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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Why is it obvious that he wouldn't cooperate with the investigating authorities? We know for sure that jewelry loaned to him was targeted.and he may have had personal items that he owned stolen from the house. Why wouldn't he cooperate with the investigation? His lack of cooperation doesn't necessarily make him guilty but it does raise the suspicions of the investigating authorities. Just because you have a right to not cooperate that doesn't mean that your response won't raise suspicions. If a grand jury was convened he could be subpoenaed and compelled to testify. He then could invoke his fifth amendment rights of refusing to answer on the basis that his response could incriminate him. I'm confident that to most people (public and private) it would raise suspicions about him in this affair.
  2. In order to get your money's worth it had to be a very long squeeze.
  3. The problem in betting on such a big spread game is that if the game goes as expected the favored team might take out its starters, including the qb, to rest them for a more important game. In addition, the winning team plays a lot looser on defense not worried more about the clock than the other team scoring. In the Charger game the visiting team was much more conservative making the game appear closer than it actually was. A rule of thumb is when your churning stomach tells you that you may have gone too far you probably have gone to far. I'm rooting for the posting bettor. I hope that his wife doesn't check in on his postings??? If she does, whether he wins or loses, his scrotum will be squeezed.
  4. Without question rookie qbs are going to be inconsistent. That's part of the learning process. But there was a stark contrast when watching TT and Mayfield play. The rookie qb has the accuracy and vision that allows you to run a pro offense. The hallmark of Mayfield's style of play is keeping the play alive and then as the defense breaks down make an accurate throw. How he played in college can be transferred to the pro game if it is done in a more limited and judicious basis. What was evident when Mayfield played (as the announcers repeatedly stated) his presence gave the offense a lift, including the running game. Because of that I don't see Hue going back to Taylor. I don't want to get carried away but with Mayfield as the starter the Browns become not an elite team but a team that can seriously compete on a regular basis. And that in itself is a quantum leap forward.
  5. I had my back surgeries many years ago but I still swim because it is one of the best exercises for the back and in general. I regularly swim a little more than a mile but you don't have to do that to get the benefit from other water exercises. General moving around and walking is helpful. Another exercise that I regularly do is ride a bike, primarily a stationary bike. Working out on elliptical also helps. Hard impact exercises as opposed to low impact exercises can do more damage than be helpful. As others pointed out strengthening the core very much helps with back issues. The attitude to take when having back issues is that exercising and being in good condition has to be not for a specific period of time when you are rehabilitating but it has to be part of your regular routine so the "troubles/pain" can be managed/controlled.
  6. As you stated Gaines wanted a longer term and richer contract than the Bills were willing to give him. So he signed a one year deal with the Browns. Although it would have been preferable for the Bills to sign him to a one year deal the player wasn't going to agree to it. Gaines signed a deal that was cheaper than what Davis got. But that was Gaines choice. So the Bills took another option. It didn't work out well but you can't always foresee what is going to unfold. In hindsight most people would have wanted to keep Gaines.. But the organization didn't feel that the contract numbers and term was the right way to go. This is a system of frequent player movement. Sometimes the organization has the upper hand and other times the player has the upper hand in deciding what the options are. Gaines didn't like his option here so he moved on even at the expense of taking a lesser and shorter term contract. It's just the nature of the business you have to contend with.
  7. I have had two back operations over the years. Each of the procedures relieved the pain and allowed me to live normally. Whatever operation you have the key to success is in the rehabilitation and healthy life style. With respect to spinal fusion my advice to you is to do extensive research and find the best surgeon and then get a second and third opinion. In many cases the spinal fusion surgery is more complicated and major and can have more dire results. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't get this type of surgery but I am clearly saying that this is a major surgery compared to more simple disc surgery. There are brilliant surgeons and there are hacks. It makes a difference who does the procedure. You also need to realize that there are no guarantees that a surgery, even done by an accomplished doctor, will give you the outcome you desire. There are risks associated to all surgeries, even low risk procedures. Best of luck.
  8. Since you contributed to provoking this discussion you fall in the disreputable class of being a provocateur. Your instigating nature needs to be tamed.
  9. What if he also is able to pick up a Newark, NJ station? Does that mean that he should move into a Tony Soprano neighborhood?
  10. If you want to be rejuvenated and slow down the aging process put away the wussy stuff and go with whiskey on the rocks. It may not actually slow down the aging process but you will get a better and faster buzz.
  11. The player I am following closely is Nylander. He still is very young and has room to grow both physically and his hockey game. I think he can be a terrific power play player because there is so much space for this skilled player to work with. If he becomes what his skill level suggests he is going to be a major bonus. I don't think it is a mystery as to the best way to build your team. The majority of the great players in this league are top of the draft caliber of players. Even when you are drafting at the top that doesn't mean that in draft year there is going to be a "special" talent available. As it has been previously stated by many this franchise has been accumulating talent and they are starting to move up the development ranks. Botterill is a strong believer in drafting players and then developing them. He has stated that he would rather keep a young player down on the farm developing and when he is ready move him up and keep him up. Overall, especially compared to the mish mash of the previous GM, Murray has a plan and he is adhering to it. I like what I see. It is starting to come together. The future is bright.
  12. What you also see is a larger amount of young talent that will be competing to make the roster and be given playing time. This internal competition will make everyone better. Because the talent pool is deeper it should be reflected in an upgrading of the third and fourth lines and the third and fourth defense pairing. For too long those backside lines were barren. A little more production from those units should make a difference.
  13. The player and the team thought he was going to be ready by the time the season started. He wasn't it. It didn't work out. It's not a catastrophe. It's not an unusual occurrence especially for an aging player who doesn't have the resilience that a younger player has. The Bills thought that they could get by this year with him. It didn't work out. You are giving this issue more weight than I am. He was not a cornerstone player. He was a player they were hoping to get by on for this year. From what was stated by others who were reporting on the game the replacement player did fine, if not better than the struggling veteran. In the grand scheme of things the cap hit that the Bills took on Coleman is trivial and insignificant. Whatever they want to do from a personnel standpoint with or without trading for Coleman can still be done. The Bills took a gamble on a former first round speed receiver and it didn't work out. The repercussions for this team is minuscule. You are inflating the importance of a transaction that didn't work out.
  14. I thought you were talking about Vontae. As far as Coleman they took a risk on him. It didn't work out. They had a need for a speed receiver and wanted to try out the former first round pick. They quickly realized that he is a bust. They moved on. I have no problem with the attempt to upgrade at an area of need.
  15. I agree with you that Rivers is the better qb. He is much more prolific. When he is on he is a marvel to watch. In my opinion he is a clear cut HOFer.
  16. You and JW may be prescient but the Bills weren't. They thought that they could get by with him for this season. It didn't work out. Without question Davis was not fully recovered. They felt that he would be adequately ready by the time the season started. He wasn't physically and mentally. It didn't work out for the player or the organization. It happens in a profession based on brutality. If you want to after the fact point your finger to a reasonable and calculated judgment that's okay. When you are in a business that requires a lot of personnel judgments not all of them are going to work out. I'm wouldn't be critical of Vontae if he retired after the game. But I am critical of him for walking out at halftime.
  17. The $3.5 M salary is not an extravagant amount for a starting CB. They thought they could get one more year on this weathered player. The Bills were determined to absorb a bulk cap hit this year so that next near the team would have a good cap situation. One can disagree with their strategy but it was what they decided to do. It's obvious with their cap strategy that they weren't investing heavily in the market this year as demonstrated by the cheap OL pickups that they made this year. The personnel decisions were made in the context of a longer term rebuild. One can disagree with that strategy but there is a logic to it. Maybe not you but I'm on board with their line of thinking.
  18. The Bills signed the veteran CB who had a very good career coming off an injury. They thought he could be useful for this season while being very aware that he was in the twilight of his career. It's apparent to me that while they didn't know he was going to quit in the middle of the game the staff was well aware that he was a fading player. In my opinion if he didn't quit he would have been benched. As far as the Coleman pick-up they gave up pennies to get a look at a speedster who was a former first round pick. This was a low cost and insignificant transaction. It isn't something to be bothered by. Whaley wasn't adept at building a roster because he didn't or belatedly emphasize upgrading the qb position. The one area where I believe he shined was getting good value in the pro market.
  19. The Rams brought in two offensive linemen last year to help out Goff. And they also added quality receivers. I'm hoping that with our cap space and full complement of picks help can be brought in to support the qb. This HOF qb was magnificent. A good bar room discussion is whether the Chargers got the better of the deal when they traded with the Giants in that draft that got the New Yorkers Eli. Although Eli has garnered two SB wins I believe that Rivers is the better qb. On the other hand Rivers constant chirping sometimes gets on my nerves and sometimes makes me laugh.
  20. Collectively they are not good. But Rivers demonstrated that even when going against a good pass rush quick recognition and release to the safety valve makes a major difference. I thought that Rivers was masterful in doing that, especially in the first half. Having an experienced qb (also HOF qb) sure helps the stats (grading) of the linemen.
  21. Cooper looks younger in that shot because he was younger. It was from an early coverage of another hurricane. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=anderson+cooper+responds+to+donald+trump+jr&view=detail&mid=7CF06C62BDFCE8A9B40C7CF06C62BDFCE8A9B40C&FORM=VIRE I get it. Don't trust your eyes because they don't correspond what you want to believe. To each their own.
  22. Before the storm was going to hit it was widely reported that the damage would come more from the rain and the flooding than from the hurricane itself. The deaths are mounting and the flood damage is staggerin. What was predicted has come to pass. Maybe from where vantage point the situation is more placid but this is a storm that is living up to the damage that was predicted. I'm very happy for you that you were not too affected by this storm. That is not the case for a lot of people. My general point is this is not a hyped storm that didn't live up to what was reported. If you widen your horizon you will get a more accurate perspective. https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/18/us/florence-tuesday-wxc/index.html https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/florence-flooding-north-carolina/h_c03241691fa5ccd8827245373f231e43
  23. What's the seating capacity at UB? Have they sold out in the past few years?
  24. He is considered the original "Big Foot" from Bennett High. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=bob+lanier's+shoe+size&qpvt=bob+lanier's+shoe+size&FORM=IGRE
  25. I'm glad it worked out for you. From what I have been watching the aftermath is going to be the big challenge dealing with the flooding, water damage and rebuilding. There are some posters who contend that the destructive nature of the weather was exaggerated by the media (fake news). They are out of touch with reality. The repercussions from the storm is going to be felt for months if not a year or so.
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