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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. This one can't be seen unless you click through to Twitter: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. I'm ~20 minutes into this, but I think Jack has, so far, done a good job tying things together today. At ~16 minutes he is starting to go into the Italy angle. Conte lied to their parliament and is going down. When Barr/Durham went to Italy, they didn't meet with the individual heads of the Italian intel agencies, because they didn't trust them. They met with the "procura della repubblica", someone who he said is the head of the combined DOJ/IC. He hits on Mifsuds sim cards being from MI6.
  3. And the "Vamos" and "Let's Go" link to: https://latinos.donaldjtrump.com/
  4. A live look into the race between Brexit and the FISA report release:
  5. Surprise! More delays. Hannity says November for the FISA report. "Eventually we need to get to the truth. Now I’m told the first week of November. I guess I shouldn’t hold my breath." These 2 are worth the few minutes, as well, especially the clip with Solomon.
  6. Nice deflection towards being the victim.
  7. From the article: Nicolas Berggruen RBG does say she will donate the $1M to charity. https://bbis.clintonfoundation.org/donate_now
  8. This is how his thoughts finished: And: ?
  9. I didn't mean to imply she was misquoted. I was just tying in her racist tendencies to the stealth edit. Or is it?!
  10. There has been quite the dog-piling onto Lindsey Graham the past couple of days, especially by members of the Right (Tucker Carlson, Rand Paul, Sebastian Gorka, to name a few). The video of him getting rewarded a medal from Poroshenko in Ukraine has been floating around (which @Buffalo_Gal posted within the Ukraine thread): And Susan Rice got in on the action calling him a piece of schiff. The timing of all of this seems odd to me. Why is this happening now, from numerous places, so close to when the Horowitz report is made public? I can't help but think Lindsey is going to have a large part to play in the next few months.
  11. Another sternly worded letter. These usually accomplish a lot.
  12. I’m sure this was an honest mistake. All those “R” words look alike, right Hilldog?
  13. From his Twitter bio: "Supervising Producer/Coverage Manager, CNN White House Unit and Political Unit for the presidential campaign." Unless this turns out to be really be Zucker/higher ups knowingly allowing a pet employee to prey on others, it would seem to be yet another nothing burger. What do you think, Mr. Lauer? Anything to make of this? Edit: In the last few minutes Brusk unlocked his Twitter. That was a fast clean up.
  14. So, how long before the Leftists call President Trump a racist for this? ------------------------------------
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