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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Another TE on the team who has caught my eye is T.J. Hochenson, 6'5", 250 lbs. I'm not sure if he is coming out. But if he was he would in my estimation worthy of a third round pick.
  2. I'm not a Bama fan or critic. But what is so unusual about an announcer acknowledging the good play of high end players whether they are playing for Bama, Georgia or any other team? It's not surprising that people who favor their respective programs have a tendency to believe that their programs are being slighted. I like Danielson a lot because he doesn't make himself the focus of the game with obnoxious bombast like plenty of other announcers. He is one of my favorite TV analysts. And when there is a big game I want him in the booth.
  3. The pass to Demarco for a thirty yard gain where Josh took some muster off of his fast ball and shown that he is capable of throwing with touch demonstrated to me that he is progressing as a passer as opposed to a thrower. He is going to be real good. What was also encouraging about this game is the play of Zay Jones. He certainly is playing up to his draft status. What this game also demonstrates is that the organization has to stress improving the OL and the receiver corp in the offseason. The player who needs to go is Benjamin. His indifferent play should not be tolerated.
  4. I didn't vote for Bush. Let me state that up front. But the clip you cited makes it seem that Bush personally ordered this entrapment arrest. That's far from the truth. It wouldn't have surprised me if he asked the DEA or staff members to get him an example of a drug arrest near the White House to highlight a point, and to extent a political point. The notion that he personally ordered this entrapment drug arrest is preposterous. The case as it is detailed is an example of an entrapment case by the police, not him. What you have done here is take an actual situation and stretch it out beyond the actual facts of the case to the point that it is a falsehood.
  5. Does Leipold recruit JUCO players? A few good pickups for the defense would be very helpful.
  6. The qb needs to stay another year and learn how to play the position with maturity. Too often he played as if he was in high school where he can overwhelm the defense with his raw talent. It doesn't work that way in college. He's got the raw talent now he has to hone and harness it. The Bulls lost all three of their games because their defense was incapable of making stops. Hopefully, that will be addressed next season. If you put things in perspective and look back since the beginning of Leipolt's tenure and up to now this program has made tremendous strides. Every year the program gets more and better talent. Without question the trajectory is upwards.
  7. Regardless what one's political persuasions are George H.W. Bush was a class and dignified person who dedicated his life to public service. He volunteered for service at the age of 18 and was shot down by enemy fire at the age of 20. RIP. http://www.phillytrib.com/news/elections/george-h-w-bush-recounts-harrowing-plane-crash/video_f7b6f4a7-25b5-50b8-8e4c-0f42a5796c2f.html
  8. As others have stated it's not surprising that Florida was quicker and faster in this game after we played a hard fought game with Tampa the previous night. My takeaway from this game is that the Sabres are well situated with two good goalies. It didn't seem that Pilut stuck out in his inaugural NHL game. That's a good thing.
  9. Just think. if you name a boy Sue it doesn't seem as crazy. However, the parents would be required to teach their darling Sue how to fight.
  10. Sad to say that the odds for those baby girls to succeed are small.
  11. By the end of the year Guhle will probably be brought up. By next year he should be a third pairing regular.
  12. Nelson is also a stay at home defenseman. I thought he played reasonably well for a third or fourth pairing player. When he gets regular play I get queasy. As like you I'm eager to see Pilut play. Want to see his canon shot. Up to now the Sabres haven't had the need to draw from Rochester. As the season grinds forward and injuries materialize it is going to be interesting to see who they bring up. I wonder if Bailey is going to be the forgotten player in the system who ends up be dispatched in a small deal.
  13. What in the world goes through the head of parents who saddle their children with crazy names and then act surprised when people react to their lunacy. It's not surprising that children have social and psychological problems when they are parented by crazy people. Naming your child Abcde is an act of weirdness that rises to the level of malicious child abuse. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/abcde-southwest-apologizes-scli-intl/index.html
  14. Did she then grind it up and put it in the sauce?
  15. The player who came after Jack reacted the same way Bogo would have reacted if his teammate was hit in the same way. In my opinion Bogo would have responded more ferociously. I'm not suggesting that Jack is a dirty player because he isn't. But the hit he made on the player, intentional or not, is a very dangerous play. It's my impression that Jack realized that the hit was questionable because he didn't very much respond to the opposing player who pursued him after the hit. It's my opinion that after the play there was no lingering animosity from Tampa because they recognize that Jack is a clean player. If a player such as Boston's Brad Marchand with a known reputation for dirty play would have made the hit I'm confident that Tampa would have responded with a great deal of fury instead of the tepid response that was given in the Tampa game.
  16. The player was in a very vulnerable position and he took multiple strides to make the hit. If the player is against the board then without question it is a clean hit. But he was a few feet away with his back to him when he body checked the player. The player was in a very vulnerable position. I'm aware that what you see on TV usually doesn't reflect the speed of the game but in my mind it was a dangerous hit. Jack certainly isn't a dirty player. But for me his hit was worthy of being reviewed by the league.
  17. Tampa is one of the top teams, if not the top team, in the NHL. In watching this game you can see that they were the better team because of their offensive explosiveness. Yet, no one can come away from this game and say that we were out-classed. We battled and battled. Whenever they scored we responded and scored back. What kept us in this game against an elite team is our relentless effort throughout the game and our better goaltending. It is evident that the Sabres are a playoff team. Prior to the season most of us (including me) were hoping to be fringe playoff contenders. From what I have witnessed I have raised my expectation and consider them playoff team. If they don't qualify for the playoffs I will be deeply disappointed. If you put things in perspective the projection for the Sabres by most analysts prior to the season the and where they are now is beyond anyone's expectations. No one can deny that this is a tremendous leap forward. And it is safe to say that have jumped up the ranks more than any other team in the league. That's a lot more than I expected. And that is terrific. This was a dangerous hit. Even Jack realized it after he did it. Does he deserve a suspension? I would say yes.
  18. I have a different word: Potent. As others have said Tampa is a cup contending team. They outplayed us because they have more better players and deadly shooters. Kucherov is terrific. My takeaway from this game isn't discouragement as much as encouragement. The Sabres battled throughout the game. Although it was apparent that Tampa was the better team the Sabres fought and never quit. As I have said in almost every game our first star was the goalie. He was too often left exposed in the slot in front of him. He's tough! In the not too distant future Tage is going to be one of our primary scorers.
  19. Just about everyone agrees that the Bills lacked talent on offense from the OL to the receiving corps. And it is starkly evident that the play of the qb this year has been substandard. What game plan do you expect the OC and his staff to devise and on game day implement when the offense is grossly undermanned? What was telling is that when an experienced qb in Barkley was taking the snaps the offense looked like a real pro offense. Most people would concede that Barkley is at best a backup qb in this league. But because he knew how to run an offense and knew where to go with the ball the offense looked like a functioning offense. Even with an understaffed offense the units (OL & receivers) were noticeably elevated with simple competent qb play. I'm not pro or anti Daboll. But what I'm not going to do is lay the blame on him for the offensive struggles. What this franchise needs to do this offseason is focus on upgrading the offense. It's time to stop the blame and solution game with the churning of coaches. Constant changing of coaches doesn't solve the real problem of having to many inadequate players . Let's be more fair-minded and exercise some common sense by giving the OC a chance to work with players who are better than being less than marginal.
  20. I agree with everything you said but let me add that with a bolstered line enhancing the running game Allen will be even more effective. He's not really a west coast passer but more of a play action type down the field passer. A credible running game makes him even more of a threat as a passer.
  21. Absolutely not! The Bills made the playoffs in McDermott's first year. What did it mean? . It was a positive accomplishment but it didn't represent that much other than a non-playoff caliber of team overachieved and fortuitously squeaked into the playoffs. It was a fluke. The reality was that it was the first year culling process for a four year rebuilding project. My point is simply just making the playoffs doesn't represent as much as you are ascribing it to be. What is more meaningful is good qb play and turning the corner to the point that your team is capable of winning against any team. That is where I believe Cleveland is at now. And I find that ability to consistently compete against all teams the line of demarcation where the team is definitely in a more positive situation. Gunner, you are stupendous. However, you are obstinate.
  22. I respectfully but strenuously disagree with your stance. When you flounder for more than a decade because of your own organizational ineptitude and then get to the point where you reached a line of demarcation where the tide has turned I consider that progress. That's how teams become successful. They do it in stages. I believe that they have gotten to that point where they are moving forward instead of being stuck in the mud. Gunner, you are great. However, you are a recalcitrant.
  23. The issue for Matthews isn't what it would do for the invisible franchise he would go to, desperate it is for relevancy, as it is what it would do for him. Playing on a Stanley Cup contender in Toronto and Canada compared to playing for a franchise that the hockey world is oblivious to makes little sense from an ancillary financial sense for the player. We both agree that McDavid is one of the best players in the game. But he plays in an outpost in Edmonton for a team that hasn't made much success. If McDavid played for Toronto, Montreal or the Rangers then his profile and financial rewards would certainly be exponentially greater. There is another factor that has to be considered when projecting financial gain from product promotions. If a player has a wooden personality that certainly is going to crimp his financial potential. Sidney Crosby is an exception to this personality issue. He certainly has a stiff and colorless personality. No one can accuse him of exuding much charm. But he has played on a team that can be fairly categorized as a dynasty. My belief is that if he played on a mediocre team in the Arizona desert his stature in the promotion market would be much smaller.
  24. I'm not sure how the contracts between US and Canadian work out. I would think that the differences would be accounted for in the contract with the Canadian teams. It just seems to me that a hockey star in Toronto is going to make out so much better in Canada than it would in Arizona.
  25. I don't see where going to Arizona would be a boon for Matthews from a financial standpoint. Even if he was able to garner a bonanza contract that Toronto couldn't or was unwilling to match by leaving Toronto he would be losing a lot of ancillary revenue from advertisers all over the local region and stretching beyond in Canada. In Arizona his hockey profile for advertisers would be severely diminished if he crossed over the border to the land of sunshine and seniors. On the other hand if he went to a team such as the Rangers then the financial calculations would be much different. As it stands I just don't see him leaving Toronto. Whatever has to be worked out will be worked out in the Maple Leaf city.
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