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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. The point that BB was making was the issue wasn't the talent on hand but how it was utilized. Is it better for the coach to adapt to the players or is it better for the players to adapt to the coach's system? The reality is that there is always adjusting between the talent on hand and the preferred schemes. I believe that for a good portion of the year that relationship was unbalanced. As the season advanced the coach (my view) adjusted a little more. That was a smarter approach to take and it reflected in the play. You are right that rosters are always in a state of flux. That's the nature of the business. But if there is a mismatch between the system/scheme and the talent attributes then their is going to be a decline in performance. That was evident in the pre-Rex coached period and the Rex coach period.
  2. I'm not sure what your point is. Stories are coming out about statements and sources but you don't know if they are true. That's my point.
  3. The highlight is the point. We don't know the real story. When it comes to health issues of an individual there are also privacy issues that preclude the organization, medical staff, the player impacted and his representatives from being fully candid about the health status. I really don't believe that the few people in organization who should be tracking the health status of the player weren't knowledgeable about the situation. But ethically it would be inappropriate to discuss the issue in public. Considering how complicated and serious Henderson's health problem is odds are that it was the organization and the health staff that instrumental in directing him to one of the best health facilities in the world. Because of the privacy issues what is swirling in the public domain is nothing but irresponsible speculation coming from people who are not in the know. Pointing fingers at anyone is simply unfair because we just don't know what the real story is. And because it is a health issue we don't necessarily have the right to know.
  4. It's constantly stated that Taylor signed with the Bills because he had a relationship with Rex. That is not true. TT on more than a few occasions stated that he signed with the Bills because he believe that it gave him the best chance to start. The Broncos offered TT more money than the Bills did. In addition, Taylor had a closer relationship and more recent relationship with Kubiak (either the OC or qb coach) in Baltimore. The reality is that TT wanted a legitimate chance to compete for a starting job; signing with Buffalo, even for less money, afforded him that opportunity. It is true that Rex signed Roman to be his OC. But the storyline that Rex was the reason for TT's arrival is patently false.
  5. If you open the link below I'm confident you will agree that these criminally negligent parents should be punished. http://www.cnn.com/2...il_topeditorial
  6. Moronic parenting is at an epidemic level spreading around the world. What makes these idiot parents even more criminally negligent is that they delayed notifying the police because they were afraid that they would be in trouble. These people make a good case for being an advocate of forced sterilization. http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/30/asia/japan-boy-woods/?iid=ob_lockedrail_topeditorial
  7. You got it in reverse. The ugliness has been going on for so long that it can't be forgotten, even if one prayed for amnesia. It becomes a part of one's memory bank with the loop going around and around.
  8. You make excellent points and well expressed. But let's use your Denver example to underscore the points I have made on the topic. The model is the Elway model. He told the fading Peyton that if he wanted to play for the Broncos last season he had to take a pay cut. He did. He placed a ceiling value on Osweiller and wasn't willing to go beyond that line on a contract offer. Osweiller moved on and Elway didn't seem to be bothered by the loss. Elway did have some interest in dealing for Kaepernick but not at his current contract level. Kaepernick was not willing to redo his contract so Elway moved on. Elway then used a first round pick to select a qb so he had a young qb in the pipeline. Kirby Jackson brought up qbs such as Collins, Kaepernick and Tannihill as qbs and contracts to compare with the Fitz situation. Collectively those contracts can be characterized as over-paid contracts relative to production. That's the model that the Jets don't want to follow. The model they are following is the Elway model: assign a value to talent level and then exhibit fortitude by sticking to your value rating. It appear that is what the Jets are doing. I'm not anti-Fitz. He is an admirable fellow. However, he is a limited qb who is very heady.He is also at the very end of his mostly middling career. The market has placed a value on him: No one but the Jets is interested in him. As it stands I consider the Jets stance as being very rational and reasonable. If there is a contract agreement odds are it will be skewed more toward the Jets' position than the Fitz position.
  9. They are more worried about overvaluing Fitz than undervaluing him. They are doing the right thing. Odds are a deal will get done. Fitz will get what he deserves. It won't be what he is asking for. The jobs in Buffalo are more in jeopardy than the jobs are in NY.
  10. Where I respectfully but strenuously disagree with your reasoning along with others who take the same view is that you are looking at Fitz's numbers last year and using it as his standard/baseline. He had a good year last year. I've never said otherwise. But I don't consider it representative of the caliber of qb he actually is. For the organizations who are signing players on the market they not only consider what they did but what they are as a qb talents. As a starter Fitz is a lower tier qb (experienced backup talent) who is at the tail end of his career. Again, no other team has any interest in him. The issue comes down to signing Fitz based on his last year's numbers or signing Fitz based on his actual talent level. The Jets watched Fitz play in his last game against Buffalo. That's who he is as a player. It's not about fairness or sentiment. It is cold blooded analysis over what he will do for you under the new contract. I say this respectfully but with conviction: You are over inflating his worth----a mistake the Jets don't seem to want to make.
  11. Even if they sign him to a three year deal it will probably be structured so it is in reality a two year deal. I disagree with your view that he is a $15M player in the this NFL market. If he were there would be other teams interested in him, even if it was as a bridge qb i.e. temporary solution. No team other than the Jets is interested in him. That is a reflection of his market value. I don't think you are too far off the mark that a possible deal can be structured with a $20M guarantee. For a two year period of time it averages out in real numbers to be a two year deal for $20M. The Jets with a new GM and a new and more mature HC surprised a lot of people by making a quantum leap forward from the previous year. They went from a 4 win (Rex) season to a 10 win season. Sure it was disappointing that they didn't make the playoffs when it was within reach but taking a wider perspective they had a successful season. The next issue the GM needs to address is finding a long term franchise qb. It certainly is not Fitz, and everyone who is sober knows that. The Jets know very well that you don't pay bridge qbs substantial money when your transcendent goal is to find a better option. Is Hachenberg the answer? Not for next year. But by drafting him in the second round it indicates that the organization believes that he has the potential to become their franchise qb. Fitz is a useful holding place qb for them. Nothing more. If you are smart you don't pay premium $$$ for that role. And by their current negotiating stance they are being smart.
  12. Rex was not an inexperienced HC who was learning on the job. He's been a HC for 7 consecutive years. You don't think that during his prior experiences as a HC he hasn't dealt with players who were not on board? You don't think that he hasn't had to deal with players who didn't care and act disinterested. You don't think that he has had to contend with bad dudes during his stint in NY and in Baltimore? All coaches in all sports deal with these type of characters. All bosses in all professions deal with these type of characters. That goes with the territory with being in a position of authority. This commentary from him about now getting the real deal is part of the problem. He needs to do a lot less talking and get more involved with coaching. What I find troubling about him is that there is always a commotion surrounding him because for him it is always about him. I want one thing from Rex this season: STFU and coach more smartly!
  13. We were mediocre with him and without him. As it stands our qb situation is better than if we retained Fitz. You don't find a better option unless you try another option. Wretched mediocrity doesn't get you anywhere meaningful. I would rather go through a number of options and fail rather than keep the status quo and know for sure that you are not going anywhere until you find a better solution at qb. Searching for solutions is more honorable than being satisfied with mediocrity!
  14. Was't he the HC last year? Why did he accept such blatant disregard from the malcontent player last year? The bumper sticker notion that this huckster HC is peddling that you are either on or not is silly. He was the HC last year and he was running the show. He is acting as if their were forces making him do what he didn't want to do. What a bogus position to take for someone who was the sole authority to do whatever he wanted. The reality last year was that he grossly miscalculated in managing the players he had on defense. Strengths that were accentuated in the two prior years with different DCs were minimized under him. Weaknesses that were minimized under the two prior DCs were more exposed under him. The more Rex talks the more he exposes how shallow he is. He should just STFU and coach. He is a freaking embarrassment!
  15. He has been let go by every team he has played for, including Buffalo. Buddy wanted him to play on a contract more commensurate with his talent level. He declined, and left. Buffalo took the same stance that the Jets are taking i.e. paying a player according to his talent level. Now it is portrayed by many that the standard practice of doing business in the league is a radical notion. Denver under Elway established a value for Osweiller and refused to budge. He left. Elway also told Peyton that if he wanted to stay with the Broncos last year he had to take a pay cut. He took the cut and stayed. My point is that what is going on in NY is nothing out of the ordinary. No team in the league has any interest in Fitz as a starter, or as a backup. That is a testament to what his actual value is. A deal will probably get done but it won't be what Fitz is currently asking for. The last game in which the Jets' front office watched Fitz play was against Buffalo. It certainly didn't persuade anyone associated with the team that he was indispensable. Fitz is Fitz. Enough said!
  16. The Bills are very familiar with Fitz. They let him walk.
  17. The RT position troubles me a lot. The misfire on the Kujo draft selection was very damaging. I'm more optimistic about Miller who did struggle in his rookie year. What I'm going to be closely watching on offense is whether TT can make plays in the middle of the field. Last year the majority of his passes were to the boundaries of the field. If he can use the whole field more often then our offense should be better balanced and be even more effective.
  18. I'm not really invested in either team. But I would love to see Joe Thorton win a cup. He has been a long time premier player and a good team player. He has been unfairly criticized because the team he has played for has fallen short. He is a great player and a class guy who is well respected by the players in the league. I would love to see him hoist the cup.
  19. With Rex it is always about Rex. Instead of taking the view of how best to utilize the players he has on hand his view is how do I get them to make my system work. This draft was dedicated to propping up Rex and making it work within the confines of his system. What worked before his arrival didn't work under him so it now is undergoing a deconstruction to accommodate him. Another example of our organization moving forward and then taking a step back to start all over again. Roman is the antithesis to Rex. Look at how he handled Tyrod Taylor? He was aware of TT's limitations as an inexperienced qb and managed his limitations very smartly. The outcome was that he got as much production out of him as was possible. This season I'm confident that the playbook will be expanded and his responsibilities will be increased. Roman also had a major deficiency on the OL, most evident on the right side. He managed that liability and still had one of the better running games in the league. My point is obvious: Good coaches manage their deficiencies and accentuate their strengths. Rex did the opposite. I still shake my head at the Rex hiring and repeatingly say: WTF!
  20. Go back and watch the last game of the season Fitz played against the Bills which left his team out of the playoffs. You can cite his last season stats as if it is his standard. It is not. The Jets know exactly what caliber of qb he is. Wretched mediocrity is not an argument for a good starter salary. The Jets and Fitz will come to an accord. It will not match what he desired. Without the Jets Fitz is retired because there is zero interest for him in the league. Without Fitz the Jets will get by with another placeholder. You make a good point with your Bledsoe analogy. The reality with Bledsoe at that stage in his career was that he was finished as a starter and as a meaningful player. So the Bills went with another option. It didn't work. So what! When you know for sure the course you are currently taking is not working then try something else. If it doesn't work out at least you tried something different.
  21. Again, not one team in the league other than the Jets has any interest in Fitz as a starter or backup. What the Jets are not going to do is over pay for Fitz. The Jets and Fitz will probably get a deal done. He will get paid what he is worth, not what Fitz currently thinks he is worth. The qb for the SB champs has absolutely nothing to do with the Fitz/Jets situation. So I don't understand the relevancy. But if you want to carry out that analogy if Peyton wanted to come back how much would the Broncos pay him? The season that Fitz had last year was an aberration. And the Jets know it. Assuming a deal gets done Fitz is not going to get what he is currently demanding for the simple reason that he is not worth it from a talent standpoint. Fitz is Fitz. And that shouldn't be forgotten.
  22. I like Clay a lot. He was a productive receiver for us. But I don't put him in the playmaker category where his mere presence opens up room for other players. If Harvin would have been more durable he would be the type of player who could be considered a playmaker and influence how the defense plays. There was a short period of time in the beginning of the season where Harvin was dynamic. But he was plagued with injuries that limited his game.
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