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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. The Bills have floundered before Rex arrived and they have floundered after his arrival. I'm not a Rex supporter and never have been. But with conviction I believe that until the qb position is upgraded the mediocre results will continue no matter who is the coach.
  2. Unless there is a total collapse the rest of the season I believe that Rex will be back next year. The sideline prancing coach realizes that this is his last coaching gig before he hits the studio. So every extra year that he stretches out being on the sidelines with his cool sunglasses is a bonus for him. This was a foolish hire that certainly wasn't based on a successful stint when he was in NY. Overall, he had a losing record in NY and the longer he was with the team the steeper was the decline. Some salesmen are more adept at having the spotlight placed on them and deflecting attention away from the product. Kim Pegula didn't want the Bills to be a nondescript franchise so she mistakenly became enamored with the engaging applicant instead of focusing on the substance of the issue at hand. It's very easy to demonize Rex. But even with his departure it doesn't mean that success will follow. In reality, it doesn't matter who the HC is if the caliber of quaterbacking remains the same. The results will continue to be mediocre until the person taking the snaps is of a higher quality. Analyzing what the main problem is not too difficult to do. Finding a credible solution to the qb conundrum is the challenge that this organization has been struggling with for two consecutive decades.
  3. I have on countless occasions been making the same point for the need of a franchise qb (as most people have) in order for us to be a serious team. What is obvious is obvious. Since the hiring of this loquacious coach I have strenuously voiced my opinion that Rex is a huckster who from a coaching philosophy is outdated and out of step with the NFL of today. When you make an important hire and it is a bad hire the consequences are predictable. The worst part of the damage is that you have to go back to the drawing board and start all over again. The cycle of foolishness goes around and around.
  4. Whaley was in the room when the coaches were selected. Especially with Rex if he had major reservations he should have asserted himself. That's on him. As far as the current qb I don't know how one can say that he wasn't involved in bringing in TT. Rex certainly had a prior association with him but that isn't to say that Whaley also didn't want him. If you recall the situation Orton retired and there was a clear organizational disillusionment with EJ. Who else was out there? If you are selecting from the bottom of the barrel then you have no choice but to select from the bottom of the barrel. Throwing one's hands up in despair and doing nothing because of one's lack of quality options isn't acceptable. I'm not a harsh critic of Whaley. But let's look at the reality of the situation. This is a Whaley roster. No doubt that bringing in the buffoonish Rex with his personally designed defensive scheme required adding defensive pieces that could have been directed to the offense but Whaley and his staff for the most part were responsible for the roster. Looking at this roster what is causing most of the negativity toward it is the glaring deficiency at the qb position. That is the shadow that dims everything else about the team. Until that position is addressed little else matters.
  5. If the Bills had a Kirk Cousin type of qb who was drafted in the fourth round the atmosphere would be so much more positive. It must be remembered that Cousin's was drafted in the same year that the Skins took Robert Griffin near the top of the draft. Shanahan took a lot of grief when he selected Kirk in that particular draft. Foresight is often not appreciated until much later down the road!
  6. The Jesuits have a remedy for "deaf ears": Multiple lashes to the rear! It improves the auditory receptors. I understand the frustrations of so many because I also fall in that tormented category. What will do more to elevate the spirits of the frustrated fans is quality qbing. We haven't had it on a sustained basis for two decades. That is not acceptable.
  7. We can respectively disagree over the amount of influence that Brandon had over the football operations under the prior regime. It must be remembered that during the waning days of the Wilson ownership it was a unique situation, especially under Levy who openly acknowledges that he wasn't equipped to handle the responsibilities associated with the GM job that he undertook. If Brandon assumed too much football responsibility it wasn't because he usurped anyone else's authority. He filled a void and held the fort down. He was more than willing to turn over whatever football responsibility he had once Nix came on board. He shouldn't be condemned for that he should be credited for how he handled that turbulent period. The person who heads the football operation is Whaley. If you have issues with the direction of the team then he should be the focus of your attention. He's driving the bus.If you don't like the direction of the franchise then it would be appropriate to call for someone else to steer the vehicle. As I said in a prior post and many other posts if you want to dramatically change the dynamic of this franchise for the better then it is imperative to find an authentic franchise qb to take the snaps. That's the challenge and that's where the focus should be. Until that issue is addressed the dispiriting commentary will continue to be the same.
  8. Referring to the highlighted area do you think that the multi-billionaire Pegula is a fool? Do you think that he is going to hire an ingratiating hack to run his wide ranging sport conglomeration? Let's get serious here. Brandon had no prior association with Pegula before the team auction. If you want to be critical of Brandon for his football astuteness that is worth a discussion. But when it comes to the business side of the operation Pegula hired someone who not only knows the business and had demonstrated his competency in that area but he also hired someone who had excelled in implementing a business plan on a franchise with limitations and challenges and did a marvelous job.
  9. The Buddy Nix hire was a Ralph Wilson hire. The owner was given a list of names that Brandon and others put together. The only name that Wilson was familiar with was Nix who previously worked in the organization. Doug Marrone was under consideration by a number of teams. He was on the interview circuit and under serious consideration by other organizations. So his hiring was not an out of box hire. It's acknowledged that during his stint with the Bills that he wasn't a pleasant and engaging fellow to deal with. But it is my opinion that looking back at his tenure the team was on an upward trajectory. It was well known that the irascible Marrone clashed with Whaley over the qb situation. The unlikable Marrone was right in his assessment that the qb situation was untenable. That was a Whaley commission/omission that irked the coach very much. Brandon was in the room when prospective coaches were being interviewed by the Pegulas. Kim was smitten by Rex's presentation. (Full disclosure: I consider Rex to be a huckster and a fraud and ill-equipped to be a modern day HC in the NFL.) My understanding is that Whaley favored Hue Jackson but didn't say no to Rex's hiring. He should have been stronger and more vociferous in stating his opinion but he didn't. He went along with it. Looking back it seems people are looking for the fall-guy in the Rex hire. It was a collaborative effort as most coaching hires are. From my perspective it was a big mistake. Debating who is most responsible for that particular hire at this point is not useful. It gets you nowhere. In my opinion this was very much a Kim Pegula hire. But that is not so odd because she is an owner and has the final say. Getting back to the Brandon issue he is not now intimately involved with the specifics of the football operation because he is the CEO of the wide ranging Pegula sports conglomeration. Is he informed about the big decisions? Of course, and he should be. The issue now is looking forward and not wasting energy looking back. The one thing that will change the dynamics of this franchise more than anything else is getting a legitimate franchise qb. The Bills have had a void at that position since the retirement of Jim Kelly, two freaking decades ago. If you want to inflate a deflated franchise find a qb that can read defenses and throw accurately. Quibbling over the structure of the organization is not the real issue that is weighing down this lumbering ship.
  10. What is obvious based on Pegula's assessment/opinion of Brandon is that he has a lot of confidence in him to the point that he has expanded his role to overseeing his wide-ranging business conglomeration. Brandon didn't achieve his status with Pegula based on a long association with him because he didn't have an association with him prior to his involvement with the auction of the franchise. I don't understand how people can deny or diminish Brandon's accomplishments while working for Wilson in keeping the Bills financially viable in a rapidly changing NFL market. He not only maximized the market but he successfully expanded it making it an attractive product in auction. It must be remembered that Ralph Wilson held a tight business circle. He embraced Brandon not because he hustled his way into the tight knit circle but because he did a terrific job for him. The longer he worked for Ralph the more confidence he earned from the old school owner. Too many people are looking back to the unique circumstances at the end of the Wilson era when judging Brandon's current involvement with the football operations. At this point he is managing Pegula's conglomerate. He isn't making football decisions but that doesn't mean that he doesn't sit in the room when important decisions are made within the football operation. As far as I'm concerned that is very normal. Was Brandon involved in the football operation during the waning Wilson days? Absolutely, because he had no choice. There was a major void/vacuum during the Levy interlude. Was Brandon involved in the hiring of Rex? Probably so. But there is nothing unnatural or wrong with someone in his position to have a say in a critical hiring.
  11. I'm also a fan of Ennis. The problem I foresee is that he is playing for a coach who prefers a tight style of game over a free lance style. My philosophy on team sports is that coaches have to be less rigid and system oriented and more adaptable to the players' strengths and weaknesses. That is one of the reasons why I have so little regard for the cartoonish Rex Ryan. When he took over the reigns he took a strength and made it a weakness in his effort to make it conform to his system. He is the epitome of what happens when you hire stupid people who don't have the self-awareness to recognize how stupid they are. (I apologize for the diversion but this loquacious coach gets me fired up!!!! I'm not as pessimistic about our defense as you are, although I recognize that additions have to eventually be made. Kulokov should be back shortly and Bogo maybe in a few weeks. Guhle has demonstrated in his call up that he can play and by next year he will be an established NHLer. In addition, I'm high on McCabe (Simon is not) in that although he is not going to be an elite player he has demonstrated to me that he is going to be a good player. The more he plays the better he gets and the broader his game gets. So in general I'm not as critical as this unit as most others are. For me it is fun watching a team being pieced together after having it completely torn down. With regularity the additions are working out and now the elevator is moving up.
  12. I'm not worried about the playoff percentages and the implications for every game. If this team can string together a number of successful five game series and get back to reasonable health then the percentages, high or low, will work out in the end. As far as I am concerned if this team can stay in the hunt by the time it reaches the half way point then I'll be satisfied. With Jack in the lineup this team can score and play a fun brand of hockey. Without him in the lineup our scoring goes limp and it becomes tough to watch. It's amazing how one player can be so responsible for a team's collective confidence. That's a tribute to Jack's talent and presence. This is still an incomplete team. Our first line with O'Reilly needs another winger to balance out with Okposo. Carrier is an earnest player but he is in my estimation a third or fourth liner. The Larrson line is not the most talented but it is by far the most cohesive. Steadily, Kane seems to be getting better at meshing with Jack and Reinhardt. If they can learn to play together this line should be our best scoring line. On balance it is clear to me that this team is on an upward trajectory. We can play with the better teams in the league but because of our lack of depth the margin of error is small. In general I'm more than satisfied.
  13. The major criticism I have of the GM is the Lehner deal. I don't understand giving up a first round pick for a goalie that Ottawa wasn't interested in keeping. That first round pick could have been used for a good forward or defenseman prospect that would have been in the pipeline ready in a year or two. In general, I'm more than satisfied with his body of work. As you noted the Sabres resemble more of a mash unit than a healthy full roster. Once some of the bodies get back in action, especially on defense, there will be a more positive attitude towards this team's actual status. As far as I am concerned Guhle has earned his spot as a NHLer. I'm still hopeful about Kane getting back into the action on scoring and becoming what his talent says he should be as a player.
  14. Watkins is one of the most talented receivers in the league. The GM paid a hefty price to acquire him. The organization went out and paid a hefty contract to get a TE who can be instrumental in the passing game. The money spent on these potential play makers is basically wasted because we don't have a qb who not only under-utilizes them but also is incapable of maximizing their talents. The cascading effect on the offense of not having an accomplished passer is devastating from a variety of standpoints from talent and contract productivity. Not only is there a spillover effect on the offense but it also influences the effectiveness of the defense that is worn down from too many offensive three and outs. The qb issue hovers over this franchise like a dark cloud. Irrational organizational passivity on this issue is a virus that plagues this woebegone organization. Until this front office gets serious and acts more resolutely on this position/issue little else matters. Enough is enough!
  15. There is something amiss in this backwater organization. How does a franchise for almost a quarter of a century not find a competent long term qb in a sport that success is predicated on the caliber of qb taking the snaps? It's stupendously stupefying! In order to be a serious contender you have to have a good qb. You don't have to have a great football mind to recognize what is so obvious and basic. The Bills passed on Carr. The Bills passed on Russell Wilson. The Bills passed on Dak Prescott. The Bills passed on Kirk Cousins. The Bills passed on Paxon Lynch. (Not saying he is going to be good but he is a prospect that should have been considered.) While the Bills have taken a passive role in their quest in finding a qb other teams pass us by by seizing opportunities. Just because there are no guarantees that a selection will turn out well that doesn't mean that the the organization should be immobilized by fright by being aggressive in their pursuit of a qb. The Broncos won the SB last year. They let Osweiller walk because they wouldn't go beyond what they felt he was worth. John Elway then aggressively traded back into the first round to pick Lynch, a qb that the Cowboys coveted. The point is that the Broncos were aggressive in selecting another qb even though they had another young qb on their roster, Trevor Siemian. Does anyone seriously believe that next year the situation will be any different if the qb staffing remains the same? Pegula put a lot of cash on the table to buy the Bills. Unless something is dramatically altered within this bedraggled organization this perpetual cycle of futility will continue. He deserves better and the fans deserve better. You don't have to be a Sherlock Holmes to figure out why this team is mediocre. Unless you have a quality starting qb you have no chance for success in this sport. Of course you have to have other ingredients but if you don't have the qb position solidified nothing else matters.
  16. Most often drinking wine is more soothing than watching a Buffalo sports' team!
  17. If there is no trust in the current staff then that calls for a change. Instead of adding another layer to the organization that would question/review the decisions of the front office then it would be better to find staffing that you trust in. I believe that Whaley is a solid GM. I wouldn't rank him as a top tier GM but I do consider him to be competent. My feelings toward Rex are much more negative. However, if Whaley can't adequately address the qb issue in the not too distant future he should be relieved of his duties. Then the owner should find someone else who is better at finding qb talent in the draft or wherever. This void at the qb position has been going on for more than two decades. Enough is enough!
  18. I don't understand the appeal of a football czar (not suggesting that you are advocating it) to alter the staffing and/or organizational structure. If a czar is brought in is it temporary just to assist in making changes? Or is it another organizational layer that a GM has to be concerned with as he manages the football operation. I'm not a Rex Ryan fan, and never have been. My preference would be to jettison him. But with or without the talkative HC the primary issue for this troubled organization is the same that it has been since the retirement of Jim Kelly over twenty years ago i.e. is to find a credible replacement. The first priority for this organization is to make it a priority to find a quality franchise qb with the realization that if a selection is made for a qb and it doesn't work out that the pursuit for a qb will still resolutely continue until the position is properly addressed. I'm not saying anything profound; I'm only stating the obvious. Nothing changes until a quality qb is taking the snaps. Something is inherently wrong with an organization that can not over a two decade period come up with a legitimate franchise qb who gives your team a reasonable chance to compete. It's gotten to the point that it is not only aggravating but it is also stupid!
  19. I never suggested a tank. I said the exact opposite that it isn't required to get a good qb! Tanking would be a self-destructive approach to take that would set this plagued franchise even further!
  20. The Bills don't need to tank. Carr was drafted at the top of the second round. The Bills passed on him. Russell Wilson was drafted in the third round. The Bills passed on him. Dak Prescott was drafted in the fourth round so we would have needed to take him with a third round pick. The Bills passed on him. The Broncos after winning the SB moved back into the first round to take Paxon Lynch. The Bills passed on him. Is he going to be any good? Who knows? At least he is on the Bronco roster and they will soon find out. The Bills are a systemically mediocre organization because they make the same moronic mistake thinking that they can get by without aggressively pursuing qb talent. Kirk Cousins was drafted in the fourth round in the same draft year that the Skins took Griffin with a top pick. The Bills passed on Cousins.
  21. You accelerate the rebuild by finding a franchise qb. If you have a franchise qb you can have an incomplete roster and still compete at a high level. The Raiders have a potent offense with a superb OL and an upcoming qb. Their defense is far from being a high end defense. Yet they are serious SB contenders. The central point is obvious: It doesn't matter how well your roster is constructed if you don't have a good starting qb you get nowhere. Shady McCoy is one of the best backs in the league. It doesn't matter because his performances are squandered because we don't have a legitimate starting qb. Watkins is one of the most talented receivers in the league. His talents are wasted because the mediocre qb he plays with can't get him the ball. Clay is a good TE who the organization paid a lot of money to. His talents and cap investments are wasted because the qb throwing to him is a better runner than a passer. The Raiders started their rebuild a few years ago. Once they secured their qb, Carr, a qb we bypassed, the team was on its way toward success. The Bills have not had a legitimate starting qb for a generation. The record clearly reflects it.
  22. You make your own luck by using picks to select qbs until you hit on the right one. We had the opportunity to draft Russell Wilson in the third round but we passed on him. We had the opportunity to draft Dak Prescott in the third round but we passed on him. We had the opportunity to draft Bridgewater but we passed. Until the qb position is solidified you get nowhere. If you miss then keeping trying until it works out. Nothing meaningful can be accomplished until a legitimate franchise qb is secured.
  23. Reggie McKenzie, the GM for the Raiders, started a major rebuild a few years ago. He put together a dominant OL, built mostly through free agency and drafted his top tier young franchise qb at the top of the second round. Their offense is one of the the most explosive offenses in the league being proficient in both the run and passing game. It is not unfair to compare how the Bills and Raiders have done under their respective GMs during the past few years. What is most infuriating is that the Bills had an opportunity to draft Carr with a trade down in the first round and secure a franchise qb that has eluded this bedraggled franchise since the retirement of Jim Kelly nearly a quarter century ago. The Raiders are now serious SB contenders. The Bills continue to flounder. What is keeping our franchise stuck in the mud of generational mediocrity is its own ineptitude!
  24. The take aways from this unaesthetic and choppy game was Guhle's poised play and that Kane finally scored. Guhle can skate, he played a smart simple game where he quickly moved the puck out and he has an accurate shot. When watching this game you want someone to beat the heck out of Brad Marchand, one of the most annoying players in the league and one of the hardest playing players in the league. If he played for your team he would be adored, if not, he would be despised. He's certainly an instigating character.
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