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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Once again "Liddle' Adam Schiff". This gives me hope that the band aid will actually get ripped all the way off.
  2. Wife of Florida man:
  3. Sorry I haven't been around as much lately. I've been busy hunting down Nessie in my homemade submersible. No luck yet, but the mermaids have told me the sightings usually occur on the 12th. So, we wait... Now I understand why I feel so oddly rested, despite being so busy. I thought it was due to, after being abducted, that the lizard aliens time traveled me backwards, but now I find out that I've been unknowingly vacationing inside your skull. And fret not, for the next chupacabra that I catch in my following adventure, I will name it after you. And I will keep it close to me always. My precious.
  4. You can *almost* get through the opening paragraph before laughing at the breathless, urgent, circus level absurdity of it all. Oh, and note the footnote at the bottom of Page #1: Sep. 3rd is when it was known that this did not consist of an "urgent concern".
  5. Proving, yet again, that it means nothing.
  6. Leftists (jumping to conclusions, without watching the video evidence): Why are whales threatening violence against LBGT community?! Kill the whales!
  7. Federal agents raid Springfield, Cicero offices of Illinois Sen. Martin Sandoval, says source
  8. They would at least be brave enough to put one of their own children out there.
  9. Rudy was also talking about this (Whitey Bulger and John Kerry's step son) on Sunday, which can be seen @4:30 in at this link: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6088497630001/ The whole segment is worth a watch.
  10. Looks like someone can’t get over a few screenshots showing their account multiplicity. You are a rotten person to your core, to such a degree that even maggots would avoid you. May your prescription medications always be fulfilled. Peace out brah.
  11. I will see your Kamala and raise you a Klobuchar:
  12. Greta Thunberg's mother:
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