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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. You missed the point of my post with respect to my response to Gunner. It dealt with his talent level relative to when he was selected. Players are constantly moving from the practice squad to the active squad when need be.
  2. If the Bills want to keep three qbs on the roster he will be on the roster. Most teams keep three qbs on the roster but the third is not usually activated. Is there a chance he will beat out McCarron? Probably not but not inconceivable because he is cheaper. My belief is he will be on the roster.
  3. Peterman was a fifth round pick. That in itself tells you that he was a long shot qb prospect. I'm not saying or suggesting that your assessment of him is controversial. At best I'm saying he can turn out to be a reasonable backup. So I'm not inflating his talent level and role on this team or in this league. All I'm sayin (without anger) is that there is a potential backup role for him. That includes as a backup to the backup. It may not be great utility but some utility.
  4. Where he was drafted reflected his talent status. He was a fifth round pick. A qb drafted in his range is a long shot franchise qb prospect but it is an appropriate draft position for a backup qb prospect. If that is what he is then that pick was a good value pick. Peterman is a limited qb but he can as a temporary player run an offense. There are too many people chortling over his Charger debacle game (not saying you). But odds are he is going to be our backup as a second or third qb for the foreseeable future. It's true that there isn't much upside with him but that doesn't mean he won't get better. He certainly isn't a difference maker but he does have some utility and a role on this team.
  5. If the Bills trade with the Giants I agree with you that most of our high picks will be dealt to move up. But that isn't what I see happening. There is a good chance that either Mayfield or Rosen will still be on the board in the 6-10 range. The Bills could make a move up by trading both of their firsts and still have more than a full draft of picks to use. The team to watch is the Colts. We can get a deal done with them that benefits them with our two first round picks. If you factor in the deal with the Jets for multiple second round picks then the Colts can come away with a lot of high round picks that could give their new HC and GM a terrific roster boost. In this scenario I see the Bills selecting Rosen. I would be happy with that scenario playing out.
  6. I misjudged you. I always took you to be a sober person. Now not so much.
  7. If as many are predicting the Bills see that Rosen is sliding I don't think they will risk losing him. I think they'll start with Denver and move down and see which team is willing to deal with them. Right now I'm leaning toward the Colts with the Bills giving up both their of their first round picks to guarantee that they can get him without worrying about someone else surprisingly jumping up. We can get our qb of the future and still have a full draft. If that scenario should play out Thurmanator will from that point on live a tormented life.
  8. If NYC Bill reads your post you are in trouble. If you get a letter in the mail and a wire is sticking out don't open it.
  9. It wasn't too long ago that people were proclaiming Goff was an unsalvageable failure after his rookie year. His rookie year consistented of mostly not playing and late season play where he was simply overwhelmed. It's not surprising that offseason workouts entering into his second year added to an improved roster morphed into a successful sophomore season where he helped lead his team into the playoffs. Kirk Cousins didn't play in his first three years. He was anchored to the bench and was the forgotten man. He used that period of time to work on his game while RGIII was working on his Diva Act and spending an inordinate amount of time with his tiresome self-promoting tweets. There are qbs in this draft such as Rosen and Mayfield who are ready to play sooner rather than later. Darnold might be an in-between prospect who might need a part of the season before being ready to play. The overwhelming consensus is that Allen is a high potential prospect who is going to require at least a season to be adequately prepared before he is ready to play. If an organization foolishly wants to immediately put him in the line of fire he is being set up to fail. What is lost in this discussion is there is also a learning curve for all positions. Some players can play rather soon while other players require time to ease into playing. Teams that invest in player development get better returns from their players. Teams that don't seriously believe in the notion of player development not only get less from their players they also lose with a greater frequency.
  10. I would take Darnold ahead of him but the mere fact that he is being considered taken at the top of the draft(at least it seems that way) tells you that he is under serious consideration of being in the top group. Even when he is being considered near the top of the qb listing it is typically acknowledged that he needs more development time than some of the other top tier qbs in the class. Few people are saying otherwise. If a team wants immediate help at qb then that team shouldn't select him. If a team is willing to invest a year or two or even more then he is well worth taking because of the upside potential.
  11. Do you know what they call it when Rosen slides? A Buffalo opportunity!
  12. He is a qb that is driven to be the best. He believing that he is the best means little to me. What he does by his preparation and total immersion into the game is what really counts. There have been numerous accounts that he not only has the playbook down pat but he wants to alter it and add on to it so he and the offense can be maximized. There are plenty of people who want to portray him as a spoiled rich boy who isn't committed to the game. Nothing is further from the truth. Because he has a tendency to ask "why" a lot of football old school types are put off by this millennial. His former coach Mora tried to make the point that Rosen isn't the type of player who is suitable for certain coaches and organizations. If he is going to an organization that is rigid and is more concerned with maintaining their system then he isn't the type of player (regardless of position) you would want. He is a player who wants not only to get better but find ways for the offense to get better. Mora got skewered for what people thought was a criticism of the player when he just was being honest about discussing what was the best situation for him. There are no perfect qb prospects in this draft. I would be ecstatic if he were (and some others) selected by the Bills. What would be even more terrific is if he could be acquired without giving up much in draft assets.
  13. Rosen may be the best passer in this draft. He reminds me of Goff with his picturesque form. However, as you pointed out I am also concerned with his durability. He has already taken a beating. He's only twenty years old and has time to bulk up and get thicker. With respect to his interviews I really don't care that much. He's entitled to his opinions; and I'm entitled to ignore them. What I do know about him is that he is dedicated to the game and to be the best.
  14. Zealotry is very different from having a strong opinion on a player or issue. When you get to the point of character assassinating someone just because you don't like the player for whatever reason and then keep hammering away with the same lies then that is a reflection on the person expressing the ugly thoughts. There is a big difference between being passionate and being a smear mongering scoundrel.
  15. You make a good point that instead of going all out and depleting your draft resources to move up to the 2 spot wait a little and see who will be available at between the 5-10. Then you can make a better value deal. As an example I would have no problem giving up an additional first round pick to Denver or Indianapolis and still have a full complement of picks that addresses other needs. If the Bills come out of this draft with a Rosen or Mayfield and a near full draft you won't hear me complaining. How many western society is collapsing threads do you think the Thurmonator will start if the Bills select Rosen? Let the unceasing character assassination begin!
  16. EJ was a third or fourth round talent drafted in the first round. If Allen is drafted I would support the selection.
  17. You are working yourself into an unnecessary state of agitation with the thought of Josh Allen being drafted by the Bills. This regime is far more rigorous than the Nix regime was when evaluating and drafting players. When the Bills traded down last year to get another qb it was with the intention of using it as an asset to select a qb in the next more qb rich draft (this year). Without a doubt they have since their arrival emphasized the importance getting this qb decision right. My point is that if this organization decides to draft Allen then it will be with a lot of effort, thought and examination that went into that crucial decision. If they believed that Allen was naturally inaccurate or that his mechanical flaws weren't fixable I doubt that they would select him. I want to warn you that Leroi is back on site. He has been pardoned. You need to know that a rumor has been circulating and getting louder that his first prediction based on an anonymous source is that the Bills are going to move up and draft Josh Allen. Please don't blame the messenger.
  18. I prefer the trio of qbs that you mentioned, and would trade up for any one of them. With Allen I would be agreeable to trading up but not make as much of an investment to get him. For the sake of argument let's assume the Bills were interested in Mayfield and Allen. Would I make a move up to preclude someone else ahead of us selecting him or another team jumping up to get him? If the McBeane duo had a conviction on either one of them then yes I would make a measured move.
  19. To be honest I'm conflicted about him. There are people who are knowledgeable evaluators who say don't be tempted by his tools and avoid him at all costs. Then there are knowledgeable evaluators who are impressed with his tools and believe whatever mechanical issues he has associated with his accuracy can be corrected. Most of the ESPN type evaluators have him in the top four group. Some even have him ranked in the top two. Bandit is high on him and Gunner and Bloke are not. On this issue I'm siding with the combative Bandito. Although I am queasy about it.
  20. You don't have to know all the facts to come to a conclusion. What we know for sure is that the police were called to the residence in regards to a disturbance. I don't know whether it was the victim or a neighbor who called. We also know that a woman was battered in a home that was shared by her partner. It's safe to conclude that there was an argument. The issue of who started it is irrelevant. She was someone who was hit by her partner. If you on his behalf want to make the claim that she injured herself to get him in trouble then you are making a claim that is outlandish and will be considered so by the authorities and if it gets to a jury by the people judging the case. The fact that he is a professional football player and built like a gladiator will work against him if he tries to make the claim that he feared her and felt threatened and had to fight her off. This is a case where you don't have to be intimately familiar with the law. The domestic assault law is simple enough for laymen to understand. If common sense is applied to the merits of this case the outcome is very predictable.
  21. I'm sure they know what a bad qb looks like. That's why it is a priority for them to find a qb in this draft.
  22. The police got a call for a disturbance at a residence. They went to the scene where both parties were. The woman had bruises and was bloodied. She claimed she was hit by her partner. This is a classic domestic violence case where the police are obligated to make an arrest based on probable clause. The evidence was clear that she was battered and that she shared a residence with the other party. Just because there is an arrest that doesn't mean that immediate charges are officially brought. The case is brought to the prosecuting office where an investigation was started. There is nothing unusual for this type of case to take time before official charges are made because it still needed to be investigated. Neighbors are interviewed, family members are interviewed, friends may be interviewed and a background check may be involved. It takes time. The prosecuting offense that handles these type of domestic cases are overwhelmed with cases. It takes time. The police arrested him based on probable cause and then he went before a magistrate where a bond was established. He posted it and was released. There is nothing fishy here. TV crime stories are quickly disposed of. Not in the real world.
  23. He's at the tail-end of his career where ambivalence about continuing is the norm. I get the feeling that being forced to take a pay cut to stay on upset him. In this era of twitter where his private thoughts are publicly posted it may seem that he is acting impulsively when in reality his conflicting posts are reflective of his conflicting thoughts. That's not being crazy----that's being normal and human.
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