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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. What's the percentage of UDFAs who start?
  2. Contact Kirby Jackson,. He's our resident degenerate gambler who knows where and when to throw it down. If he starts talking about bitcoin betting put it in fast gear and get away.
  3. He is now on the injured list because of a horn stab wound to the groin.
  4. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=person+jumping+off+building&view=detail&mid=C58D27DD84CDE5912362C58D27DD84CDE5912362&FORM=VIRE
  5. Having 25,000 people in a nearly 70,000 seat stadium is not only unsightly but the atmosphere lacks energy. Pegula, is a big time Penn State contributor. Whatever he suggests will be politely listened to. ?
  6. I have a different take on playing at the Ralph: It would be a disaster. It would be too large and cavernous. However, sometimes smaller school teams play big programs for cash. A Syracuse vs UB might be that type of game that would have an added attraction.
  7. Is UB building a new stadium or upgrading their current facility? Is there any chance that the Bulls will come close to selling out the Army game? Those vacant and forlorn end zone seats should be sold for $1.00. At least you should be able to get some extra concession revenue.
  8. I disagree with you. Without question their football programs are more advanced but geographically the schools are too widely spread out. It would be very difficult to establish rivalries with schools that are so far away. If you have trouble filling the stands on your own campus and local region you will have a paucity of traveling support. The MAC is certainly not a powerhouse conference but it is a good regional conference. There is a coherence and proximity to the region where the schools are located compared to the sprawling area of the American conference. UB is in a good situation and making the best of it. The grass is not always greener. And exploding the budget for a pipe dream at the expense of other programs is not fiscally smart but also not right.
  9. I'm not giving up on him. But I am troubled by his lack of presence. He's invisible on offense. My concern about him is not his ability to catch the ball (as compared to Foster) but his ability to get open and gain separation. Although Benjamin is more of a factor as a receiver I am more bothered about him than even Zay. He seems to have a lackadaisical attitude that is very much evident when the ball is not going to him. If I had to bet whether Benjamin or Zay would be more likely to be on our roster next year my money would be on Zay. I'm really rooting for Zay to do well.
  10. It was simply the wrong call. When Tony Romo asked their referee analyst about the call he simply said that it was a bad call.
  11. Foster was an undrafted free agent. No team in league found him appealing enough to select him with a draft pick. He is a terrific athlete who is fast. However, he is like a pitcher in baseball who can throw the ball 98 MPH but can't throw strikes. That makes the impressively tooled player ineffective. Your inability to demonstrate a scintilla of objectivity with Bama players has gotten to the level of tribal fanaticism. The inoculation comes from a quicker qb release.
  12. The University of Maryland thought that jumping up to the Big 10 football oriented league would elevate their sports programs and generate more revenue. For a variety of reasons including not being competitive on the football field the large amount of money used to upgrade the facilities has fiscally sunk the athletic department. What makes it even more upsetting is that many secondary sports programs were killed in order to subsidize the major sports programs. The school and athletic department are now in a financial crisis. And the state government is not too happy about it.
  13. If you have been around the program for a long time then you know very well that it doesn't resonate very much around the region and to an extent on campus. I'm not knocking UB. I'm happy and excited how the basketball and football programs have been elevated. I root for them and I would love to see greater fan support, especially in the football program. It just seems to me that the MAC is a good fit UB. Although it is not considered to be a tier 1 league this mid-level league offers a good level of competition and an entertaining product. UB is in a good situation and should be proud of what they have accomplished in both basketball and football.
  14. If McCoy is not going to cooperate with the police then I doubt he will file an insurance claim. Filing a false insurance claim could also place him in jeopardy for additional charges of fraud. It is doubtful if an insurance company is going to pay out a large claim when the owner of the policy refuses to cooperate with the investigating authorities. The insurance company would surely have their suspicions regarding this case where the claimant is acting oddly as a so called victim. I'm not saying McCoy is guilty. I just don't know. However, that doesn't mean that I am not suspicious of him.
  15. You are allowing yourself to be influenced by the zealous PTR. Where they are is where they are suited.
  16. Promo, Your enthusiasm is something to behold. I want to be gentle and diplomatic: You are getting freaking carried away!
  17. I disagree with you that every attorney will tell you not to cooperate with the police. But if you think otherwise that is fine. Where I do agree with you is that his attorney is wisely advising his client not to cooperate because he is implicated based not on hard evidence but circumstances. I'm not saying McCoy is guilty of anything but I am saying that based on the circumstances of this case in which the jewelry he was trying to get back from his voluptuous babe was specifically targeted in the house raid. There is no question that McCoy is under suspicion. And he should be.
  18. The length and richness of the contract didn't make sense. It had more to do with generating interest in Oakland's last years and in Vegas. Too much emphasis was directed toward the cult of personality than with building a well rounded professional organization.
  19. Simple solution: Bring your Guns and Ammo and Farmers Almanac magazines with you so you can fill the time without resorting to threads that you don't want to read yet still do read. Or another way of looking at it if you like Country Western music don't tune in to the Rock and Roll station.
  20. If you didn't care about the topic then why did you bother to respond to it? Do you go to fish restaurants when you don't like fish in order to complain about the menu and food that mostly has fish? Do you got to NYC for a vacation and then complain that you don't like crowds?
  21. There is a good explanation why the police used the term "may have" had personal items taken. The reason is McCoy is not telling them what is missing. That would be an obvious question for the police to ask. What is known about the theft is that jewelry that was loaned to McCoy was targeted by the intruders who also hit the woman. The same jewelry that McCoy was trying to get back from his former girlfriend was specifically targeted by the thieves while leaving other articles. I'm not bothered or even honed in to the media reports. That is not what is raising my interest. There is nothing unusual about conflicting media reports because they don't have much of the information regarding to the case. Speculating and making assumptions is what they often do. What is noteworthy to me is that McCoy who had valuables (jewelry) loaned to him and was trying to get back from his former girlfriend was specifically taken by the intruders. What I said to Doc and am saying to you is that his attorney is wisely advising his client to not cooperate with the authorities. That suggests something to me. I am not conclusively saying that McCoy is guilty of anything. What I am definitely saying based on the circumstances that we know and how McCoy has behaved after the intrusion I am suspicious.
  22. You are off the mark. The police would be talking to McCoy to get as much information on the case as they could. He owns the house, he is attempting to get her out of his house, his relationship to the her, who owned the jewelry or in this case who was it loaned to him, who else would have knowledge about the security codes etc. The police would want to talk to Shady because it would be the obvious/routine thing to do in this case. With respect to what a lawyer would recommend to his client there is no automatic advice that would be given. It would depend on the circumstances. None of us have all the facts of this case. I recognize that. But what is evident to me is that there are suspicions about McCoy about his involvement. His non-cooperation based on his attorney's advice is the smart approach to take.
  23. The below link is a post-game report by Paul Hamilton from WGR. It is a 12 minute segment with the second half of the report dealing with the younger players and who should stay or not with the big club. Interesting commentary. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/09-21-paul-hamilton-sabres-post-game
  24. You are missing the point. I'm not saying he is guilty or not. I don't know. By from the police standpoint what would be his motivation not to have this case resolved. His ex-girlfriend is accusing him. So what? That's not surprising because they have a multi-faceted conflict going on. What is the motivation for a person who not only had expensive jewelry loaned to him and his personal items taken to not cooperate to get the case solved? If your cooperation is going to lead to implicating you you would be a fool to cooperate. And that is what his attorney would tell him. If his attorney was confident that his client had no involvement (direct or indirect) he would tell his client to cooperate. Let me give an example that would raise suspicions due to a lack of cooperation. If one's wife or girlfriend was missing and in the police interview of the boyfriend/husband he offered no cooperation that behavior in of itself would be suspicious. It doesn't prove any ting but it certainly gives a direction to the investigation.
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