealed. The responses to the judge in the initial hearings were most often weak and lame. As a side note it must be made clear that the Judge felt that the science and the evidence that the league was presenting was not only inconclusive but also weak. As WEO stated and you acknowledged the current case being reviewed relates to Judge Berman's ruling and not the particular evidence of the case. Judge Berman listed the numerous transgressions the league made regarding the process. The Judge was very specific in listing the rules that were broken. It's my opinion that you are putting too much emphasis on the oral hearing and reading too much into the questions that the judges asked. The judges in their deliberations will be focusing on Judge Brewer's carefully and narrowly crafted ruling relating to the process. That carcass is so smelly that I believe that judges will rule against the league. Roger Goodell has more than enough authority to rule within the current CBA, an agreement in which he has almost unlimited authority. The only thing he has to do to stay within the wide lane he has is to act honestly and competently. He couldn't even do that.
  8. To buttress your point TT selected Buffalo because it gave him the best pathway toward playing. Was Rex a factor? Maybe so. But it wasn't the most decisive reason for him coming to Buffalo. As the below link indicates he had a better money deal from the Broncos and he also had an association with Kubiak, their HC. http://www.milehighreport.com/2015/3/14/8216575/nfl-free-agency-quarterback-tyrod-taylor-turns-a-down-deal-from Of couse TT was on the Bills' radar as he was for all teams that needed a qb added to their roster. It's not like he was a secret talent hidden away. All teams know about all the players on other teams' rosters and they know which ones are available from our team. We are as familiar with backup players on other teams who might be available as other teams are aware of Buffalo backups who might be available. Knowing the market is part of the job for all organizations.
  9. Sometime in the middle of the year Paul Hamilton was on WGR talking about the possibility of the Sabres having a 20 point improvement from the previous year. He said that it was improbable because very few teams make that type of jump in points. He wasn't saying it because he felt that the team was behind schedule on the rebuilding process. He felt that the franchise was on the right track. He pointed out that it was an almost an unattainable achievement that rarely happens in the league. That goes to demonstrate that what the Sabres accomplished so far is quite an achievement as the season winds down.
  10. Judge Brewer is certainly a member of the court. The judge followed court rules just as all the claimants did. His ruling was appealed by the league and is now being reviewed by appellate judges. How does this process not fall under the purview of the judicial system? This aspect of your response makes no sense to me.
  11. Until this particular case there was never a case in which Goodell has been reversed and the punishment stood. Think about what has happened here without regard to who is involved. The judge ruled against the league based on insufficient evidence and a tainted process. Then part of the punishment still stands. How does that make sense? Where is the logic? It is constantly repeated that the Pats did what they were accused of doing. When it was taken to a legal authority outside of the league the court forcefully ruled against the league based on the evidence and tainted process..And still there are people who strenuously make the point despite the rulings the punishment should stand. That is an absurd position to take. What the majority of people are in essence saying is that although Goodell has acted capriciously as determined by the court his punishments should still stand because he has the authority to act in such a matter. That makes no sense.
  12. I'm well aware that the league is not giving back the picks. That's obvious. My point was that they should give back the picks because that is the right thing to do. Is Kraft posturing? Of course he is. He's playing to his fan base by tweaking Goodell and the league. In the end the league not only didn't prove its case it also demonstrated that their disciplinary system was flawed to the point of being corrupt. The bottom line is that when an outside authority examined the facts and the process it exposed how tainted the commissioner and the process were. What you are required to do and what you should do are the issues that I am addressing.
  13. It doesn't matter whether Kraft forfeited his right to appeal. You are being legalistic in a system that is far from adhering to legalities. Kraft certainly has good reasons to ask for the draft picks to be restored: Nothing was proved and the process was contaminated. Kraft did volunteer to the punishment in order to put an end to the case that got out of hand from the league standpoint and presented the league with an opportunity to conclude the matter. There is an issue of fairness. Why should Kraft or any other owner and franchise be penalized when nothing was proved other than the commissioner in his investigation of this trivial issue acted corruptly? The court reviewed the issue and forcefully rebuked the league for not only its flimsy evidence but also for the unethical manner it pursued this case. The irony is that the side that acted corruptly goes without punishment and the side that was not proven to be guilty of anything loses draft picks. That is patently unfair. That's the point! Nothing was determined/proven by the investigation. It's not surprising when one acts like a fool one looks like a fool. Doing the right thing isn't always easy but doing the right thing is the right thing to do.
  14. The league lost their case when it went to court. It is the league that is appealing the ruling. Judge Brewer decisively ruled that the process was flawed to the point of being corrupt and that the evidence was flimsy at best. The Patriots deserve to retain their first round pick if the appeal's ruling doesn't come before the draft. If it rules against the Patriots after the draft then the pick should be taken in the next draft. Will Roger Goodell alter his decision regarding the draft pick? No. Being stubborn and unwilling to admit a mistake is one reason among many why this corrupt and inept commissioner (on disciplinary issues) should not be involved in any disciplinary issues. Pegula doesn't need to take a stand on this issue. What he needs to do is concentrate on his own struggling franchise. One of his first important decisions was to hire a HC. He ended up hiring a bombastic and bloviating coach who had a losing record and was recently fired from a team in his own division. He shouldn't be surprised that in the first year under this loquacious coach the team underachieved. When one makes such an absurd and peculiar hire as one of your first meaningful decisions one needs to go back to the drawing board and figure out how such a dumb decision was made in the first place. The point is that Pegula needs to concentrate on making his team better and not worry about making excuses why another team in his division has been the most successful franchise in the league for the past generation.
  15. Ennis has had concussion issues that have plagued him all season. The type of head injury he sustained can happen to any player, including bigger players. Is he a Tim Connolly type player who seemingly always has a string of injuries to deal with? I'm not going to jump to that conclusion. What I do know about him as a player is that he has offensive skills that this team can certainly use. I'm not giving up on him as a future contributor. My perspective on him is that if he plays up to his potential when healthy then it is a bonus.
  16. When Justin Bailey was brought up he didn't look out of place. Ruhwedel has recently been given playing time and he looks like an NHL caliber of player. With our favorable cap situation the GM should be able to bring in two to three good players who not only would help to bolster the roster but give it enough depth to absorb the predictable injuries. Let's not forget a healthy Ennis. With the expected internal improvement of our young players I will be very disappointed if this team does not make the playoffs next year. The pieces are being added and the plan is being executed. How can one not be excited about this team?
  17. In high school and even in college I'm not against mercy rules because sometimes there is such an imbalance that it is pointless to continue. But if there are no such rules then there are lessons that can be learned by the losers and the winners. What the losers learn in such an overwhelming loss is that it isn't so devastating and debilitating that it will affect you the next day. You learn that you do survive the drubbing and that you can go on. Whether you lose or win you go on and continue to prepare in the same diligent way for the next game. The world doesn't come to a humiliating end when you lose in such a way. After the drubbing you aren't forever tarnished. A loss is a loss and tomorrow is tomorrow. Being resilient is a lesson to be learned. For those participants who are on the dominant side there is also lesson to be learned. Just because you beat an inferior opponent that doesn't mean that you will not get your assesss whipped by someone else when you are not in such a dominant position. In life sometimes you are in a strong position and sometimes you are not. In life there are times when you are high and there are times when you are low. How you deal with the aftermath is very often more important than what happened at the memorable event.
  18. There's a better solution to reckless conduct on the ice: Enforce the rules. If the referees enforce the rules and the league does the same when it reviews games the sport would be cleaned up. There is no fighting in college and in the Olympics. Hard hitting and intensity are still associated with their different environments while the game is more free flowing. The goon mentality is outdated. In other sports such as basketball when there was too much physical play that deterred the expression of talent the rules were more strictly enforced and even changed so the game wouldn't turn into a wrestling match. Football is certainly one of the most physical sports in the world. Fighting is not allowed. In soccer there are collisions, deliberate and inadvertent. Fighting is not allowed. The NHL has done a reasonable job of enforcing the rules(exception is interference rule) compared to the thuggery that used to go on a number of years ago. Without a doubt more has to be done. The fighting should be banned as it is with other sports. If you seriously penalize the players who frequently cross the line and make it a more costly handicap for the teams that they play for the game will become more free flowing and talent will be more prominently showcased. Fighting is archaic and stupid. It needs to be expunged from the game. Those advocating for it as a mechanism for administering justice need to realize that the dinosaur era is long gone. Being backwards is not a way to advance the game; it is a way to hinder the game.
  19. The initial reports were that the organization wanted him to dial it down some. I haven't read anything about not wanting the son in the locker room at all. The arrangement went so far as the son having a locker next to his father. The father can raise his family the way he wants. That is his right. The organization also has a right to issue reasonable rules that all the employees have to follow. As I said in another post what if the other players started bringing in their kids to the locker room with a greater frequency? The situation would certainly get out of hand. Then stricter rules would have to be instituted to control the locker room setting. Adam LaRouche is an honorable person and much admired by his peers. He is devoted to his family, and that should be praised. If he isn't willing to make a small adjustment to his current situation then he should find another field of endeavor that would be more accommodating to his lifestyle. The game has provided him with the financial security to do whatever he wants in his next phase of life. He should take advantage of it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/how-adam-laroches-decision-to-quit-quickly-became-bigger-than-baseball/2016/03/18/09d10d7a-ed46-11e5-b0fd-073d5930a7b7_story.html
  20. He was in a better position to punch him in his balls!
  21. The Eichel, Reinhart and Gergensons line was clicking. Bogosian has really elevated his game. I thought Ruhwedel played well for a call up. O'Reilly, Kane and Bogosian were traded for. Considering what was sent out and what we got in return it was a decisive positive for us. The Lehnerd deal can be graded as an incomplete so far but I think it is going to materialize into a strong positive for us. I'm very glad that Chad Johnson wasn't dealt.
  22. Finally Toronto has come to the same realization that you highlighted that a proper and sturdier rebuild is done primarily through the draft. The odds of acquiring elite core players go exponentially higher when you select near the top of the draft. The Maple Leafs had the mistaken view that their demanding market would not allow for a bottoming out in order to do the rebuild right. So they took the expedient approach of spending big money on name players to maintain a certain level of competitiveness. It ended up in a long term floundering status. Under Babcock and a new front office they are now aggressively following the same formula that the Sabres are following The irony is that there is now more hope and fan satisfaction in Toronto than there was when for almost a generation when they were stuck in the muck of mediocrity. Toronto thought they were too special to be committed to a time tested rebuilding plan. They were wrong. Now at least they are on the right path.
  23. He was gassed after being on the field for two consecutive plays. The only thing immovable about him is his gargantuan ass. What good is plugging the middle when after a play or two you are gasping for air so you won't collapse from exhaustion.
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