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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. He is a young defenseman who in my estimation is getting better. It's interesting how two people can be watching the same player and come to different conclusions. (I'm not saying your view of McCabe is wrong but I do view it very differently.) The analyst for the game, May, stated that he felt that McCabe played very well in this game. Without concern to the pairings I do want to see Kulikov and Bogosian get back into action. From what has been reported Kulikov is expected back soon. As far as making questionable decisions it's my opinion that Kulikov has a tendency to be more prone to make mistakes than McCabe. Even with that assessment I still want Kulikov back to help bolster the defense corps.
  2. Because of the fast pace style of play of the Rangers it was a fun game to watch. As you and others have stated this Gotham team is fast and plays a north/south brand of game. The pace of the game, mostly forced by the Rangers, never ceased. To the Sabres credit they kept up and at times put on sustained pressure on their end. Now that Eichel is back I'm hoping that the two top lines will solidify and get better the more they play together. I still believe and see evidence of it that Kane is playing better and is trying to adjust his game to fit in with his linemates. His effort on the failed breakaway where he then continued to dig and regain the puck resulted in an Eichel score was encouraging. It is really remarkable how one dynamic player can elevate a team. I thought that McCabe played a superb game. He continues to add to his game and is becoming much more assertive on offense. On one sequence where we scored he was the player who dominated the possession.
  3. If Eichel can get Kane going then that will be a double bonus. If Kane doesn't quickly mesh with this linemates it will be quickly altered. Kane has frustrated me more than any player on the team. The talent is there but the feel for the game is not.
  4. No one can argue that Cardale wasn't a raw prospect who was going to take a few years to get to the point where one can make a fair judgment on him. No one can argue that he doesn't have physical tools to work with and polish. However, when I watch Russell or Carr or Prescott I see players who were more advanced and polished when they were being evaluated in their respective drafts. Our organization passed on those better prospects. None of the listed prospects had to be drafted near the top of the draft. With Carr we could have traded down in the first round and still have acquired him. I'm happy with the Jacksonville win yet I came away disappointed with the realization that is now more confirmed that TT simply isn't a franchise qb. If you can't make reads and go through your progressions then you will not be a quality starter in the NFL. As discussed on WGR the player who is most diminished because of the flaws in Tyrod's game is Clay. He is a good receiving TE who can't be utilized properly because of the play of the qb. I'm not a TT basher. Quite the contrary, I have been a strong advocate for him with the expectation that he would get better. But it it is evident to me that the flaws in his came relate to the innate aspect of the position which he simply doesn't have. My frustration with this organization, and especially the front office, is that if it would have made securing the qb position a priority in the draft and been smart about it over the past number of years (Not the EJ desperation pick approach) this team would be a serious team in the league instead of a team wallowing in the ranks of interminable. mediocrity.
  5. You succinctly describe the issues that prevent Kane from realizing his potential. He has the physical talents to be successful but he doesn't know how to translate those talents into a more refined style of play. He plays as if he is in the juniors where physical abilities alone are enough to prevail in that type of setting. That type of mostly physical and little intelligence approach to the game in highest ranks in the sport is not going to work, and will never work. There comes a point when a player is not receptive to coaching and team play he will inevitably be moved. Then another team will become infatuated with his raw talents and take a chance on him. Then the "get him out of here" process will repeat itself. If Kane doesn't soon change his mind-set he is going to be a vagabond player who eventually may see the light when his career is past his prime. The Sabres are not loaded with scoring talent. It's exasperating to watch a needed player squander his talents and hurt/not help the team he is on.
  6. Most people would agree that the injuries for a team with little margin of error to work with have impacted their play. Let's put things in perspective most fans who were reasonable in assessing this team before the season started believed that it was a team capable of competing for a low playoff spot. As it stands although the team's record is disappointing this team still can qualify for a late playoff position. Last year, in the second half of the season, the team played at a level that would have qualified them for a low playoff spot if they played close to the same rate in the first half of the season. This team is still garnering points at a faster clip than it did the first half of the prior season. I'm hoping with the return of Jack that it will positively affect Okposo and even Kane, whom I am very disappointed in. He has lost confidence and is playing like he is in a funk. What is most frustrating is watching an offense that is so impotent. Little entertainment value! I'm hanging in there and hoping that eventually the tide will turn and this team will be in the playoff hunt. If not, then what I will be looking for is some of the young players such as Foligno, Carrier and McCabe to steadily get better.
  7. Two young players who have impressed me this year are Taylor Hall of Jersey and Detroit's Dylan Larkin. As others have said the Sabres had their chances. Reinhart missed an open net and Moulson hit the pipe when the goalie was down and a big chunk of the net was open. I understand why the referee blew the whistle when he lost sight of the puck nullifying a score but the puck was still in play. Simply tough luck.
  8. There is no doubt that with the return of Eichel it will be a major boost for the team and the offense. Unquestionably he is our best player. However, the one player I'm intensely watching is Kane. There is no disputing his raw talent. He is physically tough, can skate, consistently gives a strong effort and can score. But it's obvious that his abundant skill set hasn't translated into commensurate production. Evander is a player who plays an untamed style of game. He is all over the place. The problem with that undisciplined style of game is that it affects his linemates. Yesterday I witnessed a greater effort to play within the confines of the unit. And because of that I felt that he played one of his best games. The challenge for the coaching staff is to harness his lone ranger style of game to a level that it will also pay dividends for himself and his linemates. It's a delicate balance to not over restrict him and allow him to play his looser style of play within reason. If Kane's talents can be maximized with smart coaching and a recognition and receptivity by the player to do what is best for him and the team then I will not only be happy but will also elevate my expectations for the season.
  9. Bylsma was on WGR today and was discreet on how he discussed the Risto stick breaking episodes and his feelings toward them. On WGR it was reported that Risto and the coach were seen arguing on the bench after the coach didn't put him out on a PP because the defenseman was obstinate about changing to a more durable stick. Risto ended changing his stick and earning an assist after the stick change. This link is a WGR post from Paul Hamilton and deals with the stick issue and the timetable for the return of some of the injured players. It is encouraging. http://www.wgr550.com/Sabres-Ristolainen-doesn-t-know-if-he-ll-change-st/22942325
  10. The thing about Reinhart is that his style of play can best be described as being subtle and quiet. There is an intellectual and intuitive nature to his game that you can't teach: either you have it or not. The paradox is that when he scores he is usually in front of the net acquiring dirty goals demonstrating his toughness. It is going to be interesting to see how the coach constructs his lines when O'Reilly and Jack get back. As I said in a prior post I though Kane worked well with Okposo in yesterday's game.
  11. Okposo was our best player tonight. He is a tremendous addition who is still adjusting. I thought Kane playing on a line with him played very well. Foligno had the best goal in this game. He is a strong player who has some skill. He has an obvious presence because of his muscular play. I thought Lehner had a strong game. Having two good goaltenders is not a problem. It is an asset.
  12. Our GM is a person who likes to make deals. He is not afraid to make mistakes or is the type of person who looks back and broods about the "what ifs" of a deal made or not. If I had to venture a guess of some of the players who might be available as the season advances I would say Girgensons, Ennis and Kane. I like Ennis and like his creativity with the puck. Getting him healthy and on the right line is going to be a challenge, and getting the coach to be more tolerant of his free lancing style of play is also an issue to keeping him on the roster. I am enamored with Kane's raw talents and his consistent efforts. He plays hard! However, I'm still concerned about his lack of ability to mesh with his linemates. Maybe when some of the injured players return he will be in a better position to have his production match his physical skills? Without a doubt this roster is still a work in progress. It is going to be fascinating to see what the GM has in mind in the not too distant future. It's obvious that the cautious Regier is not our current GMs role model
  13. I see him as a third line center at best. But even with that slotting it is obvious that he is not a fit (as you also stated) with this team. When I made the observation about how he was performing under this current regime I wasn't assessing blame. I was simply pointing out that in the system he was playing under he was not only ineffective but also was out of place. I understand that in all sports coaches have systems. But the really good ones also know how to modify their systems to accommodate the individual talents of each player. I just don't see it here.
  14. A player that doesn't seem to fit in Bylsma's system of tightly structured play is Girgensons. I'm really disappointed in him. When you watch him play you can see and (feel) the frustration that he is enduring playing for a coach who is inhibiting him. When Girgensons played for Nolan it was a better fit. Nolan had no system other than play hard. Without a doubt Girgensons was a more liberated and better player in that more free lance approach to hockey. Girgensons had some trade value before the straitjacket was placed on him under the new regime. Now he is nearly worthless on the trade market and he is contributing little to this year's team. Zemgus certainly needs a change of scenery to get back into the flow of playing good hockey.
  15. I think it started in Vancouver. The Canadians should stick to exporting their good beer and not their hookey fan traditions!
  16. Having two good goalies is not a problem. It's an asset. I do like Nilsson a lot, even more so than Lehner. He is composed and economical with his movements. The problem with having only one good goalie is that you are vulnerable when the inevitable injuries happen. Also, it seems most goalies (not Price) not only have their fabulous streaks but also their slumps. The Penguins won a Stanley Cup when they were able to turn to their option in goalie when Fluery was hurt and struggled. Maybe as the season progresses a team like Dallas with a lot of talent and second-rate goaltending will make an attractive trade offer for a goalie. Wasn't there another city where there was another ridiculous body suit man playing to the cameras? If I had to sit near this moronic exhibitionist I would be very upset. Some people find this look at me behavior cute; I find it to be weird!
  17. Buffalo's goalie was their best player. Okposo was their best forward. Foligno was the most courageous player for them. He was battered and bruised and still kept pushing. The Penguins were obviously the better team but the Sabres played hard and were gritty. This depleted team deserved this win. The three on three overtime period was fantastic!
  18. Even if these two both turn out to be generational players that doesn't mean that one of those players can't be better than the other. I'm a Sabres fan and a devotee of Eichel. If I were asked whether I would prefer Eichel over McDavid either before the draft or now I would say with no hesitation McDavid. Eichel not only makes his linemates more effective he also infuses confidence in the rest of the team. As with McDavid what makes each a special player is that they uplift the rest of the team with their respective presence. The player in the league who most embodies the concept of elevating a team is Crosby. I would take a good big over a good small when given the option. My preference and prejudice. It is a good thing for both the Sabres and Maple Leafs to become good teams. An authentic rivalry is predicated on two good teams battling one another in meaningful games.
  19. There was no doubt by any organization in the league that McDavid was going to be the first pick in the draft. He was considered a generational player. Was Eichel considered by any teams as a more attractive prospect than Connor? Probably not. If Buffalo had the first pick last year without question McDavid would have been the selection. Almost all the Buffalo fans would agree with that ranking of the two players. I disagree with you that Marner ends up being better than Eichel. The size and power factors too much favor Eichel. If you want to get into a more balanced debate you should offer up the either/or argument between Eichel and Austin Mathews. That is a better debate question than the Marner/Eichel comparison. Another good debate issue is whether Toronto who started their rebuild after Buffalo is on a faster track to being a serious team than Buffalo is? I thought I knew the answer prior to the season but my admittedly partisan view has been shaken this season.
  20. Great hockey talk with WGR guest hosts Dan Dunleavy and Mike Robitaille today on hour #1 on the Instigator show. http://media.wgr550.com/a/117486308/11-18-the-instigators-with-guest-hosts-dan-dunleavy-and-mike-robitaille-hr-1.htm
  21. I don't simply dislike Lou's style of play I detest it. His suffocating style of play was certainly successful but it also damaged the game (product). As you stated the league had to alter their rules to counteract his intentional obstruction to the flow of the game. I'm sure you are well aware that New Jersey was known for its quiet and empty arena. Creating an environment that stifles the game is not something that I'm going to salute. It also has to be noted that Lou was recently brought into the organization. The rebuilding process was begun before he joined the team. That is not to diminish Lou's ability to build a strong organization that can sustain a franchise. But in general hockey troglodytes with their tight trapping approach to the game was the antithesis and nemesis of showcasing the magnificent talent and beauty of the game. Professional sports are not only about winning and competing it is also entertainment. Ugly chopped up hockey is not worth watching and paying for from a fan standpoint.
  22. I'm sure the team is going to be hurt. One of my primary points for singling out Hall with Jersey is that he represents a major organizational philosophical change from the dinosaur Lou Lamorillo clamp down defensive style of play to a more skilled and offensive style of play. If you don't play an entertaining brand of hockey you end up playing to an empty and quiet arena. Just a side note regarding Taylor Hall: He is terrific! I didn't get to see him very much when he played out west but in the couple of games I saw him this year he captivated me with his glaring talent and scintillating style of play.
  23. You certainly can compare them to another rebuilding team such as Toronto. Toronto started a year of so behind Buffalo in the rebuilding process so it isn't unfair to compare their rate of improvement to ours. Is Buffalo ahead of Toronto? Most analysts prior to the season felt that Buffalo was a year or two ahead of Toronto in this excruciating process. But even making allowances for our injury epidemic I can't now say for sure that we are ahead, and even if we are a legitimate argument can be made that they are on a faster track to being a serious team than we are. New Jersey is another team that is rebuilding not only their team but also their organization and identity after the exiling of old school GM Lou Lamorillo. They are trying to reconstruct their roster to make it a more skilled offensive team rather than a lock down defensive team that puts the diminishing audience in a deep slumber. The acquisition of Taylor Hall exemplifies that philosophical change.
  24. For the second half of last season we had a good enough record to have qualified for one of the lower playoff positions. So that tells you that the Sabres were an ascending team. But when you look at the Sabres you just can't evaluate them against themselves. Other organizations are also committed to getting better. Toronto has gotten to the point in their rebuilding process where the organization has established a plan and are now fully committed to implementing it. No one can deny that they have made major strides over the past couple of years. Montreal is certainly elevated with the return of their exceptional goalie, Price. Jersey is another team that is in the process of reconstructing its roster so that it is less of an old school defensive makeup to a fast paced team that can skate and score. When the Sabres played Jersey without a doubt the best player on the ice was Taylor Hall, a player they got in a trade. My central point is when evaluating how the Sabres are doing in their rebuild it has to be seen relative to other teams that are also improving. I'm not declaring that this is a failed team but I am saying that this team still has a way to go before becoming a serious team.
  25. I don't fully agree with you that his shot is weak. The problem with his shot is that too often he shoots from the perimeter when there is no screen and the goalie has a clear view of his shot. The goalies in the NHL are too good to not stop a puck that they can see. The problem with his proclivity of shooting for the sake of shooting is that after a miss or a stop the opposition ends up quickly moving the puck up the other way. It just doesn't seem that he understands the difference between the quantity of shots as opposed to the quality of shots. Could you imagine if Kane with his raw talent had the hockey intelligence of Rhinehart? Needless to say Evander Kane must be a frustrating player to coach and be a teammate with. https://www.nhl.com/sabres/video/reinharts-power-play-goal/t-277437090/c-46386503
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