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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. First, Taylor played reasonably well in a game that he was constantly under siege. So let's put that issue aside. Anyone who criticizes his performance in that debacle of a game (from an OL standpoint) is simply being unfair. Given that you bring up a point, maybe unintended, that when you watch other games there is a distinct limitation to his game when compared to more well-rounded qbs. Taylor isn't an inexperienced qb. He has been in the league for seven years, and he has started for three years. When watching his games in comparison to more accomplished qbs it is clearly evident that his passing game is much more simplistic. In the Jets game, Josh McCown, a savvy but pedestrian qb at best, exhibited an ability to play a much fuller and sophisticated offense than Taylor could play. That to me is a fatal flaw that he will never overcome. And that is the source of my determination to find a better option at qb.
  2. This isn't a Buddy Nix coached team. The wrestling coach isn't going to allow his players to wallow in their misery and collectively slump. Players who fall by the wayside will be replaced. As I said in my prior post and other posts that this team is being rebuilt. Half the roster has been turned over from last year. As far as the right side of the OL the reality is the talent level simply is not there. In this past game the left side played just as poorly as the right side. It was simply a complete unit failure. The defensive line rush with four players is part of McDermott's zone defensive system. All season long there have been few blitzes incorporated in his defensive calls. That's a reflection of the coach's philosophy which he has been schooled in Philly and Carolina. Will he change much? Probably not. I'm much more optimistic than you are because I'm taking a longer perspective. When all is said and done I see this team being a 9-7 type of team. That is a step up from what I expected before the season started. Where I become much more demanding is that I strongly believe that the qb position needs to be upgraded so that the person taking the snaps can run a full offense. Until that is done this franchise will continue to at best meander in the middle.
  3. Virgil, Excellent analysis and summarization. Where I disagree with your keen response is your pessimistic tone. This is a rebuilding team that is ahead of schedule. If you keep that in mind then you won't be so sullen. This game was a clunker. It happens. Don't overreach with explanations. Their DL overwhelmed our OL and their OL gashed our DL. My biggest concern is that by primarily using four man DL pressure the qb has the time to pick the defense apart. Bill, You and I are in accord that this team has played beyond our expectations. This is a rebuilding team that is ahead of schedule. The coaching is better, the front office is in sync with the coaching staff and there is an organizational direction and coherency that haven't existed in a long time. One positive note to take away from this game was the play of Zay Jones (and was noted by the insightful Virgil). You can see what confidence can do for a player. Another thing it illustrates is that our three top draft selections collectively are solid and productive. That is a good sign for a team that intends to rely mostly on the draft to fill the roster. Are the Bills a playoff team? At best we are a fringe wild-card team competing farther into the season than usual. In general, I'm more upbeat than many over our not too distant future. I don't see how anyone can complain about giving up a third round plus lower round pick for Benjamin who I consider to be a second round talent for a team that needs receiver help. It is a no brainer. You have exhibited a great deal of objectivity and realism by pointing out that overall the Bills lack the requisite talent level to be a very good team. What they have accomplished so far is a tribute to good coaching and earnest play by the assembled players. This is an overachieving team. I'm not saying that as an insult rather I am saying that as a compliment. In that context the Dareus trade makes a lot of sense from a team makeup sense.
  4. Is the royal "You" supposed to be capitalized when not at the beginning of the sentence? Or is it optional in current day writing style?
  5. The replacement for Peters was Demetrius Bell, among others. It was a disaster. I don't think that Dareus's performance is going to return to his best form this season because I don't think he is in the shape that he needs to be. I sincerely hope that the change of scenery and the jolt from the trade will focus his attention and allow him to play up to his immense potential. He's more of an immature person than a bad guy. I wish him well and hope he gets his football and personal life in order.
  6. The difference between Peters and Dareus is that Peters is going to be a serious candidate to make it into the HOF. Those situations are completely different. I'm glad to see you are back in the forum. We haven't heard from you in a long time. I'm sure you are gratified to see your beloved lawyer and pirate coach in the state of Washington making his presence felt. However, I'm surprised that you didn't mention his name in your post.
  7. Maybe for you it is anathema to learn from winners but not for me. I'm open to learn from the most successful team in the modern history of the NFL. A lot of fans hate the Pats. Not I. I not only admire how they run their operation but I'm also traitorous enough to believe that Goodell screwed them in the inflategate fiasco.
  8. What New England does well is get worn out running backs and judiciously use them. They don't keep them for long but when they have them they usually make a great contribution. For the most part the issue isn't the talent but the mind-set and willingness to accept a diminishing role.
  9. The issue you are going to have with Peterson, even as an impassioned player wanting to prove people wrong, is that he is resistant to subordinating himself to another primary back and touching the ball at a much lesser rate that he feels he should have. The chemistry right now is so balanced. I hate to see it tampered with.
  10. The response to the play which in of itself wasn't an exceptional play (which you noted) is a testament to how the players feel about the player. He's not a prominent player on offense and much of his time on the field is on the special team units. When he was called upon he responded and contributed in a critical situation. As you stated this is a clear demonstration of a culture change. You don't hear any player after a win complaining about not getting their touches a la Watkins. I'm very much a jaded fan. But that response got my juices flowing.
  11. I'm surprised Hochuli didn't throw a flag on the presumption of guilt.
  12. That play and the response by his teammates was exhilarating. The announcers at first couldn't figure out what the commotion was about on the sidelines. One of them thought that it was a pushing and shoving match between the two teams. The players were not only responding to the importance of the play but they were responding in support of the player and letting him know how they felt about him. It was a great team moment!
  13. You are punctilious! I don't care what the positioning is for a playoff game I just want to get in for the sake of the fans and players such as Kyle Williams and Eric Wood. They have been subjected to so many disappointments that they deserve the reward of playing in the playoffs. Wouldn't a home game be lovely?
  14. He might me plagued with injuries this season but that doesn't mean he will be plagued with injuries next year. When healthy he is our best lineman. Dawkins could be used on the right side and also used as a versatile tackle if Glenn gets hurt. Let's not act out of haste this year and then have to address another hole that was created by the trade. Stay the course and see how it works out.
  15. This was a great game with a lot of nerve-racking big plays. The atmosphere was electric. Barrett played like he was on a mission. His last quarter performance with his laser accuracy in crucial situations was impressive. I thought the difference in this game was the Ohio State defensive line overwhelmed Penn. State's OL. The controversial play that was reviewed was properly overturned. It was a good catch by the receiver. What makes the Buckeyes' onslaught even more impressive was that even with what appeared to be a backbreaking setback the home team didn't despair, they became more determined. Talent is important but so is character. They deserved the win. Congratulations.
  16. You watched the Oklahoma against your beloved. What was your take on Mayfield and his game?
  17. Kirby, Put away the calculator. It's obvious that the organization didn't care about the cap ramifications. McDermott/Beane simply wanted him off the roster. That purge represents not only a clear statement to Dareus but also to the rest of the team. This transaction had little to do with calculating the $$$ cost as it is about the type of players/people they want on the roster. This is a case where the player and organizational relationship was predictable and inevitable. In that type of situation acting sooner is better than acting later.
  18. This is an overachieving team regardless if it is two or four games over .500. That's a tribute to the coaching staff and the type of players they are working with. For the sake of the fans and players, such as Kyle Williams and Wood, I would love to see them qualify for the playoffs, but don't see it materializing. What excites me is that I see a direction and a coherency in the organization that hasn't existed for a long time. In general, I'm optimistic. I never felt that there was going to be a quick fix. That doesn't mean the timetable can't be accelerated with smart and judicious decisions.
  19. I'm a Buffalo Bills fan. I'm inured.
  20. The Dareus transaction isn't something to lament about--- it's a transaction that should be praised. It demonstrates that the organization has an ethos that centers around effort, team mentality and character. The Bills are rebuilding the roster with the type of players who fit the ethos that is being promoted. It's not just idle talk. It's being enacted on. I have said it before that I don't think this is a playoff team mostly because it is too thin. As the season advances the injuries are going to deplete the talent. But I'm not disturbed by that. What I see that I am encouraged about is an organization that is acting in unison and purpose. This new regime isn't simply talking the good talk; they are acting it out. Kudos!
  21. I respectfully disagree with your approach to this particular draft. If the Bills believe that there is a good franchise qb prospect then they need to make the selection. I'm not advocating that the Bills deal off all of their high picks to get a coveted qb but I would strongly advocate being aggressive to put itself in position to get the first or second you want. As an example, it would be worth it to give up a first, second and third round pick to move up to get a deal done. The team still has another one, two and three pick in their quiver to add to the roster. This is the year where there are more than a few good prospects. Waiting for the next crop of qbs is a mentality that has resulted in this franchise being bereft of a franchise qb for nearly a quarter century. It is not too difficult to talk oneself out of taking the plunge. Where has it gotten us? It has gotten us to systemic mediocrity. Enough is enough!
  22. Yolo you are a fine fellow. However, I'm rooting against you on behalf of the revitalized program in Pegula country. After the buckeyes lose I will act with sympathy and empathy. That's the type of guy I am.
  23. Both Watkins and Darby have little to do with the records of their respective teams. Even if they are factors that doesn't mean what is right for one team still isn't right for the other team.
  24. Polyester and bell bottoms are cool for the uncool.
  25. If it's true that we get back only a 6th rounder then it's really disappointing. I'm getting the feeling that Dareus basically shut it down demonstrating that he simply didn't care and want to be part of the team. I get the impression that the HC made it clear that's he's not going to tolerate such wayward behavior in his building.
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