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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Thanks for the response. The reality is that the Bills winning 9 games with that stripped down team was a testament to McDermott doing a terrific coaching job and the players buying in.
  2. Kirby, What was Vegas predicting last year in the season that we won 9 games?
  3. Were you ever on the Euro currency? Or the Russians won't allow you to join your European family members? Be careful how you respond or a Russian spy who all over your place (and our place) will poke you with a deadly nerve agent.
  4. There is a lesson to be learned. You get who you get; you are who you are. There were no secrets about Winston's conduct and character prior to his drafting. He repeatedly exhibited his sense of entitlement. Many of his incidents if taken individually were not serious. But after accumulating so many questionable incidents the pattern of behavior is a statement in and of itself. It is basically F^^^^ck You, your **** assss rules don't apply to me because I am special. When his countless scofflaws were brought to light he would read the same prepared statement how he used poor judgment but promised to do better the next time. This guy reeks with arrogance and insincerity. He has the traits of an accomplished con. I wouldn't scoff at the notion that the Bucs need to consider who their next qb option should be. And they need to put in place a plan for a short term and long term substitution for this character. Does anyone doubt that in the not too distant future he will be involved in another tawdry entanglement. When an immature and self-absorbed fool is driving your bus you better be prepared for a crash. The poster might not have a hot take but his general sentiment is correct.
  5. A while back I was in Moscow at an outdoor flea market. I saw this teenager with a group of friends who was wearing a Jim Kelly jersey. He didn't speak English too well and I didn't speak Russian. But he was very friendly and allowed a picture to be taken with him and his jersey.
  6. Fleetwood Mac Rumours album from 1977.
  7. Few people are falling in love with this particular player. That's carrying out a position to a stupendously exaggerated extreme to make a negative point about a player. As a backup I am okay with him. And I'm comfortable in acknowledging it.
  8. Kirby, Let it go! The San Diego game is in the past and he has moved on. If you want to reflexively bring up that game whenever his name is mentioned then so be it. To be fair you should also bring up the fact that he made some exceptional throws to Benjamin in the Colt game in arctic conditions that helped this team to qualify for the playoffs. https://www.bing.com/search?q=song+let+it+go&form=EDGHPT&qs=PF&cvid=1f53f6abd35845909634d29d092979e7&cc=US&setlang=en-US&PC=HCTS
  9. If he makes the roster this year as a backup then the franchise has gotten some worthwhile utility out of lat year's fifth round selection. As a starter few people would say he is good. But as a backup he can serve a useful role. I don't understand the antipathy toward him as a player. As a fifth round selection he was a reasonable pick. You and some others act as if he being a fifth round pick was an outrageous act. It wasn't. No one is challenging the fact that he was overwhelmed in the San Diego game last year. You and other scathing critics of him treat that game as if it is like a tattoo and is a permanent fixture. It's not. It's simply a horrible game that many other rookie players have experienced regardless of position. The problem I have with the few harsh critics of him is that it is very disproportionate to what his role is for this team. He is not our franchise qb, and never will be. That's understood. He may or may not start in the beginning of the season but everyone knows that if he or McCarron starts it is only as a temporary placeholder for Allen. There is also the possibility, not probability, that Allen can end up as the starter on opening day. But even if that happens there is still a need for an adequate backup. In my view both McCarron and Pererman can serve in that role. Gunner, Let it go!
  10. TSN's Mike Kelly on WGR with Jeremy. Good hockey talk on a 15 minute segment. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/08-08-tsns-mike-kelly-jeremy-white
  11. Few people believe that McCarron or Peterman are franchise qbs. That discussion needs to be placed in the garbage can in the front of the house that will soon be picked up by the noisy and stinking garbage truck. That's not what the McCarron vs Peterman discussion is really about. It is about which one of these two earnest game managers will be the starting qb when the season begins until Josh Allen is ready to play as a starter. As a fan the more intriguing issue is how many games will be played before the HC crosses the rubicon and puts in the strapping rookie qb. As far as I am concerned both McCarron and Peterman would be acceptable backups. Which one would be preferred? I don't give a dam! This qb scenario is the standard highly drafted qb scenario that takes place almost every year. What makes this issue more compelling than usual is that four teams (Cleveland, NY Jets and Arizona) are undergoing the same situation this year. Kirby, you hear the word Peterman and it triggers a visceral reaction from you. Let it go! Whenever I mention Logan Thomas to Gunner it also triggers a spleen busting reaction from him. Don't worry about what is happening in the distant perimeter. The real issue is all about Josh Allen and where he is at. Everything else about the qb issue is a side issue.
  12. I don't have as negative a view on their prospects for this upcoming season. I do see the possibility of them being in the mix for a bottom qualifying playoff spot. If they are contending for most of the season, whether they eek out a spot or not, that in itself is a quantum leap forward. Besides the new additions internal improvement from Bogo, Okposo, and one or two of the AHL graduates (Bailey, Rodriques or Baptiste) will be required. The GM has significantly changed the mix of players and he has added more speed to a slow and sluggish team. My surprise player who could make a big difference is Okposo. Having an offseason of good health that allows him to prepare for the season should make a big difference for him. Another player I will be watching with anticipation is Nylander. Even if he doesn't start off with the big club I still believe that when he is developed he is going to be a top two line contributor. The skill set is there but he needs to mature physically before he is ready for the rigors of playing in the NHL. In general, I would say that I'm more optimistic in outlook than you are.
  13. The market place spoke. When a team that is scanning the market to bring in receivers is willing to let a former first round prospect go what does that tell you how they value the traded receiver? The Browns are reportedly interested in bringing in Dez Bryant who is a volatile personality and clearly is in the downside of his combustible.career. What is telling to me is that the Browns want him off the team so early in the training camp process. They are not even willing him to give him an opportunity to demonstrate on the field that he can earn a roster spot. Every team in the league had an opportunity to deal for him. No one was interested except for Buffalo who got him for the equivalent of a bag of half eaten stale donuts. This is a good deal for Buffalo because they got him for virtually nothing. But let's not get carried away and exaggerate the value of this deal. The Bills had an extra chip and they placed it on a long shot player. It's well worth the gamble.
  14. In grammar school my voice was so discordant that the music teacher told me to fake singing during the graduation ceremony. Public self-humiliation is not an endeavor that I seek. For the sake of my near non-existent dignity I will stop publicly promoting Logan to make the roster.
  15. When Logan makes the roster this is what I'm going to gently say to you: https://www.bing.com/search?q=song+let+it+go&form=EDGHPT&qs=PF&cvid=e4167f382bec43f1a4253dea0aeef618&cc=US&setlang=en-US&PC=HCTS
  16. Let it go Gunner, just let it go! You are working yourself up into a withering state of agitation.When he makes the roster your juices will be ever more sour. For the sake of your well-being just let it go.!
  17. I apologize. I took red as being excluded. I would move McDermott to a blue designation. I still consider Zay a lock and Logan will make it on the roster.
  18. Gunner, I couldn't copy your post but if you go back to your projected roster thread you had Conor McCermott in red, indicating that he would be cut. It could have been an unintended posting error so I will give you the benefit of the doubt. With respect to Logan Thomas I still believe he will make the roster. This regime likes tall receivers. As far as Zay he is a lock. You will not shake me off of this opinion. Zay knows he screwed up so he is focused like a laser beam. Trust me with him.
  19. With no hesitation I say Zay Jones is a lock, assuming he is healthy. In another topic that I believe you started you projected that OT Conor McDermott and TE Logan Thomas wouldn't make the roster. I respectfully but strenuously disagree with you. Both of them will survive the final cut down and make the roster. Time and effort is being invested in developing them. And there is little desire to lose their investment to another team.
  20. I don't consider you to be old. Just very, very, very mature.
  21. This team is significantly reconstituted from last year's atrocious, spiritless and bland team. One main difference is this team collectively is going to be faster. The team was too slow and sluggish to keep up with the rest of the league. The more competitive makeup of the team should make a difference. While recognizing that the Sabres were the worst team in the league I still do believe that this team can be a fringe playoff contending team. For that to happen we need some help from some unexpected players such as Bogo and Okposo. And what this team also needs is steady and consistent goal tending. I agree with you that this should be a much more entertaining team to watch. I'm looking forward to the season.
  22. You have been following this case more closely than I. And it seems to me you have been very fair and balanced on this issue by not unfairly making assumptions and prematurely drawing conclusions. So I commend you on how fairly you have reported on this issue. I'm not going to comment on whether the police responded appropriately or not. I just don't have the facts on that matter. What I can say is when the police did respond if they didn't have any evidence of an abuse then there is nothing that they can do. Sometimes they will try to get one of the parties to leave the scene for a cooling of the volatile situation. But I don't see how they can order one of them to leave if there is no legal basis for it. Very often because a person such as Urban is such a high profile person there is a tendency to make assumptions and judgments before the facts are known. I'm going to wait before rushing to judgment. It might seem that I am being overly critical of Urban but in reality I am sympathetic to him because he knew and was close to the parties.
  23. As a retired member of the NYCPD you have a longer perspective on domestic violence cases than most. The attitude toward domestic violence cases 25 years ago is dramatically different than it is now. In the old days these type of cases were often handled in an informal way where warnings and not official police actions were taken in these type of calls. Now, there is a strict protocol not only how the police handle the cases but also how the court system handles the cases. In most medium to large jurisdictions there are special police and court units that handle these cases. Times change and attitudes change. Similarly, DWI cases were not always strictly handled 25 years ago. However, now DWI laws are usually strictly enforced. In the old days you might tell the drunk driver to park the car, take a walk and sober up. Certainly, that is not the case now. I'm not referring to the specifics of the OSU case because all the facts are not known. But what I do know is that usually schools and the work place have an established protocol that at the minimum requires a reporting of the abuse. In this case the timeline of knowing about the abuse is critical. It seems to me that the circle of people within the football program who had knowledge of the situation was fairly wide. When all is said and done the perspective that should prevail is what was in the best interest of the victim. With not all the facts at my disposal it is still easy for me to say that she was not treated right and she wasn't properly protected.
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