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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Are the costs for the expensive seats written off as business entertaining expenses by the rich beautiful people?
  2. Are you aware that you contributed to NYC Bill's pre-draft state of agitation with talk of drafting a DB in the first round? However, he will loosen up his standard if the player is from Bama. Nobody can take away the Confederate influence from this particular NY City slicker!
  3. What makes it unlikely that Buffalo or most teams draft two qbs in the same draft is that there is much more qb movement in this cap era. Take Minnesota as an example. They have three qbs on the roster, Keenum, Bridgewater and Bradford. Bradford is likely to move on and there is a possibility that one of the two others could move on for contract reasons. There are just more qb options in this era. The Skins could not get a deal done with Cousins. So they dealt for Alex Smith. It must be noted that Alex Smith made it clear to KC that if he were to be traded that he wasn't going to sign a deal if that team was going to use a high pick on a qb. Washington assured him so a deal was consummated and a contract was signed.
  4. I don't know who the Bean man is but the student is a son of a dad carrying a heavy debt load. He wanted his son to go to trade school and skip college but the son was insistent on going to college. Now his dream vacation to go to Tahiti and conoodle with some exotic women is put on hold.
  5. I am very domesticated. I don't want to get the sheets messed up. Also, I want it to be a personal message with me looking into his panicked eyes as I thrust forward. I'm confident that Denver's OC is smart enough to design an offense to meet his unique skills.
  6. I have an unsolvable dilemma. I have no honor to defend. So I have to resort to defending my disreputable reputation.
  7. An Italian stiletto that has been used for debt collection will be back in service. His public impertinence towards me will not be tolerated. Street justice and street education. Enough is enough!
  8. Does that mean that I can't argue with Kirby because there is a moratorium during this languid period of the offseason? I don't care what you say if he says anything positive about Taylor and continues to interminably talk about the cap I'm going to knife him in the gut.
  9. On a radio show that had a KC reporter on the show there was talk about Mahomes. The KC reporter said that Andy Reid was following Mahomes for two years. So evidently he saw a qb early on with the draft process with immense potential. He was a player that the coach was targeting for a long time. As you and others have stated Mahomes was drafted with the intention of giving him a pro red shirt year. The red shirt approach that was applied to Mahomes also applied to Goff whom the Rams knew was not going to be ready in his first year. Due to injuries and pressure on the HC he played at the end of his rookie season and was predictably overwhelmed. The next coach brought in talent and added smart coaching which resulted in a dramatic change for the qb and team. On a local radio show in Maryland the host was talking with a reporter from KC who followed the Chiefs. He made the point that Alex Smith was not going to sign a deal with any team he was traded to if that team was going to use a high draft pick for a qb. The Redskins gave him assurances so he signed a multi-year deal with them. Besides the contract constraints for having two qbs Smith made it known that he wasn't willing to go into camp and compete with a favored son young qb for the starting job. So when the Chiefs drafted Mahomes they sent clear signals that Alex Smith was not in their future plans. Regardless, Alex Smith has carved out a very good and lucrative career for himself. In my view he is a good qb but not elite.
  10. On the Taylor qb issue we are in a death match gun duel. On that issue I am resolute and will not yield. Don't tell Kirby but I put blanks in his pistol. I'm seeking a competitive edge.
  11. Obviously so. You didn't carefully read what I wrote about prankster calls. This is a quote from the post: "Clearly the situation in this thread is not the same." I hope this clarifies your confusion.
  12. There was a recent case where someone called in to the authorities that there was a hostage case at another location. The police responded to that location. The situation spiraled out of control when the resident ended up being killed by the police because they thought he had a weapon. The person who made the prank call was arrested for I believe a manslaughter charge. Clearly I'm not suggesting that the situation in this thread is the same. However, I'm simply pointing out that a prankster call can willfully or not have tragic consequences.
  13. Yes, you gave good examples of lower drafted qbs outperforming higher ranked players. But if you want more favorable odds that your qb is going to be successful it is going to be with the higher picked qb. Ask the Rams or Eagles if they regret moving up to draft Goff and Wentz? Are the top three qb prospects more likely to be better than next three or four ranked qbs? No one can say for sure but my preference would be to get one of the higher rated prospects. No doubt there is a judgment and balancing act as to how much you want to trade picks at the expense of addressing other needs. That's where good scouting comes into play which allows you to make a good judgment on value. It's certainly not an easy call. But for me in this year's draft I would rather be aggressive like the Rams and Eagles were and get one of the top three qbs.
  14. You are stunningly wrong in interpreting how the EJ selection is a reflection of my position on drafting a qb. Please stop with that distortion and foolishness. You have done it a number of times. Let's make it clear what I have often stated: When you are in a position to draft a legitimate franchise qb prospect and you currently don't have a franchise qb then you should act. EJ was not a credible qb prospect worthy of being taken in the first round. I wouldn't have been critical of drafting him in the third or fourth round but taking him in the first round was beyond being foolish. That's my position on the qb issue. I am a big fan of Mahomes. I'm aware that he has played sparingly but grooming him mostly from the bench was the right approach to take. Andy Reid was confident enough to trade picks to get him and trade Alex Smith to move Mahomes into the starting position for next year. I would have taken him in a heartbeat even knowing that the Bills got a good CB out of the deal.
  15. Last year the Bills were in a position to draft Watson or Mahommes with their first pick. When you have an opportunity to draft a franchise qb you should seize on it. In my view it was a mistake. Instead of hoping that we can be in a position to draft a good qb we would be now addressing our multiple needs with the added picks. The selection of EJ Manuel represents little other how inept this organization was. The Bills took a fourth round talent and drafted him in the first round. The EJ fiasco reflected bad scouting regardless what position he played. The drafting of EJ also demonstrated how absurd it was to have an old school scout such as Buddy Nix be your GM. What the EJ selection represented is simply organizational dysfunction. Thankfully that foolishness has ended. I'm counting on this regime to address the qb issue this year and continue on with rebuilding the roster.
  16. I have had numerous exams. There is no need to send condolences. The protrusion was not a problem. However, there is an indignity to the scene of dropping one's pants and bending over and waiting for the act.
  17. I'm not sure where he ranked Lamar. What he said is that it is foolish to downgrade a qb for being able to run. In his view it is an additional asset that should raise an evaluation and not lessen it.
  18. He is being criticized by many people. He doesn't care. There is nothing arrogant and condescending with my responses. You disagree with them. If that bothers you then that is your issue.
  19. For what? A prostrate exam? Before submitting to the bend over indignity make sure the person doing the exam is not wearing a SB ring. The passage way can not handle the cargo coming through.
  20. I doubt that Kraft would straitjacket himself with a verbal or even contractual agreement of succession for McDaniels unless there was knowledge that Belichick was soon going to leave. The owner gave McDaniels a raise. We know that. I's sure he told him how valuable he was to the organization and that he would be given serious consideration for the HCing position if it arose. I read maybe a year or so ago that McDaniels was seeking a more stable family situation in a very vagabond business. At the time there could have been some domestic relation stresses in his life. So it is not surprising that he was ambivalent about taking a promotion and having to move again. That to me is the heart of this issue. And although it is an awkward situation for all parties I have no criticism for what he did. And on the other hand I am not critical of the Colts being upset how this situation worked out. Their irritation is warranted and understandable. Sometimes life get messy in the work world and on the home front.
  21. Is a verbal agreement a contractual promise? I doubt it.
  22. You are creating a fiction to coincide with your narrative. Why do you say that the coach had a tantrum? Nothing is farther from the truth. He simply made a personnel decision. That's his prerogative. If anyone deserves the benefit of the doubt it is the coach who has been the successful coach in the history of the modern NFL. None of us know what the full story is or the actual reason/s why the coach decided not to play Butler other than on special teams. The mumbling coach is not talking. It may simply be a straight forward football decision mixed in with some disciplinary reasons. It doesn't matter. It's his call.
  23. This is another link from WGR discussing the draft with Kyle Crabbs of NDT Scouting. One opinion that stood out was that he was very leery of Allen. This is a 20 segment with the focus mostly on the qbs. http://www.wgr550.com/media/audio-channel/2-7-kyle-crabbs-ndtscouting-talks-nfl-draft-schopp-and-bulldog
  24. He's not the only person with the particular view. He changed his mind and did what was best for his family and himself. That's his prerogative. The contract was not signed. The Colts have every right to be upset. Their irritation is understandable and warranted. But let's not act as if with his change of mind the organization is going to be damaged. In the hiring process the organization puts a list together of good candidates. The Colts have the option of following their list or expanding their search. It's obvious that McDaniels was ambivalent about taking the change. So the Colts are fortunate that he withdraw before even more time went by or even worse hiring a coach who wasn't happy with not only with this coaching job but also with his family situation in this new location.
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