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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I think that if the Giants play out this draft as you predict it will be a smart move for them. What we give up to make the deal seems fair except I would think that instead of giving up next year's first round pick instead a second round pick might be more reasonable. But if we have to give up the extra first in the next draft I'm okay with it if we get the qb that we want.
  2. It was a class in mixology. He was learning how to make a drink and not how to drink. He has already mastered the drinking part.
  3. In all the deals that Beane has made so far for the free agents and the trade of Glenn to the Bengals they have all been well thought out and not panic moves. I'm sure Beane is not surprised that there was going to be jockeying for positions in the qb market. Is the Jet move going to set us back? Not necessarily because no team enters the draft with a draft strategy that doesn't have multiple options. A lot of the conventional thinking is that the top tier qbs are all going to be gone by the first half dozen picks. I'm not sure that it is going to be the case. My guess is that the Bills will still move up the board. If the Giants or Denver don't decide to use their first pick for a qb then trade partners are still in play. Who knows if the Colts could make another trade down with us and accumulate even more picks? Who knows if one of our preferred qbs will still be on the board even if we stay pat? That would be the best scenario if it played out that way. My point is that I'm confident that Beane and his staff will respond smartly to however the draft unfolds.
  4. I disagree with you that the Chiefs over-drafted Mahomes. He was a player that they were keen on for a long time. They had a conviction on him and they took a bold move to get him. Was it a gamble worth taking? After having him in their system for a year they were confident enough in his abilities that they traded away an established qb to make him a starter this upcoming season. I'm not against drafting any qb. The issue isn't who is going to be ready the soonest but who in the end is going to be the best qb for you. My belief now and has been is if there is a qb available that you have a conviction on then do what you have to do within reason to get that particular player. If option A isn't available then go after option B, and if option B isn't available then go after option C. If option C is acceptable but less pricey then all the better. The approach that should be taken is that A good solution is better than a perfect solution that doesn't materialize.
  5. Put your money on Darnold and give me a commission for the tip.
  6. I agree with you that the three qbs you listed are on their preferred list. But I wouldn't be surprised if Allen is also on the same list.
  7. For most positions I agree with your take. With respect to the qb position I have no problem with drafting a round earlier. It would make no sense to draft Rudolph at the 12 spot but I don't see it being unreasonable to take him with the lower first round.
  8. Odds are that if you go to the roof to yell to the moon your wife will be right there with you in order to push you over the ledge. If you give her advance warning that will give her more time to research the contents of the life insurance policy. When the police arrive on the scene and ask her why she is smiling when her husband is splattered on the sidewalk her response would be because he woke up the baby and now I have better options.
  9. If Rudolph were "their guy" they could get a stud defensive player at 12 and possibly still get him at 22. I don't believe that is what the Bills want to do but it might be a good fallback position if there is a run on qbs. I still believe, as I think you do, that the Bills will make a concerted effort to move up to get their preferred, or more preferred qb. If I had to guess I believe that the Giants and the Colts will be the teams we will do business with to move up the board. Denver might be another team in play in the mix for us to deal with.
  10. You Ohio people just can't ever give up your hate for anything Michigan. Your tribalism can not be extinguished.
  11. You are right that you can't have both worlds so the priority will be to get the best qb. That's not to say that you can't use one of your remaining picks for a good LB prospect. You can fill in one of the gaps with a player like Compton who is not physically imposing but is very smart and analytical on the field. He is another player who fits the wrestling coach's mold of having good football instincts and reliable.
  12. Why wait? If you could solidify your position why not do it sooner before risking the chance that someone else would jump ahead on draft day with a better deal? What I would do is go to the Giants, the Colts and Denver and see who is willing to give the best deal. Then go ahead and make it. The issue becomes will the deal be more expensive prior to the draft or will the proposed deals become less expensive when the clock is running? I really don't know but would be more comfortable knowing what my situation is entering the draft day. The link is Jeremiah predicting the top five picks on draft day. He predicts Buffalo trading with the Colts and then selecting Allen. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000855910/article/2018-nfl-draft-order-and-needs-for-every-team
  13. The problem with the Allen jump is that the primary flaw ascribed to him regarding his accuracy is a killer flaw for his position. If accuracy is a noticeable flaw when he is playing in the college ranks then that flaw is certainly going to be magnified in the pro ranks where the speed in processing is exponentially faster and the windows are much smaller. Like Bortles he has an elite physical profile. There is a temptation to be seduced by the tape measure. That's the trap that Nix and Whaley fell into when they were attracted to EJ. That's my concern with Allen. I am very much open to any qb prospect. Without question he is an appealing and enticing prospect. However, for a team like Buffalo that has to make their qb pick count is he worth the risk? I'm leaning against it.
  14. Thanks for the info. You make me eager to join the ranks of the degenerate gamblers. Another question: Do the pros still break legs if you are delinquent in payments?
  15. From what you stated the worst thing that could happen to him is to go to a team that feels the pressure to play him right away. If Roethlisberger can eek out a couple more years of being battered that would be a good place for him. If Cleveland took Barkley with their first pick he would be a reasonable selection with their next pick because Taylor can buy time for him to become acclimated to the pro game. What I find interesting about him is that there is a recent splurge of promotion by the media analysts. Are they being misdirected by the teams in order to mask their true intentions or is the elevation real? We'll see.
  16. You concisely described the concerns about him. Although I'm skeptical I'm also open-minded about him. I would be less adverse to taking him at a lower draft position.
  17. Bandit, Did you do a workup on Allen? It seems that there has been more recent buzz about him by many commentators/analysts. While before there were divergent views on him it seems that his ranking has been solidified in the top tier with Darnold, Rosen and Mayfield. My belief is that the Bills are targeting Rosen. I would be happy with that pick or any of the other top two with Allen still being a question mark. I'm interested in your insightful thoughts although I reserve the right to disagree with you.
  18. My theory is that Allen's favorable rating went up after the combine where many people predicted he was going to shine because of his classic physical attributes. He did well and he looked good. It shouldn't be surprising that In that setting he was going to stand out. The issue is can he do it in games where you have to process what is going on before executing a play. There is also the Wentz factor. He came out of the same program So there is going to be less skepticism about a player coming out of that program. Just maybe this is a qb class where legitimately there is a top tier group where all will eventually succeed. Assuming the Bills move up my money is still on the Bills selecting Rosen. However, if the Bills decide on another qb I'm receptive to the selection.
  19. Gugny is a dirty old man on the prowl. The smokers he is looking for is far different from what you think. https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/beautiful-women-smoking-cigarettes?sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=beautiful women smoking cigarettes
  20. The last thing I would do is criticize a team that would draft Barkley with a high pick. However, if I were a Cleveland fan I would want the Browns to use their first pick on their preferred qb. There is no need for them to gamble that the qb they want will be there at the four spot unless it is Mayfield. Barkley without question is the highest rated back but there are maybe three other highly rated backs who will be available at the top of the second round when they pick. If they select players such as Fitzpatrick or Chubb they would be adding a dynamic defensive player who is also rated at the top of the board. As I stated in my prior post the issue comes down to how do you build a balanced roster? There is no right or wrong answer. It comes down to preference. For me I would take a highly rated defensive player with their second selection who is rated near the top of the board over taking a top a rated back when there are other very good backs that can be had in the next round.
  21. If Hue doesn't win at least six games I see him be jettisoned. I'm surprised that the new GM didn't fire him and start over. The organization could have promoted the change as a "fresh start" or "forget the ugly past". What are the odds that a team wins one game in two years and the HC keeps his job?
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