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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Simple solution to being on the fence: Just get off of the freaking fence before your balls get stuck in between the slats. Then you will be doing some howling. Another recommendation you should consider is don't listen to Plenzmd on the Kane issue. As far as Kane wanting to stay in Buffalo, or any player for that matter, is to make it a more appealing destination by winning more and becoming a serious team.
  2. Do you know where he has max value? In Buffalo! As Corner pointed out the GM made a bonanza deal and in that multi-player transaction he got a potent goal scorer for a team that doesn't have an excess of goal scorers. So in essence what you are recommending is that although the GM did get a significant return in his major deal the next course of action should be to give away the return which is a prize acquisition. That makes no sense to me. What is forgotten about Kane is that he adds a dimension of toughness and grit to this team. He is one of our best forecheckers, plays on the power play and kills penalties. When Boston Jack gets abused he and Foligno act as the Sheriffs upholding the code. Someone brought up the point that the farm system is loaded with forwards. Who? There is no player in the system who plays a tough brand of hockey and can also score goals. What is also perplexing is the fretting over our cap situation years down the line. Making rash decisions in the moment to address a potential problem down the line only sets this franchise back when it belatedly is starting to move forward. Let's play it out and then address what needs to be addressed. For those who have problems with arithmetic: Subtraction is not addition.
  3. John, if you have any questions regarding an injury due to an accident call a personal injury attorney's office and talk to the office about your situation. If there is merit to your case they will let you know. You don't have to limit yourself to one lawyer. Call a few of them and if they all say the same thing then you know what you are dealing with. A while back I had an injury on the job. It resulted in a fractured femur. After talking to one of the top personal attorney's practices it was quickly concluded that this case was a simple worker's compensation case. You need to be aware that if you are pursuing a liability case it could affect or put on hold your worker's compensation claim. I ended up creating a problem with the medical payments because of the competing processes. So be aware of that issue.
  4. Do you finally see what I have been talking about? Zealotry isn't necessarily irrationality! When the replay was shown in Kane's crash into the wall it looked like he was hurt. Hopefully, he is okay with no lingering effects. I was worried that the Sabres had tired legs after yesterday's road game with Jersey. It seemed that way for two periods where the rested Sharks were much more lively on the ice. The Sabres got their juice back in the third period and played with desperation. It was a good win. The observation was made by Rob Ray and it was a keen point. The Sabres need to shoot the puck more instead of trying to make the precise pass. When things are not happening then just throw the puck on net and hope to get lucky. The attached link shows Kanes winning goal. That was a full speed crash. https://www.nhl.com/video/kane-roofs-game-winner-in-ot/t-277350912/c-49211303
  5. It is both. He's an empty vessel. You may not believe that it is possible but I do. During the labor negotiations there was a standing bet on the side of the union to predict how long before he would erupt and have to be excused because he was a raging lunatic. The meetings went on him without him and the negotiations continued. Let's just leave this issue and move on. We are both arguing in circles and nothing is to be gained. No rancor just pleasantly walking away.
  6. You are off the mark. We are both very much in agreement about Goodell. To say that we have opposite takes is another perplexing interpretation coming from you on this topic. How you come to your conclusion is baffling? But that's okay. We have exhausted the issue and are now dancing in circles to different music.
  7. I'm not trying to be difficult for the sake of being difficult here. With respect to the highlighted area I have no clue what your response means. It seems nonsensical to me. Again, I'm not trying to argue for the sake of arguing but your highlighted comment has me confused.
  8. In the end the owners got exactly what they deserved: Robert Kraft hoisting the trophy and basically tell them all to shove it up your stinking pie hole.
  9. With respect to the highlighted area I'm confident that the league would still be raking in the money even without this clumsy commissioner. You know very well most of the money comes from TV revenues. RG is not the main instrument in those negotiations. The owners would never trust this volatile and emotional man to do the cold blooded and gritty negotiating for them.
  10. You are again missing the point. It's obvious that he felt compelled to act because of the pressure from the other jealous owners. Who is saying otherwise? The point that I am making and that you aren't grasping is that this hollow man with no principles other than to do whatever he had to survive in a treacherous work environment is an unethical and dishonest piece of crap. If you can't understand that simple point then I don't know what else to say. Of course I know Goodell was doing the bidding of the other owners. That is as obvious as saying that Trump has problems handling criticism. You are not adding anything new to this discussion with that repeated point. The bungling Goodell allowed the situation to get so out of hand that most of the owners who were hiding behind the curtain like jealous school girls later wanted this uncontrollable fire to end. The empty suit was so invested in protecting his shattered shield that his mountainous ego would not allow a pathway to a quicker and more rational resolution. Something that even the cowardly owners wanted toward the end of this tawdry and laughable episode. Capiche? Goodell demonstrated his love by betraying him in order to ingratiate himself with the rest of the bosses. What weasels know how to do well is survive and maneuver within a treacherous environment. The only thing that Roger is good at is surviving. You can be confident that Goodell's purported love for Kraft will never be rekindled by the proud owner. He is never going to forget, and he shouldn't.
  11. There is a simple explanation for the steady stream of boondoggles: Incompetence. Instead of professionalizing the handling of disciplinary issues he personalized it. The office handling discipline issues should have been staffed with professionals who objectively investigate cases. Roger's talents have little to do with his adroitness in the management realm. He is a weasel. He knows how to maneuver and ingratiate himself to get a position and retain his position. The problem is that he isn't capable as a leader and manager in the position. Or another way of saying it he is a tool. If you have little pride it's still a worthwhile endeavor because it pays well. The reality for shallow people like him is that the less they actually do the better off the business functions. The more active and involved he gets the more chaotic and complex problems become. My advice to him would be to stay silent and inactive and enjoy the perks. His legacy has already been written. Trust me it's nothing to be proud of.
  12. What makes you think Buffalo is a rebuilding team? Just curious. Have you heard some pronouncements from the team that I missed?
  13. As a public service could you ferociously root against the Bills?
  14. A person can be vacuous and incompetent. But that isn't what makes me most contemptuous of him. It is his lack of integrity and honesty. He was on a campaign to destroy someone when he knew very early that that there was no provable case and precedent for his actions. He did whatever he wanted to do not because of the merits of the case but because he had the authority to demonstrate his authority. He acted like a two bit African potentate who crushes people who have the audacity to challenge him. He was too arrogant and pompous to be shameless about his behavior. In this ridiculously stupid saga there were many points where he had the opportunity to come to some accommodation and conclude this ludicrous situation. He wouldn't or couldn't because of his own character flaws. Brady's reputation is in tact. This clown's reputation is forever besmirched. And this fool probably isn't self-aware enough to be aware that is is being snickered at. In Texas they say "big hat no cattle". In NY they say "big office no substance".
  15. There is a brand of bottled up hockey that kills the flow of the game. This game was an example of it. I'm not blaming the Sabres for their play in this game. It wasn't the best effort but they were playing against a style of play that has to be frustrating to play against. Although I do like hockey and avidly follow the Sabres I switched the channel to watch a NBA game that turned into a classic game, the OT game between the Wizards and Cavaliers. I don't know what the solution is? Make more obstruction calls? I'm not even sure if the rule applies. This type of clogging the middle with everyone in a defensive mode is bogging down the game and making it unappealing to watch. People who pay good money to watch this aggravating style of game are being fleeced. There is no entertainment value to that type of game that is intensely coached into the team. The purpose of this inhibiting style of play is obvious. It is to suppress the exhibition of talent of the other team. The irony with the Devils is that they do have some talent on their roster but it is submerged by the philosophy they play by. I'm not putting up with it. I'm turning the channel and watching something else or do something else. Garbage is garbage.
  16. The whole episode was a fiasco because it wasn't really about the condition of the footballs. That is blatantly obvious. You can be blind and still see this facade. That it is why the commissioner and the owners look like fools now. How do you think these jealous losers feel when Kraft raised the Lombardi trophy? He was symbolically saying to them, especially the Colt owner, I should shove this grand trophy up your collective losing arses. Roger gets paid a lot of money to do the dirty work of the owners and be the target so the arrows don't go to them. That doesn't mean that because he is doing what he is paid to do that he isn't an insufferable fool and lacks integrity. He's the shoe shine boy who cleans the shiit that the owners step into. Just because he is a well paid stooge that doesn't mean I have to respect this hollow man.
  17. The problem isn't that his game regressed as it didn't advance. That's what the organization witnessed watching him this year. There were specific areas of weaknesses that he had in the first year he started. The same weaknesses were evident in his second year as a starter. No one can complain with TT's work ethic and his professionalism. However, what is telling to the point of being disturbing is that although he put in the effort to work on his deficiencies he still didn't improve in those areas. Does anyone doubt that if TT exhibited a marked improvement from his first year to the second year that this organization would not only embrace him but from a contract standpoint lock him up? You don't have to be an insider to realize what the organization's position is with respect to TT? They are not enamored with him. The issue then is what are its options? If the GM had a better option he would without hesitation take it. As it stands he is holding out as long as possible in making any commitment to him until there is no other option.
  18. The person who doesn't deserve respect is Goodell. In my opinion he abused his authority and turned a minor infraction, if it was even that, into a two year crusade of vindictiveness. His lack of judgment and proportion was fueled by his arrogant and imperious attitude toward anyone who was bold enough to disagree with him. After the deflategate saga was finished the Steelers were found to be using deflated balls in a cold weather game. The penalty for that miniscule infraction, if it was even an infraction, was a small fine. That glaring inconsistency in handling a similar behavior underscores how erratic and inconsistent this fool exercises his authority. Roger Goodell has many times over abused his authority. He is not entitled to be automatically respected because of the office he holds. Mockery is a more appropriate response to this insufferable fool.
  19. I agree. The hiring of McDermott was a recognition by the owner that he needed a dramatic change of environment from the previous regime. Not only did I like the hire but I also liked McDermott's hiring of assistants. There should be more structure, discipline and accountability. He certainly has a base scheme that he favors but more importantly he realizes that you have to adjust your schemes to the talent you have on hand.
  20. Being around a battered and bruised and delusional fan base is depressing enough. I prefer to be in seclusion. The only parade being held in Buffalo has to do with the Polish, Italian and Irish pride day in their respective segregated communities. I tried watching the Jersey/Buffalo game. I can't stomach the Jersey style of play that kills the flow of the game. Whether it is called trapping hockey, defensive hockey or tight hockey it is too unpalatable to watch. I turned the station and watched a classic NBA game that went into overtime between the Wizards and Cavaliers. LeBron made an incredible shot to put the game into overtime where they then won the game.
  21. No deal. I respect the best and will acknowledge the best. Being a Bills fan I am awed at what the Bean Towners have accomplished and on the other hand am contemptuous of the hometown team's ineptitude. It's shameful and embarrassing. Can you come up with any other more reasonable conditions that I can abide by?
  22. If the Bills come away with Mahomes in this draft I will stop my campaign of harassing you. If the Bills use their first pick on a DB and don't come away with a serious qb prospect I will forever hold you responsible. Then the guerrilla war will never end.
  23. You are trying to provoke me! You know very dam well that the mention of the phrase neutral trap is a stimulus that makes me react with revulsion. You are a sly provocateur! Just because of your antagonism I will escalate my Evander Kane must stay campaign to an even more zealous level.
  24. I'm not going to disagree with you that having the best qb in the history of the game is a major reason for their success but it goes beyond this one phenomenal player. The Pats approach to roster building from a talent and cap value system is cold bloody analystical. As and example they traded away Jamie Collins, one of the better LBs in the league, for a draft pick because they knew they couldn't sign him at the price they wanted this offseason. The defense didn't skip a beat. Their organization is one of the most successful organizations in modern history because they are arguably the best in managing their roster and cap.
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