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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. He has a scheme that he favors and is exceptional at getting players who fit his scheme. His backside players that include the LBs have to be mobile and be able to tackle. His scheme favors LBs who are mobile rather than big thumpers. He then coaches them up. This offseason his attention has to be directed to the other side of the ball. That's the challenge for him, a defensive-minded coach.
  2. Your post is excellent. You are astute. No one is saying that Barkley is a stud qb but what he demonstrated in this game is that if the qb plays competently it elevates the play of the rest of the offensive units that include the OL and receiving corps.What a refreshing change to see a qb be able to make quick reads and then quickly respond. McDermott added speed to today's roster and it made a difference. Foster and the new player from Denver were factors because of their speed. The player who has been playing well is Zay Jones. Again, this is another example that competent qb play elevates the rest of the unit. Now that Zay is becoming more of a factor if you look at McDermott's two combined drafts it is starting to look very good. Milano is the big steal in all of the draft selections. I'm not going to get carried away with this win against the spiraling down Jets but it has left me encouraged that the plan is being executed. And that bodes well for the future.
  3. Howard Simon and Jeremy White on WGR should be a little bit more upbeat on their show on football Monday. They were really getting down on the Bills with little to say about them. It seems they were more rejuvenated talking about hockey.
  4. Winning teams don't want a lackadaisical and non-productive player like him.
  5. When you get competent qb play it makes the rest of the unit look better. By being decisive with your reads and reacting your OL looks sturdier and the receivers have more space to work with, as do the runners who have lanes to run through. In this game the opposing defense couldn't stack up the line and congest the running lanes because the qb was throwing the ball down the field. Because of the greater confidence in the qb the OC can open up the play book more. I realize that it was still a limited book because but when you exhibit an ability to connect it uplifts the whole offense. The player I am very happy for is Zay Jones. He is really coming on. Now that he is playing well if one looks at our draft record for the two past drafts its looks very solid. The player who is the biggest revelation for me is Milano. He is becoming a ball hawk play makers. Another one of the new regime's draft picks.
  6. Scandella is at best a third pairing defenseman. Right now he is serving as a useful/acceptable partner to the more accomplished but injury prone Bogo. You go with what you got for the simple reason that there is presently no other choice. If a defenseman in Rochester is ready to make the jump then I'm all for it. Botterill has stated on WGR how he likes to handle prospects. His preference is to keep them on the farm until they are ready to play and then get them established in the big boy league. He elaborated that he doesn't like young players going back and forth. He believes that it hinders their development and that it creates instability with the AHL franchise. Whether the Sabres get the designated points you are hoping for or not I'm not getting too high or low. The vicissitudes of the roller coaster season require an equanimity towards both successes and failures. Trust me, we will have winning stretches where one is prone to get too high. Then it will be followed by losing stretches where one is prone to get too low. Go with the flow and keep your composure. It will be less stressful.
  7. There are only a couple to a few teams that are elite to very good in the Eastern Conference. Tampa and Toronto top the class. For the most part a lot of teams are bunched up and will be in the playoff mix. I said it before the season started and still maintain my position that the Sabres are a fringe wild-card contender. The key for them is to stay in the mix (which they are) and have meaningful games as the schedule advances. The key for the Sabres to stay relevant in the playoff race is for our secondary lines to make contributions. It was non-existent in previous years. They have in recent history exemplified the word impotency. These lines don't have to provide impressive numbers but be steady contributors. As K-9 noted getting good play from Okposo results in returns beyond the stats. What one needs to keep in perspective is the leap from being the worst and most boring team in the league to being a relevant and entertaining team. Botterill showed how a smart GM can accelerate the development process for a team. I hope that Beane is watching. I'm not going to get ahead of myself and get too giddy (like you ) about how this season has so far materialized. But what leaves me encouraged with this admittedly flawed team (especially on defense) is that it doesn't quit when it is down. They don't get deflated but just keep playing their game. Yesterday was another demonstration of that. What makes this season interesting for me is watching our young players such as Mittlestadt and Dahlin develop. Mittlestadt is steadily getting better and before this season is over Dahlin is going to be our own incandescent player. I also like that this organization has some young players on the farm who are ready to make the jump. After the dreadful opening game against Boston I was in a state of gloom. But that game was an aberration and now the ship has been stabilized. So it is fair to say that I am generally optimistic.
  8. What do you think of OK's Marquise Brown in the second? He's got speed but size may be an issue. He opens up the field and makes plays.
  9. I agree with you that periodically Reinhart does have his lull periods. He's not an explosive skater or shooter that allows for more scoring chances like players such as Jack and Skinner. On a team without great finishers (at least not on the line he plays) his passes are not going to be converted as much as they should be. Because of his even keel style of play his game is going to be more quiet than Jacks's or Skinner's style of play. The key for him is to stay in front of the net. Sometimes he strays from the dirty area and becomes less effective. Overall, as you stated Hutton did have a good game with only what I though one soft goal. He seems to be a mature player who is not affected by the previous play .As you observed our defense did struggle in this game. However, let's remember where it came from compared to last year. I suspect that as the season advances there will be some call ups from Rochester to add to the mix. With respect to Eichel's status I think that Housley said something vague about him having a lower body issue and it will be examined soon. Or simply I'm not sure what the issue is because they are not telling. That glove save was phenomenal so to be fair I can't be too critical about the softer goal he let in when hugging the corner.
  10. For those who don't appreciate Reinhart as much as I do I say stand back and more carefully watch him play. He has the hockey instincts and intelligence that are at an elite level. It's understandable that power players get the most attention. However, his exquisite passes such as the one to Skinner are a beauty to behold. I predict that in the not to distant future K-9 and Plenzmd1 will be vying with each other to be the honorary president of the Sampson Reinhart fan club. I didn't see the first period but I thought that Vancouver had the edge in play in this game. Hutton played well but gave up one goal that I thought was soft. A win is a win. It's fun to have a team in the playoff hunt. Last year, we were both the worst team and most boring team in the league. This year , we are a playoff competitive team and a fun team to watch. I'm hoping that Beane can have an offseason to match Botterill's!
  11. The coach of UB was on WGR and he stated that Boeheim told him that if he didn't get that good win against UB his team would not have made the tournament last year. I'll be looking forward to that game. You may not be aware of it but WGR's Sal C and Jeremy White do not wish you well. ?
  12. I didn't watch the whole game but frow what I did see one obvious takeaway that comes to mind watching them is that they are tough. It goes beyond being scrappy rising to to the level of being both mentally and physically tough. They are unrelenting. When they get down they don't fold. They become more resolute and soldier on. WVA may not be one of the best teams in the country, although they are one of the better teams in the country, but they are acknowledged as being one of the toughest teams to play, especially in that raucous venue. What I like about the Buffalo coach and program is that they are not afraid to schedule good teams because of a fear of losing out on cupcake wins to embellish its record. These early challenging games accumulate and serve the purpose of developing a better and more mature team. I salute them.
  13. You have become a straitjacketed traditionalist. Loosen up and little and go with the flow. Fulminating about how great the good old days were when they were really not can be taxing. The rule book of What and When you are referring to doesn't exist. It is a figment of your tightly scripted imagination. PS Chicks dig surprises.
  14. The defense is playing on a team that can't score. The offense is historically bad. They are on the field much more than normal. It is wearing them down. Snapshot stats don't tell the full story. Trust your eyes and use common sense.
  15. One of the reasons the defense has allowed so many points is because it is on the field so much. Our offense is a three and out machine not giving it a break. Upgrading the offense will upgrade the defense. If this regime doesn't primarily focus on upgrading the offense this offseason then it will be making a big mistake. We have the cap and draft capital to get it done. I'm confident that it will be done because it would be irrational not to do so.
  16. Putting aside his accent and communications skills (which I think is good) he is an excellent analyst and is good at communicating his point. And as I said in the prior post he is knowledgeable not only about the Sabres but also about the league. There is nothing phony about Marty. Marty is Marty. And that is why I like the lively little rascal.
  17. To each their own. Everyone has their own preference. He's not as well polished as some but that is one of the reasons why I like him.
  18. Marty has that lovable infectious personality. But that shouldn't distract from the fact that he is a terrific analyst who can clearly explain with his endearing french accent the point he wants to make about the play. He is also someone who is well plugged in to what is going on in the league. I also like Rob Ray for his sarcasm and Paul Hamilton for his knowledge of the Sabres. But because of his knowledge of the game and engaging personality I like the talkative Marty the most.
  19. Don't get caught up in your own hubris. Chicks also like one night stands and then move on to better long term prospects.
  20. You simply don't have me figured out. I have no problem with a mess as long as it is purposeful. In the long run being tidy is more productive than being sloppy. The best game of the year for the Sabres was an away game against Anaheim. That was a big boy game played with a two way playoff style of game. If you want to go far do it right. I'm far from being a purist but a responsible game will get you far beyond where an irresponsible game will get you.
  21. What an addition Skinner is. He not only has sparked this team but he has elevated it. This loose barn burning style of game for the Sabres is very entertaining but it's not the type of style of play that is going to get this team anywhere meaningful. The goal tending is this game was less than mediocre. Carey Price is not what he once was. He looked very pedestrian in this game. As so many here and commentators have said there is a big need for secondary scoring. We got it in this game. Observation: Slowly but steadily Mittlestadt is getting better and playing with more confidence. The Sabres needed a win and they got it. The longer this team stays in the hunt for a playoff spot the more confidence it will get. The Buffalo fans deserve a good playoff run. This is not a complete team but it is an entertaining team. The GM did a terrific job in reshaping the roster in the offseason. He deserves a lot of credit.
  22. That's a heck of a skating team. They got younger and with their fresh legs they have shown that they can fly down the ice. Sometimes changing players for the sake of changing players you can refresh and invigorate a stale team. That's what the Sabres and Montreal did this offseason. P.S. I'm not proclaiming that Scandella is a special player because he certainly is not. However, that doesn't mean that he is dreadful. He's a useful defender who so far works well with Bogo. You work with what you got and put the player in the right situation. Nothing more and nothing less.
  23. Tyrod Taylor was a fine fellow. He has as much relevancy to the Bills as he does with Cleveland. Peterman is a third string qb. What's the point of comparing him to Taylor? Taylor was a useful player for us but he was dealt for a draft pick that was used for a rotational and contributing defensive lineman. In short order TT was replaced by the rookie qb in Cleveland. With respect to the highlighted segment the Bills knew exactly what they had in him when he was with the Bills. That's why he was dealt. It didn't take the Browns very long to realize what they had with Taylor. That's why he was in short order replaced by Mayfield.
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