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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. There are a number of Twitter accounts that go on re-tweet binges. I have seen the explanation being that the re-tweets get more impressions/interactions than the original messages. So, it's normally used by those who think they are being shadow banned. ?‍♂️
  2. The New York Times continues to make friends.
  3. I only quickly looked, but I didn't locate the grapevine claim of 16 million people involved in the protests. Iran has a population estimated in the low 80 million range. This would be an astronomical ~%20 *directly* involved. The only question would be which country offers asylum to the mullahs.
  4. Tibs, RochesterRob has a good point. As someone whose head spends most of it's time in your own posterior, a matter as serious as this requires your expertise.
  5. I'm not sure what's more amusing...that they performed that routine in public, or that they actually spent time practicing for it.
  6. Apologies if this is a dud. I haven’t read through it yet. Sticking it here so I can easily find it tomorrow.
  7. The article translated to English
  8. Posting for the 2nd video. Ratcliffe says to expect the FISA report the first week of December (and that it's 500 pages). So, only 2 short weeks until it gets pushed back again...
  9. “Would you like to donate to support {insert type} cancer?” No, thanks. It does just fine on it’s own.
  10. Another classic example of a Leftist not being able to think ahead. You just opened the door to meme's being avatars. I can't wait to see what gets chosen for you.
  11. We shall see, but the recent tripling of gas prices there has sparked major outrage. There are numerous reports that "Death to Khamenei" chants can be heard in many locations today. Numerous banks have been torched, highways are blockaded, and police stations burned. There might not be much footage coming out now, however, as the regime appears to have severed communications:
  12. Rich Higgins is worth following on Twitter IMO. Edit: Adding this tie in, because of course... Saudis, Russians and Italians: the murky world of Joseph Mifsud
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