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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Raw talent. Would not be afraid to take him if the other options are not available. If you want to get a return on him you need patience and good coaching. While many so no I say why not and fear not!
  2. It was bothering me because the picture you showed reminded me of someone that I recognized from an old TV show. Later on I came to the conclusion that it was Harvey Korman from the Carol Burnett Show. https://www.google.com/search?q=carol+burnett+show+cast&rlz=1C1AYBJ_enUS769US769&oq=Carol+&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i61j69i57j0l3.6059j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  3. Jimmy G was going to be a free agent after the season. He had a say where he was going to go. If Cleveland coveted him that doesn't mean that he coveted Cleveland. I'm sure he and his agent made it clear to the Pats and to whatever team that was considering trading for him whether he was going to sign a contract with them after the season. In addition, teams such as Buffalo, the Jets and the Phins would have had an interest in him and would have offered more. It's doubtful that the Pats would have traded him to a divisional competitor. My point is that the Pats' hands were partially tied. It wasn't a situation where they could auction off the player to the highest bidder. They got a deal done in a situation that was much more complex and restrictive than you are making it out to be.
  4. I'm certainly not an advocate for Trump. Quite the opposite. As you noted the player motives were twisted and distorted to the extent that the players became foils for the faction that didn't have much affinity for what they were demonstrating for. But what's the surprise? The message was noble but this particular stage was a platform in which their message could easily be manipulated by those who wanted to crowd out and confuse what was being said. There's a time and a place. When you put yourself in a vulnerable position don't be surprised when other's take advantage of your vulnerability.
  5. What he is speculating on is the same thing that is being speculated on by many of the NFL oriented sports shows that are blanketing the airways and blogsphere. What he is saying falls within the realm of plausibility. There is no secret what the Bills priority is in this draft. It has been clearly stated by the organization for more than a year. Just reading Joe C's history and work experience he seems like a very honorable and grounded person. I hope that what he is suggesting is actually true.
  6. You are very discerning. The difference between us is that I am more parsimonious.
  7. I want to make it clear that I like Allen and have been a proponent for him. But I'm not willing to invest the same amount of assets for him that I would for Rosen or Darnold. The issue is value judgment. There are qbs who when you judge them on their attributes they are off the charts. But how you play doesn't always rise to the level of one's parts. Again, I like Allen but what I would give up to get Allen is less than what I would give up to get Darnold or Rosen. That's basically my point.
  8. You misinterpreted my post. I would be willing to go up for Allen if the organization had a conviction on him. But not to the extent that I would for the aforementioned trio. I would comfortably give up an extra first round pick, and even more, for the more polished trio . I would be more judicious in how I worked a deal for the bigger Josh. That's my point. I like Allen and I am intrigued by him. But it has to be acknowledged that there is a longer road he must travel before he can get to the point of being an authentic franchise qb. Is he a Blake Bortles with imposing measurable and uninspired play or is he a Roethlisberger whose physicality and understanding of the game influences the game?
  9. I like Allen a lot. But I'm not convinced that he is the type of qb that you shed meaningful assets to move up for. I would have no qualms giving up valuable picks to get Darnold, Rosen and Mayfield. When you watch the trio I mentioned you can be confident that their more refined skills can translate to the pros. You can't honestly say that about Allen. No question that Allen has physical attributes that are enticing. But his overall game is so raw that there is a legitimate concern as to whether his game will be develop to be considered a good franchise qb.
  10. I have heard at least a dozen reporters from NY talk about the draft. Everyone gave the same opinion that they believed the Giants are not going to take a qb with the second pick in the draft. If I were in the Giants' position I would take a qb. But that isn't what most of the people who follow the franchise believe will happen. We'll just have to wait for the draft to happen before we find out what there intentions are.
  11. If you move too fast and become absent-minded you run the risk of catching the low hanging fruit in the zipper. Ouch!
  12. It looks like a dick head with two openings. Is that for quicker expulsion of fluid?
  13. I just don't see the Giants taking a qb at their pick. It's probably Barkley but also could be Chubb. Some people criticized the Jets for giving up too much to take the Colts spot. But it seems to me that it has worked out well for them. They are well positioned to come out of this draft with a high end qb prospect regardless what other teams do. Assuming that Darnold is off the board I think the Bills are targeting Rosen. I would love to know how the Bills ranked the qbs.
  14. He's an impressive person. The worst thing that can happen to him is to go to an old school coaching staff that takes the "sit-down and shut up" or "wait your turn" approach to young players. Rosen and Darnold are two of my preferences for the qb position. And I recognize that Rosen is probably the most ready qb right of the prospects.
  15. Darius Leonard from South Carolina State and/or Fred Warner from BYU.
  16. Listening to the WGR interview it seemed that Dilfer felt that the Jet situation with their coaching staff was a better situation for Rosen. Maybe I was reading too much into his comments but it seemed (my impression) that he wasn't sure (not declarative) that the Buffalo staff was not up to the task to handle this type of player and personality. This was an intriguing interview with Dilfer claiming that the coaching world isn't always populated with smart and adaptive coaches. Dilfer made the terrific point that often success or failure of a prospect is more due to the situation the qb is going to than the talent level of the prospect. He pointed out that many organizations don't invest in those things associated with player development and instead make the mistake of allowing an unprepared player to play before he is ready to. Another takeaway from this interview is that he felt that Rosen, who he knows very well, was the best qb in this draft.
  17. The Flowers selection is a demonstration of a team desperately reaching for a need. I don't subscribe to the rigid rule of staying true to your board without regard to need. But you have to have some common sense and balance when doing so. As you noted before Mills might be an average player at best but he is functional and reasonably priced.
  18. Let's do arithmetic. You subtract a player from the Giants and they get better. You add a player to the Bills and they get worse. Depending on one's perspective it is either addition by subtraction or subtraction by addition. No thank you.
  19. Mead has a gift for you. It's called a boner.
  20. I'm confident that the Bills are talking to a lot of teams but not to teams in their own division.
  21. Terrific board. Where I disagree with your prediction is that although the Jets like Mayfield a lot I see them pouncing on Darnold if he is available. The Browns passing on Darnold will have repercussions for us. I just don't see the Browns passing on Darnold for Allen. That's not to say that if they took the Wyoming qb that it would be a stunning development but I just don't see them taking the riskier pick because of their qb deficit history. Not only are you astute, perspicacious, adroit and pugnacious you are also assiduous. Without question you are a work horse and not a show pony.
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