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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I wish one of today's questions in the Horowitz testimony would cover it... fully ready to be disappointed
  2. Yep, that Nunes tweet came to mind. as well as this one from Grassley:
  3. There should be some formal protocol for when committee members are just going to monologue. Those testifying shouldn't have to listen attentively and suddenly be ready to answer a question after nothing has been directed at them for 5 minutes on end.
  4. I'm watching the CBS Youtube feed. Catherine Herridge is opining right now.
  5. Today's hearing is quite different from the Mueller testimony. Horowitz actually knows what is in his report. He is rattling off page numbers for reference in real time to what Lindsey is saying.
  6. Horowitz - I don't think the DOJ fairly treated these FISAS or those who were on the receiving end of them.
  7. Horowitz: "they are all part of the referral I mentioned earlier". They? i am just tuning in, was more than 1 mentioned?
  8. It appears some edits were made to the report today. Some redactions were also removed.
  9. I was just kicking this around a little more, since I had the report open. You can copy Comey's name from the report and paste it anywhere else (the URL line or into another file type) and you can see that the "m" is not an "m", it's a "r" and "n" combination. Doing random sampling, I pulled out 10 other words that look like they have a "m" in them, and in all of these cases they really were an "m" when testing in this same manner. The really interesting thing...and you can only do this if you actually download the PDF (looking at the PDF report in a browser won't show this because you can’t place the cursor within the text)...is that if you place the cursor on either side of the seeming "m" and click your arrow keys a single time (left or right, depending obviously on where you placed the cursor) that the "m" is only 1 character (a single movement of the cursor places it on the opposite side of the "m"), despite it copying out as 2 characters, "r" and "n". So, yeah, there was some seemingly clever, and intentional, manipulation going on with Comey's name.
  10. I haven't had time to watch this Solomon interview yet, but dropping it here so I remember to later.
  11. Seconded. And don't miss Barr's reaction when he gets compared to 1024th-ohantas in their attitudes towards big tech ~53 minutes in.
  12. It's actually just the "rn" combination that is triggering the search results. (You can just search for "rn" and Comey and other instances of actual "rn"s are shown.) At times, text searches can be treated loosely to account for multiple criteria, one of which could be user error. In this case, where 2 consecutive letters can look like a third letter, it is within the realm conceivability this was the reason it was done. (I don't have a copy of Adobe Acrobat, but I think you can accomplish this through manipulating embedded indexes.) This specific search functionality, however, does indeed appear to be unique to today's report. I've looked at some other recent IG PDF reports (including the Comey specific report that came out in Aug) and "rn" only returns actual "rn" values.
  13. Leftists gonna leftist... Accusation deleted. Retraction deleted. So, it never happened.
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