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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. If there is any player to bet on who is going to make a major leap forward is this kid. As you noted he has the tools and the work ethic to translate into production. He was too productive in college not to believe that it can't translate to the pro game. The next step is to get a qb who can accurately throw and read defenses.
  2. No one in the organization thought Matthews was a number #1 receiver. He was basically a fill in receiver.
  3. Apparently you didn't watch Taylor play in the Jacksonville game. He was wretched in that game. A less than mediocre Orton caliber of game would have had us moving on. This Taylor discussion will soon be over with because he won't be a member of the Bills.
  4. Absolutely not! Taylor's play in that game was abysmal. I strongly believe that in hindsight Peterman with a conservative game play would have been a better option. That's how bad Taylor was in this game.
  5. Your response makes little sense to me. I never said McDermott had no choice in replacing Taylor in the Charger game. That's a disingenuous response. Of course he had a choice to make. He decided to do make a change because Taylor was ineffective in the prior games. So he went with a rookie qb whom he felt was a better option. If you disagree with the substitution that is fine. I have no problem with the disagreement. The problem I have is that you, and many others, refuse to acknowledge that the basis of Taylor's substitution was that he played poorly in a string of prior games. That's the glaring point that is ignored. As I stated in prior posts the Charger game had no bearing on how our season concluded. The team still squeaked into the playoffs. And as I stated in prior posts the Charger qb who is a legitimate HOF candidate played at a level in which the Bills with its impotent offense couldn't have won no matter which qb played. This fixation on McDermott's decision to switch qbs in that game is out of proportion to how overall he performed as a HC. This very limited team overachieved and accomplished what it hasn't accomplished in more than a generation. Yet his decision that didn't work out in a game that the Bills had no chance to win because of the play of Rivers is cited as a reason for damaging the psyche of a team. Well that didn't happen. The team played well enough in the subsequent games to keep themselves in the playoff picture. The Taylor issue is for all intents and purposes is a moot issue. I'm confident that he won't be on the roster next year. If you don't understand why then that is your blind spot that you need to address.
  6. This is the draft year in which there are maybe four high end qb prospects. Each of them have different appealing attributes. What this franchise can't do is take the mentality of falling into the trap of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. If option A or B isn't there then go after C. I don't think that Rosen or Darnold will be attainable. At this point I'm getting intrigued with Mayfield. I see him as a good fit for Buffalo. I also see him as a player who will be ready to get early playing time.
  7. I'm confident that Taylor won't be on the roster next year. So basically this is a moot topic. As far as criticizing Beane and McDermott's judgment overall they did a splendid job. They got a team that lacked talent and had them overachieving to the point that the team made the playoffs. The first time in more than a generation. In the grand scheme of things when reviewing the season the Charger game had no meaningful impact because the team still made the playoffs. What you and others refuse to acknowledge is that Taylor was replaced because he played poorly in a string of games. You may disagree with the substitution but there was an understandable reason for it i.e. Taylor's poor play in prior games. As far as using a flying analogy let me add to your pilot example. If you performed at the level that Taylor played for us you wouldn't be posting here because you would have crashed and burned yourself to the land of perpetual rest. In time the Taylor discussion will end because he won't be on our roster. Taylor and Bortles, combined, have the historical distinction of being part of the worst display of qbing in the playoffs in modern history. Sometimes you wonder if the defenders even watched the game? From an offensive standpoint it was embarrassing.
  8. Both Dennison and Taylor have something in common: Neither will be with the team next year. So this topic is moot. Did you watch the game and see how TT played?
  9. I get the sense that this regime would gladly trade Glenn for whatever deal they can get for him. I don't understand their position. Last year, he was hurt but overall he has not only been sturdy but also a very good player. I don't care if he plays on the right or left side or even inside for that matter, why deal off a good OL player and create another hole when you can keep him and upgrade the line in general?
  10. What I am about to say is the same thing I have told Boyst62, the Carolina Rasputin. Too much was made of the decision and game. The potential HOF qb, Rivers, was making beautiful passes all day long. He was having so much fun that he was yucking it up all game long. The Bills were thoroughly outclassed in that game. It didn't matter who was going to start and who was going to be substituted. Rivers was dynamic while our qbs (collectively) were impotent. Those type of games happen throughout the league. Lesser teams dominating better teams and better teams playing at a higher level than normal. What I also stated to Boyst62 that is missed when discussing that decision is the context. The backdrop to that desperate decision was that the running qb had a string of ineffective games where not only did he play poorly but he couldn't execute the offense. So a change was made. You can disagree with the decision but there was an understandable rationale behind it. Anyone who watched the play of Taylor in the Jacksonville should be more receptive and understanding to that desperate player change. I'll go even so far as to say that if Peterman started in the playoff game the Bills would have had a better chance to win.
  11. Let's not overstate how damaging the Peterman decision to start in the Charger game was. The Bills were going to lose that game no matter who started. They whipped us from the start. That type of game happens where a good or even poor team outplays a better or even lesser team. The Chargers were laughing and mocking us all through the game. In my view too much is made of that substitution. The OC and HC wanted to change the dynamic from an ineffective starting qb. They took a gamble that didn't work. I'm not bothered by it. The Jacksonville game should demonstrate why the staff did what it did, regardless if it worked or not.
  12. Your response is well thought out and clearly expressed. However, I strenuously disagree with the general theme of it. No one is making the case that the Peterman decision to start in the Charger game was in hindsight the right thing to do. But I'm one of the few posters here who had no problem with going with a different qb. The replacement wasn't a testament to Peterman's readiness as much as it was a testament to Taylor's struggles over the previous number of games. After seeing during the games and tape sessions the same mistakes the OC and HC tried something different. Was it an act of desperation? Absolutely! Turning the discussion into who is the better qb or will be a better qb vis a vis Taylor and Peterman is a waste of time. Neither qb is now or in the future will be a franchise qb. That is a simple question for me to answer. That is why I have for years advocated using a high draft pick on a qb. I have also without equivocation stated that last year the right draft strategy was to take either Mahomes or Watson. Just because JeffisMagic is vilified doesn't mean that he wasn't right in advocating for taking a qb in last year's draft. Make no mistake about what I am saying about Dennison. I'm not declaring him to be some offensive guru who can elevate an offense with his innovation. Because he can't. As an offensive coordinator I consider him to be very uninspiring and average. If you want to criticize him for not adapting better to TT's limited talents then there is some merit to that line of reasoning. But what happened this year that made a limited qb even more ineffective was that the opposition adjusted to Taylor even more than in the past and took away what he did well and forced him to do what he was incapable of doing i.e. being a conventional pro qb. As far as the issue regarding the players being upset with the qb change in the Charger game my response is that I don't care what they think. Ask McCoy after the Jaguar game if he was satisfied with the qbing in a game that was there for the taking? What do you think his response would be? You may be fine with Taylor on next year's roster but I'm not. It is for his sake and for the team that he get a fresh start somewhere else. I'm confident that this regime will deal him one way or the other and have some one else taking the snaps next year. My recommendation is to bring in a veteran qb and move up in the draft to get a high end prospect.
  13. I think UB is going to be not only a winning team next year but also an entertaining team. It will be interesting to see if that translates into interest?
  14. In baseball you can be the best pitching coach in the game but if your pitcher lacks control no amount of good coaching is going to overcome that deficiency. In basketball you can be the best coach in the game but if your point guard doesn't have good vision and instincts the coaching is not going to compensate for that crushing deficiency. A teacher can stone cold know his/her subject matter. However, if the teacher lacks communication skills and is a dullard his knowledge is not going to be imparted to the students who will certainly be sleeping or playing with their devices at their desks. You can be greatest boxing trainer in the business. But if the boxer you are working with has clumsy feet, slow hands and nonexistent boxing tactics he is going to get his faced punched in regardless of the instructions he is getting from his corner It doesn't matter how smart an OC is and how brilliant a game plan he can design. If your qb is inaccurate, lacks vision, can't make anticipatory throws and can't function within the pocket no amount of coaching is going to overcome such a flawed qb. Greg Roman was a credible OC. Dennison is a credible OC. Neither is innovative or elite but both fall within the range of being reasonably competent. Neither succeeded in elevating or at the minimum adequately managing the qb's limitations because of the inherit flaws of the qb each had to work with. When the opposition has you figured out and you have no flexibility to work outside of your small box then what do you expect? If Dennison had a credible qb to work with and it didn't work out then he is open to be criticized. That would be fair. But under the restrictive circumstances he had to deal with he had little chance to succeed. And so would any replacement coach who had to deal with the same circumstances!
  15. From a talent standpoint Thompson is a pigmy compared to Watkins. Using a statistic from one game to make a comparison between a marginal player and a talented player makes little sense. Deonte Thompson will be fortunate to make our roster next year let alone get much playing time. Watkins is going to be an integral player on a dynamic offensive team next year. My recommendation to you is not to allow your personal feelings about a player get in the way of objectively evaluating the player.
  16. An Orton caliber of qb would have been a difference maker in this game. What is exasperating is that this franchise that has had so much misfortune was in a good situation to win a playoff game. With merely mediocre qb play this opportunity was ready to be seized. Instead, we got atrocious play.
  17. What was evident in this game is that even when TT completed a pass his ball placement was poor. There were two or three completions where if the placement was better the receiver would have gained a first down and kept the drive going. The qb futility for both teams in this game was both laughable and gut wrenching.
  18. Buffalo fans have a tendency to denigrate players that they don't like. He is a top tier receiver who had the misfortune to play in Buffalo when the qb position was under water. He went to LA at a late stage and was not able to establish an on field rapport with the young qb who had a tendency to focus on the other two good receivers. If Watkins stays in LA and has an opportunity to work out with Goff I'm confident that he will be an instrumental player on a team with a potent passing attack. Watkins is capable of being a dynamic player. Playing with an emerging young qb who is going to be one of the better qbs in the league is an outstanding situation for him. And it can't be forgotten that McVay is already recognized as a talented offensive mind in contrast to the troglodyte Rex he previously played for. When all the factors are taken into consideration Watkins is in a very good situation in LA from an individual and team standpoint.
  19. The requirement to buy preseason tickets at regular season pricing in the season ticket package is a league wide scam. No matter how good the Bills are late season games will always be available at severely discounted prices in the secondary market. I understand why people want to be assured of particular seating at most regular season games but having to swallow those preseason games at regular prices is a bridge too far, at least for me. Being a victim of theft is one thing but allowing yourself to be a willing victim is another thing. My complaint isn't about the cost of regular season games. It is the inclusion of unappealing preseason/practice games at regular prices in the season ticket package. This issue isn't a Bills'problem as it is a league directive.
  20. Benjamin is not a #1 receiver and will never be one. However, that doesn't mean that he can't be a good number #2 receiver for us. I believe that although Zay Jones struggled (he was bad!) he will turn it around next season. In my mind he is a number #2 or 3 receiver. He might turn out to be a good slot receiver. With all of our needs I think it would be foolish to expend a high draft pick or make a high cost acquisition on an authentic #1 receiver. Just because a team doesn't have a credible #1 receiver that doesn't mean that you can't have a very productive receiving corps which includes the TEs. Even without a top shelf receiver you can significantly upgrade the unit with a better qb. That's where our attention and resources should be directed towards.
  21. If I had to bet on a player who would dramatically improve next year it would be him. As you noted he had too much production in college to believe that he can't be a solid pro. Although, one thing that bothered me about him this year was his inability to get much separation. I expect an offseason of diligent preparation from him so he can enter camp more confident and ready to play. As far as the Peterman issue if he becomes a backup qb then his selection was reasonable. He is the type of player whose ceiling is low and his impact is limited. He's a smart player with limited talent. He's the type of player who some day may make a good coach.
  22. There is no doubt that Orton had the better receiving unit. However, as Tono Romo point out with the replays there were open receivers to throw to. He didn't see them. Time after time he instead bailed out. From a qb standpoint TT has no vision. It is not a correctable deficiency. Let's not bother to discuss his accuracy and his horrendous ball placements.
  23. I don't want to reprieve old wounds but after watching this game it should be understandable as to why the HC resorted to starting a rookie qb in the Charger game. I''m not saying that one should agree with the move but at least understand why such a desperate action was taken.
  24. I'm not trying to be sarcastic with this response but if we would have had a Kyle Orton caliber qb we would have comfortably won. From a qb standpoint the collective play of both qbs was below dismal. It was excruciating to watch. To state the obvious good qb play elevates a team; and bad qb play crushes the spirit of the team and the fans watching the futility on the field.
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