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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. And on the 4th try Tibs still goes head first.
  2. A clip from a John Solomon interview from April:
  3. The full video: There should not be long prison sentences. There should never be recidivism.
  4. There are at least 3 different flocks of 20+ turkeys that live in my neighborhood. They tear up yards, schiff everywhere, and are incredibly loud (it sounds like a damn jungle every morning when they are starting their morning rounds). With that said, I don't really mind them all that much, and it's kind of fun seeing them, especially the chicks each spring, and when the larger ones try to awkwardly fly. I've seen them hit the sides of vehicles when trying to get enough clearance to go over traffic. Most won't attempt to fly over a busy road, however, so there usually ends up being 1 or 2 males with there feathers all poofed out acting as crossing guards. It's actually amazing how few dead ones there are on the sides of roads, but that can probably be attributed to locals being used to them. And they at least learn to stay out of your back yard if you have a dog (some do learn the hard way, which actually makes it quite effective).
  5. Nice framing from the tweet that Sara quoted: "...the surviving son of a presidential candidate." I would have gone with: "the druggy who was banging his dead brothers widow." But to each their own.
  6. They had to use a drone to catch it at the right angle for this picture. From ground level it blends in with the rest of the feces.
  7. Edit: She claims not to have leaked the tape, which holds up with O'Keefe's saying that the person who did leak it is still on the inside.
  8. Do you think it included a picture of the gay man they haven't killed yet?
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