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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I trust Lindsey Graham I hope I am wrong.
  2. ------------------------------------
  3. From the press briefing below: The risk to the American public is low. Due to the current unknowns of this coronavirus and to mitigate the overall risk, the US has also declared a public health emergency. Beginning Sunday 5PM eastern, any US citizen who has been in the Hubei province (the epicenter) in China during the previous 14 days, will be subject to 14 days of a mandatory quarantine. Beginning Sunday 5PM eastern, any US citizen who has been in the rest of mainland China during the previous 14 days, will be screened ("at select ports of entry"...so not everyone?) and will then be subject to a "monitored" self quarantine up to 14 days. A presidential proclamation has been signed which will temporarily suspend foreign nationals entry into the US (other than immediately family of residents or permanent residents) who have traveled in China in the last 14 days will be denied entry to the US. Edited to Add: Flights incoming from China will be funneled through 7 airports: JFK, O'Hare, San Fran, Seattle, Atlanta, LAX, Honolulu. The mandatory quarantine will be served at specific facilities, which haven't yet been announced. It was mentioned that it has been seen that an individual can have a detectable virus, then not have a detectable virus, then once again have a detectable virus. The current testing is not "horrible", but it is far from 100%.
  4. I don't think anyone in the thread is panicking. It's just something to be aware of. From what I have posted, I have very pointedly avoided posting any videos from inside China that would stoke fears (and there are plenty of them out there). More than likely the numbers that are officially coming out of China are being understated, perhaps severely, but personally, I don't think we will get anywhere close to that point in the US. Also, some perspective on your perspective. The 80K number was revised downward to 61K deaths. As can be seen here: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2017-2018.htm This was the original estimate that your 80k article more than likely referenced: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2017-2018/archive.htm And it was estimated that 45 million people had influenza, which would be a 0.14% mortality rate.
  5. Uh, you can verify all of those stories and statistics with multiple outlets. But don't let that stop you from smearing schitt all over the walls...
  6. If this is it, it just shows how lazy the Leftists have gotten. Crazy's back:
  7. At conservative estimates, if the trend holds, the number of confirmed cases would be around 20K by the end of our weekend, with 400-500 deaths, which is still a mortality rate of around 2%. It would also appear that the rise in international cases are not close to the growth seen in China (and still no international deaths), which is very positive, so far. A 6th case has been confirmed in the US, in Chicago. This was the first case of human to human transmission (all others had come from China). It was the spouse of the other infected person in Chicago, so they had more than just passing contact. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some updated numbers, as I was putting this together:
  8. That bottom picture of Sidney Powell looks like it belongs here:
  9. FYI If you live in or are traveling to New York City on Jan. 31st:
  10. Thanks for the reminder. Those pics were something and could very well not be Schitt. I have little doubt, however, that there are pics and video of him in some compromising positions. Even if these are fake, I enjoy the thought of Schitt being asked about them. Time for the shoe to be on the other foot. Schitt deserves to have the absolute worst happen to him. I can only hope that it's slow and painful.
  11. Just for some levity, the 2 Bobs:
  12. As of 6 hours ago: Tomorrow or the next day, the official number of infections will exceed the 2003 SARS outbreak (where ~8,100 were infected and just under 800 died). The mortality rate is still unknown, and no telling how many of those 1,200+ are in critical condition. So far, the official number that have "recovered" is around 110, less than those who have succumbed to it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. What? Also screen shotting, as I can't believe this amount of stupidity won't eventually get deleted. Although, it probably makes perfect sense to GarBoTibs. #GaryFacts
  14. Wow. Biden was grabbing the front of this mans jacket with both hands during part of that exchange. He is really getting to be unhinged. It's just a matter of time IMO before he actually punches someone. It will be glorious.
  15. I agree. I am proponent of burning it all down. I think the only way we can move forward, with confidence, is to air all the dirty laundry, regardless of who is implicated. I do wonder, however, if any specific witnesses may not be considered, should their testimony affect any sitting (or future) grand juries in Durham's probe.
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