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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Note that this does not actually show anyone being shot (that I can tell, anyway):
  2. Thanks for posting that. The individual, personal liberty side for Carter Page is horrifying in and of itself. I am continually amazed, however, at how often (nearly 100% of the time) that the 2 Hop rule, and who else got swept up via that rule, is omitted from these various analyses. Maybe it’s too much egg nog recently, but I can’t recall an instance of it even being mentioned during the Horowitz testimony, when conditions were ripe for a question related to what FISA allows.
  3. While most Republicans are still afraid to say the name, President Trump retweeted this tonight:
  4. Regarding the alleged Syrian chemical weapons use from 2018:
  5. Assbags will be assbags. Always nice to politicize Christmas. I hope he gets eaten by his own for having the gall to say "merry Christmas".
  6. Pentagon warns personnel not to use store bought DNA test kits The Memo
  7. This is from 2018, but I am not sure if it's been mentioned here before. Viziv Technologies, LLC Partners With Baylor University to Develop Potentially Revolutionary Electrical Distribution Technology How it Works
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