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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. When was the last time that the Bills had the wherewithal to get one of the highly rated qbs in the draft? That's where most of the interest is in this offseason.
  2. The Bills got a good deal with the trade of Taylor, and Cleveland, with a surplus of unusable picks, was able to get a good bridge qb. What made this deal appealing to Cleveland was that Taylor had a very manageable contract. In addition, they needed a credible qb for them to be in a better position to get a longer term deal for Landry, who made it known that he wasn't going to sign a deal with Cleveland if they didn't have an adequate qb. I respectfully disagree with you that the Bills were going to pick up the option for Tyrod. That wouldn't make sense. Teams that were interested in him simply had to wait it out knowing the Bills had little interest in retaining him. In my mind, at best, he wasn't going to get you more than a fourth or fifth round return. At that value he wouldn't have been worth the option bonus. Without question Beane significantly got more than what most people expected. Kudos to him. But this wasn't a heist. Cleveland is under tremendous pressure to immediately be respectable. Even if they take a highly rated qb at the top of the draft they still need an experienced qb to start the season. When all is said and done the big winner in this deal is Tyrod. He is going to a terrific situation for himself and leaving an organization and situation where their respective interests no longer matched. That is the essence of a good deal for both sides.
  3. How much would you be willing to pay him? Because of the cost and not the talent I don't see Buffalo aggressively pursuing him.
  4. No quarterback in this draft and most drafts are a sure thing. Rosen my be the best pure passer in this class but there are legitimate concerns about his durability. Darnold isn't a perfect prospect for a number of reasons. But without question he is one of the top qb prospects. Mayfield has some issues as a player and some as a person but his liabilities are not so great that he shouldn't be rated in the top three group. I'll go so far as to say some organizations (not most) would consider him as the best qb prospect in this draft class. There is no doubt that Mayfield is cocky. But what is the problem with that attitude? One thing we know for sure is that his teammates love him and rally around him. The short Sooner qb participated in the all-star game in Birmingham and at the combine I didn't here any of his peers saying any critical of him. As far as how would a pro locker room take to him if he can complete passes like most people think he can they will embrace and support him.
  5. Bill, You may be right that he has more potential but that isn't the overriding issue for us. It appears that the Bills are going to make a move up for a premium qb prospect. If that is the plan then the thinking is for a short term holding plan strategy for the veteran qb. If the Bills do get McCarron you are not going to hear any complaints from me. I think he can do a solid job. But ask yourself from McCarron's perspective who has patiently waited behind Dalton and challenged the Bengals for his free agent status is that the best situation for him? If McCarron was willing to accept a one year or two contract in order to upgrade his status I would be all for it. My belief is that McCarron has options in the market. Although I'm not sure that Buffalo is the best option for him it would be a reasonable option for us.
  6. A qb such as Bradford would serve his purposes and ours. He may be able to salvage his career and the Bills should be able to get him in a short term deal. I'm also wouldn't mind getting Moore from Miami. He not only can start for the short term but also be a very good mentor and backup.
  7. If the Browns add Barkley as I expect they will then that would be a terrific situation for Tyrod. With Tyrod's running ability and good receivers the defense is going to be stretched. That plays into Taylor's strengths of running and throwing into the open spaces. What their GM is now doing is tying things together. It is no longer just accumulating picks and creating cap space. Now there is a purposeful strategy of putting together the pieces. I agree with you that Cleveland is very likely to use their first draft pick on Barkley and their next pick on Darnold. If he is not available they will then probably take either Mayfield or Allen. (I see a scenario of us getting Rosen.)
  8. Both of the qbs you mentioned have not played for a while. So it wouldn't be surprising if each of them is willing to take short term prove it deals. The same logic applies to Bradford. It would be in each of their interests to regain a more positive status as players and then go for the grander next contract. With respect to the highlighted segment I do believe that the Bills have a strategy in place for their replacement qb. I also don't think it is for a long term franchise qb. That will come from the draft. (My opinion.)
  9. The Browns are not bereft of talent. Their roster is going to be bolstered with high draft picks and additional free agent pickups. Just with credible qb play they should make a quantum leap forward. This is a terrific situation for Taylor to be going to. Bills fans often scoff at the Browns. They have earned the derision by their own ineptitude. But now with the new GM there is an order and strategy that will get this floundering franchise toward a more rational path. The reality is that they have better young talent than we do..
  10. Odds are that the Bills are not going to heavily invest in a free agent qb because they are more likely to move up the draft to acquire their long-term franchise qb. So if that is the case why would they pay a premium for a qb that will be a short term player or starter? The best qb on the market is Cousins. The Bills are not going to pursue him for a variety of reasons, mostly revolving around the price tag. My basic point is if you are expecting the Bills to sign an impressive FA qb, whomever it is, you are not properly reading the situation. Out of curiosity what impressive FA qb do you think the Bills will be pursuing?
  11. Well said. I still believe that the Browns are going to draft a qb with one of their first round picks. Still, he is going into a situation where he is going to start and have more talent surrounding him. If Cleveland drafts Barkley or gets a top shelf back with one of their high picks, added to his running ability, then that is an offense that defenses are going to have to prepare for. On top of that his receiving corps that includes Gordon and Landry should add some potency and plenty of space for him to work from. . If you consider the career Tyrod has carved out so far he has done very well for himself from a financial standpoint. And my belief is that ultimately he can have a very extended career as a bridge qb and then as a backup. Not bad for a sixth round pick!
  12. There is a reason why the Browns went out and got a veteran qb. They just acquired Landry who said that he won't sign a deal with Cleveland if they didn't have a qb. So even if they sign a rookie qb they have an experienced qb to play with the receiver who they want to sign a deal with.
  13. Matt Moore would be even a better option. He is an unrestricted free agent.
  14. I wish Taylor the best. This move was the right thing for Tyrod and the right thing for the organization. The organization is acting with purpose. The next question is whom will the Bills pursue in the free agent qb market.
  15. We both agree in the preference of moving up to getting one of the higher rated qbs. But for the sake of argument it a deal can't be worked out and the Bills stay at their draft position then I don't see Rudolph being there for us where we are in the second.
  16. If they wanted a really quick turnaround they might be interested in McCarron. That wouldn't preclude them from drafting a qb. With an infusion of players from the draft and free agency a competent qb would make a big difference.
  17. For the sake of argument if Rudolph slips into the second round that doesn't mean that he will be available when we draft in that round. If you believe that eventually he could be a franchise qb then the strategy should be error on the side of drafting a round earlier rather than losing out because you waited. An organization that doesn't have a franchise qb has to be more aggressive on the issue than a team that already has their long-term starter.
  18. This year the Bills have assets to move up and make a deal to get a qb. Those people who argue that the Bills should use their accumulated picks to bolster the roster at the risk of losing a high end qb prospect are essentially arguing let's wait and give up an opportunity to take advantage of an opportunity that doesn't come around very often for this historically middle of the pack franchise. There are a variety of reasons why we should take the plunge this year. One is that we accumulated picks for the expressed purpose of flipping those assets to get a qb. Another reason is this drat year has at least three, maybe four, high end prospects so we have options to select from. What happens if the build a good roster and then the qb draft class is barren like the EJ draft class? There was not one top shelf qb prospect in that class. If an organization that hasn't had a franchise qb in nearly a quarter of a century is in a position to address the qb position and passively let's that opportunity go by that is not only a mistake but also an act of malfeasance. If you are going to risk losing a lot at least lose it for an important purpose.
  19. Despite his simple tastes, he made a major investment in a customized SUV shortly after the Chargers' move to the Los Angeles area. Rivers and his wife had toured schools and neighborhoods in Orange County, more specifically in the general vicinity of the Chargers' new Costa Mesa practice facility, during the 2017 offseason, but decided not to move. In order to make the 80-mile (130 km) one-way commute productive, he spent roughly $200,000 to convert a large SUV into a rolling film room. The rear seats were torn out and replaced by two forward-facing, fully reclining seats; a 40-inch (100 cm) TV screen was installed in the cabin divider; and satellite TV, Wi-Fi, and a cooler were also installed. The setup, including a driver that Rivers hired, allows him and backup quarterback Kellen Clemens (who had long been his carpooling partner) to analyze game videos during the commute. As he would tell Acee,[134] My two biggest things were my family time and my preparation and what I owe this football team. I was not going to sacrifice either of them in any big proportion. I can look at all the pluses and minuses and say, ‘OK. This does it.’ This allows me to get home in the 6 to 7 hour, which is when I got home the last 11 years, and it allows me to watch all or more of the film I watched before. I like you am a fan of Rivers. When his career is over he is going to be a serious HOF candidate. Looking back on the Charger draft day deal with the Giants for Eli it is fair to say that it was a good deal for both teams. If anyone says that the Chargers got the better of the deal I won't say that they were wrong. The moral to the story is when you change a lot of poopy diapers you can't help but to stay grounded. Do you know what Rivers's wife says to him when he gets that twinkle in his eyes and is ready to go to be? I'm tired!
  20. Stop it! My freaking head is spinning. It could be this or it could be that. What if this or what if that. If they do this then we will do that that. When all you fortune tellers declare all options are open and then one of the options comes to fruition don't expect credit for the prediction. As most of you predictors point out right now the Browns and the Giants are the linchpin teams for us. The two teams that can be added to that pivotal group are Denver and the Colts.
  21. The alleged questions asked were against the NFL established rules. That's not debatable; that's a fact. But this goes beyond the law. It enters into the realm of utter stupidity. The work place and the world have evolved. The problem with dealing with ignorant people (referring to interviewer/s involved) is that they are too stupid to recognize and understand how ignorant they are. For some ignorance is bliss.
  22. Bill Belichick is going to go down as the best HC in the history of the modern NFL. He runs the operation in New England as both a HC and to a degree as the GM. Without question he has unlimited authority. When Marrone was in Buffalo he was feuding with the GM and the front office. That is not to say that his positions didn't have merit but his working relationship was fraught with conflict. If he tried his bully act with Coughlin I'm sure that his response will be much different from how Whaley responded. That's not something that BB has to worry about because he is running the show. I acknowledged that Marrone did a good job in Buffalo. And he certainly has done a good job in Jacksonville. But I still believe that because of his prickly personality it will as time go by have an eroding effect on his relationship with the players and organization. And that will certainly play in to his longevity as a coach with current team. You can have two coaches with the same dour personalities and style of coaching yet that doesn't necessarily mean that both coaches will have the same results.
  23. If Rivers was asked if he liked making babies his response would have been yes.
  24. This isn't an issue of political correctness or associated with any party or political leanings. At this time and place it is such a stupid and ignorant thing to ask someone. What makes this situation even more foolish is that this particular interview situation in the NFL has happened before and has drawn a scathing response, as it should. Sometimes there are novel situations where people don't know how to act and their intentions weren't intended to be offensive. This wasn't the case, or at least it shouldn't have been.
  25. If I substituted dinosaurs for Neanderthals would that be more acceptable?
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