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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. In my view both are GOAT in their respective roles. BB is the best coach in modern times who tailors his game plan to the team he is playing each weak. He is also a demanding coach who requires a certain type of player who can grasp the constantly changing script weak to weak and within the game itself. What makes Brady special is his out of this world competitiveness and incomparable work preparation, in season and out of season. The relationship between player and coach is often contentious but what is unique about it is that Brady who is not only the best player on his team but also the league yet is receptive to being coached hard. Who is more important? I would say that they are intertwined and give each of them their due. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the both of them although I find BB's act to be very tiresome.
  2. What in my response do you disagree with? That's why I am on board with how McDermott is operating..
  3. Thanks for the link. Without really knowing him on TV he came off as a good guy. He seemed to love sports but didn't cover it as if it was life and death. He and Allen Wilson (who on a few occasions responded to my emails) were good hearted people who left the scene too early in life.
  4. The hoodie doesn't worry about the other team. Whether the Pats are playing the worst team or the best team the HC prepares in the same meticulous way. This is not a rivalry game for them because we are not good enough to be authentic rivals. The Pats' HC is the best coach in modern times, and arguably in the history of the NFL. Their qb is not only the GOAT but what makes him special is that he is the hardest working and best prepared player in the league. They should be respected and emulated.
  5. Accumulate draft picks and the make bad picks.
  6. Since I have you here can I make a recommendation of numbering the posts so that one can go back to a particular response. Another issue I have is sometimes I'll get a notification of a response to a post and click on it. It doesn't always come up. I want you to know I appreciate your efforts in allowing this sometimes ruffian community to intermingle. Overall, the new posters are a positive addition and bring new energy to the old crowd.
  7. We may disagree on Peterman's potential but what is obvious is that this organization has already made a determination on Taylor. I agree with their judgment.
  8. Gotham Bill, I have a high regard for you but you have missed the points I have made regarding this new regime taking over for the Whaley regime (a GM you have for a very long time scathingly criticized). It's very apparent to me that Pegula hired McDermott because he presented a comprehensive plan that was diametrically different from the Whaley approach to building a roster. The organization has been completely blown up by the new staff. Whaley and all his hires, including all of the scouts, were dismissed. While Whaley and the HCs that the owners hired were often at odds philosophically and personality wise the new HC had the authority to hire his own GM. So that is an obvious example of an organization in alignment instead of in dissonance. As I have said right from the start of the new staffing this is a major rebuilding job from addressing the roster and the cap distribution. Gilmore, Watkins and Dareus are examples of not only shedding players for scheme reasons but also for cap reasons. The new HC wants players who want to be in Buffalo and he wants players who are committed. The primary strategy to restock the roster is through the draft. Last year the team traded down in the first round to get an extra first round pick this year. Watkins was dealt for a second round pick and a starting CB. Ragland, who I believe is going to be a good player in a more conducive scheme, was dealt for a third round pick in this year's draft. The strategy is to accumulate picks and use them to fill holes with younger and cheaper players and to better position for a high level qb prospect in this year's draft. The argument that the Bills have to tank or not makes little sense to me. Why not try to be competitive in the short run while in the long run build a more talented and sustaining roster? You change the culture by being reasonably competitive. The Browns have demonstrated how not to rebuild a roster. If you totally blow up the roster without having some residual talent you don't get anywhere. The Browns also have demonstrated what not to do by passing on high quality qb prospects (as have the Bills) and extend the period of time for a search for a franchise qb. The Browns passed on either Goff or Wentz a couple years ago and they passed on Watson who could have been had with their second first round pick last year. Securing that position is an essential requirement to being successful. As far as the Taylor vs Peterman argument I have simple response: I simply don't give a shiiiit. Neither are franchise qbs and neither will ever be. Too much energy is wasted on that meaningless topic for players that will get you nowhere. It's clear that Whaley and McDermott have very different football visions. However, both came to the same conclusion on the running qb as a franchise qb. While you might look at the Bills organization as being inept in being either a tank team or a competitive team I have a very different perspective. In my mind this is a stripped down team that is overachieving. You may complain about that but I'm not. I give the HC credit for keeping this less than average talented team in the playoff hunt. I realize how challenging this rebuilding process is. While others lament and are in a state of despair I am enthusiastically embracing it.It is a pathway that should have been taken years ago. I hope this response might give you a better understanding on how I see things developing with this woebegone franchise.
  9. I'm proposing a fantasy deal. The Browns pick up McCarron in the offseason, a player they belatedly traded for in a nullified deal. The Bills then trade both of their first round picks and a second round pick for their pick. Then the Bills selected the highest rated qb on their board. The Browns then have a more experienced player at qb allowing Kizer more time to develop. My caveat to this deal is if the Bills rate Mayfield or Jackson as their preferred qb target then they can still make a deal up the board but not give up so much to do so.
  10. A question that is related to this discussion is where would be the best landing spot for Taylor? I think Jacksonville might be a good location for him. Marrone is old school and prefers a cautious offense that doesn't turn the ball over. It would be a good situation for him.
  11. I think that it is more likely that Peterman will be on the roster next year than will Taylor. My impression is that this regime has made a determination on Taylor a long time ago. Regardless if the Bills draft a qb early in the draft it's an interesting question as to what Vet is brought in before the rookie gets a chance to play. A Brian Hoyer type qb will probably brought in to school the prospect. In my opinion Mayfield may be the most ready qb to start right away. I'm not saying he is the best prospect because Rosen may be. But I do believe Mayfield is capable of making a quick transition. I know you are not a Dennison fan but to be fair it is a challenge to run an offense for an unconventional qb such as TT. If a Vet is brought in it is likely going to be a Vet who can run/manage a more conventional pro offense.
  12. If you widen your time frame to a generation or two you won't be disappointed.
  13. The heart of the matter is that there is a talent deficit on both sides of the ball. The Bills are rebuilding and the coaches are working with what they have. If you put things in perspective for the most part this is a hard working and earnest team. The Bills are either overachieving or in the vicinity where they should be. Why be so down with what has been accomplished. There is still much more to be done.
  14. You are astute! You are asking the right question and focusing on the real issue. Why did it come to starting a rookie?
  15. I have never claimed that Peterman is a franchise qb. He was taken in the fifth round for a reason. Just because you have never liked him as a player that doesn't justify this tiresome crusade against him. The rookie was inserted into the starting lineup because the starting qb struggled and the offense was stuck. So the HC made a change to see if that would jolt the offense. It didn't work out. Yet your fanatical crusade continued while the season moved on. There are more than enough issues for you to fret over. This one is finished and relegated to the past. Get over it!
  16. Brothers in disagreement. The Peterman experiment didn't work out. Too many people are trying to exaggerate its importance by making it seem as if it was a catastrophe that sabotage the season. It simply wasn't.
  17. If you are basing your judgment on a player based on his first outing then you are being ridiculously premature. Based on your standard the Rams should have traded Goff because he was overwhelmed in his rookie year. What you and others refuse to acknowledge Is that the rookie got playing time because the starter was struggling. The replacement didn't work out. Get over it!
  18. The better team won on the home field. You and many others are making the assumption because the HC resorted to going with the rookie qb that the results would have been different. In this game it didn't matter. The Chargers' DL, especially Bosa, overwhelmed our OL. With or without TT as the starter the home team, the better, would have won. What you and many others who are taking the same position refuse to acknowledge is that the coach resorted to a qb change for a reason. The starter was struggling and the offense was stuck. I agree with you that the Bills are a team whose roster is lacking talent. Yet they are winning their share of games because they are gritty. That's the point! This is a rebuilding process with its usual ups and downs. They are where they should be. There is still a lot to be done to upgrade the roster, especially at the qb position.
  19. Thank you and your wife. My insurance will take care of the consultation fee. The best approach is to sit him out and proceed with the medical attention. What's the point of turning a lesser injury problem into a bigger problem. If you saw the clips of him working on the sideline of practice his limp was obvious.
  20. The Chargers are an immensely better team than Buffalo. Our defense couldn't stop their offense. Rivers demonstrated why he is going to be considered for the HOF by the way he carved up our defense. As the Chiefs falter there is a good chance that the Chargers can win that division or get a wild-card spot. The reason why the staff resorted to the rookie is because Taylor was not playing well. That's a fact. I don't believe Peterman is a starting caliber qb now or will ever be. At best I think he can be a serviceable backup. Odds are that the Bills will draft a qb with a high pick. There is a good chance that TT won't even be on our roster next year. If that happens that certainly isn't a ringing endorsement of him by his own organization. That's not only the position of the current regime but it is the same conclusion of the Whaley regime.
  21. The comparison to Leaf is crazily off the mark. Leaf's teammates in college didn't even like him. Mayfield is warmly embraced by his fellow mates. Mayfield is an intense competitor who cares about winning. He is a hard worker who thoroughly prepares. Mayfield at times has acted inappropriately. He would be first person to say so. As a prototypical qb he would not be at the top of the list. But from a production standpoint he is as good as any qb in this draft. How can anyone not like a qb that Kirby, a stern evaluator, has taken a shine to?
  22. With a torn meniscus does it need to be cleaned out with a procedure or let nature take its course?
  23. Thank you for the information. Terrific addition and good roll player. This was good work by Whaley and his scouting department. It goes to show you that good player development is part and parcel to building a roster.
  24. Good post and analysis. Where did Coleman come from? Was he taken off of some other team's practice squad?
  25. I don't understand why you are so perplexed with "the win now" or "later" juggling act that this regime is undertaking. The front office was completely remade with an emphatic action of firing all of the scouting staff with new people. The new GM was a personal choice of the wrestling coach who is the most influential person in the football operation. In the first year half the roster has been turned over and the cleansing of Whaley's production is steadily being shipped out, as exhibited by the Watkins and Dareus deals. The emphasis certainly has been on acquiring additional picks, not shedding them. The Benjamin deal was an exception but it was a reasonable trade off. It's apparent to me that this regime is not satisfied with the qb situation. Many people assume that it will be addressed with a high pick that might include adding picks in a deal to move up to draft a preferred qb. The insertion of Peterman was a gamble that didn't work but it dramatically indicated how this staff views TT. The point that I'm making is that McDermott took over the job with the intention of extensively revamping not only the roster but the cap structure. That's exactly what is being done. Just because he wants to remain competitive doesn't mean that everything has to be sold off all at once. I have long held that this is a three to four year project, starting with this year. Why would it be smart for McDermott to follow the Cleveland model of a total tear down that hasn't work? No doubt there is a balancing act between winning now and rebuilding. As far as I'm concerned he is smartly and wisely walking the tightrope. I just don't see what the confusion is when it's obvious that this is a rebuilding endeavor. The Pegulas hired him for that challenging endeavor and he is doing it right in public for everyone to see.
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