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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I hadn't seen this before, so I poked around a little. This was said in 2012 and was about a party in Germany. He had attended a S&M party, which is where he saw what almost made him throw up, and also where he heard about the snuff parties. He also provides more context here:
  2. I wouldn't want to be the one holding that chain when the first volley of tear gas is sent.
  3. I believe this is the least likely scenario. It has been mentioned that President Trump and the WH counsel retired into a private study together (seen by a photographer...and why don't they close the drapes on the windows?!). If a private conversation was needed with counsel, it was least likely about DECLAS, rather than the Rudy or the tax return situation IMO. Edit: Adding source:
  4. Probably the reason for the meeting at the White House today.
  5. Today is a day of rest (and a Democratic "WTF happened to our master plan yesterday?!" frantic meeting). Tune in tomorrow for tears.
  6. Queued up to where Lou asks Joe a question. The relevant portion runs for ~ 2 minutes. Ryan nailed it.
  7. Depending on what you professional skill set is, you may want to check out some of the freelancing sites. You can find a list of some of them here: https://millo.co/sites-like-upwork
  8. https://www.justice.gov/usao-ct/pr/former-senior-alstom-executive-convicted-trial-violating-foreign-corrupt-practices-act
  9. It's sad to think that Cenk may not be in another election night meltdown montage in 2020.
  10. Dr. Bruce Hensel, Former KNBC Correspondent, Arrested After Child Sex Crimes Probe: LAPD
  11. On it's face, this seems rather simplistic for you. Is it fair to assume that there is more to the story, such as you told the court that you identified as a black lesbian woman who was racist against whites?
  12. He is due to be Arkancided within the next 2 hours.
  13. Will Sidney Powell have another part to play after Flynn gets off?
  14. Unless going to the Senate is the plan in order to clear the field for Hillary. (Please let this happen! Complete vindication and exposure in the Senate, plus a HRC nomination, would be fun to watch.)
  15. I think the whole thing is worth a watch, but this is queued to the relevant time that shows the possible source of some sightings. Imagine these swarms, at night, with lights on them. I came across the video from this article, which is also interesting: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29505/the-navys-secretive-nemesis-electronic-warfare-capability-will-change-naval-combat-forever
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