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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. At least get some new material...
  2. More things become clear. North Korea has been shut off from the rest of the world because they have been hiding Narnia from us all. It also explains the mystery of who has eaten all of the Turkish Delights.
  3. I wonder who the Young Turks really want to win, because this will do more harm than good to Bernie. If any of the Leftists were sane they would disavow these endorsements. But they aren't. So, it will be fun to see who gets shackled to these loons as the field thins.
  4. What a wasted opportunity. If you are going to dress like that at least stalk someone.
  5. Explosive device detonates on playground of Helena, Montana elementary school; nobody injured
  6. Sounds like a bargaining chip. If the British monarchy has come out publicly in support of Brexit, I feel fairly certain that exposure across the pond is going to be quite limited.
  7. From that it would seem that the whistle blower is still on the inside and will be unidentified for now. Or other employees are now also leaking. CNN must be fairly well puckered right about now.
  8. Maricopa County Assessor Paul Petersen is now in federal custody
  9. A number of them did get sacrificed in Minnesota last night.
  10. Even if this is only half as well done as Band of Brothers, it will be worth watching.
  11. Disappointed that neither one of you incorporated dance to help drive it home.
  12. I think I figured it out. This word itself is a dog whistle: Mis[PRONOUN]ce
  13. Kavuto's reaction on video at the link: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/a-little-stunned-and-a-little-heartbroken-watch-foxs-neil-cavutos-shocked-real-time-reaction-to-shepard-smiths-departure/ It sure appears he had absolutely no idea it was coming. Ditto for John Roberts.
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