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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. So be it. I have no problem with that apprenticeship. The one benefit of having a qb such as Jackson is that he can be used situationally, just like the Bills used Webb. There are legitimate reasons why not to draft qbs such as Allen and Jackson. Not being able to play right away is not a reason to not do so. The Browns brought in Tyrod despite the probability that they will use their first or fourth pick in the draft for a qb. Odds are their rookie qb is not going to play right away.
  2. It's unfair to compare year to year because the circumstances are different. It just seems this year there are more teams competing for qbs. Also, there is a good possibility that Whaley didn't have the authority to make the draft day decision. There was much talk that McDermott was calling the shots at that time. A major factor pushing up the cost this year is that the highly rated qbs are expected to go very early. What is apparent to me is that both KC and Houston are happy that they acted with urgency last year to get their respective qbs. Would Buffalo have been better off if they drafted either Mahomes or Watson with their first pick instead of putting off the decision for the next year? That answer will be better answered depending who we end up drafting and at what cost. It's not an easy question to answer, at least right now.
  3. That's not an issue for me even if he had to sit out longer. I say the same about Allen. Even the qbs who are more ready to play will take more time to become proficient qbs. Developing players is not something I shy away from---in fact I embrace it. As the wrestling coach would say: It's part of the process.
  4. This is one of the better qb discussions that I have listened to. He is very fair-minded and open-minded discussing the qbs. His comments about Allen were not scathing but were very cautionary. His very positive comments about Lamar caught me by surprise. After listening to him taking Lamar with the 12 pick and keeping the rest of the picks becomes more appealing.
  5. I have the same feeling as you do. I could tolerate drafting him at the 12 spot. But shedding valuable picks for a move up would be a major gamble. I don't see Allen as McBeane's priority selection. On the other hand he does fit the profile that McBeane had at qb from a size and arm standpoint. I'm not suggesting that they are equivalent talents but there is a similarity that exists that they have been attracted to. Where I slightly diverge from your viewpoint is that I am not as fearful of the selection because there is the raw talent. I just think that if you take the plunge with him you have to adjust the offense like the Steelers did with Roethlisberger in his rookie and early year where the emphasized the running game and a simplified passing offense. It can work if handled smartly.
  6. That's not what HappyDays's fears the most. He is afraid that he is going to be drafted at the 12 spot with the Bills not trading down. That's what makes him crazy with worry!
  7. If the Bills trade up for Allen will you change your moniker from HappyDays to UnhappyDays? Just curious?
  8. Luck is their golden asset. They got to protect him and get him help to maximize that asset. If they smartly work this draft they can get him that help with an infusion of talent.
  9. I like Bucky. He has carved out a suitable niche with the draft. It has to be understood that the analysts who do the mock drafts make their picks to be more provocative than to be bland. It's part of the business to provoke responses. I'm sure that if he was working for a team he would be more sober with his thoughts.
  10. The team that will be interesting to watch in this draft is the Colts. They made a good deal with the Jets that adds premium picks. And if they can make a deal with Buffalo they can again come away with additional high picks. If they smartly work this draft they can come away with an infusion of talent that can bolster their roster. Kirby, My head is spinning with all the possible options. Congratulations. You have just put me in a state of discombobulation. I feel dizzy and have to lie down. Are you happy now? What your Cleveland situation points out is that a good chess player can overwhelm a checker player when working the draft.
  11. Beane has a targeted qb grouping and within reason will make a measured deal for one of them. If a reasonable deal can't be worked out he will follow his board. Where I have a slight disagreement with your judgment is that I don't think that it is improbable that Beane might be interested in Rudolph at 12 or more likely 22.
  12. The same line of thinking applies if we end up negotiating with Denver, Cleveland at the 4 spot or the Colts, etc. As you perceptively noted we are not the only trading partner making the calculations for one's best interest. The irony is maybe by being shut out of deals the qbs get pushed down the draft board resulting in a minor deal to secure one of the more attractive prospects. Poker players who are composed are more likely to beat out players who are impulsive.
  13. We are not disagreeing at least to a major extent. If the Bills can make a less onerous deal and come away with one of their targeted qb/s then take the option. It would be irrational and irresponsible to pay more than you had to. However, if there is a strong conviction on a particular qb then my position is to go for it. If the Bills rate the qbs closely (as you suggested could be the case) then without question go for the best bargain. In the grand scheme of things if getting the qb you covet costs you a high pick in next year's draft then (for me) I receptive to that deal. And if you factor in that the Bills will have a significant increase in cap space next the that would be a hedge against losing a high pick if it comes to that. The priority for me is to get the qb secured in this draft.
  14. I have a different perspective on a trade scenario. We are the team making the overture for a deal. If the Giants are willing to trade their pick for our two first picks and next year's first without asking for any other of this year's picks I would be willing (enthusiastic) to make the deal. The issue for the Giants isn't who is offering the most because they have the prerogative to stand pat and get an elite player. My one caveat is that I would make the deal with the Giants only if the qb/s targeted is not likely to be available at our pick or with a lesser move up deal. This is the year to secure our targeted qb. A better situation is to have multiple targets that would allow us more flexibility (less cost) when dealing. My only uncompromising condition is that we have to come away with a bone fide prospect while we are in a position to do so.
  15. You are highlighting the conundrum. Is it worth also including in the package of this year's pick next year's first round pick to get the qb that you covet? I would say yes. However, I understand the reason why others would take a different view. There is certainly merit to it. The qb deficit has plagued this franchise for nearly a quarter century. The Bills are now in a position to make a maneuver to resolve an issue that has kept this franchise stuck in mediocrity for so very long. Even if we have to give up next year's first round pick the Bills will have a large cap avaliability to compensate for the loss of that high pick. It's time to get this issue addressed.
  16. The thing about the Mahomes or Watson discussion relative to the current crop of qbs is that with Mahomes or Watson you could have gotten one of them with your pick last year without worrying about what it would take to get one of the higher rated qbs in this draft, assuming you can make a deal to do so. When all is said and done it may work out better that we made the deal with KC and used the future first round pick to get a good prospect this year. But the counter argument, and a reasonable argument, is that with a good qb prospect in the fold earlier would we be in a better position to fortify the rest of the roster in this draft? Not an easy call!
  17. if the Bills come away with one of the top four you won't hear a complaint from me. I'll even stretch that line of reasoning further that if the Bills keep their picks and draft either Rudolph or Jackson I will be on okay with it. I don't see Darnold as being much of a risk as a prospect. In my view Allen is the bigger risk. That is not to say that I wouldn't be happy with him.
  18. That's the prevailing rumor. The McBeane tandem seems to have a qb they are targeting. If they have a conviction on a player and go full throttle to get him then I'm supportive. If you know what you are doing the peddle to the metal is the way to go. If you don't know what you are doing the peddle to the metal is a style of driving that makes you more prone to crash. Cross your fingers. My guess is that it is either Darnold or Josh Allen.
  19. I'm a Sal C fan. However, I think if he had a full time football show on the Bills he would become softer with his opinions and commentary. I realize Murph has a tough job not straying too far from the company line but he really doesn't add much to the discussion. When a caller harshly criticizes the team he becomes very defensive and is not too adept at engaging the caller. Steve Tasker is a good guy but he is bland. The hockey show with Peters and Revet is much livelier. There is much more personality to this duo.
  20. You make a good point. I would rather be aggressive and move up to get a preferred qb. However, as you stated we could stand pat and still come away with an excellent qb prospect and address other needs. My only non-compromising position is that we should come out of this draft with a high-end qb prospect. Although Mayfield is thought to be an early selection it wouldn't be surprising if he could still slide to us. Also, some evaluators have higher ratings on Jackson and Rudolph that go against the grain to what most of us think is the consensus rating. And very often your second or third option can still be a very viable option to take to move forward. There is currently plenty of speculation that the Bills will work out a deal with the Giants for the second pick. On the other hand it wouldn't be surprising if the Bills ended up working on a deal with team that is in front of us but less so making a deal less costly. Tell the truth. You are not a conservative; you are a rebel.
  21. Bandito, The misconception is that if the Bills make an expensive deal with a variety of teams in a move down that doesn't mean that you are left with a barren draft. As you have often pointed out even with trading both of your first round picks for a higher round first, and trading a second and a third round pick you still end up with your top three round picks. Or simply stated a standard full draft. As you have demonstrated with your (exhaustive) listing of good value FA picks you can still fill out the roster even while shedding some of your picks. When all is said and done the first priority in this draft is to come away with a high end qb prospect. That's essential and is what this brain trust has been maneuvering for since it took over. This regime had a blueprint when it took over. It's is systematically following by shedding players and bringing in their type of guys. They also are restructuring and re-balancing the cap distribution. Again, scrupulously fooling their blueprint. Bandito, not only are you pugnacious but you are also astute, perspicacious, adroit and a stalwart. The line you are standing in is the same line I am standing in. Most of us recognize that your influential shadow is covering a large swath of territory. We need you to continue manning the rampart.
  22. Whether Jones or Murphy is good or bad at their job it doesn't matter. The way the show is designed (and all similar local shows in every football city) it makes it impossible to have a real discussion about the team and players . Both hosts know enough about football to recognize bad coaching, front office decisions and the talents of the players. But because they are working for the team/organization they can't explicitly criticize the team/organization. What do you think would happen if Murph or Jones stated that they thought that Rex was a fool and the bigger fool was the person/s who hired him? Each of the hosts realized the limitations of Taylor yet they tip toed around the issue when discussing his play. It' simply the nature of the beast. You get bland in those type of cooptative situations
  23. The argument you could be making is if the Bills didn't trade out of the 10 spot last year would they be in a better position if they drafted either Mahomes or Watson? With the qb issue addressed the extra picks accumulated for this year could be used to bolster the roster. If the Bills do secure a qb like Rosen, Darnold or Mayfield in this draft then I'm not complaining about how things worked out.
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