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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Did you mean a top five pick in the second round?
  2. Anyone who has Jackson pegged as a first round prospect (not saying you do) should be forever ignored on anything to do with the draft in general. I know I'm jumping the gun but that Clemson freshman qb in a few years is going to be the first pick in the draft. For a freshman he is stunningly good. Brad Riter is publicly displaying his ignorance. Should he be mocked or pitied?
  3. I have a slightly different take on Murray than you. I agree with you that he can't be faulted associated with for the tremendous challenge he faced when he took over the operation. However, when you take over a depleted organization you have to have a plan/roadmap as to how you want to rebuild. In the NHL as in most pro sports you do that through the draft. You then have to follow up with player development. Those two approaches have to be married. You can't have a short timeline. You have to have a vision which I don't think the brash former GH had. That weakness was exhibited in the Lehner deal. He gave up a valuable first round pick for a goalie who was an extra goalie on the Ottawa roster. The bombastic GM was enamored with him because he fit in with his concept of the importance of having a big goalie. When you assume control of a bottom-feeding franchise you shouldn't worry about positional needs because you have needs everywhere. You take the best players, period! If you compare the Botterill approach to the Murray approach to franchise building it is my sense that our current GM is much more conceptual and thoughtful than the more reactive former GM. What the Sabres need is the same thing that the Bills need: Stability and follow-through. It's a cliché but I believe in it: Trust the process! It's difficult to talk when you are gulping!
  4. If Plenz starts talking crazy trade talk just politely listen and then sternly say no. Stubborn people are usually very difficult to contain. You have to be both forceful and kind.
  5. Kirby, I respectfully disagree with where you think Jackson will be drafted. His last year's collegiate performance downgraded his draft prospects. He certainly has impressive tools but he didn't show that he had the recognition ability that is essential for his position. I'm not rooting against him. His prospects for success is more predicated on going to an organization that knows how to develop qbs rather than the round he is drafted. If he went to a team coached by McVay or Shanahan his chances for success would significantly increase. I'm rooting for him.
  6. Murray's big money deals for Moulson and Okposo were meant to jolt the franchise and catapult us forward. What they did is create a situation that handcuffed us and made us less flexible in adding to the roster. The Lehner deal also made no sense because we gave up a first round pick for a goalie that Ottawa was looking to replace. The moral of the Murray era was big talk and a lot of less than thoughtful actions get you nowhere other than having to go back and trying to rectify the previous mistakes. Just think how far advanced this team would be if the more thoughtful and strategic Botteril was the GM instead of Murray? It starts with knowing what you, where you are and what you want to be. Our current GM has a grasp of those issues.
  7. No thank you dealing with this odd fellow. https://nypost.com/2019/01/03/antonio-brown-steelers-saga-takes-odd-singing-contest-turn/
  8. I respectfully but strenuously disagree that at this stage in Derek Anderson's career that he would be a better backup than Barkley. Considering that the Bills gave Barkley a two year contract I think they also take that same position. My expectations for Barkley aren't that lofty. I don't expect him to repeat his sterling performance that he had in NY. What I expect him to be able to do is when called upon to competently be able to run a pro offense and make good decisions. This is simply a case of different preferences for a backup qb. We'll just have to wait and see how this plays out.
  9. Cardale Jones played in a big time program while Jackson didn't. I believe you are over-valuing Jackson's draft status. I stand by my prediction that Jackson will be drafted at a lower spot than Peterman. That's how I see it. Don't get me wrong I wish Jackson the best. Without a doubt he helped elevate the UB program.
  10. He's a backup caliber qb because of his arm limitations. That's why he is a backup for us and was attained at a good value price. I can't complain about that. This is a good situation for him and the organization.
  11. The Peterman advancement had more to do with this regime's miscalculation on McCarron. That was the big mistake. As it turned out your preferred scenario materialized because of Peterman's demise. My position regarding Peterman or McCarron or Barkley or Anderson is that I simply don't give a serious dam about any of them. The real issue (as you indicate) was what was the best situation for Allen. The end result is that Allen got the required playing time to better prepare him for next season. That's what really matters. Where I disagree with you is that I'm more than satisfied with Barkley as a backup. He is a mature player/person who is willing to accept his role as a backup and be supportive of the young starting qb. For me in that role he is a good fit.
  12. I have no problem using a fifth round pick on a qb who you believe can be a backup qb in this league. If I am going to use a lottery ticket pick I would use it for another position such as running back or even DB or a small school prospect with tools for those other positions who are more likely to hit the jackpot for you. I'm comfortable in saying that I believe that Peterman will turn out to be drafted higher than Jackson.
  13. The Colts and Luck got a lot of production out of Ebron. If the Bills don't get an authentic #1 receiver upgrading the TE and #2 receiver positions would be a way to upgrade the unit without paying the premium price for a #1 receiver. My preference is to make it a priority to address the OL.
  14. As you suggest regardless what his official role is it is primarily to tutor Allen. I wouldn't be surprised if Anderson participated in formulating the game plan. Where I disagree with you is that I don't see the Bills using a draft pick on a qb this year.
  15. Peterman was drafted in the 5th round as an at best backup prospect I see Jackson being drafted lower than Peterman. I wish him the best. He had a good college career but I was disappointed in his last year because he didn't seem to advance his game. That was telling. I wish him the best.
  16. It's very unlikely that Anderson would be active on game days ahead of Barkley. Odds are that Anderson will be with the Bills for one year to be Allen's tutor. His contributing role will be more in the study room than on the field.
  17. Are you admitting to obfuscating? If so you are to blame for the confusion.
  18. As you noted he got a salary in the range where the open market pegged him at. So the Bills got a good deal and he got a fair deal. He's basically your standard veteran backup. But the advantage for the Bills is that he not only serves as an adequate backup but he also serves (along with Anderson) as a mentor for our young franchise qb. This trio has a good working relationship that is hopefully going to accelerate the development of our starting qb. If you consider the boondoggle of the McCarron deal and his salary structure this is a terrific deal for us. With hindsight it would have been so much better to bring Barkley (or even Derek Anderson) in as a temporary veteran starter or mentoring backup than it would have been with the McCarron deal.
  19. You are a recalcitrant! No one is against a trade. I just don't see a deal coming to fruition that will be a difference maker. I have confidence in our GM who has a sense of what the Sabres currently are and what he wants them to be. His priority is in what he wants them to be. Striving for mediocrity is cowardly. The Sabres are going to be fighting for the last wild-card playoff spot. That's what we are and that's exactly where we are at. Don't falter. Trust the process.
  20. Gotham Bill, This year is different because we have already drafted our franchise qb. If I had to bet my money it would be on him selecting one of the top defensemen linemen in this linemen rich draft class. (Defensive HCs have a natural bias toward the defense). Right now my inclination is to draft Jonah Williams and still bring in a free agent or two to fortify the OL. I would also like to get a tough between the tackles runner. The focus should be on the offense and putting Josh Allen in a position to succeed.
  21. The Sabres were thoroughly beaten by the better and stronger team. We never had a chance. They toyed with us. Without Jack we are impotent. I liked the play of Ullmark and Pilut. Skinner seemed to be our only scoring threat. Dahlin is still learning and periodically struggles. Sometimes the opposing men school the young prodigy.
  22. The priority for the new Colt GM was to fortify the line. Nelson was taken in the first round with 6th pick and Brandon Smith a G/T from Auburn was taken with one of their two second round picks. Either through the draft or free agency or a combination of both our line has to be dramatically upgraded. Our receiving unit certainly has to be upgraded but in my view the OL is the first priority. If you want to put Josh Allen in a position to succeed upgrade the line and bring in a hard between the tackle runner who has fresh legs.
  23. It's not holding if you get away with it. Not getting caught is a talent.
  24. Assuming Quinten Nelson stays healthy he is going to be a HOF player. The Colts OL is terrific in pass blocking. Nelson, a guard, was the sixth pick in the draft. For those who believe that a guard shouldn't be drafted so high in this case they are wrong.
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