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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I still believe because of the demand that the Bills will need to give up some draft assets to get one of these two qbs. I'll happily take either one of them. Baker is more ready but Jackson has some physical assets that are unmatched. I'll go so far as saying if the Bills select Mayfield he will be the starter on day one. That would be fine with me.
  2. I agree with you that the more teams involved in trading up for a qb the higher the price will be. What I have been saying is even vying with other teams who need a qb we have more assets to deal with than they do. The Bills have the ability to jump ahead of teams who are desperate for a qb. Ask yourself, are the Rams or Eagles regretting giving up an abundance of picks for their respective qbs? No one is advocating being reckless and mortgaging a team's future for a long shot gamble. That is not to say that by making a calculated decision that the Bills shouldn't come away with a good qb prospect. The Bills may not be able to get a deal done to select Darnold or Rosen but Mayfield and Jackson would still be good options. No more excuses!
  3. The thing about a qb like McCown in comparison to Taylor is that even though he is average at best you can still run a more well rounded offense. The passing offense that Taylor directs is very primitive and simplistic. Asking an OC to create an offense to manage his limitations is like asking a soldier to take out half of the bullets that he has in his rifle when he is in combat. Although many people were up in arms when Peterman started in the Charger game I was not one of them. I understand the frustration and exasperation that this staff has to contend with when it watches the game tape.
  4. The Bills have more high draft picks to parlay than most teams. This draft class has more qbs that will probably be taken in the first round than most years. This team has been stuck in the middle with a 7-9 to 9-7 during its ignominious drought that has lasted for more than a generation. I'm not advocating for a stupid reach on a prospect that will have little chance to succeed. The Bills have the wherewithal and they need to use it to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. This year, I'm not accepting excuses.
  5. At this point I'm open on the qb issue. But without a doubt Rosen throws the best pro ball from an accuracy, anticipation, tight windows, range of throws etc. When you watch him play it's apparent his team isn't very talented. He is constantly under duress yet still makes some impressive throws. The first thing I would do if I were able to get him was to make it a priority to upgrade the line and give him a chance to exhibit his talents. What happened in Indianapolis with Luck was stupid.
  6. If you are looking at this qb class from a Buffalo perspective you are hoping that more prospects come away evaluated as top tier qb prospects. It's still early in the process but so far Darnold, Rosen, Mayfield, Jackson and maybe Rudolph and Allen should reach the upper rung. It's my opinion that Rosen and Darnold will be the top two qbs taken. (My opinion.) Mayfield and Jackson seem to be in the next grouping. As far as I'm concerned what some people may consider to be a consolation In the end could turn out to be legitimate franchise qbs. From what I have seen of Rosen he appears to be the best pro passer. He can deftly make all the pro passes i.e. in tight windows and anticipation throws. When watching him it must be factored in that he is not playing on a good team especially when comparing him to Darnold who is playing on a very talented team. I have caught a number of Sooner games. My takeaway in every game Mayfield has played against very good competition is that he is the most dynamic, productive and influential player on the field. While many people are offended by his brashness what I find very revealing is that his players love him and they rally around him. My general point is that there is no excuse for this organization with its numerous draft assets that other teams don't have not to come out of this draft with an exciting and authentic qb prospect. If the opportunity is not seized this year then it will be a major disappointment. Make no mistake this team has a large number of needs besides the qb position. However, this franchise will not be able to move forward until that essential position is secured. Now is the time.
  7. When qbs are discussed about this draft class I've come to the harden conclusion that there is no excuse for this failed organization not to make an aggressive move to come away with their future franchise qb. Even if our most preferred qb or two are not available that doesn't mean that this regime still can't secure a quality option. If the McBeane duo take the Levy/Jauron conservative approach to the draft they will deservedly be scorned.
  8. You are right about getting the qb sooner rather than later is the best way to go. But if the new GM smartly utilizes his many high picks and large cap space the Browns should be in a good position to build a competitive and more sustaining franchise in the near future. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to take such a long and arduous road that the Browns took. They made the rebuilding task so much more difficult with their draft flubs. But a reasonable case can be made that the Browns are in a better position than the Bills are presently in.from an accumulation of young talent. Now is the time for them to corral what they have and will soon have and think in more immediate terms instead of the long-term future.
  9. If you are in a giggly mood what you consider bad will turn out to be actually good. Embrace the cutesy and you will come away happy.
  10. There is no more debate on the qb issue and Taylor's future roll with the team. It was determined by this regime a long time ago. The resorting to Peterman in the KC game was an emphatic statement what it thought of Taylor and his future with the organization. Is Peterman the answer? If the staff believes it is it should be summarily fired. The obvious question is what prospects does the organization favor and target? The next issue is what is it willing to give up to put itself in position to make their preferred selection? And then there is the issue of what veteran qb will be brought in next year to replace Taylor.
  11. LA traded up to get Goff. The next year in free agency they got two starters in Whitworth and Sullivan. My position is consistent with no equivocation: Get your qb first. That is the priority. Then build up the roster by anyway you can i.e. the draft, free agency and trades. It's not easy but it is not complicated.
  12. Getting the qb is obviously important. But putting your expensive investment in the best possible situation is critical to the success of your qb and team. Let's look at the Goff situation to illustrate that point. The organization in one offseasond surrounded the qb with added talent and dramatically better coaching compared to his rookie year. Those upgrades certainly contributed to his leap forward in this second year. The Rams added two starting offensive linemen and they significantly added talent to the receiving corps with the addition of Kupp, Woods and Watkins. With the improvement in the OL their running game with Gurley as their prime back took a lot of pressure off of the young qb. When the tally is added up in what the Rams did in one offseason it was really smart and impressive.
  13. The same people who are chortling that Ross is a bust were the same clairvoyants who declared Goff an unmitigated bust last year. Players develop at different rates and contend with different circumstances. I'd rather wait another year or two before making any declarations.
  14. In general, the Whaley draft selections were less than inspiring. The constant change in coaches and systems certainly influenced the incoherency in the collection of players. But over a three to four year period it was lackluster. Whaley had a tendency to over-rate his roster and make moves to get over the hump. In the end being expedient instead of having a coherent strategy kept this team stuck in the middle. I'm not saying that Whaley was a bad GM. I am saying that he wasn't a good GM. While many, if not most, shudder at the wrestling coach's dismantling of the roster I am embracing it.
  15. Odds are you are correct. When he is healthy and playing well he is worth his contract. Our OL is not overloaded with talent. Getting rid of a player who has demonstrated that he can play well is a set back and not a step forward.
  16. I'm assuming and hoping that the Bills use their first pick on a qb. After that I think that the wrestling coach will be more inclined to address the defense, line and LBs, before using a high pick on a receiver. Another receiver can be added to the mix through free agency. The biggest question for this team is how many draft assets is the franchise going to use to select a qb. If the Bills are able to get a qb of their choice without using many assets then there are so many more options with our draft strategy.
  17. What's the point of playing Cordy Glenn this season. Give him the offseason to heal. What I don't want to see happen is this regime letting him go and then creating another hole on a roster that has many holes. He has demonstrated that he is a good player. Get him back healthy and then decide whether to play him on the right or left side. My suspicion is that this regime is inclined to let players go who were associated with the prior regime. It's time to start adding talent and not subtracting talent from a roster that is already working with a deficit.
  18. That's why you get your arse in gear and trade up with the extra picks that you have in your pocket. If you got coins why not use it?
  19. You got my juices flowing watching that clip. As I stated in a prior clip he made a quantum leap from his first year to the second. That tells you not only what he is capable of but that he is willing to put in the work to play the position. Anyone who believes that he is going to last until the second round is going to be late for the bus that already passed them by. There are a number of top tier qb prospects in this draft. If the organization doesn't seize the opportunity this time it should fold up its tent and get out of the business. Enough is enough! The attached link is a segment on WGR with Jon Ledyard talking about the qb prospects with Schopp and the Bulldog. It is a 20 minute segment with some interesting thoughts on the qb prospects. He does like Mayfield. http://www.wgr550.com/articles/news/ledyard-mayfield-has-all-makings-franchise-quarterback
  20. I agree with you that he was a special talent. The physical talent was unquestionably there. But he didn't work hard on the mental side of the game. In the pros he simply wasn't dedicated to studying the game and advancing his game. I have seen him make 50 yard rope throws into a narrow window. But the pro game for a qb is so much a mental endeavor (as you stated). You have to work as hard, if not more, on that aspect of the game to be a success. He wasn't a failure as a qb but he could have been so much more.
  21. He didn't work on his game in Atlanta. Once he got the big money the dedication to his profession plummeted. Maybe he was too busy building a dog fighting business? There are too many teams with qb needs. In the current market a second round rated qb is most likely going to be taken in the first round. If the Bills wait until the second round odds are that the top five qbs will be off the board.
  22. It is going to be interesting to see if the Rams are going to pay top dollar money to Watkins to keep him. He certainly is in a good situation with Goff as the qb and McVay as an innovative offensive coach. The issue is cap distribution. Do you dedicate a big contract to him when you already have Kupp and Woods as receivers rather than using a large slice of the cap for Aaron Donald on the defensive side of the ball? It's my belief that the Rams work out a deal with the receiver because it is such a good fit for the player and team. They wouldn't have traded a second round pick and a CB if they didn't believe that a deal could be worked out.
  23. Jackson is much different than Vick on a variety of fronts. Without a doubt both are similar in that they are great athletes and have big arms. But Jackson is more than an athlete. He is an exceptional athlete who wants to be an exceptional qb. While Vick relied on his athleticism he didn't work hard on being a qb. That's not how Jackson is going about his business. He made a major leap in playing the position from his first year to his second year. Petrino is one of the best offensive coaches in the game and he has a very receptive student in Jackson. With Jackson there is still a lot of potential to develop. He may be more of a developmental qb than the top three qb prospects but there is a lot of potential in his game to make it worthwhile to invest in him.
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