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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Not all DBs. If they are from Alabama he will sheepishly modify his uncompromising position. It's called Crimson Tide bias.
  2. You favoring the Bills drafting a DB is as likely as Klansman David Duke marrying Whoopi Goldberg!
  3. I didn't realize that the damage was so costly. Your best approach will probably be to just let your insurance process the claim. If your rates unreasonably go up then check out other insurance companies to get a better rate when your coverage ends. You might be surprised with the variations in rates. You paid for the coverage. So don't be reluctant to use it in this particular case. That is why you have it.
  4. I think this is a case where the player looked out for his interest (as he should) and Carolina felt that they acted in their own best intermediate and long term interest. Norman was not very happy with being tagged and made it known. So the team must have felt that he was the type of person who couldn't separate the business side of the profession from the playing side of the profession. Instead of dealing with a disgruntled locker room presence they simply cleaned the slate and will use that cap money in a more spread out fashion. The Redskins calculated that it was in their best interest to bring in this high cost player. The Panthers calculated that it was in their best interest not to lock up this particular talented player with a high cost contract (even on a one year deal). This type of transaction is part of the fabric of all professional sports that are subjected to a cap system.
  5. Call a Geico agent (not the claim office) and explain your situation and ask the person the best route to take to make sure that the claim is rescinded. There is a chance that the agent knows an official or unofficial way of of getting your claim deleted or categorized in such a way that it will not affect your record. You may be instructed to talk to the claim office. If so, ask to talk to a supervisor and let him/her know what your expectations are. Good luck.
  6. This link doesn't fit with the topic but I thought it was cute. http://features.aol.com/video/most-adorable-babies-internet-are?icid=aol|carousel|dl1 Vintage comedy: Rodney Dangerfield
  7. You make a good point. A good player with an expensive contract has less value on a team with a lot of other good players on the unit. On the other hand a good player with an expensive contract has more value being added to a roster that has less good players on the unit. The impact of Norman's loss with Carolina is less than the benefit of adding him to Washington's roster. Or another way of putting it is different calculations for different settings and situations.
  8. In the old Snyder method of operating the Redskins the franchise had a cancerous habit of signing fading stars who could never deliver on the value of their contract. As you acknowledged this isn't the case with the signing of Norman. As Dave Mcbride points out in his post if Norman plays at a high level for the next few years (as with Mario---as he points out) they will get a fair value return on their investment. The Norman signing has opened up more flexibility for the Skins in the up coming draft and in the mid-level free agent market. This one costly yet strategic acquisition will positively affect the rest of the defense. Their GM didn't impulsively make this free agent splash. He has been systematically cleaning house of over-priced and poor value contracts so he would be in a good position to seize the opportunity when it avails itself.
  9. I don't get as hung up on the amount of money a free agent gets. What the Norman addition does is strengthen a major area of weakness and allows the GM more flexibility to address other areas of need (DL and LB) in the draft and in the mid-level free agent market. As No Saint constantly points out contracts can be adjusted and roster moves can be made to comfortably fit in on the surface a gargantuan contract but in reality with a little adjustment can be comfortably managed. The Redskins under their GM is not running the Redskins in the profligate manner they used to be run. They are mostly rebuilding through the draft and making good use of the second-tier free agent market. The costly addition of Norman is not a signal that the Skins are going to deviate from the planned way they are rebuilding the roster. They planned for this type of addition by culling their roster of expensive and poor value players and are now in a position to make this type of calculated move for a talented player.
  10. Does Watkins not showing up for workouts mean that he won't be getting Rex's "all in" T-shirt? http://espn.go.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/24314/rex-ryan-adopting-dabo-swinneys-all-in-as-bills-theme
  11. A cogent articulation of the fundamental issue! Rex isn't the issue here. Player accountability and responsibility are. His sporadic play demonstrated a lack of integrity and respect for the game. Nihilarian is attempting to use nuanced arguments justifying MW's disinterested play. There is no justification for his willful reluctant play on the field. Mario's intermittent good play isn't an argument that he was giving good effort (Nihilarian's point) ; it is a an argument that he wasn't always playing with conviction and integrity. That is the point.
  12. It's going to be interesting to see if Ennis is in the GM's plan as a forward on one of the two top lines. I'm not sure if there is a fit but if he can regain his form he certainly would be a bonus for this team who need finishers.
  13. Thanks for the opinion. The Sabres need a forward who can handle Eichel's hard and deft passes. Eichel should have had at least a dozen more assists. Moulson botched so many beautiful passes when he was on Jack's line.
  14. I see him going to Dallas and if he falls the Ravens will snatch him. Ozzie Newsome is one of the best GMs in the game. He's not going to get by him.
  15. There are knowledgeable hockey fans here who follow college hockey. If the Sabres were in a position to sign one college player who would be the better option: Cagguila or Vesey?
  16. Is this women and animal dumbness weak? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/woman-hops-fence-toronto-zoo-tiger-exhibit-article-1.2605225
  17. There is no one on this board who is more critical than I am of the buffoonish HC. Regardless how anyone feels about the HC it is difficult for me to understand how anyone who watched the games last year can not come to the conclusion that Mario blatantly malingered on the field. As I said in a prior post WGR's Sal Capaccio who is one of the most benign media members in the sports business said that he was well aware that Mario mailed it in even before the season began because he did not want to play in the Rex system. Rex coached like an incompetent; and Mario played with no integrity and respect for the game. I think you are over analyzing the situation. Trust your eyes and you will come up with a more accurate picture.
  18. Bosa has been a very productive player at a big time program where he he frequently faced multiple blockers. He still was an effective player. Just because a player gets excessively hyped doesn't detract from his effective play on the field. KOKBills compared his style of play to Jared Allen. That is a good comparison. I don't believe that he will be available when we pick but if he were it would be a dynamite selection.
  19. Lack of steroids and a better haircut!
  20. Connor Cook might be the qb that teams would maneuver back into the first round to select. Moving into the first round or even a high round second round rage makes little sense to me for a qb such as Hack who struggled so much in his last two years in college. I'm not saying that he doesn't have appealing physical attributes but his on field performance would at the minimum drop him to the third round or lower.
  21. I don't have much regard for Rex as a coach. I would never vote for Trump. However, I'm not going to criticize anyone who is willing to stand up and have the courage of expressing his convictiions and get involved directly or indirectily in politics. The problem is not that there are too many people participating in the political process so much as there is not enough participation in the process. Usually when Rex is at the podium I find fault with his performance. On this occasion I give him credit for his introduction at the podium.
  22. A lot of tight coverage completions in that clip. Also. he demonstrated good ball placement in most of his throws. My wild guess is that the Bills are going to draft Kevin Hogan with one of their later picks. Football smarts and good size.
  23. What other choice does he have? Pout? Take the Mario route? He has only one option to put himself in the most favorable position: play well this season. If he does that he would even get a better contract by not signing this offseason. Or another way of looking at it is betting on himself as Flacko did a few years ago when his contract was up.
  24. Talking tough is meaningless if you can't or won't back it up. Mario's attitude and conduct were despicable. The coach's lack of response was irresponsible. Sal Cappacio on WGR is one of the least critical and benign media staffers covering the Bills. He stated that Mario decided to mail it in once he knew Rex was going to be the coach and implement his defensive system. Mario's response to the coach and to his teammates was in your face I'm not on board with what you are selling. There is nothing unusual about coaches periodically having to deal with stubborn and apathetic players. That is an inescapable part of their job i.e. managing personalities. There was only one appropriate response to Mario's malingering: Take him off the field! That wasn't done. That was a coaching failure! How do you think the HC of New England or Pittsburgh would have handled this type of situation? Mike Tomlin's fists would be furiously directed at Mario's smug face on the sidelines after he pulled him from the game.
  25. I agree with you that Mario quit on his team. There was no subtlety to his indifferent attitude and play. If that is the case then why did the HC keep him on the field? There was nothing mitigating about Mario's conduct. There was only one appropriate response for the HC to make: Take him off the field and if need be deactivate him. Not only would the message be directed to the headstrong player it would also be directed to the team that that type of insubordinate attitude was not going to be tolerated. This season long situation was as much a coaching failure as it was a player's failure to act appropriately.
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