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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I'm not putting all the blame on Taylor. Arguably we have the worst receiving corps in the league. I understand what your point is but I disagree with you that the OC has handcuffed him with the play calling. Taylor is a known commodity to the rest of the league. Defenses adjust to qbs. They do their best to limit what you do well and try to force you to do what you don't do well. As with any player playing any position the opposition is going to adjust to the players' strength and weaknesses. When you are exposed you are exposed with nowhere to hide.
  2. This is a rebuilding operation. The team for a variety of reasons has been stripped of some of its best players. In my view this is an overachieving team. My recommendation to you is not to look back and make comparisons but look to the present and toward the future and see if it is getting better. This was never a quick fix. Rex and the prior regime constructed at best a fringe wild-card contending team. The team that was inherited is being taken apart to be put together in a very different way. I fully agree with that strategy.
  3. Changing schemes has little to do with the running qb's struggle with accuracy, eading defenses and going through progressions. You either have an ability to do it or you don't. Blaming the multiple OCs he has played under to adjust to his limitations is a distraction and divergence from the real issue of inherit deficiencies that he has. Teams are adjusting to Taylor by doing their best to contain him and force him to play in a way that he is not comfortable with. The limited book on him is on full display. The running qb has had seven years to add another dimension to his game that would allow him to be a more complete qb. He has not been able to do it. What you now see is what you are going to get. Whaley wanted to move on from Taylor. The new regime apparently wants to move on from him. The storyline is baked in: Taylor will not be on the Bills' roster next year. It will be because he simply isn't good enough for an organization that has higher aspirations other than being mediocre.
  4. The beatings that you sometimes are subjected to are for your own good. When you go too far astray members try to knock some sense into you and get you back on the path to rationality. It's called tough love. Consider that boot up your arse as an old school approach to discipline. Affection, and not meanness, is behind the disciplining kick. Your arse has become so calloused that you are able to stoically withstand an arse whipping. The disciplinarians are so impressed with your pain tolerance that you have earned the moniker of being a "hard arse".
  5. Obviously you aren't getting my point. The person who is acting like a fool and putting his life in jeopardy for attention is an idiot. The person is simply a freaking moron with or without the cameras. I don't care if the person is drunk or sober. Anyone who would behave like this clown is an irredeemable fool. That's the point!
  6. Duh, if you set yourself on fire do you think that the cameras won't be rolling? An idiot act is an idiot act. If you do something that might cripple you for life don't blame the cameras that capture your lunacy. Give the credit to the moron!
  7. Are you kidding? Someone acts like an ignorant hillbilly full of white lightning and you conclude it's the media's (or whatever you want to call them) fault for filming the clown show. Give me a freaking break! Do you think that if you set yourself on fire that the ubiquitous phone cameras wouldn't capture your attention seeking stunt? It's gotten out of hand. Couples having ass sex in the parking lot with their freakish friends filming the perverted public display with the intention of putting it on twitter or wherever. It's disgusting. But when you are a pig you are incapable of being shamed by shameful behavior. Ignorance is bliss! As a consolation, if your team is not known for winning at least thefool fans are known for being morons. Mommy and daddy must be so proud!
  8. From what I know it is still an open question. If his ranking goes up, as I expect, he should be more inclined to leave. We should know pretty soon. My feeling is the more qbs in the mix the better it is for the Bills. Maybe JeffisMagic will come out of the shadows. I tried to take him under my wing and have him tone his passion down. The community got tired of his zealotry and responded by burning him at the stake. Maybe there will be a reincarnation?
  9. I agree with you that Ju-Ju is a much more explosive and dynamic player. I get the impression that Zay will be helped when another faster and explosive receiver is added to the unit to create more open space. The problem I have with Zay and what his potential can be is that regardless what his time is in the forty you don't see much acceleration and quick twitch. Those are contributing factors for him being blanketed so much. It just seems to me that his production was so high in college that there has to be more production in the pro ranks. My worry is that there are players who are indistinguishable plug in players who bounce around in the league as inconsequential players. I hope that I am being too premature in my assessment but what I am seeing now has me very queasy.
  10. I still hope that in time he will be a capable receiver. However, I don't know how anyone who has a scintilla of objectivity can not conclude that he arguably is the worst starting receiver in the league. Not only is he not catching the ball but when he does catch the ball it is often not done cleanly. What is also disturbing is that he has so far shown little ability to get open. It seems that on every throw to him he is blanketed by the defender. That killer attribute for a receiver is on him and not on the qb.
  11. This clip is about 4:40 minutes where Daniel Jeremiah and Bucky Brooks compare the differences between Rosen and Darnold. Dan Patrick on his show stated that a scout he talked to told him that he believed that Drew Lock from Missouri will go up the draft rankings just as Mahomes did. The attached link is a 4 minute clip of highlights from Drew Lock.
  12. In an odd way Flo is hot. She has that off kilter personality that unconventional people find appealing. That white apron gets my juices flowing. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=progressive+insurance+flo&qpvt=progressive+insurance+flo&FORM=IGRE
  13. As other posters stated if you have a conviction on a prospect then it is worth the gamble to use some of your draft assets to get that caliber of qb. Ask the Rams or Eagles if they are happy with the expensive trade up? As another poster stated ask Houston if they are happy with the expensive trade up? There is a good chance that KC is going to let their current qb, Smith, go. They moved up last year to get their replacement on board so that they would have a good option when they decided to move on from their current qb. If you are using draft capital in a year you are not mortgaging the future. Quite the contrary, you are investing in the future by getting your franchise qb sooner rather than later. And to mitigate the cost of the trade up you can make use of the midlevel free agent market to address your other needs. The Bills have not had a franchise qb for almost a quarter century. How has that worked out? During that ignominious period of time what has undergirded that disgusting failure is the fact that the franchise didn't have a credible qb. So what is your recommendation to doing something to change that dynamic? Keep waiting. When you refuse to act out of the fear of failing you end up failing because you refused to act. My friend, you and I are riding different horses. The nag you are sitting on is not going to get you anywhere meaningful. Tell that to the Rams, Eagles and Houston.
  14. The Browns hiring of Jeff Fisher is no less crazy than the Pegulas hiring of Rex Ryan. Foolishness/absurdity/zany/dumbness/weirdness/lunacy at an exponentially high level. It probably won't happen in Cleveland but it did in Buffalo.
  15. I understand your viewpoint. However, I respectfully and strenuously disagree with it. It is a mind-set that has crippled this organization. I would definitely be for selling almost all the draft assets to get a top tier qb prospect. The models to follow are the Rams and the Eagles. A couple of years ago they each sold the company store to get their respective qbs in Goff and Wentz. LA in the following year was aggressive in free agency to dramatically upgrade the roster through free agency and trades with the acquisition of Woods, Watkins, Whitworth and Sullivan. With all the side deals in the following year the most important reason for each teams leap forward is getting their qb in the draft the prior year with an all effort to get in the position to make the transaction happen. The model not to follow is Cleveland. They dealt away golden opportunities to get a qb in the draft in order to accumulate picks to bolster the roster in general. It hasn't worked because they didn't adequately address the qb issue. The lesson to be drawn is that the qb position is the priority. Until that position is secured you are getting nowhere.
  16. There is a flip side to the question posed. What games did we win where the opposition could reasonably make a claim that it should have won? Most of the prognosticators and the odd makers in Vegas had us winning 6 games or so. I consider this an overachieving team and a pleasant surprise.
  17. May I politely offer you a suggestion? Watch the bloody games.! And then compare them to games where the qbs are competent. It's a night and day difference. If Taylor is kept this regime should be charged with felonious malpractice. The reason he is currently our best option is because this befuddled organization has peculiarly not gone out and gotten a better option. Please stop with this foolishness.
  18. With or without Taylor the Chargers were going to beat us. They steamrolled the Bills on both sides of the ball. It happens. Every game has it own vibes. The Dolphins trashed the Patriots while the Bills got trashed by the Pats and then the Bills beat the Phins. In the Charger game they thoroughly throttled the Bills on both sides of the ball. They were so overwhelming that they laughed their way through the game. What you and the revisionists fail to point out is why Taylor was replaced by the coaches. He struggled in a string of games where he couldn't run the offense. So the coaching staff responded with the change. It didn't work out. But it didn't matter because the running qb with seven years of experience who can't go through his progressions and make anticipatory and accurate throws was not going to make a difference in this game. You can "what if" yourself until you are exhausted. The season is playing out with the normal ups and downs. The qb you are fawning over will not be back next year for the simple reason that he is not good enough. The Bills are an overachieving team that lacks talent in plenty of areas. Their record is beyond what any fair-minded person should have expected when the season started. You can continue your pointless crusade on your hypothetical scenario. The problem is that the reality doesn't mesh with your fantasy.
  19. There's a good reason for him not to fight it out. It's simple: He knows the truth! There is a recent case where someone was trying to extort the comedian Kevin Hart over an extra-marital affair. He went to the authorities and publicly admitted what happened. The woman he was involved with claimed she wasn't the one who was doing the extorting and she also was a victim. It could have been a third party who rigged the room with hidden cameras. Who knows? The point is that he was willing to fight the extortion effort and was willing to do so in the public arena.
  20. Common sense tells you that when a person settles a number of harassment cases with non-disclosure clauses it is to protect the person settling the claim more than it is to protect the person making the complaint. I'm willing/open to giving people who are in a vulnerable position (wealthy and public figures) the benefit of the doubt, especially if the evidence is scant against them. But when you have multiple cases of similar claims all settled by the accused with the same ND clauses then the red flags have a starker meaning. As I said before at this time in his life selling is the right thing for him to do for himself.
  21. Maybe if you had access to his numerous non-disclosure settlements you would have a better idea of what he is accused of. No one is forcing him to sell. The owner is getting up in age and he has had health issues. He's making a decisions that he believes is best for himself. Times change. Behavior that was more tolerated before is less tolerated now. He is prudently walking away from the impending storm. That's the right thing to do.
  22. If you majored in incoherency you would have a better grasp of the free flowing rambling of a chaotic thinker. Get with it!
  23. There's a solution to the problem that doesn't sit well with you: Stand up instead.
  24. The lunatic brigade is starting to march. Lock your doors and protect your women because the crazies are moving.. WTF is going on here? I thought we won?
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