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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. If someone is looking for a quick fix at qb he is not the answer. If you are not going to work with him and coach him up then you are wasting your time with him. The worst thing to do with a qb such as Allen is throw him into the fray when he is not ready. Allen is probably not going to be a prolific passer who with nibbling short passes is going to accumulate proficiency stats. If your offense is predicated on those type of pass substituting for run plays then he is not a qb you should invest in. Economy and compact cars will never be good muscle cars. With Allen you know what type of qb he is and work with his talents and not his deficiencies. The issue for Allen is the same issue for Lamar Jackson. You are making a projection based on physical skill and are hoping that you can refine a raw talent. He's not a prospect I would fear having; he is a prospect I would love to have.
  2. If either the Giants or Denver doesn't draft a qb then I think we could get a deal done that doesn't deplete our picks. The players you listed would make a good haul. Vander Esche is an intriguing prospect. But he doesn't fit the profile of a McBeane draftee in that they prefer experienced players.
  3. That's why he dislikes you more than ever. He met you! He liked you better when you were a computer mirage. Now that he has interacted with you he no longer wants to associate with an authentic deplorable. You might want to have a mental health checkup.
  4. What's your take on Miller? Has there been a mismatch with the system or just poorly used. I'm aware that he has been hurt but he has been a disappointment.
  5. I forgot to mention that your hairy balls are also in play. You can talk tough but you will learn that Kirby may appear to be congenial but in reality he is a merciless sadist. Trust me the tears profusely running down your cheeks will not be tears of joy.
  6. If Kirby Jackson reads your critical comment about his beloved qb he will horse collar you and drag you to the public square. Where up on the high scaffold he will with great precision remove your pubic hair . The rollicking mob will in unison chant one more strand----one more strand!
  7. I want to apologize. When I responded to BillsMafia13 I told him to put me on ignore. I mistakenly mentioned you in my comment when I meant to include BadolBilz (not you). That was my mistake. I often don't agree with you and I'm sure you often don't agree with my takes but at least you are able to comprehend what the other person is saying. What's most annoying is the repeated mischaracterizations after repeated clarifications. That is what has gotten me stoked here.
  8. You know how much of a fool you are? The position you have just stated is the same position that I have argued over for years. You essentially are arguing against a person who has the same position. How freaking illogical is that!!!! There comes a point where it is futile having a discussion with someone who makes absolutely no sense. I have argued for years that the organization has failed to make it a priority to address the qb issue. Yet you repeatedly argue as if I am saying something that I not only am not saying but have never said. Are you aware how childish your first paragraph is? Do yourself a favor and ignore me.
  9. The art of throwing mud. And for the more advanced crowd: The art of throwing feces.
  10. His stance was nonsensical. What if the hot babe in the bar didn't give you her number and told you that if you even looked at her with your shyster eyes she would call the authorities claiming harassment. If the option of your dreams is not attainable then you go to your next best option. If that option doesn't satisfy you then take another approach. The point I tried to make to this unabsorbing fellow is just because you want something doesn't always mean that you can get it. I repeatedly tried to make that basic point out to this loud and frantic fellow. He simply doesn't have the capacity to understand something so obvious and basic.
  11. In general his style of play wouldn't appeal to a five star player. And his program wouldn't be a good fit for that one and done type of player. His players for the most part stay in school and they get better. He's the type of coach that you would entrust your family member to play for. With coaches like Pearl and Pitino there are always controversies and rumors swirling around their programs. They have a tendency to go to the edge and then claim innocence when the they get caught crossing the boundaries. Beilein has coached at a number of programs while moving up the ladder. To his credit there has never been a hint of impropriety in a sea full of sharks.
  12. I'm not arguing one way or the other whether Hartnell is a dirty player. I just think that on the hit against Antipin that there was nothing egregious about it. If Antipin didn't get hurt and a call of boarding was made I would say that it was a reasonable call. Odds are if Antipin didn't collapse there would not have been a penalty called on that play. If you believe that Hartnell was reckless on that play I'm not going to argue with you. That is a reasonable position to take although that I don't consider that play to rise to that level. But if you believe that he was deliberating going out of his way to hurt a player then we disagree.
  13. These grind it out defensive teams like Michigan struggle when they play ball moving and good shooting teams. I just don't think they have the firepower to match Villanova. I'm a fan of Michigan's coach, John Beilein. He has been a success wherever he has gone. Beilein is a good friend of John Murphy of WGR who went to the semi and final games. Murphy told a story about Beilein that he was voted by coaches to be one of the most honest coaches and run one of the cleanest programs. According to Murph his son is following his father road to success in the coaching ranks. He is currently coaching Lemoyne and has his team in a lower tournament. He also noted that he is being considered for some bigger jobs.
  14. He's what you call an equal opportunity responder.
  15. Go back and read your posts. Look in the mirror before you talk about others responding with insults. Don't bother responding to me because I'm not going to waste my time with your foolishness.
  16. You can go through this link and find them. In 1974 the Bills drafted LBs Rudd and Nelson in the first two rounds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nebraska_Cornhuskers_in_the_NFL_Draft
  17. What's the big deal. He has called me a poor bastard on many occasions. Just because he has good judgment doesn't mean that I have to like him.
  18. Why would you ban Kirby? He is a fine fellow but at times he can be irascible when discussing TT with me. Simple solution. Think lower and get Mayfield between 6-9.
  19. You have the thinking capacity of a cement head. Rudolph is not worth being picked at the 12 spot. He is in my view worth being taken in the first round at the 22nd spot. If you don't understand the the value aspect to where a player is taken then you are not salvageable. Just because you have a need for a qb, which most everyone acknowledges, that doesn't mean you throw away your common sense. Rudolph is a good prospect but a developmental prospect who won't be ready in his first two years. Most people but the zealot blockheads who have the thinking capacity of a dead worm accept your notion that any qb is worthy enough to be taken at a higher round even if the odds are overwhelming in your favor that he will be available with a lower first round pick. Let me offer you a recommendation: Go to the nearest lost and found office and see if they found the common sense that you think you lost. The clerk will tell you that it isn't on their shelf because you never had it to lose. If there was a HOF for stupid people you would be a unanimous first ballot selection. Congratulations!
  20. If Antipin would have been hugging the board and got hit he would not have gotten hurt. At worst it would have been a boarding call. What made him vulnerable was that there was space between him and the board and he lacked awareness that a hit was coming.
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