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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. My befuddlement is a raw talent that I have honed and refined over time. The raw materials were always there. It just took effort to master it. I don't want to brag but I am a natural talent. Josh Allen may have incomparable arm talent but my level of confusion is well of the charts. ?
  2. A Packer and a good guy. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/packers-rb-aaron-jones-surprised-his-good-deed-at-airport-went-viral/ar-AAy5prT?li=BBnb7Kz
  3. Peddle to the metal. I'm a full throttle guy. Go hard and fast until your gas tank is on empty. Then fill it up again. Fear not!
  4. You are periodically astute, perspicacious adroit. ?
  5. I was confused about where the writer was going to because I didn't associate the Atlantic with sports.
  6. How about bodacious tiiits? Is there anything more disgusting than mountain sized man tiiits? These unsightly bumps should be prohibited at public beaches. ?
  7. I was aware of the publication but I didn't associate it with any of the local writers. I thought there was a new start-up venture that some of the local writers were gravitating to. My philosophy is to go big. When you are wrong take it to the max. ?
  8. I guy with capacious boobs. That's nauseating! ?
  9. If your wife unexpectedly gets dressed up wearing a sexy outfit and wearing seductive perfume it is not a good sign. When you ask her where she is going and she dismissively tells you she won't be back until three in the morning because she will be meeting with some of her imaginary Friends[/b[ that is a good sign that something is amiss and just maybe you might need to hire a detective. ?
  10. For the first couple of years I gave him the benefit of the doubt. It was evident that he did a lot of churning in a result oriented business (W/L). Granted he had a lot of obstacles he had to contend with that were not of his making. But when all was said and done his performance was average at best in a system where 3/4 of the teams are average. There was little that distinguished his tenure. What closed my door on him was his lack of effort in pursuing the challenge of finding a franchise qb. That's when my door was closed and locked on him.
  11. There is a mythology about this player that I don't understand. I trust my eyes. What I see is far different from what many others are seeing. This fictitious nostalgia is baffling to me.
  12. You are absolutely right that Whaley was placed in an untenable situation that he didn't deserve to be placed in. But tough! Fairness isn't always part of the landscape in the work world. It goes with the territory. You try to prepare the best you kind for an impossibly awkward situation. I agree with you that the owner weaseled out of a bad situation that he created. But again that's part of life where the boss has the ability to throw you out on stage with a crowd of wolves howling at you. But let's look at the substance of the situation. Whaley as a GM was average at best. He certainly didn't have full control of hiring HCs but the solution to that was to insist on that authority or resign. The heart of the matter is that Whaley was mediocre with his draft selections and his cap management was not wisely handled. It wasn't crippling but it certainly wasn't smartly handled. His style of decision-making was tactical and not strategic. Contrast how he ran the operation to how this McBeane run their operation. He was an 8-8 type of GM. Middling and indistinguishable from the pack. He simply wasn't good enough at his job. That' the real issue.
  13. The truth of the matter is that this Taylor vs Peterman debate is irrelevant to the Bills of today. Last year was last year. This regime demonstrated seriousness when they got rid of their floundering former starter and invested heavily in getting Josh Allen. That's the substantive issue here. Peterman at best is a backup. Whether he should have replaced Taylor or not is an issue that has lost its shelf life. I admired and liked Taylor as a person. However, he is a functional qb at best. He as a starter represented the same wretched mediocrity that had kept this franchise mired in irrelevance for a generation. While others criticized McDermott for starting Peterman in the Charger game, I have no criticism for that decision. In hindsight making that change for that one game made no difference on how the season played. We won't be debating the Taylor issue any longer because he is another team's temporary starter.
  14. You can embrace any stats you want. I don't give a dam. The reality was that Taylor struggled for a string a games, and more importantly he couldn't run a pro offense. Go back and watch the Jacksonville game. That was a display of qb futility at an exponentially atrocious level. The fact is that the running qb was dealt and the young qb was kept. You may be satisfied with Pop Warner quarterbacking but I wasn't. I wish Taylor the best. He is a fine fellow and deserves to be placed in a better situation. On the other hand I'm ecstatic that I don't have to watch that type of unpalatable football any longer. If you are so enamored with him you can watch the Cleveland games. If that is the case then you better watch the early season games because in the not too distant future Mayfield will replace him as the starter.
  15. The next stage is which HC inserts the rookie into the starting lineup. ? I respectfully but strenuously disagree with you. When your starting qb struggled for multiple consecutive games and is incapable of running a pro offense I have no problem with trying the next option. It didn't work out. So what? At least you tried something to alter the unacceptable level of play. The prior regime wanted TT gone and the next regime not traded him. Last year is over with. It's time to move on from that issue. Peterman will be competing for a backup job. If he doesn't show enough he will be moved out.
  16. The only difference between our views is that I'm more willing to let it play out. side note: Canisius signed Sam Rautins the son of Leo Rautins, a former Syracuse player and coach. This kid can shoot and is a good fit for the league. https://www.syracuse.com/orangebasketball/index.ssf/2018/05/syracuse_basketball_legend_leo_rautins_son_commits_to_canisius.html
  17. If Peterman turns out to be bad as many believe then it will play out that way. It's not going to take long to see where the chips fall. I have no criticism for those who don't believe that Peterman is going to make it in this league. I believe that he can be a functional backup in this league. Where I disagree with the critics is that because the rookie was overwhelmed in a game in his rookie year that he should be dismissed as a player. There may be a backup role for him or they may not. I'm willing to give him the opportunity to demonstrate what he is capable of. If he surprises the critics and becomes a backup for the Bills or another team then he will have done well for himself. With respect to Tyrod it won't take long before the Tyrod of Buffalo will become evident in Cleveland. I wouldn't be surprised to see Mayfield on the field sooner than you think. In my mind Rosen was the most pro ready qb and Mayfield was the next ready. When the Cleveland coaches see Taylor missing passes and Mayfield hitting passes in practice they will quickly alter their preconceived plans.
  18. Kirby, just let it go. The juices of resentment will eat you up. A rookie qb had a disastrous performance and now you are essentially disqualifying him from playing in the league. That line of abrupt reasoning makes no sense. What you fail to mention in your haranguing of Peterman is that he got an opportunity to play in the Charger game because for a few consecutive games the fleet footed starter was playing ineptly. He simply couldn't run a pro offense! The act of desperation by the coaching staff was two pronged: Get the starting qb off the field and go to the next option. It didn't work. The move was not a reflection of Peterman's abilities as it was a reflection of Taylor's inabilities. Most of us agree that some time this season Allen will be the starting qb. Will McCarron start when the season begins? Odds are yes, but maybe not if Allen shows that he can handle the position from the start. I believe that the rookie won't start right away but will take over as the starter during this season. If Peterman is as bad as you frequently say it will become evident. Let it play out and see how it unfolds. Sometimes when one makes declarative assumptions those assumptions turn out to be not so declarative. Maybe an addendum to our qb saga is when will the Cleveland fans call for Mayfield to start in Cleveland compared to when the Buffalo fans beckon for Allen to take the snaps.?
  19. The reason why there was so much tumult in the organization was very evident. It related to dysfunction and incompetence. The Bills are certainly in a better spot with this new regime. They have brought order, coherency and competency to this former rag tag operation. Without having to agree with every move at least they were understandable and made sense. I believe that the Bills are still a couple to few years away from being a serious team. But at least now you can see a direction and am identity forming in this once formless organization.
  20. While the discussion went on it stagnated and the chasm grew wider. It's not surprising.
  21. Mularkey had a good reason to be uncomfortable (not going so far as describing it as paranoid) with Marv hovering above him especially after Marv expressed a desire to return to the coaching ranks rather than the GM position. The owner told Marv absolutely not. There is no doubt that Marrone had a disdain for Whaley and wanted more say in personnel. When all is said and done he left because he didn't want to work within the structure as it was constituted. So he left with a bucket full of money.
  22. I really don't know other than it is a rare and extraordinary action taken by the coaches. I'm sure there are coaches who have left for health and family reasons. Dungy comes to mind. What is clear is that both Mularky and Marrone wanted out because they didn't want to work in an organization that was so troubled that it didn't give them a reasonable chance to succeed.
  23. Maybe the one detail we can agree with is that both coaches unexpectedly walked away from the job they had to the surprise of the organization. In both cases it had to do with the way the franchise was being run. And In both cases the coaches initiated their departures. http://www.espn.com/nfl/news/story?id=2289987
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