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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Most NFL people acknowledge that Wentz is already pretty close to being an elite qb. In a year or two he is going to be in the discussion as to whether he is the best in the league. What I can comfortably say about Goff is that he is not only now a franchise qb but in the near future he is going to be in the top third ranking of qbs. As a Bills fan all I'm asking is to get a qb who is considered a credible franchise qb. That's substantially more than what we have had in nearly a quarter century. Too many people (not necessarily saying you ) take the view that unless you get that special qb you shouldn't bother with upgrading the position. That's not my view and will never be. For one, getting that special prospect is a rare occurrence. What is evident in the NFL is that there are a variety of ways to build a roster and be able to compete. Some teams emphasize defense more than the offense or stress building a superior OL to emphasize the running game. There are a variety of ways to do this that have proven to be successful. But it is rare that any team is a SB contender with a second rate qbing. Jacksonville got far with Bortles but I'm not sure their success is sustainable without an upgrade. The point of this post is to stress that it is essential that the Bills come out of this draft with a credible qb prospect. Even if the Bills can't manage to get their most coveted prospect that doesn't mean that they can't find a reasonable option. If it were up to me I would have selected either Mahomes or Watson last year and be done with this yearly fixation. Securing that position last year and using the extra picks this year would have accelerated the rebuilding process. It's just time now to get this nettlesome issue resolved so that this franchise can move forward.
  2. I'm more optimistic than you are on Goff. In his second year he made a quantum leap forward from his rookie year. The progression was remarkable. No one is doubting that having a talented roster with a top shelf back, a bolstered OL and a revamped receiver corps enhanced his play. But that is what smart organizations do. They put the qb they highly invested in the best possible position to succeed. The Rams lost a talented receiver in Watkins. But his departure represents the norm of player movement in the cap era. So while there might be a deficit on offense with him going to KC the organization balanced out the roster by (maybe) adding a top tier defensive player who will bolster the other side of the ball. Admittedly Goff is not as good as Wentz. There is no shame in that because Wentz is already considered one of the best qbs in the league. If he wouldn't have gotten hurt there is a good chance that he would have won the MVP. In my opinion by next year or the next year Goff is going to be in the top third qb rankings in the league. However you want to evaluate the deal the Rams made to get Goff it was a tremendous success. When I watched Goff play and Tyrod play I enviously coveted for a qb like the one in LA.
  3. I don't see the Jets giving up more assets to move up one spot. Odds are that if their option A isn't available they would be comfortable with their option B. If the Bills swing a deal to move up to #2 they will know who they want and will run up to the podium to make their announcement.
  4. You and I are in accord on what the Giants should do. As far as the Bills go if they have no recourse other than to stand pat and add a bulk of talent to the roster that in itself isn't a bad situation to be in. Sometimes the qb you consider to be a second-tier prospect can turn out to be a very good player. However this regime responds I have a lot of confidence that they will do it smartly and act strategically.
  5. I agree with you that the qb he wants to target is Rosen. He fits all the boxes with the exception of maybe durability. If I had to guess his fallback position is to use his second first round pick for Rudolph. If he were to gamble he might use his chips on Allen who would match his profile with the exception of accuracy. If I had to make a prediction right now I believe that the Giants would be open to a deal that would give them an infusion of a lot of talent.
  6. My guess is that Beane is targeting Rosen. Most people believe that the Browns are going to use their first pick on Darnold. The assumption on my part is that the Bills are going to work out a deal with the Giants for their pick. The Bills are in the best position to offer the most to them. And that is what it is going to take.
  7. From the Giants' perspective a deal would have to include a second and third round pick in this year's draft. You are in reality not giving up two first round picks this year. You are exchanging first round picks and then giving up your lower first round pick. If giving up another first round pick next year is part of the price then so be it. On WGR they were talking about what a deal with the Giants would look like. Sal C pointed out that sometimes teams exchange a higher for a lower pick in order to mitigate such a high cost deal. As an example the Giants might consider trading us a third round pick for our fourth round pick this year or next year. It would be a minor adjustment but it would at least be a mitigating factor in such a deal. With a little imagination and some fortitude an advantageous deal can be worked out for both sides. My prediction is that a deal is going to be done. Everything that has been done since this regime took over has put us in a position to make a deal. The concept of a deal has already been made and now it is time to actualize it.
  8. If the Giants don't want to take a qb with their high pick some version of this deal would make a lot of sense for them. For Buffalo it would be a good deal because we have a bonus pick in the first, second and third round. So essentially we would still have the normal number of picks in most of the rounds. If the Giants squeeze us harder and demand a first round pick next year I would with a stone face (masking my happy face) say where do I sign?
  9. If your goal is to be respectable then you would be comfortable with McCarron as your long-term starter. If you have higher aspirations then you would aggressively pursue a more talented qb who can go beyond managing an offense and make plays. If you look at the teams that are your standard serious teams for the most part (not always) they have upper echelon qbs. Last year, the Bills eked into a wild-card playoff game. That isn't what you should be striving for.
  10. My niece had a son who fell into that ODD spectrum. He was a handful. With special programs in school and a lot of patience he steadily came around. He still has some quirks revolving around stubbornness. When I went to California to visit my niece and her family I was stunned how he evolved. He is a wonderful kid and made tremendous progress on how he interacts with people. The challenge was to channel him into areas of his interests. When he is interested in something he becomes very committed. On the problematic side is when he isn't interested in something he can be a mule. To be honest I was very concerned how his life was going to develop. After the visit I came away without a doubt that he is going to be a success in life not only because he is talented in certain areas but more so because he has a good heart. The moral of the story for me is not to give up on a person and to love without conditions.
  11. So you transferred your obstinacy from the military to civilian life. Is it true your middle name is "incorrigible" ?
  12. I'm surprised that you weren't court martialed on a ship with the sentence being tying an anchor to your waste and throwing you overboard. The benefit to the shipmates is one less incorrigible and obstinate sailor to deal with. A secondary benefit is an additional bunk to add to the mix.
  13. You can't be a Marine. Because with your attitude you would either be mutilated or quite possibly dead.
  14. You will be the epitome of flexibility after you get your bottom ferociously belt whipped. I can guarantee it that your stubborn behavior will turn into compliant behavior. Sore arses have a tendency to make people come around.
  15. You are a recalcitrant. Go to your room and don't come out until you become more flexible.
  16. The clips of this player remind me of the Pats Burkhead. He seems to have the same style of between the tackles backs that you cited. There is no flash and little juking. Mostly north/south running hard running. Very old school player.
  17. He was plagued all year with a foot and ankle injury. He should have been placed on an injury status. He is still recovering/rehabbing from the injury.
  18. It's the pro game influenced by the college spread passing game. This type of passing game favors a qb such as Mayfield, and to a lesser extent Rudolph, who are both familiar with it because of their college exposure. I know you are not a Rudolph fan as much as I am but I can see the Bills standing pat if they can't work out a reasonable deal to move up. Their fall back position could be to select a qb such as Rudolph with our second first round pick. He falls within Beane's profile of a qb who has the required physical attributes and he can make plays in the pocket. If you get a chance watch the game between Oklahoma and OKState. Mayfield and Rudolph went toe to toe although Mayfield was the better finisher at the end of the game.
  19. I'm so confident that Cleveland won't draft Jackson that I would bet Kirby's pay check for the next year if it happened.
  20. I respectfully but strenuously disagree with you that Mayfield isn't special in any one category. Without question he is stupendously accurate with his short to medium passes. Those type of posses are the bulk of the pro passes. You are right that a scheme can skew the stats. But what distinguishes Mayfield is not his impressive statistical numbers but his impeccable ball placement. Tyrod couldn't even properly complete a swing pass. Mayfield consistently puts the ball were the receiver can catch it in stride. Rosen throws the most beautiful classical pro ball. However, in the short to medium game which makes up the bulk of the pro passing plays Mayfield is as good, if not better, than any other qb in this class. I don't believe as much as you do that he requires a scheme specific fit. But if he does then so what? Adjust the scheme as you would do for any other player. I'm open to a variety of options. If Rosen is the preferred qb and can't be attained then the next few options can still be very good options. I strongly believe that we have to come out of this draft with a credible franchise qb prospect. If option A is not available then go to B or C. It just needs to be done so this franchise can move on from that vexing issue.
  21. Yolo had a plausible mock where the Giants trade with Buffalo for the second pick and accumulate picks and select Guice. It would make sense for the Giants and for the Bills where they select Rosen.
  22. Go to your room! Pouting will be punished with a ferocious belt whooping. If you call the authorities to report an abuse you will be orphaned.
  23. When all is said and done if the Bills don't come out of this draft with a high-end qb prospect I will be very disappointed. If the Bills can't get Rosen I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills go after Allen. I have the feeling that McBeane because of their history with Newton at Carolina that they favor big qbs. They are the one's buying the groceries. Whatever they put on the table is what you are going to get.
  24. My sense is that Beane likes bigger qbs who can stand tall in the pocket. I'm a Mayfield fan but I think this regime wants a bigger qb and a more pocket passer.
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