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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. In a short term perspective I disagree with your comparisons between Peterman and Allen. I think that Peterman is right now better equipped mentally to be the starter. Your point that Nate is a one read thrower doesn't discredit my underlying point on this topic, it buttresses it. Quickly getting rid of the ball is a necessity even more than going through progressions because of the caliber of our OL. The attached link is from WGR in which Peter King addresses the issue of starting Peterman over Allen. It is a 14 minute segment. You can go directly to the the 11 minute mark where he address the qb decision. He and I have the same line of reasoning https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/09-04-nbc-sports-columnist-peter-king-one-bills-live
  2. I'm taking a different short term perspective. Peterman clearly (undertandably) has a better grasp of the offense and reading defenses. Without question he has physical limitations that will never qualify him as a franchise qb. But as a short term starter it makes a lot of sense to start the season with him taking the snaps. His physical limitations are evident to everyone. But what he does better right now than Josh does is more quickly make a read and get rid of the ball. That attribute is a necessity for survival because of the caliber of our OL, especially its pass blocking. Most of us agree that before the season is over with Josh Allen will get his chance as a starter. My point is that in the short term having Peterman as a starter makes a lot of sense not only for the team but also for the rookie qb.
  3. In the preseason games in Peterman clearly in generaloutperformed the rookie. Was the opposition talent equalized for each qb? Not really because it is difficult to get that balance in preseason games when the opposing teams aren't willing to play their starters very much. What is indisputable is that overall Peterman outperformed Allen in the preseason games.(If you don't accept the stats then trust your eyes.) And he demonstrated a better grasp of the offense and the defenses that he faced.(That is understandable because he is more experienced.) I'm not saying any of your points about Peterman are stupid other than bringing up last year's fiasco game in San Diego as being relevant to this year. That is stupid because it has no bearing on this year. Without question, Josh Allen is in the not too distant future our franchise qb. The HC decided to start the season with the qb who in the short term gives this team the best chance to succeed. It not only was the right decision but it was a very understandable decision.
  4. As you seem to be suggesting the less touches Ivory gets the more effective he is. At this stage of his career he is no longer a workhorse back. But he is still a tough runner who when used judiciously will be productive. The combo of Murphy/Ivory who are tough and decisive inside runners should be effective even with our problematic line that is better as run blockers than pass blockers. I see McCoy being used on a lot of swing and passing situations. He is going to struggle behind this line if he does a lot of dancing, as he has a tendency to do.
  5. It's a business. Players such as DT Arnold of the Rams and Mack who is now with the Bears held out to get their sizable contracts. Players act in their interests as do teams.
  6. Coach McDermott is out to torment you. He made Peterson the starter and kept Logan Thomas on the roster.
  7. Eugene Parker was one of the best agents in the business. He was very much respected throughout the league. He worked on behalf of his clients and not the teams they played for. It worked out wonderfully for Jason Peters. He ended up with a team that immediately gave him a bonanza contract, was a consistent all-pro, is a credible candidate for the HOF and has a SB ring in his trophy case. You may think otherwise but that is terrific representation for this player.
  8. What's next a separate threads for the Buckeyes defense, offense, special teams and coaching staff?
  9. The issue isn't being replaced by a special player as it is being replaced by a better player. As noted by 26Corner the people covering this team have stated all along that O'Leary's roster spot was in jeopardy. And indeed it came to pass.
  10. YOLO, Comments about Urban Meyer are very appropriate for this Ohio State thread, even if there is a separate thread for the issue related to the troubling issue and the way it was handled by the football program under the stewardship of the vaunted Head Coach. You made a sympathetic/supportive comment about Urban. And WEO sarcastically responded to it. In my opinion he was not out of bounds with his comment. The assistant head coach was a reprobate who had a history of rancid behavior within and outside the program. He was protected and kept on by the head coach. My point is that WEO's scathing response was appropriate and relevant to this topic.
  11. I'm very optimistic about Zay Jones. It's agreed that last year was less than mediocre. He was hurt all year and without a doubt he struggled. His offseason was troubling with his erratic behavior. But from what has been reported by WGR (Cappacio) now that he is healthy he is playing well and is solidifying his position on his unit. His college production was too high for his first year to represent what he is capable. of. I'm far from being one of the kool-aid drinkers in this forum. If Zay comes around (your skepticism is understandable) in my view the top three players in each draft year do represent a productive draft. Is it too early to give a definitive judgment? Yes. But putting aside the Zay question it is not unfair to believe that the other players will be productive. Of the top three players in each draft which of them are you happy with?
  12. It's still early in assessing players but if Teller becomes the type of player that he is showing at this early stage then you have to look at this draft as a high yield draft. And if Zay Jones makes a dramatic turn upwards as he seems to be doing then combined the past two drafts look very promising for this regime.
  13. You make a terrific point. The one thing that he has excelled at is picking up DBs who fit his scheme. Last year, he completely rebuilt the defensive backfield who then seamlessly played as a cohesive unit. His judgment on finding his type of guys (especially on defense) is exceptional.
  14. You are such a cynic! This was once true love. Or more likely it was lust. When your loins are on fire the thinking mechanism can get screwed up.
  15. I agree with your sentiment. There is a solution. When you have old material refresh it with new material.
  16. The roster surprise for me entering training camp was I thought that Conor McDermott would solidify his position and compete for the RT spot or become the swing tackle. He may be in jeopardy. Very often it isn't what you show but what your competitors show. Security isn't the nature of the job.
  17. I see Nicklaus's grand kid more in jeopardy of not making the roster than Logan.
  18. Don't look back---look forward. That's why Logan Thomas and Peterman are going to make the team. Please don't bang your head. You don't want to concuss yourself and place yourself on the shelf due to the head damage protocol.
  19. I never said that Allen would never be accurate. You should be ashamed of yourself for such a gross distortion. When discussing his level of accuracy I said he would never be the type of qb who would be as accurate as Brees or Brady, two HOF qbs who are historically accurate. You saying that I said he would never be accurate is simply bogus. I have no problem with people disagree with what I said. I have little regard for people who distort what is said.
  20. I agree with your take. An interesting hypothetical question is if Whaley still had his authority in last year's draft which qb, Watson or Mahommes, would he have taken? The rumors were that he was finally going to draft a qb in the first round. Some reports indicated that he favored Watson while other reports indicated Mahomes. I'm more than happy with the drafting of Allen. The best part of being able to select him was we didn't overly mortgage this year's and didn't give up any picks in next year's draft. The organizational execution to maneuver to get in position to select a high end prospect was exquisite.
  21. Since Allen was in the draft pool with the other high end prospects I considered him to be not only a legitimate franchise qb prospect but beyond that a very good franchise qb prospect. It's not a slight to not believe that he will be as accurate as two of the most accurate qbs in modern history. I really don't see what the controversy is about.
  22. You concisely state my position. I'm not diminishing Allen as a prospect. i like him and believe he will be a good franchise qb for us. As you described it I'm not making a bold prediction as much as I am stating the obvious. The circular discussions I seem to be having has run its course. There isn't much I can add to what I have already said.
  23. I will again state my position: I am absolutely confident that Allen will not be as accurate a passer as Brees or Brady. Even it Allen's career is barely starting I will again state with absolute confidence that Allen will not be as accurate as the two HOF qbs I mentioned. As another poster stated you hated the Allen pick. And you acknowledged that you had four other qbs in this draft rated ahead of him. Now you are touting him as being capable of being more accurate than two of the most accurate passers in the history of the game. That makes no sense.
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