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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I'm not suggesting that Dareus is a bad dude. Because I don't believe that. But what is known about him based on his behavior over the past few years is that he is immature and undisciplined. He is the type of player who has to be closely supervised and hectored in order to keep him in line. He has deservedly lost the benefit of the doubt with his teammates and organization. What is his value on the market knowing that he is hanging by a thread for future severe disciplinary action because of prior conduct? Not as great as many people believe. Dareus has all pro talent. Interior pass rushers are a highly prized commodity. But his history of trouble has diminished his value on the market. I'm hoping that with a new coaching staff he can start fresh and more consistently actualize his abundant talents. From what I understand the defensive line coach is an arse kicking former Marine who is not going to allow any player he is coaching to be a wayward player.
  2. Not many organizations are going to publicly admit that they made a glaring mistake with their second round qb selection. The leaks were coming out at a open fire hydrant rate from multi-sources within the organization (including players and coaches) that he was hideously inaccurate. The Bills also went through the same reluctance to admit publicly that their first round qb selection, EJ, was also a big mistake. It was tough to hide when the former HC, Marrone, was vocally leading the pack to get him an alternative qb because with EJ taking the snaps he felt it was a hopeless situation.
  3. The Bills have not had a franchise qb for twenty years. The Bills have the embarrassing distinction of not making the playoffs for 18 consecutive years (counting this coming season). The Bills have constantly turned over its staff as if magic is waiting in the wings with a new hire. The perception of the team has nothing to do with a nondescript and outdated PR man of yesteryear. The ingrained perception of this team is earned by the long term failure on the field. PR doesn't affect the on the field product? Your quote. Absolutely not. It is as irrelevant and meaningless as Rex's bravado declarations.
  4. Alan Branch thrived under Belichick. Kyle Williams would be energized playing on a team that has a legitimate chance to make another SB run. He deserves an opportunity to play in post season games. It's not going to happen any time soon in Buffalo. His life span on the football field is nearing midnight. He should be allowed to experience late season meaningful games and post season games. Instead of playing on a team with immature players who need to be positively influenced he will playing on a team where mature behavior and attitude are expected from all players and nothing less will be tolerated.
  5. It's such a tough business for marginal and interchangeable players. Chasing the dream and being a vagabond player is tough on a family as this article points out.
  6. I respectfully disagree. If a sweetheart deal was made with Dallas and he was given a chance to finish his career on a playoff team I think that he would initially have ambivalent feelings but would embrace playing on a team that plays meaningful games at the end of the season followed by playoff games, something he hasn't ever experienced. He is a terrific person and player. He has had a very distinguished career. Someone like him doesn't deserve to finish his career on a team whose outcome for the season is predictable. This southerner deserves better than what this northern franchise is capable of giving him. He should be set free and have the opportunity to experience playing in post season games.
  7. The Bills should do the honorable thing by either trading him for next to nothing to a playoff team such as Dallas or allow him to go to a playoff ready team he prefers to go to. Although KW has had an illustrious career he never has played in a playoff game. That is a sad commentary on this ramshackle organization. Kyle should be unshackled and allowed to have a chance to experience a playoff game or more. It's not going to happen here. That' a shame. It's a disgrace and an embarrassment.
  8. His accuracy level is not adequate for the pros. It is a killer trait that can't be overcome. The Jets fell in love with the physical attributes overlooking the problems he had with his accuracy. They thought they could tinker with his mechanics to improve his precision in passing. It rarely works that way. If a qb in college isn't very accurate in college odds are that he is not going to overcome that flaw in the pros. In the pros coaches can work with an accurate college qb with poor mechanics but the success rate for inaccurate college qbs making the transition to the pros is poor. With respect to the issue of the draft the Bills are in a good position to draft a good qb prospect with their first round pick. If this organization instead decides to draft a highly ranked DB it will continue being an irrelevant franchise. Those people who are enamored with analyzing the DB crop are not giving enough attention to do what is required to do to get out of this seemingly unending rut of mediocrity: Draft a franchise capable qb.
  9. You are not the jaded Gotham Bill that I once knew. You are going soft. I'm confident that you will return to your harsher form once the Bills use their first pick on a DB.
  10. I appreciate your knowledge on the innards of the organization. I'm not disputing your knowledge of the inside of the operation. What I have been commenting on is that the side of the operation you are commenting on is less than consequential with respect to the product on the field. What happened to Berchtold is what usually happens when new ownership takes over. As I previously stated sometimes that turnover is done quickly and sometimes it is done in phases. The mere fact that it is being done now is an indication that it wasn't a priority for the new owner and his management team. It was pointed out (I don't know if it is accurate or not) that one of the reasons that Berchtold was a holdover was because of the contract he had which originated with the prior owner. I'm confident that if the new owner felt he needed to go or at least moved to another position when he first took over it would have been immediately done. What is more important to me is the relationship between the GM and the new HC and how each of them reports and have access to the owner. My point on this issue is that the administrative side of the operation has little bearing on the football operation, except for the part that deals with the budget because it is tied into the cap situation. The ancillary offices on the business side of the organization is not something to be too concerned with so far as influencing actual football decisions. (The point that John W made.) In no way should my comments be interpreted as challenging your knowledge of what happened here. Although I am unequivocally saying that it is of little significance.
  11. The PR guy has little to do with creating the perception of the brand. It's established by the play on the field. The Bills haven't been in the playoffs for more than a generation. There is no motto or theme song that is going to alter the reality that that the Bills not only reflect losing but are the embodiment of boring losers. Burrowing into the business side of the business, especially the PR office, and then concluding that it reflects anything meaningful is over-analyzing the business. The Steelers, Pats, Packers, Giants all have identities that originate from their record and performance on the field. It has little to do with administrative bosses who are inconsequential to how the respective teams are perceived by the fans. Rex originally brought a lot of attention and noise at crowded press conferences. The PR staff were ecstatic. When he was unceremoniously dumped the previous brash and bombastic press conferences that were once considered captivating were later considered foolish and intolerable to take. Berchtold staying or leaving or being promoted or demoted means absolutely nothing. It's the product. Always was and always will be. If Pegula wanted him out as soon as he took over he would have gotten him out. It was far down on the owner's thing to do list. There is nothing unusual about the old staffers being replaced by the new staffers when there is new ownership in any business. Sometimes it is summarily done and sometimes it is a phased in approach. Kirby, you are making too much of something that is very small. Don't bother with something so tangential to the operation of the franchise. Instead, how about talking about the Bills using their first pick on Mahomes or Watkins?
  12. Nylander is 18 yrs old and the youngest player in the AHL. He is at least another year or two away from being ready. It's going to take time for him to physically mature and be ready for the rigors of the NHL. This is case where by being patient you are being smart. Trust the process!
  13. The Kane issue isn't only about him adapting to other players. It has more to do with his wild horse style of play not attached to his linemates. Kane is a young player but he is also a veteran/experienced player. So it's understandable why there was less patience with his slow pace of evolving. However, any fair-minded person has to acknowledge that his looser offensive style has been steadily getting tighter.
  14. He's part of the old guard who had little relationship with the new owner. What does it mean? Not much. It probably has to do with modernizing the organization and management style. Weeding out the old guard is a normal process when new ownership takes over. How much does this do with the product on the field? Absolutely nothing. Pegula's focus of attention should be on the football operation. Substance is always a more important issue than style.
  15. Excellent post. His gradual transition as a player on your point in the highlighted area is why I am encouraged about him. It is not dramatic but it is evolving. He's getting there. Recently he has converted some of Jack's pretty passes while he was around the net. That's why I am so optimistic about him.
  16. The Edmonton situation is a little different from the Buffalo situation. In Edmonton they were trying to alter the construction of the roster. Without a doubt improving the defensive corps was an issue. But they wanted to adjust the balance from having an abundance of high end skill players and lacking tougher support players. Adding Lucic with a very rich contract (beyond his talent level/my opinion) was more than adding talent as it was getting the right mix of players. My constant duel with you over Kane has to do with the fact that I value Kane precisely because he is a multi-faceted player in that he can score and is tough. In my view when you have that type of rare player you covet it rather than shop him.
  17. Everyone in the organization was upset with Kane because his nightlife shenanigans. There were also issues relating to Kane's interactions with his own teammates that bothered the GM. He was very public (on WGR) and stated that he called in Kane and dressed him down not only for his boorish behavior outside of hockey but also for his aloof attitude toward the other players. He pointed out that Kane didn't interact very much with the other players prior to practice and after. He was a quick dresser before and after practice with no interest in mingling. Has Kane's attitude changed? Without knowing for sure I would say yes because Murray is not the type of person who is going to allow any player to ignore his advice. Kane has a talent that is prized in this league i.e. goal scoring. What makes him even more valuable is that he is not a one dimensional type of player like Vanik. He skates well, checks well, is responsible on defense, can play on both the power play and kill penalties and is somewhat of an enforcer on a team not noted for that attribute. It is unquestionable that he still at times plays an untamed style of play, mostly on office. But I have been encouraged with his recent scoring around the net where he should reside much more. The bottom line is that I would be very disappointed if he was traded at the trade deadline or before next season. I would rather build on what I already have and go on from there.
  18. He deserves better than dt to be completely attached to this bumbling franchise. I agree with you that he can still play at a high level. It would be nice to see such a class guy have the opportunity to play in a playoff game. It's not happening here and it is not going to happen this year. His career is winding down. He needs to be reprieved.
  19. The required scenario you describe is very improbable. What I'm hoping for is that this team plays meaningful games up until nearly the end. The segment of games when Jack was out set us back and made the climb even more difficult. Did this team make progress? I believe so. But there are major holes on defense that need to be addressed this offseason. Please don't bring up a Kane trade because I see him becoming a top two line player and an important scorer for us. If he continues to score around the net then he will be the type of player that we really need. Most of the deals that the GM has made have turned out reasonably well except for the Pysyk for Kulikov deal. I wish we could do a do over. The more that Lehner plays the better that deal turns out to be. What is going to be most important for this team to make progress is the internal improvement of the young guys such as Jack, Samson, McCabe, Bailey, Carrier etc. Observation: Ennis is not the player he was. The concussions have seemed to have taken a toll on him. Maybe next year he can be rejuvenated?
  20. You bring up a good point. This organization is not only lackadaisical in addressing the issue but it lacks an ability to evaluate qbs. The Bills have allowed good qb prospects that are available after the first round pass by. For a team that hasn't had a franchise qb in more than a generation it makes absolutely no sense. Russell Wilson, Cousins and Dak Prescott could have been available in the third round. Carr and Bridgewater could have been available with trade downs in the first round. It's just not the Bills way. It is a Jauron/Levy conservative approach to running a team that is. It's not an act of recklessness to take a calculated risk on a qb with a high round pick. The reality is that you are taking calculated risks with all the players you draft regardless of position. Until the qb position is upgraded, even if it is with a prospect playing behind a bridge qb, the status of this team is going to remain the same.
  21. Why do you think the Raiders would trade him? They know better than anyone else how good he is and can be. Next season he might become the backup. There is no incentive for them to trade him unless it was for a first round pick. In a couple of years when his contract comes up he might become an asset to parlay because they already have a franchise qb. But as it stands the Bills would have to give up at least a second round pick for a qb they haven't seen play. I strongly believe that this lumbering franchise has to take an initiative and get their own qb prospect. Would I give up a second round pick for him? Yes. But if you know how the Bills operate it is not something they would do. Whaley and his staff are more comfortable following their forsaken draft board rather than do whatever it takes to address their biggest need. Ask yourself why the Bills have not had a franchise qb for twenty years? Ask yourself why the Bills in a parity system have not been in the playoffs for 18 years. It's what they do. The record reflects it.
  22. Let's put things in perspective. The Bills have not had a legitimate franchise qb for 20 years. How does that happen? The Bills have been out of the playoffs for 18 consecutive years (counting this year) in a system designed for parity. How does that happen? Whether a team is starting a rebuild, or in the middle of a rebuild or finished with a rebuild the attitude for a team without a franchise qb is to be aggressive in securing that position. A team can draft a CB who has HOF potential. Do you know how a team counter's that caliber of talent? Simply throw to the other side or send the receiver who is being covered by the ace CB out deep and then throw short in the vacated area. The point is that it is easy to counter a high end talent in the defensive backfield. What's exasperating with spending a high draft pick on a DB, CB or Safety, is that when their contracts are up the team is usually not willing to pay the market price to retain that player. Gilmore will probably fall in that category as did Clements. So the end result is that the team will bypass a quality qb prospect at the expense of signing a good defensive back who will be too costly to keep. It's a cycle of futility that gets repeated. How about trying another approach and make it a priority to draft a high end qb prospect. Too often the tired argument is made that there is no elite qb in this draft. That's not a good argument for the simple reason that if an elite prospect is in a draft he will be taken with the first pick or near the top of the draft. A position where we will not be near because this team is built to be a 7-9 or 9-7 team. Moving up would take an exorbitant price. And even if happened there would be no guarantees that the enticing qb will turn out to be as good as one expected. Derek Carr was not an elite prospect. Neither was Dalton, Bridgewater, Wilson etc. All of these qbs would have made a difference for this team. Without a doubt the embarrassing streak of consecutive non-playoff appearance would have been over. So what does this organization continue to do. That which it always does. The Jauron/Levy gut wrenching conservatism manifested again. If the Bills do what they usually do in bypassing good qb prospects because their ranking on the board isn't as high as a positional player this stolid franchise will continue to be an observer instead of a participant when the playoffs come around. It gets tiresome.
  23. The historical inclination for the Bills to do is to retain TT (which I am for) and then use their first pick on a DB. This organization seems to be imprisoned by its own timidity. The consensus within the organization and outside is that TT is not the long term solution at qb. In my view he is better than the average bridge qb, yet not good enough to be an elevating franchise qb. Taking Mahomes with a first pick excites me. But deep down most of us know that is not going to happen because that is not how this sclerotic organization usually acts. My position is because we will have TT (assuming) that makes it even more of a propitious time to select a good qb prospect.
  24. I would trade Kyle Williams for the simple reason that I have so much respect for him. He is the embodiment of class, leadership and work ethic. He deserves better; he deserves to play in a playoff game. If I had my way I would virtually give him up for nothing to allow him to play for playoff caliber team such as Dallas. He, not having the opportunity to play in a post-season after such a long and distinguished career doesn't seem right. As Chuck Wagon smartly posted it is important to have the right mix of players so that the younger players can witness for themselves what it means to be a successful pro. Without that guidance on and off the field their talents won't be fully exploited. Buffalo not having a franchise qb for 20 years and not making the playoffs for 18 years is a disgrace and an embarrassment.
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