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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I strenuously disagree with you that the Bills are a playoff caliber of team, even in a weak conference. Our defense is wretchedly bad. On that basis alone this team would predictably fall by the wayside as the season advances. Being exposed is being exposed.
  2. Sal C on WGR who is attuned to what is going on pointed out that the change to Peterman had more to Taylor's play than to the rookie being ready. The coaching staff, probably mostly Dennison, was frustrated with not only with the qb's inability to run the offense but his hesitancy in the passing game. You pointed out in another post that the owners are not enamored with Taylor. There is nothing surprising about that because it is apparent that the staff certainly isn't committed to him either. McDermott took a gamble and it became a boondoggle. So what? In the grand scheme of things the qbs under discussion are not going to be instrumental in the future of the franchise. This team has been hollowed out and it was done on purpose. That was the plan when the owner hired McDermott. It is a painful process but at least it is being belatedly done.
  3. Both your responses are well thought out but I believe you are both wrong because I do not believe that this team as it was constituted was ever a playoff team. Certainly the record indicated that statistically this team was in the mix but the wins that we garnered didn't reflect how bad this team really was. Our defense is in a state of decay. It is a hollow defense that gets shredded with ease. That doesn't reflect a playoff caliber team. Our offense, especially in the passing game, with TT as the starter is relatively simple/primitive. That's not a playoff caliber offense. Especially Kirby overvalues how this staff publicly rates its team. Those rosy descriptions are simply attuned to the business side of the game. What do you expect the wrestling coach to say? That this team is bad and we are not directing most of our decisions for immediate success but rather long term success. Come on now. My recommendation is to watch what is being done and for the most part ignore what is being said. The first thing this new regime did is shed talented players for draft picks. What do you think that indicates? This team has been shedding payroll to open cap space. That's for future player acquisitions, This organization is rebuilding. It's not as haphazard as many are making it out to be. It's a painful process that is going to raise the cackles of many. Tough! The approach being done is the right approach to take. That's a reality that too many people are resistant to.
  4. Kirby, This wasn't a playoff team entering the season nor a playoff team while in the season. Yes, our record indicated that we were still in the running but that was an illusion. The games in which we won were mostly due to fortuitous turnovers and exceptional field goal kicking. It had little to do with the qb play. When matching this roster against good teams our roster assessed by any fair-minded person falls far short. With respect to the debate whether Taylor or Peterman is going to be our future franchise qb the answer is simply neither. And everyone who is sober knows that. I had no problem with Peterman starting in San Diego. Was it a risk? Of course it was. But when you have a qb who continued to resist throwing the ball down the field even when the team is far behind then you have to resort to substituting players. You know what the usually reluctant Taylor did when he was inserted into the game? He became less reluctant and fearful of throwing the ball. So not starting him did have a positive effect on him. People are up in arms that the roster that this new regime inherited is being torn apart. That's exactly what was intended and exactly what is happening. That's what rebuilding teams do. There is no quick fix, and never was. The patchwork approach under Whaley and his predecessors didn't work so a more comprehensive approach is being taken. Painful as it is it is the right approach to take. As you noted the most important issue is addressing the qb position in the next draft. That's the cornerstone issue that will be the biggest reason why this franchise will succeed or not.
  5. What's so surprising that the OC is influential in the decision as to who is going to start, especially when the HC's background is on the defensive side of the ball. Is Dennison wrong in pointing out that TT has struggled to execute the offense? There are few positives to be taken from this debacle. One of them is that the ignominious benching did force TT to throw the ball down the field more than he has in his past few games. Another positive take away is that Zay Jones has gotten rid of the jitters and has demonstrated that he can catch the ball. While most of the commentary has been about the qbing situation the bigger concern should be over the stunning demise of the defense. I have unequivocally stated since the arrival of this new regime that it is involved in a robust rebuilding endeavor. For those who are skeptical of that view they are not only not carefully watching the games but more importantly not factoring in what is being done to the roster. The ugly reality is that it is more beneficial from a rebuild standpoint to lose rather than win. The Bills are losing because they lack the talent to seriously compete. This is a multi-year project. Some people can't handle that reality. I can because there is no other way.
  6. I agree with you that swagger has little to do with the imbalance in the record between the Bills and the Patriots, It's mostly due to the disparity in talent and coaching. That's the point!. With a player such as Mayfield and his production you are adding a talent you are addressing the talent disparity. Is he at times too rambunctious and crude? On that behavioral issue I agree with you. But at times behaving too crudely doesn't mean that he can't address those acts of immaturity. I'll take a player such as Mayfield who periodically needs to be called into the office for some lashing while acknowledging that he has a passion for the game exhibited by not only his play but his work ethic. Compare that to the talented Dareus who prepared as if he didn't care? Let's not get carried away as if Mayfield's behavior is at a level where it places him and the team in jeopardy. He is a passionate guy in which his teammates rally around. He is not a solo act in which his teammates are repelled by. The bottom line is I would love to have him on the Bills. And I believe the fans would love to root for player like him.
  7. What some people see as swagger others see as obnoxious behavior. Let's not be swayed by his challenging and pugnacious behavior and be more impressed with the more substantive issue of his play. He is tremendous! There isn't a trait that he has in college that doesn't translate to the pro game. He has a strong enough arm, he is accurate, he uses the whole field and he can go through progressions. For those people who cite his height as a disqualifier I cite players such as Brees and Russell Wilson to dismiss that irrelevant issue. The issue is how do you play, not how do you look. While Bortles fits the ideal mold from a stature standpoint his caliber of play reeks with mediocrity. In all the games that I have watched Mayfield play there wasn't a game where one wouldn't say that he was not only the best player on the field but that he was also the most dynamic player on a the field full of tremendous athletes. Without a doubt sometimes his conduct is boorish. That's not an aspect that I like about him. What I do like and that you have highlighted is his fiery competitiveness. Anyone who doesn't think that the sleepy Bills need an injection of spirit hasn't watched the same team that I have for a long time. While some people complain that his behavior is antagonistic the response of his teammates love his passion and rally around him. That's leadership that can't taught because it is an inherent attribute that you have or don't have. Although I am enamored with Mayfield I'm not wedded to any qb prospect. There are a number of good high end prospects (3-5} who would be good franchise qb prospects. From a pure pro passing standpoint Rosen may be the best qb prospect in this draft. However, from an all encompassing standpoint that includes competitiveness and production Mayfield is at the top of my list.
  8. Sal C was on WGR yesterday and stated what made the staff resort to the change was TT's inability to makes throws without hesitancy even when they were significantly behind. Taylor played himself out of the starting job (as you noted). He was not in the long term picture and his recent play made earned him a spot on the sidelines. The coaching staff simply got frustrated with his inability to cut loose when there was a play to be made. That's on the player.
  9. This is a smart post. Basically what you are saying is that this new regime has their own vision on how to build a team with respect to not only talent but the type of players/people they want to do it with. It's obvious that Taylor was never going to be their franchise qb for a number of good reasons. So they are going with Peterman as a short term option and possibly longer term option. It would not be smart for McDermott/Beane to go into in the draft without knowing what their qb situation is. Where I have a slight disagreement with your take is with the Watkins situation. Although without a doubt he is a superb talent there were questions as to whether they wanted to financially commit to him due to injury and personality concerns. While acknowledging his talent I don't think the return of a second round pick and a probable CB starter was a bad return for this staff that wanted to reshape this roster. It's certainly not an even deal from a talent standpoint but it is a reasonable deal relative to the circumstances. Badol goes crazy on me when I say this is a rebuilding operation. It is. If that is the case then it is better to make the many tough decisions called for sooner rather than later. In my mind that is what is happening here. Many people don't agree with what is going on. I do. I'll take a more thoughtful, conceptual and coherent approach to roster building over the patchwork approach that has gone on for a long time only to keep us stuck in the muck of mediocrity.
  10. That's the point! It is constantly getting publicly confirmed, again and again.
  11. I edited my first post to include the importance of Wade Phillips. It isn't an issue which factor is more important. The bottom line is that both sides of the ball were upgraded. That makes for a winning combination.
  12. This team didn't stand pat, especially on offense. The receiver corps was changed with the addition of Kupp, Woods and Watkins. Two offensive linemen were added in center Sullivan and LT whitworth. The Rams had a developing young qb in Goff whose game dramatically improved under a smart young HC in McVay. Because the OL was upgraded their running game was enhanced with their talented back in Gurley taking some pressure off of the young qb. In addition, one of the first coaching hires for the new HC was Wade Phillips as a DC. He is one of the best coordinators in the game. Wherever he goes the defense improves. He's one of the best coaches in the business. The single most important reason for the Rams leap forward is their qb. The franchise gave up a lot of picks to acquire their franchise qb. Compare that to the Bills who have not had a franchise qb for nearly a quarter of a century.
  13. In the grand scheme of things this benching of this diligent and earnest player means little because he is not in the long term plans of this new outfit. You are looking at this change from the perspective of this season. My perspective is longer than this season or next season. I'm simply not bothered by it as much as you and many others seem to be. It's my opinion that this staff believes that Taylor will never be a franchise qb, at least for us. If that is the case (my opinion) then it is the right thing to do to see if Peterman can be a starting qb in this league. I don't think so but I'm willing to give him a chance. It's important that the organization recognizes what it has with this rookie qb. It's apparent (at least to me) that it has already made a conclusive determination on what Taylor has to offer.
  14. I respectfully disagree that there was a demand for him at the original contract rate. However, what is known for sure is that the Bills under Whaley and McDermott were not going to keep him under his original contract. That's known for sure.
  15. I get an opportunity to see Cousins a lot in the DC/Md area. Cousins is not elite but he is good. He would be a good fit for what our staff prefers from an offensive scheme. Would I pay what he is asking for? Not sure I would. As I have repeatedly stated my preference is to use a high pick on a qb in this upcoming draft. Just a note for clarification: I said Peterman might be in the middle of the Cousins/Moore spectrum, probably closer to Moore because of arm strength issues. No matter what I'm interested in seeing how he does.
  16. What isn't false is that nobody wanted him at his original contract. He took a reduced rate with Buffalo because he had no other choice if he wanted to stay.
  17. If he is in between the qbs you mentioned then he would be a good backup. A Frank Reich type of qb. That would be good value from where he was picked. It's really important to find out what Peterman is capable of by the time the season is concluded. I still strongly believe that this franchise should use a high pick on qb in this next draft.
  18. When you get rid of players for draft picks what does that indicate to you? When a team trades down to acquire a future first round pick it indicates to me that it is looking more to the future than it is to the present. McBeane has made it abundantly clear that he is going to primarily build through the draft. If that doesn't tell you that the organization isn't going to make expedient transactions that mortgage the future for the present then I don't know what will. Do you honestly believe that McDermott/McBeane believed that Taylor was going to be their long term franchise qb? Let's get serious. They knew what he was as a qb and what he could be. He was simply a bridge qb, and nothing more. Common sense tells you that if that is the case then a replacement, most likely through the draft, would have to be acquired. Or another way to look at the qb issue is that it was going to take time to develop a qb to the point that he is capable of leading a team. What is exasperating about the rebuilding process is that it should have started two years ago. The owners sabotaged the franchise by the inexplicable hiring of Rex. That's two wasted years right there, and then you have to add in the time it takes to reconfigure the roster to suit the new staff's different schemes. Where you and I may agree is that I strongly believed that the Bills should have drafted either Watson or Mahomes instead of trading off their first pick. The staff took a different approach. You and I can go back on forth on the rebuild or not rebuild issue. It becomes a meaningless and wasteful exchange if a franchise qb is not acquired in the not too distant future. Is Peterman the answer? I'm very doubtful. However, going to Peterman makes sense to me because we already know what we have with Taylor. Finding out what he can do is an important issue that we must know before the next draft. It seems that our fundamental difference revolves around the roster that McDermott inherited from Whaley. I don't believe that it was as good as you make it out to be. You seem to align yourself with the belief that a little more patchwork to the roster would suffice. I don't subscribe to that line of thinking. I strongly believe that dramatically reconfiguring/rebuilding the roster was called for. And the sooner it was done the better the long-term outlook. You may be satisfied with being a fringe playoff team but I am not.
  19. The mistake that you and the irascible Badol are making is that you are over-evaluating the roster that this regime inherited from Whaley. In my view it wasn't a playoff team, or if it was it was a marginal wild-card contending team. If that is your goal then the patchwork approach that Whaley took was a reasonable strategy to take. That's not what I want. McDermott came in to not only rebuild the roster and how it was structured but to also rebuild the organization. Under no circumstances is that a quick fix task. My criticism of Badol's perspective is not that it is wrong to have a different opinion on how to proceed but it is his unwillingness to acknowledge that there is a rationality to the rebuild approach and that rationality is being acted on. He doesn't have to agree with the approach but it is disingenuous to not see what is obviously going on here. It is an in your face rebuild job. What's obvious to me is evidently not obvious to him. With respect to the highlighted area regarding the qb who on this board has argued more strenuously than I for a selection of a qb (Mahomes/Watson) than I. If this new regime doesn't use a high pick on a qb this year then I will become a scathing critic.
  20. EJ Manuel was a fourth round talent that was taken in the first round. It represented organizational ineptitude. The Bills have been without a legitimate franchise qb for almost a quarter century. If you are not aggressive in addressing the most important position then this organization will continue on with another generation of failure. Ask the Rams if they are happy that they were aggressive in getting Goff? Ask the Eagles if they are happy that they were aggressive in drafting Wentz? If you are a systemic failure and continue doing what you usually do then the outcome is predictable. Being stupid is one thing; but being perpetually stupid is even dumber.
  21. If the Bills don't use a high pick on a qb then the decision-makers should be charged with malfeasance. The scouting department needs to identify two or three of the top qb prospects and then the organization should maneuver to be in position to pick one of them. As someone else has stated I see Peterman as a Reich type of player i.e. a good backup. If he turns out to be better than expected then the competition increases. That is a good situation.
  22. How about using some common sense. McDermott/Beane haven't explicitly stated that they are rebuilding the roster while their actions clearly demonstrate that they are rebuilding the roster. This regime has jettisoned players such as Watkins.Darby and Ragland and getting picks for them. They traded down in the first round and got next year's first round pick from KC. You are too busy creating your fictitious scenario to peddle to the frustrated crowd instead of seeing what is being done. How about making sense to what is actually being done instead of lending credence to meaningless coach/speak and GM/speak. When you start to base your arguments on the robotic responses that are part and parcel to the business then you are naïve beyond one's imagination. What's next? You are going to believe Putin that he didn't meddle into our elections because he repeatedly says he didn't? That would be so Trumpian of you. My advice to you is simple: Watch what is being done and then make your judgments. If you believe what is literally being said by this regime then you are descending into the Forrest Gump territory of simplicity! This is plain and simple a rebuild. Do you need a billboard to advertise the obvious? Before you start pontificating it might be helpful to open your eyes. Give me a freaking break!
  23. What you have failed to accept when the wrestling coach took over was that this assignment was a major rebuild job. That was the plan. Half he roster has already been turned over and next year another large portion of the roster is going to be turned over. The accumulation of future picks wasn't done for the purpose of immediate help and the jettisoning of salaries wasn't done to add to the roster because it took away from the roster in order to use the new cap space for future acquisitions. The last two games were to put it mildly disturbing. But the reality was that this was an overachieving team. The notion that McDermott's job security is in the near future in jeopardy is far fetched and simply silly talk. The owner agreed to McDermott's plan of rebuilding the roster with the understanding that it was going to be an arduous process and time consuming process. If you expected immediate results then you are being wildly unrealistic.
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