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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. It's been nice knowing you Portland Federal Courthouse, bye. Although, the mentioned agreement only states CBP and ICE, perhaps there are other agencies that will not withdraw? Or maybe it is a total pullout and the Dem cities will get what they asked for...rubble. Edit: Here is a statement from Wolf on Portland: Local authorities are supposed to quell the violence. Feds will stay until the local forces meet those obligations.
  2. Biden, literally, has a handler who pulls him away from the media:
  3. This is worth a watch if you have a few minutes.
  4. While this looks like a meme, this was actually said during the testimony:
  5. Leftists were covered in glory: Edit: I had missed this already being posted up thread.
  6. This is exactly what is happening in my area in CA. My young son has been going to YMCA day care to play with his friends for the last month. Remote school starts in ~2 weeks. The local YMCA, which is based at his school, will be open and helping the kids connect for their remote classes. Insanity.
  7. Clown show. Any one with a shred of self respect and dignity, who voted for any of these Leftist loons, would be rightly embarrassed.
  8. In response to Swalwell's rambling, Barr: "The two standards of justice were really during the tail end of the Obama administration"
  9. Yep, just found that article:
  10. A separate investigation is ongoing concerning unmaskings, per Barr under Jim Jordans questioning. John Bash is the attorney doing this. Edit: Jordan was asking if Durham was looking into unmasking.
  11. While topics have been different, it's all been the same so far. Leftist: I am going to pretend I am intelligent enough to ask a trap question. Barr: Ha! Leftist: Trap question! Barr: <side steps> Leftist: That's not the answer I wanted! Monologue while pretending like they may ask another question. Barr:
  12. I wonder how long the video was that Jordan was playing. And I bet even he was surprised that it wasn't nixed faster. There was a group of about 3-4 Leftist committee members who swarmed Nads and were seemingly making him pull the plug on it. I'm sure there will be clips of this posted at some point.
  13. Jim Jordan concludes his opening statement, showing a video of "peaceful protesters", who are anything and everything but that (it's a highlight reel of clips that have been posted in the Antifa and Liberal Protests threads). He opened with "Spying!" then ran through a concise version of SpyGate. Solid with facts (as opposed to Nads earlier diatribe), so Leftists will hate it. It's a myth, don't cha know? Nads shut the video down. Coward.
  14. And we have begun. I can't yet tell if Nadler has a neck brace on due to his head being so far up his posterior.
  15. A link for Barr's testimony, which still hasn't yet begun:
  16. The entire opening statement is great. I can't wait to see Nadler's face when Barr starts into the Portland riot section. That was also the first I have heard about the rioters launching sh!t filled balloons against the Feds. Expect A LOT of interrupting of Barr during most of the Dem questioning, especially after they see (once again) that Barr will not fall into their traps. --
  17. Since the decision isn't Joe's to make (IMO), it wouldn't surprise me. It would just make it even more obvious that he is already nothing more than a fake front for the same people who are *STILL* pushing Russia! Russia! Russia!. These people don't care if a good percentage of the country even realize this, all they need to fool , or have go along willingly, is just enough to get the requisite amount of Electoral Votes. And they plan to cheat to do that anyway.
  18. I believe this got over turned yesterday, but yeah, they had given up...and I can't say I blame them.
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