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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I don't want to belabor this issue but let's put things in perspective. It is on record that you and I favored drafting a qb in that draft year, Mahomes and Watson were the options. Let's remember that Whaley essentially lost his authority before even being fired to McDermott. The wrestling coach took over with the intention of not only rebuilding the roster but also the organization. Not only was Whaley let go but all of the scouting staff was let go. If I recall correctly the new GM was not hired yet. So I'm not going to condemn McDermott for holding off on the most important decision he would make for the roster. His plate was more than full. If you look back at how he and Beane operated there is no question that their priority was to identify their best option at qb in a rich qb draft class in the next year. They accumulated draft picks and made trade deals with the expressed purpose of securing their qb. Not only were they working on that priority issue this tandem was still working on culling the roster and cleaning the cap situation. Compare how McBeane dealt with the qb issue within their first two years to a franchise that let this critical issue linger for a generation. Not only am I not going to criticize them for taking a little more time to address the position but I am going to robustly salute them. Let's look at the team's situation for next year. The Bills have a large cap space next year (much of it at the expense of this year) to address some of our multiple needs. In addition, the Bills acquired their qb in the last draft without mortgaging future draft picks. Next year the Bills will have all their draft picks to continue the process of rebuilding the roster. The model I am hoping that we can replicate (although I realize we have a much longer way to go) is the Rams. They got their qb in Goff and then the following year they used their cap space to bolster their OL and upgrade the receiver corps. To some extent we are in the same position if our assets (cap space and draft picks) can be wisely used. Whether one agrees or disagrees with this regime there is a recognition that there is a coherent plan that is being followed. The implementation is not perfect because in this constantly shifting business it can never attain that lofty level. But from what I can see there is more intelligence and progression in what they are doing than I have seen since the Polian days.
  2. You know very well that I was an advocate for Mahomes in that draft year. But to be fair McDermott just took over. He was going to use the year to assess the roster. He wasn't trusting Whaley's judgment on qbs. Not only was Whaley let go but the whole scouting departing was dispatched. The next year he and Beane got their own qb from the draft. I'm not complaining with the Allen pick.
  3. Is it safe to say that Dick Jauron was not your favorite coach? In hindsight, the Tre' White has turned out to be an outstanding pick. Need I remind you that he is a CB?
  4. We all do things stupid. What most of us don't do is publicly state and display our foolishness. What do you expect when someone makes a public proclamation about a high stakes bet? Silence? Get real and use common sense. He's lucky that some malicious creep didn't send his wife an email about his misadventures and reckless family behavior.
  5. When he first posted about his bet I questioned his judgment and wished him well. Le't not forget why people responded to his post! Because he was the one who made the initial post. What did he expect the responses were going to be if he lost? What was he going to post if he won the bet? If he was going to make a high stakes bet that is his business. On the other hand when you go public about it what would be the expectation for the aftermath, however it turned out. If he didn't want to invite comments then he shouldn't have posted. I'm not mocking him for losing such a large chunk of money. That is not to say that he used good judgment in not only making the bet but then publicly announcing the bet. I have no doubt that if he would have bet against Alabama and lost you would have chimed in and done a lot of chortling about betting against your revered team. So save the sanctimony for another day.
  6. The old school suits you well. Because of free agency and trade deals I have become more flexible on how a draft should be addressed. As you well know from my years of my unwavering insistence that the qb position must be a priority. It is understood that there are years where you are not in position to acquire a franchise qb. But when years stretch into a decade, and continue on to a generation then you are entering into the realm institutional stupidity. If you have an opportunity to draft a CB such as Peterson from Arizona or a great safety who is a ball hawk I am not adverse to doing so. If you look at the Rams a couple of years they added offensive linemen to bolster their line and added multiple of good receivers. My point is that I don't have a rigid rule on how to make the roster better because there are multiple avenues to do so.
  7. He acted like the captain that he is and showed how much he is invested in the team.
  8. If you got a problem with Peterman bring your complaint to the wrestling coach.
  9. Milano was terrific in the Viking game. He was all over the place. And yet I thought Hughes was the most impacting player in that game. He was relentless.
  10. In the Charger game in Buffalo I thought one of the best players on the field was their rookie safety, Derwin James. He was a difference maker. A good case can be made that he will have a bigger impact than our own Edmunds. Even Gotham Bill with his fawning Bama eyes would acknowledge the talent of this non Crimson Tide player. Or another way of saying it is that NYC Bill has expanded his horizon, at least somewhat.
  11. There is no surprise about Peterman's role. He was a temporary starter and a place holder until Josh Allen was ready to play. And that's exactly how it played out. Josh Allen thrown into the starting role sooner than expected is not something that I am lamenting about. I'm celebrating it. In my view Peterman as a starter is troubling; however, Peterman as a backup is acceptable. It should be remembered that whatever derision you and others (especially Gunner) have toward Peterman he beat out McCarron, or at the least played as well as McCarron. So the cheaper player won the competition. He's going to be the backup this year and it wouldn't be a surprise to me next year. I'm not as bothered with our backup qb situation as others are. As you also indicated (blind spot or not) the wrestling coach seems to be satisfied with the current situation. The bigger issues for this rebuilding team are the OL and receiving corps.That's where more of my attention is. On the Bills there are players who start who should be on the bench. Peterman is a bench player who is on the bench.
  12. Do you really believe that McDermott is going to replace him this season? You may but I doubt it.
  13. Gunner is obsessing on a backup qb who can be easily replaced. The Bills have bigger and more important issues to focus on such as the OL and receiving corps. I doubt that Peterman is going to be replaced this season. For a player who is so inconsequential a lot of energy is expelled being bothered by his presence on the roster. I consider him to be an acceptable backup for the time being. For the long run that is another matter. But for now he being on the roster is not worth the anxious energy he is putting into it. Peterman is gong to be on the team for the rest of the year. Why be so bothered by it?
  14. When you were rating qbs with your outlier approach to grading you had some glaring misses . Didn't you have a third round grade on Josh Allen when the qb needy teams pegged him as first round talent? And weren't you also dismissive of Mahomes? Peterman, a fifth round selection, was at best considered as a backup qb. That's what he is. You need to let it go. Your obsession is become a neurosis. https://www.bing.com/search?q=song+let+it+go&form=EDGHPT&qs=PF&cvid=63602187aedd42819f6bfedbedf52da0&cc=US&setlang=en-US&PC=HCTS
  15. I just knew you were going to reflexively respond once you heard the name Peterman.
  16. He wasn't considered a number #1 receiver when he was traded for. At best, the hope was that he could be a good #2 receiver for a team with a dearth of talent within that unit. If he re-signs with the Bills (and I doubt he will) it will be for an average cost of a second receiver. Maybe it is his knees but he seems very sluggish. And as you noted he just doesn't seem very into the games. Without question his value as a player is very diminished. I don't see where he fits with this team.
  17. Gotham Bill is getting soft. In a prior post he stunningly stated that he can understand why someone would take an elite safety at near the top of the draft. That is not the ornery Bill that I once knew. Sometimes the inflexible can become more flexible, at least to a point.
  18. You make a terrific point that the type of long pass that Allen throws is his hallmark talent. The emphasis should be on getting a receiver who would accentuate the qb's special talent. What everyone can see (except for Sky Diver the Bama zealot) is that Foster is not going to fit that role. Foster certainly can get open for the long ball. But there is a reason for that beyond his exceptional speed: He is not going to be double covered because of his lack of production related to his catching skills. The Bills are still in the rebuilding mode. There are a lot of needs that still need to be addressed. Certainly, one of the items on the multiple checklist is addressing the receiver unit.
  19. The one stat that Star has over Dareus is staying awake in meetings. Another stat that Star has over the departed Bama tackle is that he is in better shape and less jiggly. Without question Dareus has the /potential talent to be one of the best tackles in the game. However, I'm glad that Star is on the team. The exchange for Star was very much due to the team composition as it was an individual transaction. When all is said and done being reliable trumps having grand potential and exhibiting it intermittently.
  20. Not really. His wife found out about the bet and became furious. She was so mad that she pushed him out of building. She told the police that he was despondent because he lost a big bet. Now that her fool husband is out of the picture she can collect a big paycheck from the insurance company. The residual benefit is that she no longer has to deal with that fool and his gambling addiction.
  21. For such an expensive claim the insurance investigators are going to check with the police reports. The police report as it stands states that he has not cooperated with the police. I don't know if McCoy has filed an insurance claim. I wouldn't be surprised based on his attorney's advice that he hasn't. Filing a false claim with inaccurate information would be the basis for another fraud charge. Let's see how this plays out. It's obvious that I am more suspicious of McCoy than you are. I'm not saying that he is guilty of any impropriety. I just don't know. But I am very suspicious.
  22. He didn't play as well in that game as he did in the Viking game. Romo is already one of the best analysts in the game .Buerlein is a very solid analyst in the business. In the Charger game he was more than fair-minded regardless if you have watched for 17 yrs or 50.
  23. Have you ever considered that when you play well you get criticized less than when you don't play well?
  24. Watching the clips narrated by Baldinger got me so hyped up that I punched the wall. Now I have a hole in the wall and a damaged hand! ?
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