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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Lingering on his first two years doesn't alter his overall record with the Jets and the Bills (admittedly a small sample). Making the argument that his first two years as a HC redeemed his coaching that followed is a mistaken perspective when judging one's body of work. The bottom line is that the franchise that Rex left in chaos in NY is stabilized after he departed. The franchise that Rex went to in western NY is now in quick order in a state of chaos and destabilized. For the NY franchise with Rex's firing it was addition by his subtraction. If you want to correct the problem here the same formula should be applied.
  2. As Francesca points out Rex did have a substantial say in personnel when he was with the Jets. It was his team and it was his philosophy that guided the franchise. Now many are making the point (not necessarily you?) that he wasn't substantially responsible for the team that he was coaching. When he leaves NY order and coherency is quickly restored and the team then moves in a positive direction. Rex after being fired goes to Buffalo. In short order the team is in a state of chaos. If you want to believe that Rex isn't primarily responsible for the state of confusion that the Bills are currently in then that is your prerogative. My position regarding Rex is not only harsh but it is unshakable. When in doubt check the record. Black and white has no nuance.
  3. Overall he has a losing record and (I believe???) hasn't had a winning record in five consecutive years. He left the Jets in shambles with a four win season, and the next coach wins 10 games. If you believe that he has done a good job in his short stint with the Bills after a losing stint with the Jets then your standards are low.
  4. This link is dated January 2, 2013. Where Rex goes chaos follows and excuses spew out like an open fire hydrant. The sucker is the person who hires the huckster after the huckster has already demonstrated his flimflam act leaving carnage for others to deal with.
  5. As a part time gig Pooj does some porno acting. He goes by the name"bare back rider".
  6. Pooj couldn't make the bike ride because he was at a tailgate function. http://thebuzz.iheart.com/onair/karah-28952/buffalo-bills-fans-caught-having-sex-14182156/
  7. I have no doubt that there were any angels involved in the fracas. Things spiraled out of control to the point that the bouncers threw him out, which indicates that he was a contributor to raucous. Was the female acting crudely and out of control? Probably so. It doesn't freaking matter!Kane has no right to put his hands on her. Period! Walk away or let one of his buddies or staff intervene on his behalf. Whenever there is a 3 A.M. bar incident involving a high profiled pro athlete and combative slugs it is not surprising that the media coverage is going to spotlight the pro athlete. Instead of doing the mature thing by walking away from the conflict he engaged in it. Now he is embroiled in a legal situation. The critical issue pertaining to him has little to do with the specifics of the case so much as it has to do with his maturity level in general. He needs to grow up. I'm certainly not categorizing him as a irredeemable criminal. That would be grossly unfair. What is obvious to me is because of his repeated acts of immaturity the organization and bosses he works for are getting tired of him and his irresponsible behavior.
  8. The best and the brightest for one of the most lackluster organizations. http://search.aol.com/aol/image?q=picture+of+Alfred+E.+Neuman&v_t=wscreen50-bb
  9. If Kane gets dispatched then what do we have from the deal? I'm not rooting against Kane. But I find his behavior and his attitude disturbing. The Jets got rid of him not because he wasn't a talent; they got rid of him because of his attitude and the manner in which he related to his teammates. The same corrosive behavior is again happening at another location. And that certainly isn't a good sign!
  10. The GM that made for the deal for Kane checked with Vancouver to see if they were interested in him. The asking price was little. The Canucks said that was still too high for this scintillating talent who has the police authorities hovering over him. If Vesey would have signed with the Sabres Kane would have had a change of address.. If the GM could have a do over he would have stayed with what he had instead of sign this rogue. http://www.nhltraderumors.me/2016/07/nhl-trade-rumors-evander-kane-vancouver-canucks.html
  11. I get the impression that the team is going to keep him on the roster and then expose him in the expansion draft next year. It was reported that the GM was talking to Vancouver about him. So far nothing materialized. I believe that if Vesey would have signed with the Sabres Kane would have been dispatched.
  12. I'm not naive enough to believe that all players are angels and that it is not acceptable to have some questionable characters on your roster. That's not the real world. What bothers me the most about him is the "repeated" incidents that demonstrate that he doesn't care what others think. He is going to do whatever he wants to do no matter what. Paul Hamilton of WGR was talking about Kane and how the GM was publicly criticizing Kane for having little association with his teammates on and off the ice. He's separate from his own teammates because that's the way he wants it. He simply doesn't care. It's obvious Winnipeg knew who and what Kane was and now we are finding out. The Sabres were tantalized by Kane's talents, espeically his goal scoring talent. The bottom line is that we got hustled in that deal.
  13. MG certainly isn't an all-star but that doesn't mean he can't be a positive contributor and have a useful role. You may have completely dismissed him as a player but I haven't. Sometimes even when you don't play the odds you can still get a good return. Your door may be closed and locked but my door is still left open. If he doesn't work out then you move on to the next option.
  14. I'm an avid Sabres fan. Even for someone who is a staunch partisan it is obvious to me that Kane is an unsavory character. Regardless what the circumstances were at the bar his getting physical with a woman is very disturbing. I'm surprised an assault charge wasn't included in the charges he is facing.
  15. I stand corrected. I would take Harbaugh over Rex without much consideration.
  16. I would trade John Harbaugh for Rex Ryan in a nanosecond, and so would every GM in the league.
  17. I hope everything works out well for your sister. When you see people who live with constant pain that puts things in proper perspective for the rest of us. .
  18. Ravens 24 Buffalo 17 The Ravens have a more mature and disciplined coach. and team. I don''t blame Rex for the Henderson and Dareus situation. However, the lack of maturity and discipline by too many players is hurting this franchise.
  19. Succinctly stated and well stated. Rex has been in the league for quite some time and he has been a HC for extended period of time. So the problem certainly isn't a lack of experience.. One hallmark of the league is the on field and work rule changes.That's the nature of the environment he works in. If a HC can't adequately adjust to the constant state of flux in the workplace he will fail. It's not surprising that Rex has lost more games than he has won. The inordinate amount of attention Rex garners has little to do with his success rate.
  20. I don't want to demonize Rex to the extent that all the deficiencies that the team has are his fault. That's not fair. Because of the cap and injuries all teams have to deal with their particular deficiencies. One of my main criticisms of him is that he isn't very adept at adjusting to his defense's limitations. What I find to be a peculiar defense of Rex is that the longer players play in his system the more comfortable they will become with it. That's the central point of my strong criticism of him. As demonstrated by last year he should have adapted better to the players he had on hand instead of the other way around. When you look at playoff coaches such as Bellickick, Kubiak, Harbaugh, Ariens, Tomlin, Carrol. Reid, Rivera etc what you don't see is the constant swirl of distracting frivolity and commentary emanating from the HCs of their respective teams. How does a HC instill discipline on his team when he himself lacks it? Last year, I thought Greg Roman did a masterful job of managing an inexperienced qb with unique talents and bringing him along. The OC relied more on the run than most teams did because that was the right approach for this team and its evolving qb. Or another way of describing the job he did is that he adapted to the talent he had on hand and to the circumstance he was in. In my opinion there was an order and a discipline to what he was doing in contrast to what the flailing Rex was doing on the other side of the ball. The most compelling story line for me in this upcoming season is going to be how Tyrod Taylor plays. The least appealing story line is going to be how the bombastic HC behaves on the sidelines and listening to what he says at the podium. The remedy to that is simply tuning him out.
  21. I'm going with 8-8 and not making the playoffs. The longer Rex coaches the more tiresome he will get. His biggest weakness is that he isn't adept at adjusting to the talents of the players he has on had. What will make this team interesting to watch is TT and the offense making plenty of big plays. Don't be surprised if you hear rumblings from anonymous sources at OBD that they wished the more mature Roman was the HC instead of the current jingoistic and demonstrative HC. Why do people ask for one's honest opinion? Is that in contrast to asking for one's dishonest opinion?
  22. If his writing makes you so miserable why do you read his articles? Next time check the by-lines and if his name is on it skip the article. Simple solution for a simple problem. When you go out to eat do you order fish from the wide ranging menu and then declare that you hate fish?
  23. There are opinions of his I agree with and there are opinions I don't. He certainly can be obnoxious and irritating. However, what he is not going to do is be schmoozed by an organization into softening his opinions regarding its performances and decisions. No doubt he has deliberately cultivated a harsh critic persona and shtick to garner attention. But I'm going to give him credit for not being afraid to ask the pointed questions in the press conferences after one of the many sloppy performances. There are more than enough fawning reporters in the room who accept the sacharine responses from the podium. He's not one of them. For that I give him credit.
  24. What does it mean being an insider? There are other BN reporters who are inside the room. So what! Even if the BN reporters were shut out of the room, who cares? It's much more meaningful reporting on the games that are played than on reporting on some bullshiiit scoop about some players and coaches giving some inside information in the smelly locker room to cover their arses? Sully is giving his opinion about the upcoming season. You disagree with it. That doesn't mean that Sully's negative opinion is implausible. It certainly is. There are plenty of football analysts outside of Buffalo who are not invested in the home team who don't believe that Buffalo is a playoff team. My point being that Sully is far from being off the wall with his prediction.
  25. He's not interested in being an insider. That's not his job. There are other reporters who have better access than he does. So what? He can form his own opinions by watching the product outside of the inside room and then write his opinions based on the results. The team has been out of the playoffs for 16 consecutive years while functioning in a system designed for parity. What do you want him to do? Praise the organization for the smart way it does its job? Jerry Sullivan is a perennial cynic. There is a remedy to his jaundiced eye: play more intelligently, win more games and qualify for the playoffs. This team's record for a generation is mediocre. The problems afflicting this organization have nothing to do with the ornery people who comment on it; the substantive issue is how the organization and team perform in a bottom line business of wins and losses.
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