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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. If a deal could get done for either Rosen, Darnold or Mayfield I would be ecstatic. No doubt it would be expensive. I would give two firsts, a second, and another first or second for next year for any of these qbs. In two years the Bills will have a large cap space to work with and be able to add talent from the market. The key is to get a prospect in sooner so that you will be in a good position to maximize the expected infusion of talent.
  2. I would take this deal in a heartbeat. Getting a qb who can run a pro offense and is a capable passer would be a dramatic upgrade from what we have. Foles certainly had a terrific playoff run and SB game. However, it is obvious that he outplayed his talent level. So if you get him expecting to play at an elite level it is a foolish expectation. The Bills desperately need a qb that can run a pro offense, read defenses and have a modicum of accuracy. If he is picked up that doesn't mean that the Bills can't draft a qb such as Rudolph with one of its first round picks or draft a qb such as Falk in the second round. The generation of qb futility needs to end. This organization has to grow up and do whatever it takes to get a capable starting qb. The era of having a pop warner offense is no longer acceptable. Getting a qb like Foles in an exchange would be a smart and decisive act for a franchise that has been boring and inept. Tipster, I'm on board. You are astute, perspicacious and adroit!
  3. I will stop (curtail) saying enough is enough when discussing Tyrod.
  4. I'm not saying this in a snarky way but it is his body of work that will reveal how little his value is in the market. My feeling on the Taylor issue is that he has been very diligent and loyal to the team and organization. If I had the authority I would allow him to go to the market and find the best deal for himself. Then I would make the deal even if he was given up for virtually nothing. He deserves that special consideration.
  5. I didn't say I would give up a first round pick for Foles, or even a second. Although I might consider it. The Taylor issue is a dead issue for me. He is incapable of running a pro offense. Watch the Jacksonville game? Then face the reality and stop creating your own fiction about him. I don't care what veteran qb the Bills bring in as long as that qb can run a pro offense. It's a simple criterion that the running qb can't fulfill.
  6. There are many people who believe that Mayfield is the best qb in this draft. Not necessarily a plurality but a good number. And that number is growing. Before the season started people would have said that you were crazy if you made that claim. After the season you would be deemed to be sane but still odd because of your idiosyncratic behavior.
  7. Do you know what is even more illogical? Having a starting qb going into his fourth year who is incapable of running a pro offense. I wouldn't give a first round pick for Foles and maybe not even a second for what I believe to be a short term answer. But regardless what rookie qb the Bills draft this team still needs a veteran qb who can run a pro offense. The Bills scored three points in their playoff loss to the Jaguars. Our qb play was wretched and an embarrassment. What is the definition of irrationality? That there are still plenty of dead enders (not saying you) who argue for the status quo.
  8. Keenum had a very good year but it was an aberration. Would the Vikes be willing to pay him premium salary for a one year wonder? The issue is the size of the contract with him. If he can get a heavy duty contract from the market from a team such as Arizona then Minn might consider Cousins. I'm not saying it is probable but it is possible. Cleveland would certainly be interested in Cousins if the organization decides for a more immediate competitiveness. They have a gargantuan cap space. If they take this route they then have a tremendous amount of flexibility with their two high draft picks. Jacksonville could be another team interested in Cousins. They would probably have to shed some contracts but he certainly would be a major upgrade over Bortles. The Jaguars are a serious team with a lot of defensive talent. Add in Cousins and now you have a well balanced team that moves into the premium level. Ariens has been under seige for the past couple of years. He might want a quicker answer at qb than bringing in a rookie qb. Most people do believe that Denver is the most likely spot.
  9. There are plenty of teams interested in him. Denver, the Jets, Jacksonville, reports Minnesota might be interested, maybe Buffalo, Arizona, possibly Cleveland are possibilities. I think Denver is a likely landing spot.
  10. WEO reluctantly thanks you for the clarification.
  11. The lack of success that Washington has had, as you describe it, doesn't mean that he was a primary reason for it. The OL was battered with injuries and their run game was less than mediocre. Cousin was very often under duress and still he played well. As with Buffalo his receiver corps was very mediocre. You may find many liabilities in his game but without question Cousins is the qb who will be most in demand in the market. When he is allowed to officially hit the market there will be plenty of teams competing for his service. I have argued not to sign him because of the contract it will take to sign him. But if he was signed the Bills would be a significantly better team and instantly be a more serious team.
  12. I see Darnold being their first choice with Mayfield being their second choice. I'm sure there will be some competing preferences in the front office but in the end if they keep their first pick they would in my opinion select Darnold. What I find to be very plausible is with their next high pick they could deal it off and still get a desirable high end back and some other good additions.
  13. Jeter's motto is: When you have an asset then just sell low! Ralph Wilson could have taught the recently retired young fellow how to better squeeze a nickel. Don't feel sorry for my state of confusion. I embrace my state of innocence. If it made Gump happy it can do the same for me.
  14. Are you sure that you are not mixing up the concept of loyalty with stupidity? Explain this to me, a very befuddled individual. The league approves a franchise sale to an ownership group that wins out against other competing groups. As soon as the deal is completed the new ownership group starts selling off its best players because it can't afford to keep them. Whatever happened to the concept of due diligence? Do I have a reason to be perplexed or am I simply a prime candidate for the Forrest Gump Business award. This is very perplexing.
  15. Foles would be a tremendous update from what we have now. That is indisputable. The issue comes down to value. Is using a first round pick on Foles worth giving up an opportunity to take a qb prospect such as Rudolph or Jackson? The issue comes down to pursuing short term goals at the expense of a long term solution. No one is saying that a drafted qb is a sure thing. Or the flip side of the question is Foles a long term answer at qb?
  16. The scenario that is very plausible is that the top qbs in this draft go very quickly. The Foles deal doesn't makes sense for the Eagles. The Wentz rehab timetable is still in question. A Fole acquisition for Buffalo would demonstrate how desperate this regime is for adequate qb play. Wouldn't that trade slot be a good place to take Rudolph or Jackson? Making a small trade down maneuver would be a good move to get another pick and not lose much value from the dealt pick. A Derek Wolfe signing would fit in the mold for what McDermott prefers in a DL i.e. versatility. That would be a very useful deal. Minnesota has some tough decisions to make regarding which qbs to keep and how much to pay them. Keenum gong to Arizona seems like a perfect fit. If Bridgewater is vocal about retaining his starting role it is going to be interesting on how the organization responds. This type of exercise gives a little inkling of all the many decisions that a front office has to consider in putting together a roster. Free agency and cap considerations are challenges that separate the good organizations from the mediocre organizations. Teams such as the Patriots that understand the relationship between talent to cost have more sustained success while other less astute teams that go for the quick fix without much strategic thinking fall by the wayside.
  17. I mix up the Jersey rules. Is the person who gets a boner first the winner or loser?
  18. Apparently you are tuned in because Scott McClughan (sic) was hired as a draft advisor to Cleveland. His favorite qb is Mayfield. There are reports that the Bills also like Darnold a lot. While Gunner thinks otherwise I still see the Giants taking Rosen. For me taking a fallback positon for a qb such as Rudolph or Jackson would not leave me disappointed. There should be a little more clarity if Denver or the Jets sign Cousins. There are so many permutations to go through on this issue that my head is spinning. Another consideration is that there is a plausible scenario for Cleveland to sign Cousins and then trade off one of their two top picks. They have the most cap space and Cousins, despite some of his pious proclamations about winning, is going for the money. With their new GM it would not be an unimaginable surprise for them to take some bold action to more quickly become a credible team.
  19. He may be slotted higher than you think because of the demand for his position.
  20. Right now the consensus top three qbs are Mayfield, Rosen and Darnold. But it wouldn't be surprising to me that both Rudolph and Jackson become very attractive for some unexpected teams such as the Steelers and Cardinals who would be willing to take either one with their picks. It's my opinion that if the Bills favor one of the second tier prospects they still should be aggressive in how they approach the draft. Surrounding every draft there are smokescreens. This year the visibility should be poor because of the extraordinary amount of smoke.
  21. I have already cancelled my NFL Ticket. If Taylor is the starting qb I will not renew. I have no interest in watching a pop warner offense. I do not know who the free agent qb is going to be if Taylor is dealt or let go. I'm confident that he won't be on next year's roster. Could I be wrong? Sure can be. We'll just have to wait and see how this plays out.
  22. Mayfield is my favorite qb. But I have the impression that Rudolph is the type of qb that McBeane would favor. He has had plenty of playing time and steadily got better each year. From what I have read about him is that he is very mature and an upright citizen. I don't see Rudolph having the upside of the top three ranked qbs but I do see him with a very high floor. He seems to fit the McDermott mold physically and character wise and would be less costly. This is just a feeling I have. What's clear is that there are a variety of tracks to take on the qb issue.
  23. I don't care how much EJ was improperly managed he was not going to be a franchise qb. He was a fourth round talent taken in the first round. His selection in the first round was a mistake. In my opinion, regardless if he had the best tutelage his inherent weaknesses (accuracy and vision) would never allow him to be a franchise qb.. I understand why you would have an aversion toward Bradford. I'm more willing to take a calculated risk for a qb we hope to be a bridge qb. Apparently my risk tolerance is higher than yours. That's okay. However, what I don't want to be subjected to again is a qb who can't run a pro offense. That's a bottom line issue that I will not compromise on.
  24. I understand your concern about Bradford's fragility. It certainly is warranted. But there is an assumption that the Bills are going to use a high pick on a top shelf qb prospect. If that assumption is true then it is worthwhile to gamble on an injury prone player whose purpose is to be a temporary answer at qb position. On the other hand there is an upside to this very often battered player: He is talented. He can run a pro offense and he is a good passer. If you are going to take a risk on a player why not take on a player who is talented with the mitigated risk that he is temporary solution. Who knows we may get lucky and get a player who performs much better than expected? It happened when the Vikes picked up Keenum who was an afterthought addition.
  25. Excellent work. What's apparent in this draft year is that there are a number of good qb options. Teams can rank the top five qbs however they want. If you can't get your top two preferred prospects you can still draw from the next three on the list and come away with a very good prospect. It's probable that most teams rate Rudolph and Jackson behind the other top three. But that doesn't mean that a lower drafting team won't jump ahead to take the other two lower rated qb because of the widespread need. My advice is to be aggressive in pursuing your preferred qb/s and don't lose out to one of the group because of passivity. Because of our glaring need to get a high end prospect in the pipeline it is better to error on the side of being too aggressive than lose out because of a status quo approach to drafting. If this team fails to get a high end prospect in this qb rich draft it will be an organizational failure.
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