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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. @Tiberius look! That's quite a mess those Virginian white supremacists left!
  2. #11 also dies 53-47. It was to allow Chief Justice Roberts to decide on allowing motions to subpoena documents/witnesses. And the night wraps with a vote 53-47 in favor of *approving* McConnell's rules. I wasn't sure which of Romney, Collins, or Murkowski it would be, but they were the prime suspects
  3. I didn't pay attention to what #9 was, but it died, 53-47 #10 was to allow for 24 hours, instead of 2 to file responses to motions. It died 52-48. I'm not sure which R broke ranks. They are wrapping up with 1 more tonight.
  4. HA! Schitt is now bringing up Russia hacking Burisma. Oh, and the Russians hacking the DNC. "The Russians are at it again".
  5. #7 falls, also 53-47. #8 is on deck:
  6. I believe that is now the 6th amendment to fail at 53-47 today. Edit: And next:
  7. Given that it is Primary season, it's not surprising to see them eat each other. But that doesn't lessen the fun of it. Gobble Gobble.
  8. You may be on target with this. There is a certain Pittsburgh Steelers forum which also has it's own leftist village idiot who went by the same screen name.
  9. No WW3 and now more peace breaking out due to this administrations actions? IMPEACH!
  10. Although, it probably is just inflating his ego even more...
  11. Ever wonder why Adam Schitt is so concerned about educating everyone about deep fakes? If true, please release them *WHILE* he is speaking on Tuesday at the impeachment trial.
  12. I do question the camouflage pattern choice. Now, if they REALLY wanted to blend in troops would be decked out like this:
  13. I don't think this is what he intended to have happen. Over $10k raised for her in 6 hours. Good for her (and Carpem and the donors).
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